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2 Presentation Outline I. Introduction to EHO South Africa Research Program II. egume Green anure over rops: Benefits, Top Performers III. EHO South Africa oringa eaf Powder Production Project IV. EHO South Africa aize egume Green anure Intercropping

3 Introduction to EHO South Africa Research Program impopo Province o Rainy Season: November to April o Rainfall: 635 mm o Temperature: 13-29

4 South Africa Research Farm Soil Texture Sand: 89% Silt: 7% lay: 4% Very high sand content: o ow water-holding capacity o ow nutrient-holding capacity

5 EHO South Africa Project Site Soil Properties Baseline Soil Properties ph SO NO - 3 P K Zn n Start Goal > >12 SO Soil organic matter measured as percent, all nutrients measured in parts per million

6 How an We Improve Soil Fertility On These Poor Soils? egume Green anures A species of plant, often but not always leguminous, whether a tree, bush, vine or crawling plant, which is used by a farmer for one or several purposes, at least one of which is that of maintaining or improving soil fertility or controlling weeds. - Roland Bunch

7 Improve long-term soil fertility Benefits of egume Green anures Increase soil nutrient levels-nitrogen fixation Add to soil organic matter Improve soil biological activity (bacteria, fungi, protozoa) onger-term Ground over Soil erosion control Reduced weed pressure Soil moisture conservation ower soil temperature Increase in food and fodder production Human food (cowpea, lablab, pigeon pea, etc ) Nutritious fodder for animals

8 Selected egumes from EHO South Africa Program ablab purpureus 13 6 months 250 kg 6 months ucuna pruriens 10 6 months 190 kg 6 months Vigna unguiculata months 130 kg 6 months ajanus cajan months 80 kg 6 months anivalia ensiformis 4 6 months 50 kg 6 months ucuna pruriens Bush 6 6 months 175 kg 6 months

9 egume Green anures Increase Soil Nitrogen Over Time

10 Green anures Increase Soil Organic atter Over Time

11 Integrating egume Green anures in oringa and aize Production Systems oringa leaf powder production research project aize legume green manure intercropping research anivalia ensiformis jackbean ablab purpureus lablab

12 oringa Research Objectives Objective 1: Determine if legume green manures can be successfully intercropped with oringa to increase leaf powder production, improve soil fertility, and provide fodder and beans. Pounding oringa Objective 2: Determine if vegetables can be successfully intercropped with oringa to produce additional marketable crops oringa powder

13 Possible ocations for arge Scale oringa Production o Hospitals: HIV patients, malnourished children, pregnant women, nursing mothers Hospital Garden Senegal o School Gardens: Nutritional supplement to school lunches, diversify gardens School Garden Kumasi, Ghana

14 EHO South Africa oringa Intercropping Study History egume green manures and vegetables are rotated each year oringa establishment owpea, jackbean, lablab, pigeon pea Okra and kale owpea, jackbean, lablab, pigeon pea

15 EHO South Africa oringa Field Design Grass buffer between rows protects soil from erosion 120 m 3 m 1 m egume green manures or vegetables planted under oringa

16 Establishment of Young Trees: Season

17 oringa-egume Green anure Intercropping, January 2015

18 Selecting egume Green anures For oringa Intercropping Factors to consider: o o Some species will climb up oringa and must be cut back Fodder can be provided from cutting back climbing species ablab climbing oringa

19 oringa-egume Green anure Intercropping egume green manures compete well with oringa and provided excellent groundcover No egume Green anure Jackbean under oringa ablab under oringa

20 oringa eaf Harvest Schedule o oringa leaves harvested twice during rainy season o Trees cut to 1 m in height when leaves are harvested o hicken manure applied at base of 5 tons/ha 1 m egume green manures grown under oringa canopy

21 First oringa Harvest of Season oringa placed in 55 for 1.5 days

22 oringa eaves an Also Be Dried in Shade o oringa leaves can be dried in the shade in a dry area. Fancy dryer is not needed o After drying, oringa can be pounded with traditional mortar and pestle Senegal Senegal

23 oringa Field After First Harvest, January 2015

24 Two Weeks After Harvesting eaves o Harvesting leaves provides additional light for legume green manures o Aggressive legume green manures can be trimmed back and used for fodder ablab under oringa Bush mucuna under oringa

25 Season: Vegetables Grew Poorly Under oringa anopy Problem: Vegetables planted late and did not compete well with oringa for light. Insects and animals also ate young plants Possible Solutions: Plant earlier and try different vegetables that might compete well with oringa Okra under oringa canopy Kale under oringa canopy

26 Key Findings: oringa-egume Green anure Intercropping Total leaf powder yield increased from 249 kg/ha in season to 366 kg/ha in season Dry eaf Powder Vegetable Yield (kg/ha) egume g/tree Kg/ha Okra Kale None owpea Jackbean ablab Pigeon Pea P Value One hectare of this system would provide enough oringa powder for a year s supply of 5 grams per day for 136 people by season 2 and 200 people by season 3

27 Key Findings: oringa-egume Green anure Intercropping ablab pods under oringa canopy egume green manures provided additional benefit of bean production for cowpea (360 kg/ha) and lablab (413 kg/ha) in owpea pods under oringa canopy egume green manures also produced > 5 tons/ha biomass for fodder and soil fertility improvement

28 Applying EHO South Africa oringa eaf Powder Production Research to onditions in West Africa Factors to consider: Niger ocal limatic onditions: o total rainfall/distribution affects # oringa harvests egume Green anures and Vegetables o Determine which species perform best in region o Think about the market value of different crops Benin Trial and Error

29 aize-egume Green anure Intercropping Research aize ablab owpea

30 Research Objectives and Treatments Objective 1: Determine if lablab and cowpea can be successfully intercropped with maize to produce additional food, fodder, and biomass. Objective 2: Determine the best time to plant lablab into maize or a maize-cowpea intercropping system Treatments 1. ablab planted in plots with a) only maize or b) maize-cowpea intercrop 2. ablab planted in plots 0, 2, 4, or 8 weeks after maize and cowpea

31 EHO aize-egume Green anure Intercropping ethod aize-owpea aize-ablab-owpea aize owpea ablab - o aize and cowpea planted at same time o ablab added to half of plots at week 0, 2, 4, 8, and 12

32 Intercropping egumes with Other egumes Why? egumes with different growth habits and life cycles can grow well together. onger period of ground cover to protect soil arger quantity of biomass and fodder Greater nutrient addition to improve soil fertility

33 Week 4 owpea ablab Week 8 Initial cowpea growth is faster than lablab owpea flowering and producing pods, while lablab growth rate is increasing Week 12 owpea is in decline just as lablab is growing rapidly Week 16 owpea is decomposing as lablab takes over

34 owpea-ablab Intercropping ablab is slower than cowpea at the beginning, but grows rapidly after cowpea harvest is finished ablab growth increasing owpea flowering

35 owpea-pigeon Pea Intercropping o owpea spreads as ground cover, while pigeon pea is erect o owpea harvest after 2 to 3 months, while pigeon pea harvest after 6 months

36 aize-egume Green anure Intercropping ethods Be On Time Field preparation Planting Thinning Weeding Permanent Planting Stations oncentrate nutrients around crops No broadcasting manure Reduced soil compaction over time Surface ulch No burning residues! Protect soil from erosion onserve soil moisture Reduce soil temperature

37 Permanent Planting stations with Surface ulch Permanent Planting Stations Benefits: o anure in planting stations only feeds crop o Soil in planting stations becomes softer o Nutrients build up over time ulch anure 15 cm

38 Digging Planting Stations During Dry Season This is hard work! If we work a few hours digging each day during the dry season, the field will be ready when rain arrives.

39 I m tired!!

40 Planting Stations with anure. ulch Is From ast Season

41 Permanent Planting stations with ulch on Field Planting ethod for ereals: o Plant 3 seeds of maize per hole. Thin to 2 o plants 2-3 weeks after planting. For millet or sorghum, plant 6 seeds and thin 3 plants 2-3 weeks after planting. aize anure 15 cm

42 EHO aize-egume Green anure Intercropping ethod o Planting multiple crops in same field each year o Rotate rows: Do not plant same crops in same rows each year o Spacing: 50 cm between rows and 60 cm with row Year 1 Year 2 aize owpea ablab -

43 aize-egume Green anure Intercropping Results From Season

44 owpea and ablab Grow Very Well Together o owpea and lablab have different growth habits and life cycles and grow well together Week 8 o When cowpea growth week 12, lablab growth accelerated and provided longterm groundcover lablab o Intercropping lablab with cowpea did not lower cowpea biomass production or yields

45 owpea Rate of Growth o owpea canopy closed 8 weeks after planting maize o Harvest of cowpea began 10 weeks after planting o After 12 weeks cowpea growth began to decline

46 ablab Rate of Growth o ablab grows slow for first 4 weeks, but canopy closed 12 weeks after lablab planting Week 8 o ablab planted 4, 8, and 12 weeks after maize did not compete well with maize o ablab must be removed from maize stalks if it begins climbing and choking plants

47 Effect of egume anopy on Soil Temperature o Soil temperature was lower when both lablab and cowpea were intercropped with weeks 10 and 12 Soil temperature ( ) egume planted with maize Wk 4 Wk 8 Wk 10 Wk 12 ablab ablab + owpea P value < < 0.001

48 Effect of egume anopy on Soil oisture o owpea and lablab conserve soil moisture more effectively than just weeks 10 and 12 Soil oisture (%) egume planted with maize Wk 4 Wk 8 Wk 10 Wk 12 ablab ablab + owpea P value <0.001

49 hanges in Soil Organic atter Over Time o It is very difficult to build soil organic matter in sandy soils o Soil organic matter from all treatments increased from the initial baseline value of 0.6%. ablab Planting Time Organic atter (%) 4 Sept 4 Dec 21 Jan 31 arch Week Week Week Week ontrol P-Value

50 easurements of Soil icrobial Health o Sampling taken one month after planting o Desired ranges in parts per million (ppm): bacteria , fungi , protozoa > 20,000 Soil icrobial Health (ppm) ablab Planting Time Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Week Week Week Week ontrol P-Value

51 aize and owpea Yield Data o owpea and lablab intercropping did not affect maize yields o owpea yield was not affected by presence of lablab o egume green manures provide fodder and grain without negatively affecting maize yields Treatment Yield (kg/ha) ablab Planting time aize owpea Total Week Week Week Week Week P Value >

52 hallenges to aize-egume Green anure Intercropping

53 Insect Pest Problems On owpea o o o owpea has major pest problems With no crop rotation, pest pressure builds up ore pesticides needed on cowpea Aphids Giant oreid Bug Spiny Brown Bug

54 Brown Spiny Bug On ablab Pods

55 Pest and Disease Problems of aize o aize stock borer damage o Erwinia species stalk rot

56 ablab ust Be ut Back To Protect aize

57 EHO South Africa aize egume Intercropping Summary owpea and lablab grow well together and provide long-term ground cover and fodder Intercropping cowpea, lablab, and maize in same field every year can lead to increase in pest and disease pressure Farmers will have to take time to cut lablab vines during season to prevent damage to maize

58 Applying aize-egume Green anure Intercropping Research to Farming Systems in West Africa

59 hallenges of Intercropping ablab with illet or Sorghum o illet and sorghum stalks are weaker than maize stalks. ablab vines can break or push down millet and sorghum plants. o ablab cannot be allowed to break millet and sorghum stalks. They have important uses. Senegal Aggressive lablab

60 o rop Rotation: grow millet one or two years followed by cowpea-lablab intercropping o Advantage: Additional fodder and bean production, less pest pressure Year 1 Year 2 illet owpea ablab Possible Solution: rop Rotation of ereals and egumes

61 losing Thoughts egume green manures grow very well under oringa trees. ore research is needed for integrating vegetables into oringa. owpea and lablab grow very well together and can provide food, fodder, and biomass for soil fertility improvement If maize, cowpea, and lablab are intercropped in the same place every year, there may be pest and disease incidence It is important to consider local climate and market conditions. Try modifying this research to meet local conditions

62 Thank you! Questions? Arun Jani