National Hay Agronomy

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1 National Hay Agronomy Georgie Troup Project Leader DPIRD WA #nationalhayagronomy

2 South Australia Courtney Peirce Research officer. Specialist in cereal production agronomy. Kenton Porker - Research agronomist. Leader in cereal production agronomy, delivering national initiatives in SA.

3 New South Wales + Victoria Peter Matthews Technical Specialist Grain Services Specialises in cereal crop agronomy in Southern NSW. Mark McLean - Cereal Plant Pathologist. Specialist in integrated disease management.

4 Western Australia Georgie Troup Research agronomist. Project leader & Blakely Paynter Geoff Thomas - Research pathologist. Leading the export fodder pathology component.

5 The gaps; 1. Hay variety responses to nutrition and plant density 2. Effect of time of sowing on hay quality 3. Impact of diseases on hay quality and yield 4. Optimum timing of disease management intervention and the impact on return ($/ha)

6 Trial locations Support existing export fodder producers to improve quality and consistency in inconsistent seasons. Flow on effects to new producers/new growing regions. Investment in research area = consistent with production of export fodder

7 Research Reference Group A group to support, evaluate and assist in determining research, development and extension priorities. Members include; Export Fodder Advisory Panel x2, Agrifutures x1, private agronomists x2.

8 Pathology Agronomy

9 Surveys / monitoring of oaten hay crops for the presence, severity and ID of disease. What are the dominant diseases associated with foliar symptoms How much necrotic or leaf damage response caused by fungal disease or other biotic (eg bacterial blight, virus) or abiotic (eg. nutrition, wind) factors Factors (eg. environment, variety) impacting disease development Presence of red leather leaf in WA? Understanding the $ impact

10 Disease management Field trials and field surveillance program identifying cause and impact of disease (including Red Leather Leaf, Septoria and Rust) The team has significant experience delivering complex integrated disease management experiments in cereal crops, and extensive experience and understanding of the biology of cereal diseases which will be applied to this program.

11 Strategies for pathogen management Disease impact on hay yield and quality Evaluating the efficacy of a range of fungicide products and timings on controlling septoria, red leather leaf and leaf rust. In-crop management impact on post-cut weather damage How in-crop management impacts this?

12 Supporting growers with recommendations on; Variety selection, Optimum seeding date, Agronomic guidelines for oaten hay, that maximises quality and yield Nutrition recommendations to produce high quality export oaten hay. Ability to investigate regionally specific agronomic issues

13 Plant growth regulators (PGRs) Identifying role of PGRs in quality export fodder production. Target environment is areas of moderate fodder production (~8t/ha) where lodging may be a seasonal issue, or where PGRs can be used to extend season length. Investigate the effect of PGRs on hay quality, and return $/ha. Photo: Effect of Moddus (1/2 label rate) on Williams oats at Narrogin, Trent Butcher, ConsultAg (L) and Georgie Troup, DPIRD (R).

14 National Oat Breeding Program Know who your local researcher is Share your experience with them Ask us questions Stay in touch Agronomy project Grower Exporter

15 Thank you for your investment and trust in us.

16 OBJECTIV E Australian export fodder growers achieve optimal quality and production. OUTCOME S Industry will have agronomic guidelines for oaten hay, that maximises quality and yield Industry will have recommendations on the suitability and use of PGRs in oaten hay production Industry is better equipped to manage fungal diseases in oaten hay crops. Project reports to Agrifutures, including trial reports Communications strategy implemented (e.g. presentations (28), guidelines published online annually) Hay variety sowing guidelines Situation report on PGR role in export fodder industry Disease management information published (guidelines and fact sheets) OUTPUTS Field trials (17) investigating optimal seeding date, nutrition and variety specific agronomy requirements Field trials (4) building on screening trial results Screening trial (1) investigating variety sensitivity and effect of PGR Field trials (18) investigating management of RLL, Septoria and Rust Field surveillance program identifying disease impact (VIC & WA) RD&E Plans for agronomy and pathology developed and discussed with RRG (including pathology literature review) Export fodder research (2.05FTE) and technical (0.75FTE) capacity increased in WA, SA, NSW and VIC Establish research reference group (RRG)