August 9, 2017 OEC Agricultural Impact Assessment for Severance of Surplus Residence Grey Road 17 Township of Georgian Bluffs

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1 August 9, 2017 OEC Mr. Paul Sutherland Grey Road 1 Kemble, ON N0H 1S0 Re: Agricultural Impact Assessment for Severance of Surplus Residence Grey Road 17 Township of Georgian Bluffs Dear Mr. Sutherland: Orion Environmental is pleased to submit an Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) report on the proposed severance of the surplus residence and associated farmstead buildings at Grey Road 17 in the Township of Georgian Bluffs. The purpose of the report is to assess the impact of the proposed severance on the agricultural viability of the retained lands. The proposed severance would create a lot of approximately 0.78 hectares (1.9 acres) that would include the existing residence, driveshed and barn (see Figure 1). The lands retained by the owner, approximately 29.3ha (70.5 acres), would remain in agricultural crop production. The continuation of the current agricultural operation will maintain the rural character of the area and maintain the current land use in proximity to the adjacent land uses. The farm is currently in soybeans and hay forage. The tillable area in the retained lands beyond the proposed severance is actively used for agricultural crop production. The soils are Harkaway Loam on the higher lands in proximity to the farmstead and the lower lands as you move north on the farm area Wiarton Loam. Harkaway Loam is well drained and suitable for production of common field crops. Wiarton Loam is imperfectly drained and is suitable for the production of common field crops with management inputs (e.g., crops tolerant to moist soils, installation of tile drainage). The presence of forages on the Wiarton soils and soybeans on the Harkaway soils is evidence of the ability to effectively manage the soil conditions for crop production. These soils would be considered prime agricultural land under the Provincial Planning Policy 2014.

2 The severing of the homestead buildings will not restrict the ability to continue crop production on the adjacent lands. No provincial or municipal policy requires a separation distance between a dwelling or rural residential lot when the adjacent lands are in crop production and no livestock facility is on the retained lands. Removal of the barn from farm ownership may eliminate the ability of the owner of the retained agricultural lands to use the structure for livestock housing. The barn appeared structurally sound but there was no evidence of any recent livestock housing, evident by the removal of all fencing in proximity to the barn and cultivation up to the edge of the barn yard. It is my understanding the farm business plan has moved away from livestock to cash crop production; hence the barn is surplus to the farm business and being severed with the other farmstead buildings. Sufficient retained land fronts on County Road 17 to provide access to the farm. Placement of the farm access in proximity to the existing access on County Road 17 will provide for farm equipment access and egress in the same manner as the existing farm lane. Mountain Lake Drive is located along the northern limit of the farm. It is a straight concession road with no visibility issues to limit safe access for the entire width of the farm. The adjacent lands are in an agricultural land use. The severance will not affect the continuation of agricultural operations on the adjacent lands. Under the current provincial Minimum Distance Separation Guidelines, Implementation Guideline #8 MDS I Setbacks for Lot Creation, states an MDS I setback is not required for a severed or retained lot for an agricultural use when that lot already has an existing dwelling on it; or for a severed or retained lot for agriculturerelated uses. In the event a new livestock facility is proposed for the retained lands the location of the facility would be subject to the municipal and provincial policies of the day. If restrictions were applied it would only potentially affect the type and size of facility given the limited rural residential development in proximity to the property. In the event a proposed livestock facility is not permitted the ability for the lands to continue in an agricultural land use for crop production would not be affected. ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2

3 Section Economic of the County of Grey Official Plan (June 2013) states their objective is to protect and preserve agricultural lands while maximizing the ability of farming operations to adjust to changing economic and technological conditions. The proposed severance is an economic business decision by the owner, a bona fide farmer, to deal with lands surplus to the farming operation while maintaining the farm s land base for agricultural production. The OP policies on Special Agriculture, Section 2.2, requires a lot contain a minimum of 10 hectares of agriculturally production land. The proposed severance complies with these policies, confirming the retained agricultural land base will maintain the same flexibility to adapt to potential changes in crop production as the existing operation. Review of Schedule A Land Use Designations Map 1 of the County of Grey OP confirmed the lands are not designated Special Agriculture. Review of the Township of Georgian Bluffs Official Plan did not identify any specific agricultural policies. The County of Grey Official Plan contains the policy direction regarding agricultural land use policies. It is my understanding the County of Grey applies the Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) to the severance of buildings surplus to a farm operation. There is only one livestock facility within 750m of the proposed severance. The barn is located adjacent to the subject property at Grey Road 17 and appears to be a beef operation. An MDS calculation was done that assumed the entire barn and barnyard on the property was used for housing beef cattle. The MDS calculation required a 200m setback for the barn and manure storage from the proposed severance. The actual setback distance is 422m for the barn and 428m for the manure storage area, calculation attached. The severance is in compliance with MDS requirements. Any use of the existing barn within the proposed severance by the new owner would be subject to the applicable provincial and municipal policies and is not addressed in this report. ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 3

4 In my opinion, the proposed severance will have no impact on the continuation of the agricultural operations on the retained parcel and is in compliance with MDS requirements. Therefore, the agricultural viability of the farm will be maintained in accordance with the County of Grey Official Plan. Please contact me if you have any questions. Yours truly, ORION ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Paul Neals, B.Sc. Agr., P.Ag. Principal PCN: Attach: ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 4

5 References County of Grey Official Plan, June Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario s Prime Agricultural Areas, Publication 851. Township of Georgian Bluffs Official Plan, February ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 5

6 LEGEND Grey Road 17 Proposed Severance Property Boundary Note: Aerial Photo 2016 N ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 1930 George Johnston Road Minesing, ON L9X 1C DATE ISSUED: JUL 2017 CREATED BY: PCN PROJECT NO Not To Scale Figure 1

7 LEGEND Proposed Severance Grey Road 17 Property Boundary Beef Operation Grey Rd 17 Note: Aerial Photo 2016 N Mountain Lake Road ORION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 520m 260m 0m 1930 George Johnston Road Minesing, ON L9X 1C DATE ISSUED: JUL m 390m CREATED BY: PCN PROJECT NO :13,000 Figure 2