Estimation of methane and its variation across different breeds of cattle predicted from milk fatty acids

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1 Estimation of methane and its variation across different breeds of cattle predicted from milk fatty acids P. B. Kandel 1 2,, H. Soyeurt 1,3, N. Gengler 1,3 1 Animal Science Unit, Universityof Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GxABT), Gembloux, Belgium 2 ITN-Marie Curie GreenHouseMilkProject 3 National Fundfor Scientific Research(FNRS), Brussels, Belgium GreenHouseMilk mid term review, December 2011 Paris France

2 Timeline Undergraduate- Veterinary Science Tribhuvan University MSc Animal Science -specialization Animal Breeding and Genetics Wageningen University, the Netherlands Worked as Livestock Development Officer for Department of Livestock Services, Nepal and

3 Expectation from Group- GreenHouseMilkProject Scientific course on computer programming Soft skills training Writing scientific papers Observation of different livestock (dairy) production system in partner countries

4 PhD thesis Elucidate the relationships that may exist between milk fatty acids and environmental impact traits

5 Methane Prediction through milk FA composition The fermentation of feed in rumen is essentially a digestion process of ruminants and methane is produced Large number of FA are synthesized, degraded in rumen in this process These FA are absorbed in blood; some are secreted directly to milk and others de novo synthesis in mammary gland Therefore; there should be link between milk fatty acids and CH4 production prediction equation (Chiliard et al.,2000 &2009; Moss et al., 2000; Dijkstra et al., 2011 )

6 Methane Prediction Equations Prediction Equation R 2 Reference Methane x (C8:0 to C16:0) Chilliardet al., 2009 g/day Chilliardet al., Methane x C18: g/day Chilliardet al., Methane3 282 x C8: g/day Chilliardet al., Methane xc16: g/day Dijkstraet al., Methane x C17:0 anteiso g/kg DM, x trans C18: x 17.7 kg DM/day C18:1 cis x C18:1 cis-13

7 MIR Prediction of CH 4 Milk fatty acids can be predicted by Mid- Infrared (MIR) spectrometry (FP7 RobustMilk) Soyeurt et al., Journal of Dairy Science 2011 Development of MIR equations to predict CH 4 based on equations published in the literature Calibration dataset used in the RobustMilk project Gas chromatographic data from Ireland, Scotland and Walloon Region of Belgium

8 MIR Prediction of CH 4 Indicators Prediction equations for CH4 based on Walloon data Indicator N Mean SD R 2 cv Methane Methane Methane Methane Methane R²cv = cross-validation coefficient of determination The same work will be done in the next weeks based on all available RobustMilk data

9 The principal components Tristantet al., (submitted) categorized milk FA through PCA into two principal component (17340 test day solutions from initial records of 209,709 Holstein first lactation cow) The PC1: related to Methanogenesis and ve of it is Environmental friendly The PC2: constitutes polyunsaturated FA owing to better nutrition to human health The mpc: mean of PC1 and PC2 (equal weightage given to both PCs) mpc16ala: Linear combination of C16 with ALA; indicator similar characteristics to the mpc (Pierre Weill-personal communication) Proportion PC1 PC Eigenvectors C C C C C C C14_1c C C16_1c C C C18_1c C18_2c9c C18_3c9c12c C18_2c9t

10 Objectives of this first work 1. Study of the variation of these 8 methane indicator traits and PC2 predicted by MIR across breeds, DIM and lactation number 2. Estimation of genetic parameters for Dual Purpose Belgian Blue cattle - heritability and genetic correlations 3. Appreciation of the genetic variability (EBV) for the Dual Purpose Belgian Blue cattle

11 Originality MIR predictions of methane indicator traits Easy to implement in practice Do not use ratio big bias Low cost Large MIR dataset: more than 1,800,000 records collected partly through the RobustMilkproject

12 Original Dataset Breed Records Milk (kg/day) Fat percent (g/dl of milk) Protein percent (g/dl of milk) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD DP Belgian Blue 16, Holstein 963, Jersey Red and White 1, Normande 14, Montbeliarde 4, MIR spectral were collected from the Walloon Region of Belgium between Jan to Oct Correction for outliers (data with mean ± 3*SD were deleted)

13 Observed correlations PC1 PC2 mpc mpc16ala methane1 methane2 methane3 methane4 methane5 PC1 1 PC mpc mpc16ala methane methane methane methane methane

14 Comparison of PC1, PC2, mpc and mc16ala across breeds Environmental friendly

15 Estimated methane production by different breeds of Cattle Methane Emissions Holstein Jersey Hol Jersey F1 g/day g/kg milk solids SF6 technique (Deighton et. al.2011)

16 Change in PCs with respect to DIM

17 Predicted Methane on DIM

18 PCs on Lactation Numbers

19 Methane prediction on lactation numbers It has important implication; we can predict lifetime methane emission only from few lactations

20 Genetic Parameters for Dual Purpose Belgian Blue

21 Single trait test-day model Milk (kg/day) Fat percent (g/dl of milk) Protein percent (g/dl of milk) Records Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD All Lactation 16, Lactation 1 5, Lactation 2 3, Lactation 3 2, y=xβ+q(zp+zu)+e y: separate 9 traits β: fixed effects -HTD, DIM (24 classes) and age at calving (3 classes) p: random permanent environmental effects u: additive genetic effects e: random residual effect Q:Coefficients of 2 nd order Legendre polynomials X and Z: Incidence matrices Variance components were calculated by REML

22 Heritabilities estimates of indicator traits 1. daily heritabilities

23 2. Lactation heritabilities Heritability for Predicted Methane Production was 0.12 in Holstein cow (Cassandro et al., 2010) Sheep 0.30 ± 0.26 (respiration chambers)- Pinares-Patino et al., 2011; 0.13 (Robinson et al., 2010)

24 Approximate Genetic Correlations Lactation 1 Indicator PC1 PC2 mpc mpc16ala Methane1 Methane2 Methane3 Methane4 Methane5 PC1 1 PC mpc mpc16ala Methane Methane Approximate genetic correlations were similar to 2 nd and 3 rd Lactation Methane Methane Methane

25 Range of EBV for sires which have daughters with CH 4 indicator data N Lactation 1 (127 bulls) Lactation 2 (112 bulls) Lactation 3 (97 bulls) Indicator SD Range Range/SD SD Range Range/SD SD Range Range/SD PC mpc mpc16ala Methane1* methane2* Methane3* Methane4* methane5^ Methane1-4 g/lactation; methane5 g/kg DM intake Appreciable genetic difference was observed for e. g. Methane1, g (11 kg) per lactation

26 Range of EBV for Dams which have daughters with CH 4 indicator data N Lactation 1 (1301 cows) Lactation 2 (880 cows) Lactation 3 (581 cows) Indicator SD Range Range/SD SD Range Range/SD SD Range Range/SD PC mpc mpc16ala Methane1* methane2* Methane3* Methane4* methane5^ Methane1-4 g/lactation; methane5 g/kg DM intake Appreciable genetic difference was observed for e. g. Methane1, g (15 kg) per lactation

27 Conclusions Possible predictions of CH 4 indicators by MIR All CH 4 indicators followed the similar pattern. The results suggested that there are differences on CH 4 production following the breeds, the lactation numbers and the DIMs Preliminary heritability estimates were low to moderate. The genetic variability of CH 4 production seems to exist

28 Collaborations Comité du Lait, Battice, Belgium Walloon Breeding Association, Ciney, Belgium Walloon Agriculture Research Center, Gembloux Teagsac, Ireland SAC, Scotland Potentially all GHM partners

29 PhD Objectives 1. Estimate the genetic parameters 1. different breeds 2. different units to express the methane emission 3. Different methodologies (e.g., multiple traits models) 2. Develop methane equation 1. Training at Teagasc Moorepark during 4 months 2. Collaboration with a Walloon local project MethaMilk 3. Study the relationships between methane production and economic traits currently used in animal selection

30 Training and Mobility Training/Mobility Date Institution ECTS TEAGSAC, Ireland 02/04/12-03/08/12 Training on infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics 27/02/12-02/03/12 CRAW- Belgium 4 Dairy cow lactations, profiles, nutrient allocation and energy balances 05/12/11-09/12/11 Aarhus Uni, Denmark 4 Estimation of methane and its variation across different breeds of cattle predicted from milk fatty acids 02/12/11 Paris Nutrition and fat metabolism in dairy cattle 17/11/11 Wagenignen, the Netherlands Training for users of computing devices and mass storage 29/09/11-15/12/11 UCL, Belgium French Language Course 20/09/11-23/02/12 Alpha, Gembloux 0.3

31 Priority 1 Future Work in private industry or breeding associations to provide consultation to target farmers for reduction of environmental footprint; for example Cadbury, Mars, Nestle or others Priority 2 Work in vulnerable countries where livestock-environment interactions are not properly looked; where farmer think the emission is natural from beginning of livestock farming Priority 3 As all student think, go to postdoc or researcher as lifelong obligation

32 Acknowledgement This research received financial support from the European Commission, GreenHouseMilk project. This presentation does not necessarily reflect the view of these institutions and in no way anticipates the Commission s future policy in this area. The researcher is ITN-Marie Curie Early Stage researcher in GreenHouseMilk Project in GxABT, ULg.

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