Consumer rights and consumer organisations in Slovenia

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1 Special Eurobarometer 256 (3) European Commission Consumer rights and consumer organisations in Slovenia Fieldwork January -February 2007 Publication April 2007 Special Eurobarometer 256 (3) / Wave 66.7 TNS Opinion & Social This survey was requested by Directorate General HEALTH AND CONSUMER PROTECTION and coordinated by Directorate General COMMUNICATION This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission. The interpretations and opinions contained in it are solely those of the authors.

2 Table of content Introduction Campaign in Slovenia Campaign in general The slogan of the Campaign Consumer rights in the media Consumer organisations Who would consumers turn to for information or advice? Awareness of consumer organisations Evaluation of consumer organisations services Consumers willingness to do something for their own protection19 3. Awareness of consumer rights Effectiveness of the campaign in its target group Campaign Consumer organisations Awareness of consumer rights Main findings

3 INTRODUCTION The consumer protection legislation of the European Union ensures that citizens in all Member States have similar consumer rights. Next to its aim to protect the interest of consumers this legislation also aims at empowering citizens throughout the Union. In order to bring aspects of this legislation into the daily life of EU citizens, the European Commission s Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection launched an information campaign in several new Member States of the EU including Slovenia. The campaign, entitled Pravice imate, uveljavite jih! (You have rights! Assert them!), aimed to inform Slovenian citizens of their consumer rights under EU consumer protection legislation, encourage them to claim those rights, and promote consumer associations as a key source of information and advice. 1 During the information campaign (from the 5 th of May to the 4 th of December 2006) three TV spots were broadcasted and four supporting PR events took place. The TV spots dealt with consumer rights when taking out a credit, buying a package holiday trip and shopping on the internet. They were broadcast on three Slovenian channels (TV Slovenija, POP TV and A kanal). PR events dealt with consumers rights related to package holidays and passenger rights (27 June), internet shopping and distance selling (12 September), consumer credit (16 October) and ZPS day (1 December). Between the 12 th of January and the 4 th of February 2007 TNS Opinion & Social, a consortium of Taylor Nelson Sofres and EOS Gallup Europe, carried out the third wave of the Special Eurobarometer on in Slovenia. The first wave of the study was conducted before the campaign between the 27 th of March and the 27 th of April and the second wave was carried out during the campaign between the 10 th of June and the 10 th of July The main aim of this last wave was to measure the impact of the European Union s information campaign on consumer rights awareness in Slovenia. The national institute responsible for the fieldwork was RM PLUS. The survey was conducted face-to-face on a representative sample of 1000 respondents covering the population of the respective nationalities of the European Union Member States, resident in Slovenia and aged 15 years and over. The third wave of the survey was conducted roughly one month after the TV campaign was coming to an end. In addition, the Euro was introduced in Slovenia in the beginning of At the time the third wave was carried out the consumer organisation ZPS was active in raising awareness of consumer rights linked to the currency change in the country. Actions mostly focused on potential risks of price increases generated by traders when converting national currency to Euro. It is therefore probable that respondents perceptions of the consumer campaign were influenced by these factors. The following topics were covered in the survey: awareness and perception of the consumer rights campaign in Slovenia; awareness of consumer rights organisations; Slovenians awareness of consumer rights. Findings from the third wave of the survey have been presented in this report and wherever possible, the results were compared to the data obtained in the first two waves, one carried out before the campaign started and the second measuring the initial impact of the campaign. Since the campaign was targeted at the years age group the findings of the study are presented for this group whenever they were statistically different from the total population results. 1 Message Commissioner Kyprianou for Slovene Consumer Information Campaign. 7 June

4 1. Campaign in Slovenia The TV advertisements and PR events aimed to increase awareness of consumer rights, promote ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) and inform Slovenians that all citizens in the EU have such rights. The spots included the European Union logo and a reference to the ZPS website. In order to measure respondents awareness of the campaign they were shown the three TV spots during the interview before being asked whether they had seen any of the spots Campaign in general Questionnaire source: Q Most Slovenians have seen at least one TV spot on consumer rights - Television plays an extremely important role in peoples lives as an information source. This could explain the very positive results measured in Slovenia where the majority over three quarters (82%) - remember seeing at least one of the TV spots on consumer rights. A third claim to be familiar with all three advertisements aired (33%). Almost a fifth however said they had not seen any of the campaign spots on TV (18%). The highest percentage of respondents recognise the spot concerning consumer rights linked to consumer credits (76%). Considerably less, but still almost every second respondent, declared that they saw the spots about shopping on the internet or on package holidays (both 48%). Compared to the results of the previous wave of the study, conducted in the summer after the campaign started, the percentage of respondents who have seen at least one of the TV spots has inclined significantly (+19 points). Simultaneously, the proportion of those who have not seen any of the advertisements has declined also by 19 percentage points. However, the number of consumers who have seen every particular TV spot increased only slightly (+4 points). There was a rise of 27 percentage points in the proportion of respondents who recall the spot about consumer credits, a more moderate rise of 8 percentage points in the proportion who saw the spot about shopping on the internet and a tiny decrease of 1 percentage point of those who saw the spot about package holidays. 2 Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? 1. Consumer credits 2. Shopping on the internet 3. Package holiday 3

5 Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? Yes "Consumer credits" "Shopping on the Internet" "Package holiday" 49% 48% 40% 48% 49% 76% Seen all three spots 33% 29% Seen at least one of the spots 63% 82% Seen none of the spots 18% 37% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100 % In socio-demographic terms the following groups are more likely than Slovenians on average to have seen the TV spots about consumer credits and shopping on the internet: women (79% and 50%), respondents aged (84% and 50%), house persons (84% and 56%) and students (83% and 52%). Managers (82%) tended to recognise the consumer credits spot. There are no significant differences among sociodemographic groups regarding their familiarity with the package holiday TV advertisement. Questionnaire source: Q The message of the campaign is well perceived by Slovenian consumers- The message is generally well perceived: 19% of Slovenians say it is very good and 68% describe it as fairly good. Only 11% of the public do not like this message: according to 9% it is fairly bad and 2% think it is very bad. The perception of the campaign did not change considerably compared with the second wave of the survey; altogether 87% evaluate the message of the campaign to be good. Q20 Overall, how would you rate the message? Would you say that this message is? 19% 68% 9% 21% 66% 5% 6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK 3 Q20 Overall, how would you rate the message? Would you say that this message is? 4

6 Questionnaire source: Q The campaign in general has been evaluated very well - When we take a closer look at how Slovenians rate the message of the campaign, we discover that it is perceived as understandable (90%) and relevant to consumers (89%) by the overwhelming majority of the population. Almost nine in ten Slovenians (87%) understood that the message aims to promote ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije); meanwhile one in ten (10%) said it was not clear who is sending this message. The campaign also aimed to inform people that in the EU all consumers have such rights: 84% of respondents understood that the campaign concerned consumer rights in the EU. More than three quarters of the public find the message attractive (77%), however this is the only criteria where the positive opinion of Slovenians has declined slightly compared to the previous wave (-4 points). In other categories results of the third wave are slightly more favourable. Q19 Focusing on the campaign in general, please tell me whether or not you agree with the following. Agree / Disagree Disagree - The message is difficult to understand 90% 88% Agree - The message is relevant to Slovenian consumers 89% 88% Agree - The message aims to promote ZPS 87% 85% Disagree - It is not clear who is sending the message 86% 83% Agree - The message is about consumer rights in the European Union 84% 81% Disagree - The message is not attractive 77% 81% Managers find the campaign s message relevant to consumers (94%) and attractive (88%) more frequently than others. A higher number of the self-employed (93%) and managers (92%) recognised that the message is about consumer rights. Elderly (12% and 14%) and those who finished full time education at the age of 15 or earlier (15% and 17%) find the message more often difficult to understand and think it is not clear who is sending the message. 4 Q19 Focusing on the campaign in general, please tell me whether or not you agree with the following. 5

7 1.2. The slogan of the Campaign Questionnaire source: Q4 5 - Almost three quarters of Slovenians know the slogan Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih! (You have rights! Assert them!) - The respondents were also asked whether they know the campaign slogan "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih!" and how they rate it. The significant majority of Slovenians (72%) claim they have heard the message. Only 28% say they have never heard it. The percentage of respondents who declare they have heard the message rose considerably compared to the survey conducted in summer 2006 (an increase of 16 percentage points). Q4 Have you heard the message "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih"? 72% 28% 56% 44% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No Familiarity with the slogan was most commonly declared by those from younger age groups (15-24 years old: 78% and years old: 77%) as well as students (80%). Those who continued their education until the age of 20 or later (76%) are also more aware of the slogan compared to those who left school by the age of 15 (52%). Furthermore, inhabitants of urban areas also came across the message "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih!" (74%) more often compared to inhabitants of rural areas (69%). 5 Q4 Have you heard the message "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih"? (You have rights! Assert them!) 6

8 Questionnaire source: Q5 6 - Slovenians have a particularly favourable opinion of the campaign s slogan - Consumers expressed very positive views about the slogan "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih!": Around eight in ten respondents describe the slogan as easy to remember (84%) and relevant (83%) and at the same time they do not think it is unclear (82%) or useless (80%). About seven in ten consider it convincing (71%). Results in the previous wave were similarly positive and an additional increase can be observed in all categories (from +3 points who say the slogan is relevant to +7 points who deny that it is unclear). Q5 Please tell me whether or not the following adjectives apply to the message "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih". Applies / Does not apply Applies - Easy to remember 79% 84% Applies - Relevant 83% 80% Does not apply - Not clear 75% 82% Does not apply - Useless 80% 75% 71% Applies - Convincing 67% Overall the best educated respondents, managers, self-employed and students express the most favourable view regarding the slogan "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih!". 6 Q5 Please tell me whether or not the following adjectives apply to the message" Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih"? (You have rights! Assert them!) 7

9 1.3. Consumer rights in the media Questionnaire source: Q1 7 - The majority of Slovenians have recently seen or heard something about consumer rights in the media - The vast majority of Slovenians (77%) say they have seen or heard something about consumer rights in the media. Almost six in ten (59%) have come across such a message in the last few weeks, and almost a fifth (18%) recall seeing or hearing some messages in the preceding few months. It should be noted, that respondents stating they have encountered such information during the previous few weeks might also be thinking about information linked to the introduction of the Euro in the country. 22% of respondents cannot recall any media messages devoted to consumer rights. The total number of Slovenians who say they have seen or heard something about consumer rights in the media has increased since the previous wave of the survey, conducted after the campaign had started (+9 points). Notably, there is a significant increase in the number of consumers who have heard something in the last few weeks (from 45% to 59%). Q1 Have you recently seen or heard anything in the media about consumer rights, meaning the rights consumers have when they get treated unfairly by shops, banks, travel agents etc.? 59% 18% 22% 45% 23% 30% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes, in the last few weeks Yes, in the last few months No DK A higher number of managers (87%) indicated that they have come across consumer rights information recently in the media. On the other hand, around a third of the least educated (35%) and unemployed interviewees (33%) have not encountered such issues lately. 7 Q1 Have you recently seen or heard anything in the media about consumer rights, meaning the rights consumers have when they get treated unfairly by shops, banks, travel agents etc.? 8

10 Questionnaire source: Q2 8 - Most respondents encountered information on consumer rights on TV - Television remains the main source of media messages about consumer rights: 62% of respondents indicate TV programmes and 58% TV advertisements as their sources of information on consumer rights. Other media are mentioned far less frequently: magazines or newspapers (35%), radio (25%), internet (7%), brochures or leaflets (3%). Trends have remained the same compared to results measured during the campaign. Nevertheless, almost all media sources were cited more often in the third wave than previously. A considerable increase can be observed in the case of TV programmes (+12 points), radio (+8 points) as well as magazines and newspapers (+6 points), which is probably a result of the campaign. Q2 Where did you see or hear information on consumer rights? Was it on? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE) A TV programme 50% 62% TV advertising 58% 56% A magazine, newspapers 29% 35% The radio 17% 25% The Internet 7% 5% Brochures or leaflets 3% 3% Other (SPONTANEOUS) 1% 2% DK 0% 1% Table refers to those claimed to have seen or heard recently something in the media about consumer rights (BASE in the third wave: 780 respondents) The youngest respondents (77% TV and 18% internet) as well as students (81% and 26%) are more responsive than others to TV advertisements and to the internet as sources of information. Half of those who continued their education up to the age of 20 or longer have read information on consumer rights in the written press (50%). Inhabitants of small and medium-size towns also cited TV advertisements more frequently (71%) than people living in the countryside (51%) or in large cities (55%). 8 Q2 Where did you see or hear information on consumer rights? Was it on? 9

11 Questionnaire source: Q3 9 - The vast majority of Slovenians attributed the information on consumer rights to ZPS - 83% of respondents who have seen or heard information on consumer rights recently, consider ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) to be the source. This is not surprising as in each advertisement a clear reference was made to the ZPS website and the logo of the association appeared. The Slovenian Government (10%) and the European Union (9%) are cited much less frequently, even though the EU logo also appeared in each advertisement. An additional 8% could not attribute the information to any of the sources. Compared to the results of the previous study, Slovenians are more inclined to indicate ZPS as a source of information in the third wave survey (+8 points). With increasing awareness the proportion of don t know answers has shrunk by 5 points. Q3 In your opinion, who was the source of the information you saw or heard about consumer rights? (MAX. 2 ANSWERS) ZPS 75% 83% The Slovenian Government 10% 9% European Union or European Commission 9% 12% Other (SPONTANEOUS) 4% 4% 8% DK 13% Table refers to those claimed to have seen or heard recently something in the media about consumer rights (BASE in the third wave: 780 respondents) Respondents aged (12%) and students (14%) are more likely to indicate the European Union as the source of information they saw or heard about consumer rights. Consumers aged (89%) are more likely to indicate ZPS. 9 Q3 In your opinion, who was the source of the information you saw or heard about consumer rights? 10

12 2. Consumer organisations 2.1. Who would consumers turn to for information or advice? Questionnaire source: Q When seeking advice or information Slovenians would most turn to consumer associations - Most Slovenians declare they would turn to consumer associations (65%) for advice on consumer rights. Much fewer consumers would talk to shopkeepers (30%), friends and/or relatives (28%), or lawyers (19%). Almost one in ten Slovenians (9%) would consult the European Union information office and only 3% would seek advice or information from the government. Overall results are similar to the ones obtained before the campaign. It is noteworthy that more Slovenians claim they would seek information or advice on consumer rights from consumer associations compared to the previous waves. Q9 From the following list, where would you go for information or advice about your consumer rights? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE) A consumer association / magazine Shopkeepers Friends and / or relatives 30% 22% 32% 28% 25% 27% 65% 58% 61% Lawyers The European Union information office in Slovenia The Government Other (SPONTANEOUS) DK 9% 7% 4% 3% 1% 3% 3% 2% 2% 3% 7% 4% 19% 17% 31% / 2006 In comparison to the total population, the following groups would be more likely to approach a consumer association: respondents aged (74%), those who continued their education up to the age of 20 or longer (77%), managers (81%), students (77%) and the self-employed (74%). The following groups would consult friends and relatives if they needed information or advice about their consumer rights: respondents aged (36%), those finishing their education by the age of 15 (38%) and students (37%). 10 Q9 From the following list, where would you go for information or advice about your consumer rights? 11

13 Questionnaire source: Q The majority of Slovenians would trust consumer associations to provide them with correct information on consumer rights- 55% of Slovenians would place their trust in consumer associations to give them correct information about consumer rights. Other potential sources of advice which enjoy lower confidence levels include friends and relatives (16%) and lawyers (11%). Only a few Slovenians would trust shopkeepers (6%), the EU information office (5%) or the government (2%). We can observe that the trust in consumer associations or magazines is at the highest level in this wave. Q10 Who of the following would you trust the most to give you correct information and advice on your consumer rights? A consumer association / magazine 55% 44% 54% Friends and / or relatives 16% 14% 16% Lawyers Shopkeepers The European Union information office in Slovenia The Government Other (SPONTANEOUS) DK 11% 10% 6% 6% 8% 5% 5% 3% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% 8% 5% 21% / 2006 Compared to the overall population, the following respondents place more trust in consumer associations: women (60%), respondents aged (62%), those who continued their education up to the age of 20 or later (67%), managers (70%), the self-employed (64%) and students (61%). The following groups are more likely to trust their friends or relatives the most: respondents aged 55+ (24%) and those finishing their education by the age of 15 (29%). 11 Q10 Who of the following would you trust the most to give you correct information and advice on your consumer rights? 12

14 2.2. Awareness of consumer organisations Questionnaire source: Q11a 12 - Two thirds of Slovenians know ZPS- This question aimed to explore consumers actual awareness of existing consumer organisations in Slovenia. This means, respondents were asked to spontaneously name consumer associations they know. 13 A clear majority of Slovenians (66%) named first and foremost ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) as an organisation dealing with consumer rights. This high awareness is probably due to the fact that advertisements clearly promoted this association and that it also participated actively in informing citizens about the introduction of the Euro in Slovenia during the fieldwork of the third wave. Roughly every third interviewee (31%) could not spontaneously mention any organisation or association dealing with consumer rights: 21% admitted this and 10% answered don t know. Other organisations or public institutions responsible for consumer rights are less well known in Slovenia: Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov was specified by 10% and the VIP Magazine by 8%. MIPOR (Mednarodni Institut za Potrosniske Raziskave) and Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov were mentioned by only 1% of the population. Awareness of consumer organisations remained more or less the same during the period when the three waves of the survey were carried out. However fewer and fewer Slovenians tended to spontaneously mention Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov (a decrease from 17% to 10%) and VIP Magazine (a decrease from 13% to 8%). 12 Q11a Which organisations/associations/magazines dealing with protection of consumer rights do you know? 13 These results should be treated cautiously as the name of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) was read out by the interviewer at a previous question. 13

15 Q11a Which organizations / associations / magazines dealing with protection of consumer rights do you know? (SPONTANEOUS RESPONSES MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE) ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije 66% 65% 66% Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov VIP magazine 10% 13% 17% 8% 10% 13% MIPOR Mednarodni Institut za Potrosniske Raziskave Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov Other 1% 1% 3% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% None 21% 20% 19% DK 10% 12% 10% / 2006 Awareness of institutions or organisations dealing with consumer rights depends on the age and educational level of respondents. Slovenians aged (77%) are more aware of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) than the elderly (55%). 42% of those aged 55 years or above admitted not to know any consumer organisations. ZPS is known to 75% of respondents who continued their education until the age of 20 or later and only to 45% of respondents who finished education aged 15 or earlier. Half of poorly educated consumers do not know any of the organisations (52%) compared with only one in five (21%) highly educated consumers. 14

16 Questionnaire source: Q11b 14 - More than nine out of ten Slovenians heard of ZPS and more than half of them are aware of Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov- The declared awareness of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) is extraordinary high in Slovenia (92%). 56% of Slovenians say they have heard of Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov and 38% the VIP Magazine. About a quarter of respondents (23%) know MIPOR (Mednarodni Institut za Potrosniske Raziskave) and only 6% have heard of Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov. The prompted awareness of certain consumer organisations has remained at about the same level as it was before the campaign. A slight increase (+4 points) can be observed in the case of MIPOR and a slight decrease (-3 points) in case of Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov and of Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov. Comparing the third wave with the second wave, awareness of all associations in question has risen except for Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov. Q11b.1 Have you ever heard of? ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije Q11b.2 Have you ever heard of? MIPOR Mednarodni Institut za Potrosniske Raziskave 92% 8% 23% 77% 89% 11% 15% 85% / % 9% / % 81% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes Q11b.3 Have you ever heard of? VIP magazine No 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No Q11b.4 Have you ever heard of? Zavod za varstvo potrosnikov 38% 62% 56% 44% 33% 67% 46% 54% / % 61% / % 41% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No Q11b.5 Have you ever heard of? Obalno ZDruzenie potrosnikov 6% 94% 12% 88% / % 91% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No 14 Q11b Have you ever heard of? 15

17 Awareness of these organisations depends on the level of education of respondents. Those who continued their education until the age of 20 or later declare more frequently to have heard of the consumer associations in question; meanwhile respondents with elementary education tend to be less familiar with them. Questionnaire source: Q Eight in ten Slovenians who have heard of ZPS came across its name on TV - Probably as a consequence of the intensive TV-campaign, the vast majority of respondents who heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) became familiar with this organisation via television (80%). Ten times fewer respondents (8%) read about ZPS in the press and 6% heard of it on the radio. Only a marginal proportion of consumers learnt about ZPS from friends or relatives (3%) or from the internet (1%). The sources of information about ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) have not proportionally changed compared to the results of the first two waves of the survey. Nevertheless the post-campaign survey points to an even more important role of the television in this respect. In the second wave during the campaign written press was cited more often meanwhile television was mentioned less frequently as the source of information compared to the pre- and post campaign results. Q12 Where did you hear about ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije? On TV 80% 67% 75% In the Press On the radio From friends and / or relatives On the Internet Other (SPONTANEOUS) DK 8% 13% 9% 6% 6% 5% 3% 4% 4% 1% 2% 2% 1% 3% 2% 1% 5% 2% / 2006 Table refers to those claimed to have heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (BASE in the third wave: 934 respondents) 15 Q12 Where did you hear about this organisation? 16

18 2.3. Evaluation of consumer organisations services Questionnaire source: Q Despite being well-known, only a marginal share of Slovenians have ever asked for information or advice from ZPS - Eight out of a hundred Slovenians who have heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) have taken advantage of assistance provided by the organisation. The Consumer Rights Campaign seems to have had only a limited impact on the number of respondents who have ever asked ZPS for information or advice. Q13 Did you ever ask ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije for information or advice? 8% 92% 8% 92% / % 91% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Yes No Table refers to those claimed to have heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (BASE in the third wave: 934 respondents) Questionnaire source: Q The limited number of clients using ZPS are satisfied with its service - Since only a limited proportion of respondents turned to ZPS for advice or information the sample size in this question is small. Therefore results on consumers satisfaction with the assistance provided by ZPS should be interpreted carefully. As a rule, the few respondents who did approach ZPS for help or advice expressed positive or very positive opinions about the organisation. 71% agree that people working at ZPS were helpful, 63% claimed that lack of membership of the organisation did not constitute a problem as regards receiving assistance. 64% evaluated the advice received from ZPS as useful. 16 Q13 Did you ever ask this organisation for information or advice? 17 Q14 Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the service received from ZPS. 1. People working at ZPS were helpful 2. They could not help me because I am not a member of ZPS 3. Advice received from ZPS was useful 17

19 As regards negative opinions, exactly three in ten consumers did not find the advice received from ZPS useful. A similar share, 29% of respondents said that ZPS could not help them as they were not members of the organisation. Finally, almost one in four consumers who approached ZPS for assistance disagree that people working in the organisation were helpful (24%). Q14.1 People working at ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije were helpful 35% 36% 5% 19% 5% 30% 46% 7% 7% 10% / % 34% 8% 18% Q14.2 They could not help me because I am not a member of ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije 20% 9% 17% 46% 8% 19% 18% 27% 25% 11% / 2006 Not asked Q14.3 The advice received from ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije was useful 49% 15% 6% 24% 6% 32% 37% 7% 12% 12% / % 34% 5% 21% Totally agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Totally disagree DK Table refers to those claimed to have asked for advice or information from ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (BASE in the third wave: 74 respondents) 18

20 Questionnaire source: Q Most consumers who are aware of ZPS would also recommend the organisation to their circle of friends or family - 73% of consumers who have heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) would encourage relatives or friends to approach the organisation. 22% of those consumers would not encourage their friends and relatives to contact ZPS. 5% cannot decide. The willingness to recommend ZPS to relatives and friends has changed slightly inbetween the three waves. During the campaign it rose by 5 points (from 71% to 76%) and yet after the campaign it fell back by 3 points to 73%. Q15 Would you encourage your friends or relatives to ask ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije for information and\ or advice? 22% 51% 15% 7% 5% 24% 52% 10% 3% 11% / % 41% 12% 7% 10% Yes, definitely Yes, probably No, probably not No, definitely not DK Table refers to those claimed to have heard of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) (BASE in the third wave: 934 respondents) 2.4. Consumers willingness to do something for their own protection Questionnaire source: Q Most Slovenians are not prepared to support consumer associations by any financial means - Almost four in ten Slovenians declare they are ready to transfer a percentage of their taxes to support a consumer association instead of paying them to the state (39% vs. 56%). Giving a donation which they can deduct from their income taxes would be acceptable for 27% (unacceptable for 67%). The idea of paying an annual membership fee of 8800 Slovenian tolars enjoys less support (8% vs. 87%). 18 Q15 Would you encourage your friends or relatives to ask (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION) for information and\ or advice? 19 Q16 Would you be willing to support an independent consumer association by? 1. Paying an annual membership fee of 8800 Slovenian Tolars 2. Giving this association a percentage of your taxes instead of paying them to the Government 3. Giving this association a donation which you can deduct from your income taxes 19

21 The proportions of respondents willing to support an independent consumer association by any of the three ways in question has remained rather stable over the period observed. Q16 Would you be willing to support an independent consumer association by? Q16.1 Paying an annual membership fee of 8800 Slovenian tolars (including 10 issues VIP magazine) 8% 87% 5% 8% 85% 7% / % 85% 7% Q16.2 Giving this association a percentage of your taxes instead of paying them to the Government 39% 56% 5% 36% 57% 7% / % 53% 9% Q16.3 Giving this association a donation which you can deduct from your income taxes 27% 67% 6% 30% 62% 8% / % 60% 10% Yes No DK 20

22 The following types of consumers would be slightly more willing to pay 8800 tolars a year to an independent consumer association: respondents who continued their education until the age of 20 or later (14%), inhabitants of large cities (14%) and of the regions Pomurska (15%) and Savinjska (14%). The willingness to devote part of their taxes to an independent consumer association has been declared by half of the respondents in the following groups: interviewees aged (51%), those who continued their education to the age of 20 or later (54%), white collar employees (52%) and managers (49%). The majority of inhabitants of the regions Podravska (59%) and Gorenjska (54%) have also claimed to be prepared to support consumer organisations in this way. More respondents belonging to the following socio-demographic categories would give an association a donation which can be deducted from their income taxes: people aged (36%), those who continued their education up to the age of 20 or above (39%), managers (49%) and self employed (43%). Higher figures could also be observed in the regions Podravska (42%) and Koroska (48%). It can be assumed that in socio-demographic groups listed above the general income level is higher than in other groups. Questionnaire source: Q There is a clear lack of interest in subscribing of a consumer magazine in Slovenia - The overwhelming majority of Slovenians declared they were not interested in subscribing to VIP, a non-profit consumer magazine (90%). The marginal interest has stayed at about the same level during the observed period. In socio-demographic terms we have found that those finishing their education at age of 20 or above (10%), the self-employed (11%) and managers (9%) as well as large town inhabitants (11%) are slightly more inclined to subscribe to the VIP magazine. Q17 Would you be interested to subscribe to the following (nonprofit) consumer magazine? VIP (10 issues per year and free legal advice = 8880 SIT) 6% 90% 4% 8% 84% 8% / % 87% 7% Yes No DK 20 Q17 Would you be interested to subscribe to the following (non-profit) consumer magazine? 21

23 3. Awareness of consumer rights Questionnaire source: Q Around a quarter of Slovenians think they know their rights in five or six situations listed - Respondents were asked to assess to what extent they would know their rights in six different situations: taking out a credit; problems with a telephone bill; buying a package holiday; purchasing via the internet or a mail order catalogue; flight cancellations or delays; and when a household device does not work properly. 23% of consumers declare they know their rights as consumers very well or fairly well in five or six of the listed situations. 14% of the respondents did not declare awareness of their rights in any of the listed situations. More then one in four Slovenians (26%) are aware of their rights in one or two situations and more than a third of consumers (37%) believe they know their rights in three or four of the listed situations. The percentage of Slovenians who are aware of their rights in at least half of the listed situations (60%) has slightly increased compared to previous results. At the same time, the number of consumers who do not know their rights in any situation dropped by 5 points compared to the first survey and by 7 points compared to the second survey. Q6 Do you think that you know your rights as a consumer in each of the following situations? 23% 37% 26% 14% 29% 29% 21% 21% / % 31% 23% 19% Knows his/her rights in 5-6 situations Knows his/her rights in 1-2 situations Knows his/her rights in 3-4 situations Knows his/her rights in 0 situation 21 Q6 Do you think that you know your rights as a consumer in each of the following situations? 1. When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) 2. When you have a problem with your phone bill 3. When you take a package holiday trip 4. When you buy on the internet or from a mail catalogue 5. When your flight is cancelled or delayed 6. When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly 22

24 The highest share of respondents declare they know their rights when a recently purchased household device does not work properly (79%). More than half of Slovenians claim they would know their rights in the case of problems with a phone bill (59%). The majority of consumers also think they are aware of their rights related to consumer credits (51%). About four in ten Slovenians say they know their rights when they buy a package holiday (44%) or goods and services online or via post (42%). Around a quarter of respondents are aware of passenger rights when a flight is cancelled or delayed (26%). When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly Q6 Do you think that you know your rights as a consumer in each of the following situations? 22% 57% 14% 7% When you have a problem with your phone bill 11% 48% 27% 12% 2% When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) 8% 43% 33% 15% When you take a package holiday trip 9% 35% 30% 21% 5% When you buy on the Internet or from a mail catalogue 8% 34% 25% 27% 6% When your flight is cancelled or delayed 5% 21% 26% 41% 7% Yes, very well Yes, fairly well No, hardly No, not at all DK Compared to previous waves, consumers have clearly a better idea of their rights linked to warranty rights of electronic or household devices (+10 points compared to the first wave and +12 points compared to the second wave). In other situations selfassessed awareness of consumer rights remained at about the same level as it was before the campaign. TV spots of the campaign seem to have influenced awareness levels during their broadcast period. Results for the second wave show an increase of awareness of consumer rights in situations presented by the TV advertisements: purchasing a package holiday (+5 points), taking out consumer credits (+3 points), shopping on the internet or from mail catalogue (+1 point). Awareness of rights when buying on the internet or from a mail catalogue has increased an additional 3 percentage points compared to the second wave. This is perhaps due to supplementary PR events held in autumn 2006 which focused on internet shopping and complemented the corresponding TV campaign. However, by the time the third wave was carried out, self-perceived knowledge of consumer rights decreased with relation to consumer credits (-6 points) and package holidays (-5 points). 23

25 Q6 Do you think that you know your rights as a consumer in each of the following situations? Yes, very well + Yes, fairly well When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly 67% 69% 79% When you have a problem with your phone bill When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) When you take a package holiday trip When you buy on the Internet or from a mail catalogue 59% 59% 60% 51% 57% 54% 44% 49% 44% 42% 39% 38% When your flight is cancelled or delayed 26% 26% Not asked in 03-04/ / 2006 In socio-demographic terms, age and education appear to be determining factors: In most cases respondents aged or are more confident than young adults aged and elderly people, with the exception of online purchases in which young consumers are most likely to know their rights. Respondents who continued their education up to the age of 20 or later are more likely to believe that they know their rights in situations linked to the purchase of package holidays or flight delays and cancellations. This might be explained by the fact that their generally higher income enables them to travel more often. They also more frequently claim to be aware of their rights related to online shopping, as they probably use the internet more often. 24

26 Questionnaire source: Q Most Slovenians are interested in knowing more about consumer rights- The majority of Slovenians declare an interest in learning more on consumer rights in almost all situations listed. Warranty rights for electrical or household devices attract the most attention (70%); meanwhile passenger rights draw the least attention (46%) among those surveyed. Q7 Would you be interested in knowing more about your rights? When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly 28% 42% 23% 7% When you have a problem with your phone bill 20% 43% 27% 10% When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) 23% 39% 28% 10% When you take a package holiday trip 18% 35% 31% 15% When you buy on the Internet or from a mail catalogue 19% 33% 27% 20% When your flight is cancelled or delayed 16% 30% 29% 24% Yes, very interested Yes, fairly interested No, fairly not interested No, not at all interested DK Looking at the evolution of results over the three waves of the survey, we see that consumers interest has increased in every field of consumer rights compared to the level of interest before the campaign. 22 Q7 Would you be interested in knowing more about your rights? 1. When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) 2. When you have a problem with your phone bill 3. When you take a package holiday trip 4. When you buy on the internet or from a mail catalogue 5. When your flight is cancelled or delayed 6. When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly 25

27 Q7 Would you be interested in knowing more about your rights? Yes, very interested + Yes, fairly interested When an electronic or household device you just bought does not work properly When you have a problem with your phone bill When taking out a credit to make a major purchase (car, washing machine, etc.) 59% 63% 56% 62% 56% 70% 76% 71% 72% When you take a package holiday trip 49% 53% 69% When you buy on the Internet or from a mail catalogue 43% 52% 61% When your flight is cancelled or delayed Not asked in 03-04/ % 57% / 2006 Overall the youngest respondents and those who continued their education up to the age of 20 or later express more interest in all issues in question; meanwhile the elderly and those leaving school by the age of 15 are less interested. Yet, interviewees aged show less enthusiasm for learning more about their rights when taking out a credit to make a major purchase such as a car or a washing machine than learning about consumer rights in other situations. They possibly do not feel such a situation would be relevant for them, at least for the moment. 26

28 Questionnaire source: Q8a 23 - Most Slovenians believe they have the same consumer rights as citizens in other EU countries - 60% of Slovenians consider that they have the same consumer rights as citizens of other EU countries. However, over a quarter (28%) think they have fewer rights than others in the Union. Only three in every hundred Slovenians interviewed (3%) believe that consumer rights in Slovenia are broader than those in other EU Member States. One of the messages of the consumer rights campaign in Slovenia was that throughout the EU, consumers have similar rights. Confidence in having the same rights as other EU citizens has been quite stable over the observed period except for a 4 point increase measured in the second wave. On the other hand, the proportion of those who think Slovenians have less rights has increased in 2007 compared to previous figures. Q8a As a Slovenian citizen, would you say that you have more, less or the same consumer rights as citizens of other European Union countries? 3% 28% 60% 9% 4% 22% 64% 10% / % 24% 60% 13% More Less The same DK 23 Q8a As a (NATIONALITY) citizen, would you say that you have more, less or the same consumer rights as citizens of other European Union countries? 27

29 Questionnaire source: Q8b 24 - Slovenians consider the national justice system to be inefficient - An overwhelming majority of Slovenians (82%) believe that the justice system in their country is not efficient in punishing those who cheat consumers. Only 15% think the justice system works properly in this respect. Respondents assessment of the national justice system has not changed significantly compared to results measured before the campaign. However, the proportion of those who consider that the Slovenian justice works efficiently against consumer rights violations rose to 25% during the campaign in the second wave. This might be explained by the fact that respondents encountered consumer rights related information more often at that time, thus they might have had the feeling that the issue is thoroughly dealt with throughout society. Q8b In general, would you say that the Slovenian justice is efficient in punishing people that cheat consumers? 14% 36% 46% 3% 25% 38% 30% 6% / % 31% 52% 6% Very efficient Fairly efficient Fairly inefficient Not at all efficient DK 24 Q8b In general, would you say that the (NATIONALITY) justice is efficient in punishing people that cheat consumers? 28

30 4. Effectiveness of the campaign in its target group The consumer rights information campaign was targeted at people aged 20-35; it is therefore interesting to look at how the campaign affected this group Campaign - The campaign message successfully reached its target group in Slovenia - Similarly to overall country results, most young adults have seen the TV spot about consumer credits (82%). Fewer respondents have seen the TV advertisements about online shopping and package holidays (52% and 48% in the target group). Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? Yes "Consumer credits" 82% 76% "Shopping on the Internet" 52% 48% "Package holiday" 48% 48% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Respondents aged years All respondents Comparing results with those measured during the campaign we can observe the same trends in the target group as at the overall country level: There was a significant increase in the proportion who have seen the TV spot on consumer credits (+30 points) and more young adults claim to have seen the advertisement about shopping on the internet (+9 points). Finally, slightly fewer respondents recall seeing the spot on package holidays (-4 points). 29

31 Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? Consumer credits - Yes 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 52% 49% 82% 76% 0% All respondents Respondents aged years Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? Shopping on the Internet - Yes 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 43% 40% 52% 48% 0% All respondents Respondents aged years Q18 Have you already seen this spot on TV? Package holiday - Yes 100% 80% 60% 40% 52% 49% 48% 48% 20% 0% All respondents Respondents aged years 30

32 In line with the average for Slovenians as a whole, 87% of consumers belonging to the target group rate the message of the campaign as very or fairly good. Respondents from this group declared more often that they have had no difficulties in understanding the message or knowing from whom the message was sent. Awareness of the campaign slogan Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih" (You have rights! Assert them!) was 7 points higher among respondents aged (79% compared to 72% among the general public). During the campaign the slogan was recognised by 63% of respondents from this group rising to 79% after the campaign. 100% Q4 Have you heard the message "Pravice imate! Uveljavite jih"? 80% 60% 40% 63% 56% 79% 72% 20% 0% All respondents Respondents aged years Respondents aged also tend to have a very positive opinion of the slogan. For example five percentage points more respondents from this group find the slogan easy to remember (89% compared to 84% for all Slovenians). 80% of respondents aged have recently seen or heard something concerning consumer rights in the media which is slightly more than among the general public (77%). Young adults significantly more often mention TV advertising (68%) and the internet (16%) as sources of consumer rights information compared to Slovenians on average (58% and 7% respectively). Magazines or newspapers are also cited slightly more often within the target group (39% vs. 35%). About the same sizeable share of respondents aged as the general public in Slovenia (85% vs. 83%) attribute consumer rights information to ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije). 31

33 4.2. Consumer organisations - Young adults in Slovenia would more often turn to a consumer association for advice, they are also more aware of ZPS - Compared to the overall population (65%), respondents aged (75%) would be more likely to turn to a consumer association for advice or information on consumer rights. Spontaneous awareness of ZPS among consumers belonging to the target age group is 76% - 10 percentage points higher than among Slovenians on average (66%). 25 Q11a Which organizations\ associations\ magazines dealing with protection of consumer rights do you know? (SPONTENOUS RESPONSES) ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije 100% 80% 73% 72% 76% 60% 40% 66% 65% 66% 20% 0% / 2006 All respondents Respondents aged years Prompted awareness of ZPS scores, of course, a higher percentage: 98% (+6 points compared to the general public). As is the case for Slovenians on average, respondents aged most often heard about the organisation on television (81% of young adults and 80% of the general public). Q11b.1 Have you ever heard of? ZPS Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije 100% 96% 95% 98% 80% 91% 89% 92% 60% 40% 20% 0% / 2006 All respondents Respondents aged years 25 These results should be treated cautiously as the name of ZPS (Zveza Potrosnikov Slovenije) was read out by the interviewer in a previous question. 32