Potato Response to Potassium and Nitrogen Fertilization Under Gaza Strip Conditions

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1 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009, 11, P Potto Response to Potssium nd Nitrogen Fertiliztion Under Gz Strip Conditions Plnt Prodution & Protetion Deprtment Al-Azhr University-Gz Reeived 11/3/2009 Aepted 1/6/2009 Astrt: Two Spring trils were rried out on potto v. Spunt to investigte the effet of O(K0), 15(K1) nd 25(K2) kg K 2 O/donum nd 0(), 10(), 20() nd 30() kg N/donum nd their intertions on the rop growth nd produtivity. Plnt height ws signifintly inresed with nitrogen inrese, where hd the longest plnts. K insignifintly inresed the height, where K1 nd K2 respetively produed the signifintly longest plnts. Shoot fresh weight ws signifintly inresed with N inrement, nd K2, where K1 nd K2 insignifintly inresed it. Yield s g/plnt, ton/donum nd tuers numer/plnt ws signifintly inresed y N inrese, where nd produed the signifintly highest yield. K1 nd K2 were the highest g/plnt or ton/donum, wheres K1 nd K1 were the highest tuers numer. Tuer >60mm ws signifintly inresed y N, where K ws insignifintly effetive, nd K1 nd K2 were the highest. Tuer 35-60mm insignifintly ws inresed y N, K, K1 nd K1. Tuer weight ws insignifintly inresed y N nd K inrese, K1, nd K2. Tuer speifi grvity showed insignifintly hnges. Nitrogen inrement signifintly inresed tuer dry mtter perentge, where K0 nd K2 hd the highest perentge. Lef totl hlorophyll ws signifintly inresed with N inrese, where nd produed the highest pigment. Potssium hd no effet, where K1 nd K2 were the highest hlorophyll. Lef petiole N ws signifintly inresed y nitrogen inrement, where K ws insignifintly effetive. K2, K0, nd K1 were the signifint highest N ontent. Petiole K signifintly inresed s K inresed, where K2 ws the highest signifint ontent. Nitrogen ws of insignifint effet on K, where K2, K2, nd K2 were the highest lef petiol K ontent. Key words: Lef; Nitrogen; Potssium; Potto; Tuer; Growth; Yield. (K1)15, (K0)0 Spunt ()30 ()20,()10,()0 K20 (K2)25

2 Potto Response to Potssium K1 K1 K1 K2 K2 K1 K2 K2 K1 K1 K K2 K0 K2 K1 K0 K2 K2 K2 K2 60 K2 K1 K1 K2 K1 K2 Introdution Potto is one of the mjor vegetle rops in Plestine. It is widely grown for lol onsumption nd exporttion, where the yield inrese ould e hieved y the pproprite hortiulturl prties. Fertiliztion in generl nd with K nd N in prtiulr is ontrollle ftor tht ffets tuer yield nd qulity. The frmers used to pply exess of fertilizers tht resulted in higher nitrte sttus in the underground wter nd inresing the rop running ost. Brkt et l.(1991) notied tht, potto shoots fresh weight nd hlorophyll ontent were inresed with eh N dose inrement (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N/feddn). The first two doses suessively inresed totl tuer yield, verge tuer weight, nd tuers numer/plnt. Tuer speifi grvity ws higher with the highest two N doses, where no dvntge in tuer dry mtter ws deteted due to nitrogen pplition greter thn the first N inrement. Losio et l.(1992) reported tht yield ws not ffeted with K rte, ut speifi grvities of tuers were lower in two of three sesons with inresing K rte from 225 to

3 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009, kg/h. Anusi et l.(1997) pplition of N inrement (0, 125, 250, or 350 kg N/h) on potto resulted in signifintly inrese in plnt height, lef hlorophyll, nd lef N nd K ontent. In ddition, pplition rte inrese of ll N-soures up to 250 N/h signifintly inresed lrge nd medium tuers yield, tuer verge weight, nd totl yield. On the other hnd, redution ws notied in tuer dry mtter nd speifi grvity due to N rte inresing. Rieiro et l.(1997) oserved signifintly inrese in potto prodution nd leves NPK ontent due to fertiliztion with the forementioned elements. Ger nd Srg (1998) mentioned tht the gretest plnt fresh weight, yield, nd tuer qulity ws mesured in potto v. Ander. fter reeiving 150 kg N/feddn. Allison et l.(2001) notied tht potssium is rrely pplied on potto t rte >210 kg/h. The element optimum rte pplition showed insignifintly effet on tuer dry mtter, wheres exeeding the K level ws osionlly reduing the dry mtter. Twfik (2001) reported tht 120 kg K/feddn showed % inrese in fresh weight of tuers nd lowered folige fresh weight of v. Spunt in sndy soil nd drp-irrigtion. In ddition, the forementioned dose gve 10-20% more tuer yield nd lrge tuers thn those reeiving 60 kg k/ feddn. Belnger et l.(2002) reported n inresing in the verge of fresh tuer weight with N level (0-25 kg/h) inrese nd deresing in tuer speifi grvity. Al-Moshileh et l.(2005) indited tht inresing potssium sulfte pplition rtes signifintly inresed plnt height, lef re, hlorophyll, speifi grvity, nd mrketle tuers yield of potto. In ddition, 300 kg N/h gve the highest mrketle tuer yield. Krm et l.(2005) oserved tht K tretments (0, 96, 192, nd 288 kg K/h) signifintly inresed four potto vrieties yield, ut ontrst responses were reported in dry mtter % due to K pplitions on the different ultivrs. Shrmil et l.(2006) otined mximum potto yield (50.3 ton/h) with N, P 2 O 5, K 2 O, nd Mg pplition t 240, 240, 240, nd 48 kg/h respetively. Yield ws signifintly higher (22.4 ton/h) y the forementioned formul thn tht of 120, 240, 120, nd 6 kg/h. This study imed to investigte the effet of different potssium nd nitrogen levels on growth nd produtivity of potto rop under Gz Strip onditions.

4 Potto Response to Potssium Mterils nd Methods This investigtion ws rried out on ertified nd utted tuers of potto (Solnum tuerosum L.) v. Spunt. Tuers were grown in Ferury of 2001 & 2002 sesons on sndy soil (Tle 1) t the Agriulturl Experimentl Sttion Frm, Fulty of Agriulture & Environment, Al-Azhr University, Beit-Hnoun, Gz Strip- Plestine. The experiment lyout ws split-plot in rndomized omplete lok design with three replitions. Potssium were lloted to the min plots, whih were splitted for nitrogen levels. The su-plot replite ontined three lines tht eh ontined 15 plnts. Dripirrigtion system of 4 l/h ws used, where plnts were grown t interrow sping 25 m nd the intr-row sping ws 70 m. The generl hortiulturl prties were pplied s reommended for the ommeril potto prodution. Fertiliztion tretments were s follows : Potssium t 0 (K0), 15 (K1), nd 25 (K2) kg of K 2 O/donum (1000 m 2 ) s potssium sulphte (48 % K 2 O), where nitrogen ws pplied t 0 (), 10 (), 20 (), nd 30 () kg of N/donum s mmonium sulphte (21% N). The fertiliztion tretments were splitted into three equl doses, whih were pplied t 30, 45, nd 60 dys post-sowing. In ddition, si dressing of 11 kg of P 2 O 5 s n ordinry super phosphte (25 % P 2 O 5 ) nd 8 m 3 /donum of ttle mnure hd een dded efore tuer sowing. Vegettive growth s plnt height nd plnt shoot fresh weight were determined fter 90 dys of plnting. Yield s g/plnt, ton/donum, tuers numer/plnt, tuers size-grdes >60, 35-60, nd < 35mm (g/plnt) were mesured t hrvesting time fter 100 dys of sowing. Tuer properties s n verge tuer weight, speifi grvity (SG) ws determined t hrvesting time ording to the eqution tht SG = (weight of tuer in ir)/[(weight in ir) (weight in wter)], nd tuer dry mtter % ws mesured y tuer drying t 70 0 C to onstnt weight. Lef nlysis (4 th mture lef from the top) ws rried out fter 75 dys of plnting s totl hlorophyll ontent ording to Holden (1965), leve petiole were dried t 70 0 C for 48 h, then digested y the onentrte H 2 SO 4, the wet-digest ws devoted for totl nitrogen determintion y miro-kjeldhl nd potssium ws mesured y flm photometer.

5 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009,11 Dt were sttistilly nlyzed ording to Steel nd Torrie (1980), where mens omprison ws rried out using Dunn's multiple rnge test. Mens followed y the sme letter/s within olumns nd rows re insignifintly different t p = Results nd Disussion Vegettive growth: The effet of potssium nd nitrogen fertiliztion on potto plnt height is presented in Tle (3). It ws ler tht plnt height signifintly inresed with nitrogen levels inresing in oth sesons,wheres ws the highest. The sme ws lso notied due to potssium pplitions, however the hnges mong the tretments were insignifintly. The intertions showed tht K1 nd K2 respetively were of the signifint longest plnts. Potto shoot fresh weight (Tle 4) lso inresed in the sme foresid trend, where the differenes etween the two higher nitrogen levels were insignifint in the first seson. Also, insignifintly differenes ws oserved mong the three higher N levels in the seond experiment, where the two higher potssium levels insignifintly inresed shoot fresh weight. However, the K2 ws the signifintly heviest plnts shoot, insignifintly hnges were oserved mong the forementioned intertion nd some of the other intertions. Nitrogen plys signifint role in the prodution of stem nd xillry rnhes (Moory nd Morris 1967). In ddition, nitrogen fertilizer inresed potto lef re, whih inreses the mount of solr rdition interepted nd onsequently inreses plnt height nd dry mtter prodution of different plnt prts (Krishnipp, 1989). The otined results were in greement with those reported y Brkt et l.(1991), Ger nd Srg (1998), nd Al-Moshileh et l.(2005). Yield: Dt presented in Tles (5, 6 nd 7) showed tht yield s g/plnt, ton/donum nd tuers numer/plnt inresed signifintly with nitrogen inresing in the two sesons. However, insignifintly hnges were notied etween, nd, the two higher N levels gve the signifintly highest yield. The two higher potssium levels were of the slight highest yield. However, most intertions

6 Potto Response to Potssium were insignifintly different, the K1 followed y K2 were the highest yield s g/plnt nd ton/donum. Also, most intertions in term of tuers numer/plnt were of insignifint hnges, where K1 nd K1 respetively were of the highest tuer numer. Nitrogen ffets potto stolons formtion y influening the iosynthesis nd tivity of phytohormons lne espeilly the level of gierelli, sissi id nd ytokinins (Kumr nd Wreing 1972, nd Amzllg et l.1992). Tuers size-grde > 60mm s g/plnt (Tle 8) inresed signifintly y nitrogen pplitions in oth sesons, where the differenes mong the three higher N levels were insignifintly. Potssium tretments insignifintly inresed the forementioned grde-size, wheres K1 nd K2 respetively were of the highest. Tuers size-grde 35-60mm (Tle 9) produed insignifintly slight inrese with nitrogen dose inresing, where K1 insignifintly ws of the slight highest inrese. Moreover, K1 nd K1 respetively were the highest tuer size without signifint differenes mong ll the intertions. The size-grde <35mm (Tle 10) produed insignifintly slight deese with K or N levels inresing. The opposite ws true for K0 nd K0 respetively tht hd the insignifint highest smll size-grde < 35mm s g/plnt. These findings found support in the work of Brkt et l.(1991), Anusi et l.(1997), Twfik (2001), Al-Moshileh (2005), Shrmil nd Snthu (2006), however Losio et l.(1992) did not find n effet on the rop yield with K rte inresing. Tuer properties: Results in Tles (11) showed insignifintly inrese in verge of tuer weight with nitrogen nd potssium inresing in oth sesons. The intertions lered tht K1 nd K2 respetively were of the heviest tuers, nd this ws lerly signifint in the seond seson. Potssium hs ruil role in the energy sttus of the plnt, trnslotion, ssimiltes storge nd mintenne of tissue wter reltion (Mshner, 1995). Moreover, potssium influenes on the rop qulity n lso e indiret s result of its positive intertion with other nutrients espeilly with N nd prodution prties (Usherwood, 1985). Tuer speifi grvity (Tle 12) generlly ws not ffeted signifintly in oth sesons y the two

7 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009,11 elements or their intertions. Tuer dry mtter % (Tle 13) produed signifintly inresing with N level inrement, however potssium tretments showed insignifintly hnges. The two elements intertions generlly were insignifintly in fvor of K0 in the first seson nd for K2 nd K0 in the seond one. The inrese in verge of tuer weight in response to the fertilizer supply inrese ould e ttriuted to more luxurint growth, more folige nd lef re nd higher supply of photosynthtes, whih my hve indued formtion of igger tuers therey resulting in higher yield (Ptrii nd Bnsl, 1999). The urrent results greed with those of Alison et l.(2001) who notied insignifintly effet on tuer dry mtter % ws due to optiml K level. Contrry results were reported y Al-Moshileh et l.(2005) tht speifi grvity inresed y K rte inresing. In ddition, the results greed with Brkt et l. (1991), Ger nd Srg (1998) nd Blenger et l.(2002) who oserved tht potto verge tuer weight nd tuer dry mtter % inresed with N inresing. Contrry results were reported y Anusi et l.(1997) who notied deresing in potto tuer dry mtter % nd speifi grvity with inresing N pplition up to 250kg N/h, where Belnger et l.(2002) reported derese in tuer speifi grvity with N inresing. Lef hemil ontent: The effet of nitrogen, potssium pplitions nd their intertions on lef totl hlorophyll ontents is illustrted in Tle (14). The pigment inresed signifintly with nitrogen level inresing, wheres followed y were the highest ontent in oth sesons. Potssium showed insignifintly effet on the totl hlorophyll ontent, where the intertions produed the highest pigment ontent y K1 nd K2 respetively. Potto lef petiole N ontent in the two sesons (Tle 15) signifintly inresed with N fertiliztion level inresing, however the differenes were insignifint etween the element two higher doses. Potssium pplitions were of insignifint effet on petiole N ontent, where the intertions K2 in the first seson nd K0 nd K1 respetively in the seond one were of the signifint highest nitrogen ontent. Insignifintly differenes were oserved etween the two forementioned intertions nd lso mong some of the other

8 Potto Response to Potssium intertions. Lef petiole K 2 O ontent (Tle 16) inresed signifintly with potssium fertiliztion dose inresing, wheres K2 tretment ws of the signifint highest ontent. Nitrogen tretments were of insignifint effet on petiole potssium ontent. The intertions were in fvor of K2 nd K2 respetively in the first seson nd this ws lso true for K2, K2 nd K2 respetively in the seond experiment. The forementioned results were in greement with Anusi et l.(1997), Rieiro et l.(1997) nd Brkt et l.(1991) on potto. Conlusion nd Reommendtion This study imed t deresing the running ost of potto prodution nd pollution with hemil fertilizers. However, the differene etween three higher N rtes were insignifintly; the higher signifintly yield nd other prmeter were hieved y 30 nd 20 kg N/donum respetively. Potssium fertiliztions signifintly inresed lef petiole K ontent. However, 15 nd 25 kg K 2 O/donum generlly were insignifintly different, pplition 25 kg K 2 O/donum slightly inresed yield nd the other prmeters were insignifintly nd positively hieved. It ould e reommended under similr onditions to use nitrogen nd potssium t 20 nd 25 kg/donum respetively. No enefits ould e hieved with nitrogen pplitions higher thn 20 kg N/donum. More studies should e foused on potssium levels, nitrogen soures, pplition time nd other nutrients.

9 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009,11 Tle (1 ): Physil & hemil properties of soil Smple CCO 3 % Snd % Cly % Silt % Texture depth Sndy 0-30 m S.P. % EC mmho/m C + Mg Cl meq/l ph N meq/l S.A.R. K meq/l NO3 meq/l mg/l Tle( 2): Well irrigtion wter hemil nlysis. NO3 K S.A.R. N PH Cl C+Mg EC S.P.% Mg/l meq/l meq/l meq/l meq/l mmho/m Tle (3): Effet of K nd N on potto plnt height (m). Tretment Men d d K d K d d K Men Men Tle (4): Effet of K nd N on potto plnt shoot fresh weight (g/plnt). Tretment Men Men d d d d K d d K d d K Men

10 Potto Response to Potssium Tle (5):Effet of K nd N on potto yield (g/plnt). Tretment Men K K K Men Tle(6): Effet of K nd N on yield (ton/donum). Tretment Men A K A K A K Men Men Men Tle (7): Effet of K nd N on potto tuers numer/plnt. Tretment Men K K K Men Men

11 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009,11 Tle (8): Efet of K nd N on potto tuers size-grde >60 (g/plnt). Tretment Men Men A K A K A K Men Tle (9): Effet of K nd N on potto tuers size-grde 35-60mm (g/plnt). Tretment K0 K1 K2 Men Men Tle (10): Effet of K nd N on potto tuers size-grde <35mm (g/plnt). Tretment K0 K1 K2 Men Men Men Men

12 Potto Response to Potssium Tle (11): Effet of K nd N on verge weight of potto tuer (g/tuer). Tretment K0 K1 K2 Men Men Men Tle(12):Effet of K nd N on potto tuer speifi grvity (g/m 3 ). Tretment Men Men K K K Men Tle (13): Effet of K nd N on potto tuer dry mtter %. Tretment K K K B Men Men Men

13 Journl of Al Azhr University-Gz (Nturl Sienes), 2009,11 Tle (14): Effet of K nd N on potto lef hlorophyll ontent (mg/100 g fresh wt). Tretment K0 K1 K2 Men A 105 B 101 B 103 B Men Tle (15):Effet of K nd N on potto lef petiol totl nitrogen %. Tretment K0 K1 K2 Men Men Men Men Tle (16):Effet of K nd N on potto potssium %. Tretment Men d d d K K K Men d Men

14 Potto Response to Potssium Aknowledgement The uthor would like to thnk Luxemourg Government for funding this reserh, nd is lso grteful to the Frm Mnger, Mr. Jmil Ismil nd the stff memers of the Agriulture Fulty & Environment nd Frm Stff in Beit-Hnoun, Al-Azhr University Gz Stripe. Referenes 1. Allison, M.F., J.H. Flowler nd E.J. Allen, Response of Potto (Solnum tuerosum. L) to Potssium Fertilizers. The Journl of Agriulturl Sienes, 2001, 136: Al-Moshileh, A.M., M.A. Errhi nd M.I. Motwei. Effet of Vrious Potssium nd Nitrogen Rtes nd Splitting Methods on Potto under Sndy nd Arid Environment Conditions. Emir. J. Ari. Si, 2005, 17(1): Amzllg, GN, HR. Herner, A. Poljkott-Myer. Intertion etween Minerl Nutrients, Cytokinin nd Gierelli Aid during Growth of Sorghum t high NCl Slinity. J. Exp. Bot., 1992, 43: Anousi, O.A.N, B.I. Httr nd M.A. Suwwn. Effet of Rte nd Soure of Nitrogen on Growth, Yield nd Qulity of Potto (Solnum tuerosum. L) under Jordn Vlley Conditions. Dirst- Agriulture-Siene, 1997, 24(2): Brkt M.A.S., A.H. Adel-Rzik nd S.M. El-Ary, Studies on the Response of Growth, Yield nd Tuer Qulity to Soures nd levels of Nitrogen. Alex. Agri. Res., 1991, 36(2): Belnger, G. R., J.R. Wlsh, J.E. Rihrds, P.H. Milurn, nd N. Zidi. Nitrogen Fertiliztion nd Irrigtion Affets Tuer Chrteristis of Potto Cultivrs. Amerin journl of Potto Reserh, 2002, 79(4): Gr, S.M nd S.M. Srg, Response of Some New Potto Cultivrs Grown in Sndy Soil to Different Nitrogen Levels. Alexndri Journl of Agriulturl Reserh, 1998, 43:

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16 Potto Response to Potssium 19. Twfik, A.A. Potssium nd Clium Nutrition Improves Potto Prodution in Drip-irrigtion Sndy Soil. Afrin Crop Siene Journl, 2001, 9(1): Usherwood, N. R. The Role of Potssium in Crop Qulity. In: Potssium in Agriulture (Ed: R.S. Munson). ASA-CSSA, Mdison, WI., 1985, pp