Code (NIC): Number of Taluks: Number of Villages: Latitude: Longitude: Area (

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1 01 STATE:. DISTRICT: COMPILED BY: Code (NIC): Number of Taluks: Number of Villages: Taluks list: Latitude: Longitude: Area ( DISTRICT PROFILE: 1

2 Population in 2001: Population Density 2001 (persons per Population in 2011: Population Density 2011 (persons per Decadal population growth rate (%): Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males): Projected Population for 2021: Population Density 2021 (persons per Major Communities: Tribes: Tribal Population: Culture Eco Tourism : Religious places: Historical places/ Heritage Sites: 2

3 Temperature: Rainfall: Climatic conditions (other than temperature and rainfall): Agro climatic Zones (detailed): Geology (Lithology): Soil: Rivers, Streams: Topography (Elevation, Slope) Ground Water Yield: Number of Lakes: Source of Drinking Water Major Lakes: 3

4 Agriculture Major Crops: Horticulture Major Crops: Cropping Pattern: Revenue generated from agriculture: Revenue generated from horticulture: Livestock Census: Variety of Livestock: Revenue generated from livestock: Industries: Revenue generated from Industries contributing to GDP: Water Requirement for Industries: No. of Small scale: No. of Medium scale: No. of Large scale: 4

5 Land use (Area in Hectares): Land use type Evergreen Forest Deciduous Forest Scrub land Grass land Mangroves Open space Barren land Forest plantation Agriculture Horticulture Built up Water bodies Total Area Hectare Area Percent More rows can be added Forest Division (Ranges) Sacred Groves - Number: Grove name Village and Taluk name Protected Areas (Wild life Sanctuaries, National parks, Community Reserves, Other Sanctuaries) List Area (hectares) More rows can be added More rows can be added 5

6 Flora and Fauna: Data to be entered in given Excel file Flora: Trees, Herbs, Shrubs, Climbers, Orchids, etc. Fauna: Birds, Butterflies, Fishes, Mammals, Reptiles, Ants, etc. IUCN Status such as Endangered (EN), Threatened (TN), Critically endangered (CR), Vulnerable (VU), Least Concerned (LC), Data Deficient (DD), Extinct (EX), Not Evaluated (NE) etc. should be specified for each species. Occurrence location should be in Latitude and Longitude, if not available then use Village name and Taluk. Energy Prospects (Solar, Wind, Hydro, others) Power plants and their capacities Plant Type Capacity 6

7 DATA SOURCES no Data Source 1 Sahyadri: Western Ghats biodiversity information system 2 Ministry of Forests, Environment and Climate Change 3.html 3 National remote sensing centre - Bhuvan 4 Google earth (to be installed 5 Western Ghats biodiversity portal 6 India biodiversity portal 7 Biodiversity information system 8 Geological Survey of India 9 Census of India 10 Survey of India 11 NBSSLUP 12 NSDI 13 State biodiversity board and forest department webpages Eng 14 Wild life Institute of India 16 Flora Birds Search for location based checklist (example: Bird checklist of Kodagu) 18 Fish 19 Agro-climate District information Search for specific district webpages (NIC) 7

8 21 WRIS 22 IUCN red list 23 Meteorology 5ybkutwn2))/DistrictRaifall.aspx 24 India Data portal 25 Ground Water 26 Water Resource Departments demployees/1home 27 Research papers