Canterbury City Council Military Road Canterbury Kent CT1 1YW. Title: CA/16/00893/ADV. Author: Canterbury City Council.

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1 O Title: CA/16/00893/ADV Author: Canterbury City Council Scale 1:1,250 Map Dated: 03/10/2016 Canterbury City Council Military Road Canterbury Kent CT1 1YW

2 AGENDA ITEM NO 11 PLANNING COMMITTEE APPLICATION NUMBER: SITE LOCATION: PROPOSAL: APPLICATION TYPE: CA//16/00893/ADV 2 St George's Street, Canterbury, CT1 2SR Display of advertisements to the shopfront to include 12 no. blue fascia signs and 4 no. Metro Bank logo fascia signs, 2no. projecting signs, 2 logo door handles and 2 sets of two signs per each ATM. FULL APPLICATION DATE REGISTERED: 19 April 2016 TARGET DATE: 14 June 2016 LISTED BUILDING: CONSERVATION AREA: WARD: APPLICANT: AGENT: CASE OFFICER: WEB LINK: RECOMMENDATION: NOT LISTED CANTERBURY CITY No.1 - AMENDED Westgate Metro Bank PLC Deloitte LLP Mr Guy Wilson aldocuments&keyval=_cante_dcapr_ Split decision: Grant permission for the non-illuminated fascia signs, illuminated projecting blade signs, ATM signs and Logo door handles. Refuse permission for the illuminated fascia signs. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1. The site is currently a retail unit occupied by C&H Fabrics, located within a post-war building on the corner of Rose Lane and St George s Street. 2. The site is within the Canterbury City Conservation Area.

3 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 3. CA/16/00892/ADV External alterations to shopfront, façade, installation of two automated telling machinges (ATMs) to shopfront. 4. CAA/04/00035 Three internally illuminated sets of fascia lettering and three nonilluminated projecting signs. - Granted 5. CA/04/01026 Alterations to shopfront. - Granted 6. CAA/05/00057 High level, wall-mounted, non-illuminated lettering. - Granted PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 7. Applications have been submitted for alterations to the shopfront, the installation of ATMs, and signage associated with the change of use to a bank. The change of use itself is permitted development and as such is not under consideration. 8. Following amendment the proposals would involve the installation of 12no. nonilluminated fascia signs along with 4no. internally illuminated logo fascia signs. 2no. internally illuminated projecting signs are proposed, as well as logo door handles and adverts on the proposed ATMs. CONSULTATIONS The following responses have been received in respect of this application: 9. Canterbury City Council Heritage & Design Officer The site is seen in context with other C20th buildings, as well as historic buildings to the north of the site. The C20th buildings are a more modern and cohesive block whereas development to the north reflects the city s historic evolution. Shopfronts and advertisements in the conservation area are normally low-key, with little illumination and traditional materials and designs. Many of the buildings in the Whitefriars development have individually applied letters on a render fascia. While there are examples of poor quality advertising along the shopping frontages, this is no excuse or justification for further inappropriate schemes. 10. The reduction in the number of signs is welcomed, as is the omission of illumination to the majority of the fascia boards. The internally illuminated fascia signs are not considered acceptable. This needs to be amended to either external illumination such as spotlighting or potentially individual illumination of letters. REPRESENTATIONS 11. A site notice was posted within the vicinity of the site and neighbouring occupiers adjoining the site were notified in writing. 12. One letter of representation was received during the consultation period making the following comments:

4 13. Canterbury Heritage Design Forum - Following amendment of the proposals, CHDF commented that the overall feeling is that this is still very nasty and brash. The drawing is inadequate since it shows the stone fascia above the proposed panels much narrower than it is in reality. This would push their large panels lower down than shown creating very ugly proportions. They still show internally illuminated blue panels in some locations and the large number of illuminated white letters and M logos. The projecting bus stop signs are also illuminated. Canterbury City Council s own shopfront and advert design Guide says no to all of these proposals. Sadly, the proposal remains entirely unacceptable to CHDF members who feel it will make the centre of Canterbury look like a third rate shopping centre. CHDF remain firmly of the opinion that the applicants must be advised that the only acceptable option would be individual stand off letters, mounted on the existing masonry fascia. No projecting signs. no blue fascias, perhaps the M logos could be internally illuminated. CHDF will still formally object to this scheme as members feel that it brutalises the city centre. A representative from CHDF will speak to committee when it is considered. DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICIES Canterbury District Local Plan 2006 BE1 - High quality designs, sustainable developments and specific design, amenity and landscape criteria to which the Council will have regard: cross-refers to SPGs BE7 - Conservation Areas and their settings to be preserved or enhanced: specific criteria for consideration. BE11 Shopfronts BE12 - Advertisements Canterbury District Local Plan Publication Draft 2014 SP1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development DBE3 - Development proposals to be of high quality, to be assessed against specific amenity, visual, landscape, accessibility and highways criteria DBE10 - Alterations and extensions to buildings to respect character of the original building, to not result in overshadowing and overlooking and to avoid detriment to the amenity and character of the locality. Particular care to be given to works to heritage assets. HE1 - Proposals which protect, conserve and/or enhance the historic environment will be supported. Heritage Statements to accompany applications affecting heritage assets HE6 - Conservation areas and their settings to be preserved and enhanced. HE9 Advertisements affecting heritage assets HE10 - Shopfronts Supplementary Planning Guidance/Guidance Heritage, Archaeology & Conservation SPD, adopted October Shopfront Design SPD, adopted September 2003 Outdoor Lighting SPD

5 ASSESSMENT 14. The application is brought before the Planning Committee as the Canterbury Heritage Design Forum have objected and have stated that they will speak against the application. Character and appearance 15. Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires that when considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. Section 72(1) of the same act requires that in relation to conservation areas, special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area. 16. Policy BE7 of the Canterbury District Local Plan sets out that in considering applications affecting conservation areas, special attention should be given to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the conservation area and its character and appearance. Special attentions should also be paid when considering applications affecting heritage assets and their setting to preserving and enhancing the heritage assets and any features of historic and architectural interest they possess. 17. Paragraph 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that development which would lead to substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset should be refused. Paragraph 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework sets out that where a proposal would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designate heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefit of the proposal. Paragraph 67 of the NPPF states that poorly placed advertisements can have a negative impact on the appearance of the built and natural environment. Control over outdoor advertisements should be efficient, effective and simple in concept and operation. Only those advertisements which will clearly have an appreciable impact on a building or on their surroundings should be subject to the local planning authority s detailed assessment. Advertisements should be subject to control only in the interests of amenity and public safety, taking account of cumulative impacts. 18. The site is a mid-c20th building which is not considered of particular value to the conservation area. There are a number of listed buildings north of the site, although it is not considered that the development would affect the setting of any of these listed buildings. 19. The existing C&H shopfront is not of any historic value although it has a traditional design, with an unobtrusive white fascia sign. There is a mix of signage in the area, with modern signage predominant south of Rose Lane. Illumination of signage tends to be limited to individually illuminated letters. 20. The proposed advertisements consist of blue fascia board backgrounds, with four sections of internally illuminated fascia boards with internally illuminated Metro Bank signs. Two internally illuminated blade signs are also proposed, together with small advertisements on the proposed ATMs, and logo door handles. The advertisements on the ATMs and the logo door handles would be small scale and are not considered

6 harmful to the character or appearance of the building or conservation area. While hanging signs are the recommended option, it is considered, given the modern style of the building. The deep blue fascia boards proposed would be stand out in comparison to the existing white fascia, although considering the immediate context with a deep green fascia to M&S next door for example, it is considered that this is acceptable. 21. The proposed internally illuminated fascia signs would be a bright and visually obtrusive form of signage which is considered would intrude on and compete with the historic environment. The signage would be unduly prominent in views through this part of the conservation area, undermining its intimate medieval character, causing less than substantial harm to the conservation area. No justification for the extent of illumination has been provided, and it is not considered that there would be any public benefit to this signage which would outweigh the harm. As such it is considered that this signage would fail to preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area and fail to accord with policies BE1, BE7, & BE12 of the Canterbury District Local Plan (2006), policies DBE3, HE1, HE6 & H9 of the Canterbury District Local Plan (2014 draft). Other considerations 22. It is not considered that the proposed advertisements have any implications regarding highway safety. Conclusion 23. It is considered that the proposed blade signs, ATM signage, and door handle logos are acceptable with regard to safety and amenity and would preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area in compliance with the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012); policies BE1, BE7, & BE11 of the Canterbury District Local Plan; and policies DBE3, DBE10, HE1, HE6, & HE10 of the Canterbury District Local Plan Publication Draft It is considered that the proposed facia signs would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and would therefore fail to comply with the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012); policies BE1, BE7, & BE11 of the Canterbury District Local Plan; and policies DBE3, DBE10, HE1, HE6, & HE10 of the Canterbury District Local Plan Publication Draft It is recommended that a split decision is issued, granting permission for the projecting blade signs, ATM signage, and door logo signs subject to standard conditions, and refusing permission for the fascia signs.

7 DRAFT CONDITIONS/REASONS FOR DECISION NOTICE Application No: CA/16/00893/ADV Proposal: Display of internally illuminated advertisements to the shopfront to include 12 no. blue fascia signs and 4 no. Metro Bank logo fascia signs, 2 no. projecting signs, 2 logo door handles and 2 sets of two signs per each ATM. Location: 2 St George's Street, Canterbury, CT1 2SR CONDITIONS/REASONS: Part Grant permission to display 12no. non illuminated fascia signs, 2no. illuminated projecting signs, 2 logo door handles, and 2 sets of two signs per each ATM. Subject to the following conditions: 1.Any advertisements displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 2.Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a safe condition. 3.Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the removal shall be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 4.No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission. 5.No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to obscure or hinder the ready interpretation of, any road traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air, or so as otherwise to render hazardous the use of any highway, railway, waterway (including any coastal waters) or aerodrome (civil or military). REASONS: In pursuance with Schedule 1, Regulation 2(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations The maximum luminance from the sign(s) or advertisements shall not exceed the value of 540cd/m and once approved the sign or advertisement shall not be illuminated other than in accordance with those details. REASON: In the interests of highway safety 7.The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings: ES0.0 received on

8 A5.2 received on A7.1 received on A3.1 received on A3.0 received on REASON: To secure the proper development of the area. Part Refuse permission for the illuminated fascia signs for the following reason: 1. By virtue of the extent and type of illumination, the proposed facia signs would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and would therefore fail to comply with the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012); policies BE1, BE7, & BE11 of the Canterbury District Local Plan; and policies DBE3, DBE10, HE1, HE6, & HE10 of the Canterbury District Local Plan Publication Draft It is recommended that a split decision is issued, granting permission for the projecting blade signs, ATM signage, and door logo signs subject to standard conditions, and refusing permission for the fascia signs.