There were no apparent differences in corn stand. No corn injury was observed on May 25. However, on June 5, 3 to 10% injury was observed with EPOST

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1 (00-WCC-1) Evaluation of preemergence and postemergence applied herbicides for weed control in corn, Crawfordsville, Iowa, Owen, Micheal D.K., James F. Lux, Damian D. Franzenburg, and James M. Lee. The purpose of this study was to evaluate acetamide herbicide combinations for weed efficacy and corn phytotoxicity. The soil was a silty clay loam with a ph 5.95 and 4.5% organic matter. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications and plots were 10 by 25 ft. The 1999 crop was soybean. Tillage included a fall chisel plow and a spring field cultivation. Fertilization included 150 lb/a actual N applied as anhydrous ammonia. Crop residue on the soil surface was 25 to 30% at planting. Cargill hybrid 5320 BT corn was planted 1.5 inches deep on April 28, at 32,000 seeds/a in 30 inch rows. April rainfall included: 0.06, 0.02, 0.25, 0.37, 0.79, 0.01, 0.05, 0.40, 1.18 and 0.01 inches on April 1, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 27, respectively. Total rainfall for April was 3.14 inches. May rainfall included: 0.06, 1.34, 0.02, 0.20, 0.347, 0.06, 0.12, 0.01, 0.87, 0.01 and 0.72 inches on May 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27 and 31, respectively. Total rainfall for May was 3.77 inches. June rainfall included: 0.08, 0.04, 0.01, 0.01, 0.04, 0.82, 1.40, 0.08, 0.06, 0.01, 0.10, 0.66, 0.77, 0.39 and 0.05 inches on June 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 and 28, respectively. Total rainfall for June was 4.52 inches. July rainfall included: 3.68 inches and 1.43 inches from July 1 through 15 and 16 through 31, respectively. Rainfall total for August was 1.77 inches. Application information is listed below: Date April 28 May 25 June 5 Treatment PRE EPOST POST Sprayer gpa psi nozzle Temperature (C) air soil (4 inch) Soil moisture dry dry moist Wind (mph) NW 5-8 SW 8-10 N Sky pt. cloudy cloudy cloudy Relative humidity (%) Corn growth leaf no. - V4 V5-V7 height (inch) Giant foxtail leaf no height (inch) infestation (ft 2 ) Giant Ragweed leaf no height (inch) infestation (ft 2 ) Ivyleaf morningglory leaf no. - cotyl height (inch) infestation (ft 2 ) Velvetleaf leaf no height (inch) infestation (ft 2 )

2 There were no apparent differences in corn stand. No corn injury was observed on May 25. However, on June 5, 3 to 10% injury was observed with EPOST treatments containing ZA1296, Spirit and Aim with either Atrazine or Clarity. Fifteen to 18% injury occurred from treatments with EPOST applied Accent Gold, Basis Gold and Marksman. All treatments provided excellent foxtail control at all evaluation dates. Broadleaf weed control was variable on the May 25 evaluation. All treatments demonstrated excellent control of velvetleaf and giant ragweed following postemergent treatments. ICIA5676/ZA1296 applied at 1.97 lb/a provided acceptable control of ivyleaf morningglory. Excellent morningglory control was achieved by all remaining treatments. (Dept. of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames)

3 CREATED: 04/26/2000 REVISED: 11/29/2000 COMPLETED: N PROJECT TYPE: HERBICIDE LOCATION: CRAWFORDSVILLE, IA RESEARCHED BY: IA State University DESIGN: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK DESIGN PLOT SIZE: FT WIDE X!"#$$%&'%LONG REPS: 03 ZEAMD ZEAMD SETFA ABUTH AMBTR TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE 17.5 FT PHY % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 06/05/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 %%%)* +,'-.*'./%01.02%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$$,*% %$%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$% %%%!*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)= ;** %)%%%%%%%3"%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%="%%%%%%%%=?% %%%%5 7-@A;%3#3.0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#$$ ;** %! %%%%045*B6B%9@;/%%?>#"%:/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=?3 ;** %! %%%%.4*88@,6+8%B+;&*'.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;8* %! %%%3* 9+*-/B8*,%:"B.<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#)! ;** %)%%%%%%%3!%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%?"%%%%%%%%>D% %%%%54/6B'6,0'%:=$A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)=" ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#!" 78C %3 %%%F*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#"D ;** %)%%%%%%%3"%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%)3%%%%%%%%?=% %%%%540.;.5-6'G%7;+B%=$%:A9<%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!) ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %3 %%%"* 1*-,.BB%%H'-*%:DB0<%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#3? ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>$%%%%%%%%>D% %%%%541@-,.'%A/9%%D?#"%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!? ;** %) %%%D*4;.*/@&&%":B;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%D=%%%%%%%%=$% %%%%54*00.,'%9@;/%:?3#?%/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)"! ;** %! %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ I8* %! %%%=*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>$% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=" ;** %! %%%?*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%!$%%%%%%%%F3% %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%>*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#?> ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>!%%%%%%%%>D% %%)$*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%)#>= ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>>% %%))*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)> ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%)!* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%F$%%%%%%%%D=% %%)3*4&+;'68.%F:B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%?"%%%%%%%%?$% %%)F* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%3"%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%"=%%%%%%%%D=% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %! %%)"*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%F$%%%%%%%%D?% %%%%5 8*-2B8*,%:3#!B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#F$ ;** %!

4 ZEAMD ZEAMD SETFA ABUTH AMBTR TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE 17.5 FT PHY % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 06/05/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 05/25/00 %%)D*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%3F%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%)=%%%%%%%%!=% %%%%54B76-6'%%:"=A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$3D ;** %! LSD (0.05) STANDARD DEVIATION

5 CREATED: 04/26/2000 REVISED: 11/29/2000 COMPLETED: N PROJECT TYPE: HERBICIDE LOCATION: CRAWFORDSVILLE, IA RESEARCHED BY: IA State University DESIGN: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK DESIGN PLOT SIZE: FT WIDE X!"#$$%&'%LONG REPS: 03 IPOHE ZEAMD SETFA ABUTH AMBTR TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE CON % PHY % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 05/25/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 %%%)* +,'-.*'./%01.02%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$$,*% %$%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$% %%%!*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)= ;** %)%%%%%%%?3%%%%%%%%)"%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%%%5 7-@A;%3#3.0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#$$ ;** %! %%%%045*B6B%9@;/%%?>#"%:/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=?3 ;** %! %%%%.4*88@,6+8%B+;&*'.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;8* %! %%%3* 9+*-/B8*,%:"B.<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#)! ;** %)%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%?=%%%%%%%%>F% %%%%54/6B'6,0'%:=$A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)=" ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#!" 78C %3 %%%F*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#"D ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>?% %%%%540.;.5-6'G%7;+B%=$%:A9<%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!) ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %3 %%%"* 1*-,.BB%%H'-*%:DB0<%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#3? ;** %)%%%%%%%>)%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%?D%%%%%%%%>D% %%%%541@-,.'%A/9%%D?#"%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!? ;** %) %%%D*4;.*/@&&%":B;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%=3%%%%%%%%)=%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>D% %%%%54*00.,'%9@;/%:?3#?%/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)"! ;** %! %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ I8* %! %%%=*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%)3%%%%%%%%%"%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=" ;** %! %%%?*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%)$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?% %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%>*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#?> ;** %)%%%%%%%?"%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>!%%%%%%%%>>% %%)$*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%)#>= ;** %)%%%%%%%?$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>F% %%))*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)> ;** %)%%%%%%%>)%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%)!* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%"=%%%%%%%%%3%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>?% %%)3*4&+;'68.%F:B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%>"%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%)F* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%"?%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %! %%)"*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%3?%%%%%%%%)?%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>"%%%%%%%%>>% %%%%5 8*-2B8*,%:3#!B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#F$ ;** %!

6 IPOHE ZEAMD SETFA ABUTH AMBTR TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE CON % PHY % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 05/25/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 06/05/00 %%)D*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%3!%%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>3% %%%%54B76-6'%%:"=A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$3D ;** %! LSD (0.05) STANDARD DEVIATION

7 CREATED: 04/26/2000 REVISED: 11/29/2000 COMPLETED: N PROJECT TYPE: HERBICIDE LOCATION: CRAWFORDSVILLE, IA RESEARCHED BY: IA State University DESIGN: RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK DESIGN PLOT SIZE: FT WIDE X!"#$$%&'%LONG REPS: 03 IPOHE SETFA ABUTH AMBTR IPOHE TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE CON % CON % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 06/05/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 %%%)* +,'-.*'./%01.02%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$$,*% %$%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$%%%%%%%%%$% %%%!*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)= ;** %)%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>3% %%%%5 7-@A;%3#3.0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#$$ ;** %! %%%%045*B6B%9@;/%%?>#"%:/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=?3 ;** %! %%%%.4*88@,6+8%B+;&*'.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;8* %! %%%3* 9+*-/B8*,%:"B.<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#)! ;** %)%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>% %%%%54/6B'6,0'%:=$A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)=" ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#!" 78C %3 %%%F*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#"D ;** %)%%%%%%%33%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>"% %%%%540.;.5-6'G%7;+B%=$%:A9<%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!) ;** %3 %%%%/4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %3 %%%"* 1*-,.BB%%H'-*%:DB0<%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#3? ;** %)%%%%%%%>$%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>3% %%%%541@-,.'%A/9%%D?#"%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!? ;** %) %%%D*4;.*/@&&%":B;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%=?%%%%%%%%>!%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>$% %%%%54*00.,'%9@;/%:?3#?%/&<%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)"! ;** %! %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#)!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ I8* %! %%%=*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>)% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#=" ;** %! %%%?*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>3% %%%%0 0;*-6'G%:FB;<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%>*4560.7%66%8*9,+8%"#"%:;<%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#?> ;** %)%%%%%%%>$%%%%%%%%>"%%%%%%%%>!%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>$% %%)$*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%)#>= ;** %)%%%%%%%==%%%%%%%%>3%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%?"% %%))*4606*"D=DKJ*)!>D%%3#":B0<%%%%%%%% %%%%!#)> ;** %)%%%%%%%>3%%%%%%%%>)%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>D% %%)!* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%>3%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>D% %%)3*4&+;'68.%F:B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%3#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>% %%)F* '@7,@'01%:3#!0B<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#$$ ;** %)%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?% %%%%0 *'-*J6,.%>$/&%:A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#!" ;** %! %%%%.4!?E,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%!#"$ 78C %! %%)"*4@+';@@2%D%:.0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#>F ;** %)%%%%%%%>D%%%%%%%%>"%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>3% %%%%5 8*-2B8*,%:3#!B0<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%)#F$ ;** %!

8 IPOHE SETFA ABUTH AMBTR IPOHE TRT TREATMENT DOSAGE CON % CON % CON % CON % CON % NUM COMPONENT RATE UNIT TM 06/05/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 07/13/00 %%)D*4/+*;%66%8*9,+8%%:=#DF%.0<%%%%%%% %%%%)#"> ;** %)%%%%%%%D=%%%%%%%%>"%%%%%%%%>>%%%%%%%%>?%%%%%%%%=?% %%%%54B76-6'%%:"=A9<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%$#$3D ;** %! LSD (0.05) STANDARD DEVIATION = SUPPLEMENTAL CHEMICAL * TIMING CODES 00 = UNTRCHK / UNTREATED TIMING (FP) 01 = PREPRE / PRE 04/28/2000(1) 02 = EAPCOR / EPOST 05/25/2000(2) 03 = POSPOS / POST 06/05/2000(3)