4.2 Emerging issues, including strategy to resource mobiliza8on. WMO, Research Department

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1 4.2 Emerging issues, including strategy to resource mobiliza8on WMO, Research Department

2 Resource Mobiliza8on and Partnership RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Resource mobiliza8on is the process by which an organiza8on acquires and manages the financial, human and logis8cal resources it needs to fulfil its mission. It cannot be limited to the fund-raising component. It means that we are not just applying for a specific fund, but we are crea8ng a long-term partnership with donors and interna8onal ins8tu8ons in order to influence the alignment of their scien8fic objec8ves with ours. PARTNERSHIP Improve rela8onship with key partners developing joint ini8a8ves and communica8on strategies

3 Elements of a resource mobiliza8on strategy THINK GLOBALLY REGIONAL TO LOCAL SCALE BRANDING FOR FUNDING

4 Think Globally Recent research outcomes which had in depth impacts in developing new services, have been developed under large-scale interna8onal projects. Ensemble forecas8ng which is widely used nowadays for weather and climate products, has been dreamed and designed under the THORPEX umbrella. This successful story suggests us the need for strengthening the rela8onship with organiza8ons that are planning and funding large-scale ini8a8ves whose outcomes can be effec8ve worldwide not only for developed countries. A unique voice for WMO research represen8ng all programmes (GAW, WWRP, WCRP and research components in other Technical Commissions) would be an advantage. European Commission is certainly an important partner but with several entry points. o DG Research is overseen Horizon2020 and star?ng to organize the post-horizon2020. However a con?nuous networking is needed, and involvement in other ini?a?ves such as Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). o DG Connect is responsible for the Digital Economy and Society. Important research ac?vi?es related to High-Performance Compu?ng and Big-Data depend on this Directorate. o The Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, is the European Commission service responsible for COPERNICUS. Other interna?onal organiza?ons can be seen both as partners and compe?tors. ICSU (co-sponsoring WCRP), UNEP, UNESCO. A much more proac?ve strategy should be implemented. Several countries have Na?onal Science Founda?ons and large research or applied centres able to influence the research agenda at interna?onal level. The Belmont Forum which is issuing interna?onal calls for coordinated research is one example. There is a need for a con?nuous and proac?ve dialogue between WMO and these na?onal ins?tu?ons. Last but not least, there is a need for a long-term interac?on with large private founda?ons and companies.

5 Regional to Local Scale Members need to be supported at regional and local level for leveraging their RTD capacity. In this context, important players are interna8onal funds and na8onal agencies that are working to improve local developments. They are not funding research, however, implemen8ng observa8onal and computa8onal facili8es in countries with a certain degree of development can facilitate the establishment of na8onal and regional research programmes. Support to the Resource Mobiliza8on Office in interac8ng with: interna8onal trust funds (GEF, CREWS, Green Climate Fund), na8onal development agencies (USAID, DFID, etc.), European Commission interna8onal directorate (DEVCOM). To make the best use of Regional Associa8on and Technical Commission Mee8ngs organizing interac8ons between regional stakeholders/donors and WMO ini8a8ves (from research to applica8ons). To promote the link to regional ini8a8ves in different con8nents (for instance in Africa CR4D).

6 Branding for Funding Promo8ng WMO leadership in key sectors is a powerful tool to engage relevant stakeholders in our resource mobiliza8on strategy. An important element is focusing on an integrated communica8on strategy to sustain long-term resource mobiliza8on ac8ons and to promote WMO research ac8vi8es with a unique voice. Research WMO ac8vi8es can be seen also as facilita8ng mechanisms for the Sustainable Developing Goals. In coordina8on with the Resource Mobiliza8on Office develop communica8on ini8a8ves around WMO assets, a successful example is the Polar Region communica8on, where several WMO programmes are working together across- departments.

7 Few steps forwards Polar Regions EU call European Commission issued three calls under Horizon 2020 focusing on Arc8c Regions. Two of them will support Polar Predic8on ac8vi8es for the Year of Polar Predic8on. The consor8a, that will be funded, will be officially presented next September. Africa and Lake Victoria Under the WISER (Weather and climate Informa8on and SERvices for Africa) ini8a8ve of DFID (UK, Department for Interna8onal Development) two main proposals have been developed: Sub-Saharan Africa project. The goal of this project is to reduce exposure and strengthen resilience to flooding and drought risks in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lake Victoria proposal. The project aims at the resilience of communi8es on, and around Lake Victoria, Severe Weather Forecast Demonstra8on Project HIWeather A round-table has been organized the first day with Virginia Murray (UNISDR and UK Health Sector), Jan Polcher (WCRP-GEWEX), Ned Garrec (NERC-UK), Bill Leathes (UK-MetOffice and DFID), and a representa8ve of EU Commission. A short document has been organized focusing on the role of HIWeather for underpinning research on Disaster Risk Reduc8on and Adapta8on

8 Few steps forwards A US strategy A construc8ve discussion started with John Cor8nas (Director office of weather and air quality, NOAA) who is coordina8ng two post-thorpex commicees: Donors s commicee with NOAA, NASA, NSF, NRL. Scien8fic commicee coordina8ng the three WWRP projects at US level. Green Climate Fund WMO has been accredited to the Green Climate Fund. WMO can submit projects on behalf of eligible countries for funds ranging from 10M to 50M. The Green Climate Fund does not support research per se, but development projects. Nevertheless, WMO has proposed a Urban project where HIWeather, GURME, and IGIS can benefit from this large ini8a8ve. WMO Polar Region communicalon strategy

9 Thank you Merci