Bibliography. Biko, B. I Write What I Like. Edited by Aelred Stubbs, University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

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1 Bibliography Biko, B. I Write What I Like. Edited by Aelred Stubbs, University of Chicago Press: Chicago. Borras, S Questioning Market-Led Agrarian Reform: Experiences from Brazil,Columbia and South Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol 3.(3): Bundy, C The Rise and fall of the South African Peasantry: D Phillip. Cape Town. Bernstein, A Growth and development in South Africa s heartland: Silence, Exit and Voice in the Free State. Centre for Development and Enterprise: Johannesburg. Centre for Development and Enterprise Land Reform in South Africa: A 21 st Century Perspective. Johannesburg. Cousins B Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa into the 21 st : Programme for Land and Agrarian studies PLAA, University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. Cousins B Not Rural Development, but Agrarian Reform, Beyond the Neo-Liberal Agenda. Programme for Land and Agrarian studies (PLAAS) University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. Dalton, J.H. (2001). Community Psychology: Linking individuals and communities. Australia: Wadsworth/ Thompson Learning. De Vaus, D.A Surveys in social research. London: G Allen and Unwin Publisher. 93

2 De Vaus. D (2001). Research Design in Social Research, London: Sage Publication. Du Toit, The End of Restitution: Getting Real about Land Claims. Cape Town: Pragramme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape. Escobar E The Making and Unmaking of the Third World through Development, In The Post Development Era Edited by Majid Rahnema with Victoria Bawtree. London: Zed Books. Fanon, F Black Skin, White Mask. New York: Grove Weidenfeld. Greenberg, S Political Stabilisation and Market Extension: Restructuring of Agriculture and its impact on food Security, Development Update Vol, No 2. Greenstein, R Research methods training manual: (Unpublished) Hall, R Design for Equity: Linking Policy with Objectives in South Africa s Land Reform. Review of African Political Economy 77: Hall, R Evaluating Land Reform and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: Farm Tenure: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. Hall, R A Political Economy of Land Reform in South Africa Review of African Political Economy, Volume 31, Number 100.p Hall, R and Williams, G Land Reform: The South African Case, in from Cape to Congo, Southern Africa s Evolving Security Challenges, edited by M. Baregu and C. Landsberg. Lynne Rienner. London. 94

3 Hendricks, F Land Policies and Democracy in South Africa.: Oxford University Press. Cape Town. Hendricks. F Does the South African Constitution Legitimise Colonial Alienation? Department of Sociology Rhodes University, Grahamstown. Ibsen, H and Turner, S Land and Agrarian reform in South Africa: A status Report. Cape Town: University of Western Cape, Programme for Land and Agrarian Reform. Jacobs, P. Lahiff, E, and Hall, R Land Redistribution: Programme for Land and Agricultural Studies, University of Western Cape. Cape Town. Jacobs, P Support for Agricultural Development: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. Kariuki, S Can Negotiated Land Reform Deliver? The Case of Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe: in South African Journal of International Affairs. Vol 11 (2): Kariuki, S The Politics of Land Reform Policy in Post Independent Kenya and Post Apartheid South Africa: Australian Journal of Development Studies. Kariuki, S Creating The Black Commercial Farmers in South Africa. ASC Working Paper 56: African Studies Centre: Leiden. Kleinig, J Paternalism: Rowman and Allanheld Publisher, New Jersey. Lahiff, E Land Reform in South Africa: Is it meeting the Challenge? Policy Brief: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, South Africa. 95

4 Lahiff, E. and Cousins, B The Prospects of Small Shareholder Agricultural Production in South Africa. The African Communist Journal of the South African Communist Party.2 nd and 3 rd Quarter: Lahiff, E From willing seller, willing buyer to a people-driven land reform, Cape Town Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies: University of Western Cape. Leo, C The Failure of the Progressive Farmer in Kenya s Million Acre Settlement, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol 4, pp Letsoalo, M Land Reform in South Africa: A Black Perspective. Johannesburg: Skotaville. Levin, R, and Weiner, D From Apartheid to Development: Africa World Press, Trenton. Levin, R, and Neo-cosmos, M The Agrarian Question and Class Contradictions in South Africa; Some Theoretical issues for consideration, the Journal of African Perspective Volume 1 Nos.5 and 6. Locke, J The two Treaties of Government. Cambridge University Press: Sydney. Machethe C.L Smallholder Irrigation and Agricultural Development in the Olifants River Basin of Limpopo Province: Management Transfer, Productivity, Profitability and Food Security issues. Pretoria: Water Research Commission. McIntosh, A and Vaughan, A Experience of Agrarian Reform in South Africa: the Limits of Intervention : Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of Western Cape. Cape Town. 96

5 Mamdani, M Citizens and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Colonialism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Mather, C South African Agriculture and Livelihoods in the Era of Liberalisation : Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of Western Cape. Cape Town. Mather, C Land Reform and Agriculture, Hamisphere: Ashgate. Mbeki, G The Peasant Revolt: Peter Smith. London. Ntsebeza, L Slow delivery in South Africa s land reform. University of Kwazulu Natal: Durban. Robinson, C Real World Research: Black well. New York. Schirmer, S Policy Visions and Historical Realities: Land Reform in the Context of Recent Agricultural Development. African Studies (59) (1). South African Ministry of Agriculture Intergovernmental fiscal review. Pretoria: Department of Agriculture. South African Department of Land Affairs Implementation Manual for Provincial Land Reform. Pretoria: Department of Land Affairs. South African Department of Land Affairs White Paper on South African Land Reform Policy. Pretoria: Government Printer. South African Ministry of Agriculture The White Paper on Agriculture. Pretoria: Government Printer. 97

6 South African Ministry of Agriculture Progress on the Implementation of the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP). Pretoria: Government Printer. South African Ministry of Agriculture Agri-BEE, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Framework for Agriculture. Pretoria: Government Printer. South African Ministry of Trade and Industry Draft comment Principles and Definition of Broad Based BEE. Stiglitz, J People respond to incentives. New York: Cambridge University Press. Taylor, D Participating in Development, Paper presented at the ASA Conference 2000: School of Oriental and African Studies, London 2 nd -5 th April. Thwala, J Background of Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa: National Land Committee. Tilley, S An Examination of Market-assisted Agrarian Reform in South Africa: International Labour Resource and Information Group (ILRIG). Umhlaba Wethu A quarterly bulletin tracking land reform in South Africa. Issue no 4. PLAAS: University of Western Cape. Vink, N Deregulation of Agricultural Market in South Africa: Free Market Foundation. Sandton. Walker, C Piety in the Sky, Gender Policy and Land Reform in South Africa: Journal of Agrarian Change. Vol.3 (1,2), Wegeriff, M A critical appraisal of South Africa s Market-based Land Reform Policy: The Case of Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development (LRAD). 98

7 Programme in Limpopo. Research Report 19: Cape Town: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape. Wildschut, A. and Hulbert, S A Seed Not Sown: Prospects for Agrarian Reform in South Africa. Report prepared by the International Fundraising Consortium (Interfund): Unpublished report, Johannesburg. Internet Sources (1)Sama Yende, S Land Reform a Dismal Failure. (2) Kgosana, S BEE in South Africa and its Influence on Agriculture. Additional sources The Calcom Business Plan Last updated on the 25 th of September