Humidtropics. New opportunities for improved livelihoods in a sustainable environment. Scaling Horticulture & IPM Technologies

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1 Humidtropics New opportunities for improved livelihoods in a sustainable environment FEED THE FUTURE COLLABORATIVE RES INNOVATION LABS Scaling Horticulture & IPM Technologies

2 Global Development Challenges Hunger and Poverty Malnutrition and disease Environmental degradation Climate change

3 The CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) 15 CRPs 3 Systems CRPs 1 Humidtropics

4 The humid tropics - Includes moist savannas 3 billion hectares of land 2.9 billion people High proportion of poor smallholder farmers

5 High potential

6 ecological / human potential GAP productivity / livelihood standards

7 ecological / human potential productivity / livelihood standards

8 Unlocking the Potential - Humidtropics as Key Integrated systems approach People Partnerships Policies / Politics Production systems Productivity and stability Including loss and wastage Sustainable Intensification Sustainable diversification (resilience, stability, productivity)

9 Flagship Projects IDOs SOs Tier 1 Tier 2 Programmatic Framework Provide opportunities for improved livelihoods in a sustainable environment for smallholders in the humid tropics Livelihoods Improvement Sustainable Intensification Women & Youth Empowerment Systems Innovation Income Nutrition Productivity Environment Gender Innovation West Africa humid lowlands East and Central Africa humid highlands Central Mekong Central America and Caribbean Cross-cutting Themes West Africa Moist Savanna Southern Africa Moist Savanna Northern Andes Transect Indonesian Humid Lowlands

10 SRTs in Action Areas Systems Analysis and Synthesis Action Areas (Tier 1) W. Africa Humid Lowlands Integrated Systems Improvement Markets Productivity NRM Scaling and Institutional Innovations ECA Highlands C. America and Caribbean Central Mekong

11 Building on and Strengthening Existing Initiatives Consortium for Improving Agriculturebased Livelihoods in C. Africa (CIALCA) Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA-CP) Led by FARA Africa Rising A USAID-supported project Sustainable Tree Crops Project

12 What are R4D platforms? Farmers Researchers NGOs, local government Policymakers IP Practice Brief 01

13 R4D Platforms for Research and Scaling Process 1. Baseline Situation Analysis entry points for research 2. Systems interventions through R4D platforms and participatory research processes, 3. Pathways to adoptability and impacts, 4. Scaling: Direct growth (links with extension; multiplication of sites, etc.) Inward looking (build on existing initiatives bring them in ) Outward looking (Link to partner development programs) 5. Produce Global Synthesis on key outcomes as International Global Products.

14 System innovation trajectories

15 Innovation and Change

16 Central Mekong East and Central African humid highlands Flagship Projects Central America and Caribbean West African humid lowlands

17 Rwanda East-DR Congo Food security and cash crops Agricultural components Banana Beans Cassava Maize Coffee Natural resource status Livestock

18 Entry point: Niches for multi-purpose legumes Calliandra Banana bush hedgerows bean intercropping Banana climbing bean intercropping Innovative maizesoybean intercropping Calliandra hedgerows for fodder and erosion control Innovative cassava-bean intercropping

19 Prov. Min. of Agric., Sud-Kivu, DR Congo Socio-technical regime Diversity services, policy, markets, etc Market functions Service delivery DR Congo Kenya Policy environment Website of MoA Rwanda Coffee-banana system

20 Attempts to control banana pathogens == with limited success. Chemical control not sustainable mechanical control is laborious. BBTV: Banana bunchy top virus BXW: Banana Xanthomonas Wilt high yielding banana hybrids for resistance to diseases and pests, yield increase and sensory qualities.

21 Three key elements Developing healthy planting material macro-propagation and false decapitation technologies for production of healthy planting material Partnership in technology evaluation and outscaling Research, development, policy makers, private sector, Development partners, Farmers Building capacity of extension workers and farmers - Training of trainers workshops.

22 Existing partnerships Partners: Farmer organizations, local and international NGOs, NARS, CGIAR, policy, private sector, donors, etc Model: R4D platforms on specific themes Themes: Banana/legume systems, sustainable intensification, market access, nutrition SSA-CP Partners: Farmer organizations, local NGOs, NARS, CGIAR, policy, private sector, etc Model: Innovation platforms on priority value chains Themes: Various value chains (banana, beans, milk, potato..) Partners: Farmer organizations, NARS, CGIAR, private sector, agro-dealers, etc Model: Development platforms on specific themes Themes: Soybean value chains, striga elimination, maize marketing

23 Entry points for system improvement Action Area meeting, Bukavu, May 2013

24 Collaborations and partnerships CGIAR Centers IITA, ICRAF, ILRI, CIAT, Bioversity, CIP, IWMI Non-CGIAR partners AVRDC, Wageningen University, icipe, FARA Advanced Research Institutes Cirad, CSIRO, SLU (Innovation Labs???) National research institutions Development organizations Farmer organizations Funding from W1&2: 65% to CGIAR partners, 35% to non-cgiar partners

25 West Africa Action Area Launching

26 Action Site Launching, Oshogbo

27 Conclusion CGIAR and Innovation Labs Linkage with CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) High potential for scaling out and outcomes generation Possible joint workshop: CRPs and Innovation Labs Linkage with Humidtropics: Strategic Partnerships with relevant Innovation Labs Co-engagement principle R4D Platform engagement of Innovation Labs Humidtropics engagement in Innv. Lab process