Chickpea is the world s 2 nd most important grain legume and critical to food security in much of the developing world

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1 Chickpea is the world s 2 nd most important grain legume and critical to food security in much of the developing world Legumes supply ~30% of humankind s nutritional nitrogen Essential to food security N 2 A key source of humankind s protein nitrogen - NO NH 4 6 C-N

2 Chickpea is the world s 2 nd most important grain legume and critical to food security in much of the developing world Stagnant yields Susceptible to pathogens, pests and abiotic stress Drought Heat Pests and Disease Nitrogen fixation Nutrition Soil adaptation Domestication 11

3 India and Pakistan are the largest producers and importers of chickpea, but incountry yields less than ~50% of those achieved in western agriculture. country Area (Ha) Production Yield (Kg/Ha) harvested (tons) India 9,600,000 8,832, Australia 573, ,300 1,418 Pakistan 992, , Turkey 423, ,000 1,195 Myanmar 335, ,000 1,463 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 550, , Ethiopia 122, ,465 2,041 Mexico 115, ,941 1,817 Canada 72, ,400 2,353 United States of America 86, ,351 1,820 Top 10 countries account for 95% of world production

4 Back to the wilds harness the genetic diversity of chickpea s wild progenitor Extracting wild adaptations for Tolerance to climatic extremes Nitrogen fixation Disease resistance The microbiome Soil type adaptation Seed nutrient density Genome sequencing reveals a massive (~95%) loss of variation through domestication and modern breeding

5 Harnessing natural diversity for agricultural innovation Wilds of Mesopotamia Agricultural fields in developing and developed world ten thousand years; 100X increase in available genetic diversity

6 "F4" e1" "F2" "0" ""2" Ca,"P,"Lutein,"Phenolics," Flavonoids,"Phy;c"Acid" E" e2" ""4" ""6" 10" Gunas_062"" Tanin" Sirna_060"" F3" "F6" 2.5" S2Drd_065" K,"N" F2" βfcarotene" Bari1_092"" F1" Savur_063" F0" 2" Derei_070"" "1" Source"site"aridity" Besev_079"" 0.4" Bari2_072n2"" D" Sarik_067"" "2" 0.5" Kalka_064"" "3" C.#echinospermum# C.#re/culatum# # 1.5" Bari3_106D"" Zn,Fe" "4" 1" Egill_073"" C" 0" Bari3_100" Frac;on"of"Transpirable"Soil"Water" Oyali_084"" 1" 0.9" 0.8" 0.7" 0.6" 0.5" 0.4" 0.3" 0.2" 0.1" 0" CudiA_152"" 0" Egill_065"" 0.2" CudiB_022C"" 0.4" Kesen_075"" 0.6" ICC3137" Savur_063" Bari3_100" ICCV"95334"" Kayat_077"" ICC506EB"" Cermi_075"" IG"72953"" Bari1_092"" Bari3_072c"" Kesen_075"" Sarik_067"" S2Drd_065" Besev_079"" Egill_073"" Deste_080"" CudiB_022C"" Derei_072"" Oyali_084"" CudiA_152"" Bari2_072n2"" Bari3_106D"" Besev_075"" Derei_070"" Kalka_064"" Egill_065"" Ortan_066"" Gunas_062"" Karab_092"" Sirna_060"" 0.8" Derei_072"" 1" 100"seed"weight"(gm)"" 1.2" NTR"Inflec;on"Point" 1.4" Host"Suitability"Index"(HSI)"" Normalized"TR" A" B" 0.6" y"="f0.1788x"+"0.6491" R²"=" " 0.3" 0.2" 0.1" 3" F" 30" 25" 20" 15"

7 Traits Genes Crops in farmers fields

8 Partnerships United States, Ethiopia, United India, States, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, India Australia, Argentina, Canada, Lebanon, Morocco, Russia, United Kingdom 12 countries and 29 institutions Abiotic stress, Biotic stress, Nitrogen fixation, Nutrition, Agronomic traits

9 Agenda and Objectives Scientific Sessions Tuesday through Wednesday 10 am Poster Sessions Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Parallel Planning Sessions Wednesday 10 am 1 pm Thursday 8:30 am 12 noon Field Tour 2:30-4:30 pm

10 Parallel Planning Sessions (1) Integrating genomics, phenotyping and genetics: knowledge-driven breeding. (2) Harnessing chickpea s microbes, nitrogen fixation and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. (3) Designing and developing chickpea ideotypes for harsh climatic conditions. (4) Making genomic, genetic and phenotypic data accessible to breeders and other chickpea colleagues: analyzed data, databases, web access and views. (5) Designing and developing disease and pest resistant chickpea cultivars.

11 30 minutes, Brief panel statements 2 hrs, Open discussion 30 minutes, Wrap up and development of summary points Identify and prioritize desired practical outcomes for chickpea, especially new cultivars and biological inoculants, and to enumerate the ingredients (research, breeding, partnerships, etc) necessary to achieve those outcomes. We request that the discussions focus on activities and outcomes divided into three time horizons: 2 years, 5 years and 10 years.