Alternate wetting and dry in Rice Cultivation

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1 Alternate wetting and dry in Rice Cultivation AP SERIES Adaptation through Innovation

2 Rice i one of the mot important taple food for more than half of the world population. Mot of the world rice grow under lowland in puddle oil under permanently flooded condition. Such practice in the earlier day wa made epecially to control weed in the lowland. Among the total developed water in the world, 80% of it going for irrigation purpoe in which around 40% of the water ued only to grow rice. Where a in cae of Aian countrie rice growing alone exhaut 50% of total water ued for irrigation. By 2020, it i required to produce an additional amount of 50 to 80million ton of paddy to feed the growing population which i equivalent to an additional amount of 125 to 200 Km3 of freh water for irrigation. India alone ha to produce 130 million ton by 2030 to meet the growing food demand. Hence, there i a need for the development of efficient rice cultivation method that ue relatively leer water than traditional practice while at the ame time utaining rice production to meet the ever-increaing national food demand. The traditional paddy practice often lead to loe of water via urface run-off, eepage and percolation that account for percent of total water input. The water loing through evapotranpiration i only ueful for crop growth. Recent tudie indicated that rice agriculture i a big ource of atmopheric methane, poibly the bigget of man-made methane ource. The warm, waterlogged oil of rice paddie provide ideal condition for methanogenei, and though ome of the methane produced i uually oxidized by methanotroph in the hallow overlying water, the vat majority i releaed into the atmophere. CH4 C (Methane)average emiion from and rice field SOURCE: IRRI With the growing demand for food production, decreaing trend in water reource availability, the traditional paddy cultivation will face tremendou difficultie in near future. On the other hand growing demand from dometic and indutrial water need will lead to conflict among the water uer and farmer. By 2025, about 15 to 20 million hectare of irrigated rice field will uffer ome degree of water carcity a a reult of climate change and competing water ue (Richard and Sander, 2014), which require rethinking of the current management practice of rice. How much water do people ue? Litre of water Daily drinking water 2-5 litre of water Daily houehold ue litre of water 1 kg of Rice litre of water input to the field Country/ite Unit Reference India (Tamil Nadu) mg C/m2/d Lakhmanan et al. (2014) India (Punjab) mg C/m2/d Sidhu & Benbi (2011) Indoneia (Central Java) mg C/m2/d Hidayah et al. (2008) Average Water uage among different ector in Andhra Pradeh and Telangana The total water reource (urface and ground water) of Andhra Pradeh are etimated to be 108,200 million cubic metre (MCM) (100 per cent) of which about 65,169 MCM (60 per cent) wa utilized (CWC 2005). Irrigation ue 64,252 MCM (98.66 per cent), drinking ue 601 MCM (0.9 per cent), indutry ue 288 MCM (0.4 per cent) and power generation ue 28 MCM (0.04 per cent). By 2025, total water requirement for drinking water, indutrial and power generation purpoe i etimated to reach 3,468 MCM; 1,445 MCM; and 56 MCM, repectively. The etimated irrigation water requirement i reaching 108,050 MCM. Thi would mean a total water reource requirement of 113,019 MCM, which i approximately 4,819 MCM, more than preently available water reource in the tate. 1

3 Preent Water Ue and Future Need in Andhra Pradeh and Telangana S. No. Water uer Preent utilization (2001) MCM % to total Irrigation 64, Drinking water Indutrie Power generation ,169 Needed by 2025 MCM 108,050 3,468 1, ,091 % to total % increae Source: CWC, 2005 andhra pradeh and Telangana together ha a water availability of 1,544 m3 per capita per annum(2011). By 2020, with a projected increae in the population to 90 million, water availability per capita per annum will reduce to 1,150 m3, bringing the tate cloer to the everely carce category. To utain further economic growth and development in the tate, available water reource will have to be managed and utilized more efficiently and in an equitable manner to avoid ocial unret (Palaniami et al., 2010). Being rice occupie 65% of total irrigated area in Andhra Pradeh; meaure have to be taken to decreae the water conumption. Reearcher had been looking for way to overcome the water carcity and improve water ue efficiency. Alternate Wetting and Drying () i found to be an important adaptation method to overcome the hortage and climate change impact. The practice i baed on the knowledge that rice can grow even up to 30% reduced water upply during the main growing period compared to conventional irrigation. To determine the timing of irrigation, the water level in the oil i monitored by a perforated platic tube, which i inerted into the rice field. require irrigation when the water level drop to 15 cm below the oil urface. Rice i Big Player in world Water world Irrigated area (harveted, million ha) 340 Irrigation water (km3) 2 rice % ,664 1, Numerou tudie were conducted on the manipulation of depth and interval of irrigation to ave water ue without any yield lo. The tudie how that continuou ubmergence i not eential for obtaining high rice yield. Hatta (1967), Tabbal et al. (1992), and Singh et al. (1996) reported that maintaining a very thin water layer, aturated oil condition, or alternate wetting and drying could reduce water applied to the field by about percent compared with the traditional practice of continuou hallow ubmergence, without compromiing on yield. Effect of water aving from the reference ponded water treatment and it conequence to yield (Guimba, Philippine, ) Remember : Rice doe not alway need flooding Save 10-30% of irrigated water Adaptation through Innovation

4 Alternate Wetting and Drying () Alternate Wetting and Drying () i a water-aving practice where lowland (paddy) rice farmer can apply to reduce their water ue in irrigated field. In, irrigation water i applied to flood the field a certain number of day after the diappearance of ponded water. Hence, the field i alternately flooded and non-flooded. The number of day of non-flooded in between irrigation can vary from 1 day to more than 10 day depending on the oil type. A farmer can ue field water tube (perforated) in hi field to monitor the water level in the uburface of the oil, while practicing. Making the field water tube The field water tube can be made from a platic pipe or of any other imilar tructure like tube. Cut thi material to a 1 foot length with a diameter of 4 inche to eaily ee the water level inide the tube. Drill the bottom 6 inche of the tube with hole on all ide; thee hole hould be about 0.5cm each and 2cm away from one another. Inert the tube up till 6 inche depth o that half of it length remain on the urface Remove the oil inide the tube o that the bottom of the tube can be een. Enure that the level of water inide the tube i the ame a the level of water on the field. Place the tube in a readily acceible part of the field, cloe to the bund (not le than 1m away) for eay monitoring. The location hould be repreentative of the average water depth in the field (i.e. it hould not be in a high pot or a low pot). 3

5 Practicing Alternate Wetting and Drying () can be implemented and monitored by condiering the depth of ponded water on the filed by uing field water tube. The depth of pounded water will gradually decreae after each irrigation. When the ponded water i dropped to 15 cm below the urface of the oil, irrigation hould be applied to re-flood the field with 5 cm of ponded water. Safe can be tarted can be tarted 30 day after tranplanting (or with a 10-cm tall crop in direct eeding). when weed population i high, can be potponed for 2-3 week until weed have been uppreed by the ponded water. The fertilier recommendation can be imilar to that of normal flooded method. Apply nitrogen fertilizer preferably on the dry oil jut before flooding. From one week before to one week after flowering, ponded water hould alway be kept at 5 cm depth above oil level to avoid water tre which could reult to potentially evere yield lo. After flowering, during grain filling and ripening, the water level can drop again to 15 cm below the urface before flooding. ALTERNATE WETTING AND DRYING Depth of tube {cm} 4 CM CM FLOODING IRRIGATION Depth of tube {cm} 4 CM 1 CM Main idea of afe : Water i available in the root zone below uburface, which i not viible. Water tube can create information to the farmer about cheduling of next irrigation. Scheduling of irrigation varie with oil type, hydrology, variety Keep firt 2 week flooded if many weed. A practical indicator to irrigate under afe Safe = Irrigate when water depth ~ 15 cm 4 Keep flooded 10 (weed) and at flowering Adaptation through Innovation

6 Benefit of technology Water aving up to percent with no yield penalty. In pump irrigation ytem, it reduce pumping cot and fuel conumption and an increaed income. promote good root anchorage and reduce the crop lodging problem. reduce per cent of methane emiion depending on the combination of water uage and management of rice tubble. It alo promote higher zinc availability in oil and grain by enabling periodic aeration of the oil, which releae zinc from inoluble form and make it available for plant uptake. Better root anchorage to reduce lodging Increae the number of Tiller Rice yield and water productivity in and method during rabi and khairf Rabi (n = 2 ha) Kharif-2013 (n = 5.6 ha) (kg CH4-C) (ton CO2 equ.*) (kg CH4-C) (ton CO2 equ.) Etimated total CH4-C emiion and CO2 equ. from & rice field during Rabi and Kharif eaon. Rabi Kharif 2013 Number of hill/m Number of tiller (65 ) Number of panicle Panicle length (cm) Number of grain/panicle grain weight (g) The method ha increaed yield upto 14 % compared to the normal irrigation method. The water ue efficiency ha increaed upto 70 % compared to 57 % under normal method during Rabi There i a general trend of increaed yield compared to the previou year (2012) yield. But the increae wa more in the field adopted with compared to the continuou irrigated field. The increaed yield not only attributed to the increaed tiller number under, but alo to the varietal performance and the congenial condition like few pet and dieae incidence during the crop period Challange: Unreliable upply of water and/or energy i dicouraging farmer to adopt the technology, a it require well-tuned irrigation interval and meaure. Payment for irrigation ervice are motly baed on fixed rate, traditionally often agreed prior to a eaon. Thu farmer do not receive any benefit from cot aving. Block or cheme of minor irrigation ytem are organied in group, where deciion making i often dominated by pump owner or operator or bigger farmer 5

7 The ClimaAdapt programme i funded by the Royal Norwegian Embay in New Delhi to focue on climate change adaptation in agriculture and water ector. The programme aim at trengthening the link between reearch, innovation and capacity building, and trongly focue on takeholder engagement at different tage. In addition, a major objective of ClimaAdapt i to contribute to the tate-level climate adaptation policy framework in Andhra Pradeh and Tamil Nadu tate in India. Biofork, the Norwegian Intitute for Agriculture and Environmental Reearch in aociation with IWMI, WALAMTARI & MSSRF ha implemented in 365 acre under Nagarjuna Sagar command area. Previouly the farmer in the area are going by traditional way of cultivation i.e. maintaining the water in the paddy field at the height of two inche level. Under ytem, the farmer re-irrigate the field when it develop hair line crack. Reult : Cot and benefit of and of rice for rabi and Kharif 2013 eaon 6 Rabi Kharif 2013 benefit Variable cotb (+) ,522 (+) 273 Yield (kg/ha) (+) 1, ,883 Return (R/ha) (+) 13, ,885 (+) 31,185 Profit/Lo (+) 13, benefit (+) 1,733 (+) 31,458 Adaptation through Innovation

8 Main programme objective Focue on climate change adaptation in agriculture and water ector. The programme aim at trengthening the link between reearch, innovation and capacity building, and trongly focue on takeholder engagement at different tage. In addition, a major objective of ClimaAdapt i to contribute to the tate-level climate adaptation policy framework in Andhra Pradeh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu tate in India. To map vulnerability, gap and prepared- ne to addre impact on agriculture and water ector. To elect and apply uitable future climate and hydrology cenario. To undertake capacity building of take- holder, including women and farmer. To promote mot promiing adaptation technologie at a ytem level, that will help in developing methodologie for upcaling. To trengthen the link between reearch, innovation and capacity building. Control irrigation to ave water and get high yield! Remember : Paddy field do not require tanding water alway Before flowering Re-irrigate when water i 15cm below oil urface look for water under the ground by uing water tube At flowering After flowering Alway keep flooded (for one week) Re-irrigate when water i 15cm below oil urface look for water under the ground by uing water tube Dr. K. Krihna Reddy Mr. K.Sureh Reddy Dr. K.Gurava Reddy M. P.D.Mahewari Mr. Ch.Ram Praad Contact detail: International Water Management Intitute C/o. ICRIAST, Patancheru, Hyderabad-34 Tel: Regional Agricultural Reearch Station Lam Farm, Guntur Tel: ` SOURCE: IRRI