Preparation Sheet to Assist in Developing a GAP Program Relating to PrimusLabs Ranch/ Farm Audit Version 07.04

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1 Preparation Sheet to Assist in Developing a GAP Program Relating to PrimusLabs Ranch/ Farm Audit Version Farm Name Person Conducting the Self Audit Total Acres in Scope Field/Block # Products to be Self Audited Self Inspection Blue Text Asks for a Policy, Procedure and/or Monitoring Log Red Text are Automatic Failure Questions Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified GAP Manuals? Traceability 2.01 Growing area adequately identified? Ground History 3.01 Used for growing crops for human consumption last year? 3.02 Used for non-agricultural functions? If No, go to a If used for non-agricultural uses are soil tests available for review? Adjacent Land Use (Maps) 1.02 Self audit completed? 3.03 Area used for animal husbandry or grazing land? If No, go to a If used for animal husbandry or grazing, has a risk evaluation been performed? 3.04 Evidence of animal activity in crop that is a potential food safety risk? 3.05 Flooding in growing area since previous season? if No, go to a Corrective documented for product affected? 3.05b Soil test negative or within limits for contaminants? (pg. 9) 3.06 Operating under organic principals? If No, go to a Current certification available for review? 3.07 If new purchase or lease, documented risk assesment undertaken? 4.01 Near intensive livestock production? If No, go to 4.02 (pg.9) 4.02a Physical in place to restrain animals and their waste? (veg. strips, fences, berms) (pg.13) 4.03 Manure, compost or biosolids stored or applied on adjacent land? If No, go to Growing area in higher risk location from near operations? If No, go to a Appropriate taken to mitigate possible 4.02 Domestic or wild animals near growing area? If No, go to b Written policy & visual that domestic +/or wild animals are kept outside growing areas? (pg.13) 4.02c Appropriate to reduce/limit animal intrusion? (perimeter monitoring) (pg.13) 4.03a Physical to secure manure, compost, biosolids? (pg. 13) (pg b If biosolids, - is there papework available from neighbor? 4.04a Appropriate to mitigate risks from nearby operations? 4.05 Policy that infants & toddlers not allowed in growing area, packaging/equip. storage areas? (pg. 29 #7) (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 1 of 8

2 Fertilizer Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified Is untreated human sewage sludge used in growing 5.03b Bio-solids use records available (each Lot and application records)? 5.04d Untreated animal manure used in country of production that bans use? AUTOMATIC FAILURE 5.06b COA from supplier available (free from animal products and/or animal manures)? 5.02 Is animal derived compost used? If no, go to a Compost incorporated prior to planting and not applied during growing season? 5.03c COA from biosolids supplier complying with local/national standards? 5.03d Are biosolids applied to crops where country of production bans use? AUTOMATIC FAILURE 5.05 Other nonsyn crop treatments used (compost teas, blood meal)? If No, go to a Nonsyn treatments (animal products that include manures) applied to edible portions of crops? 5.07 Synthetic fertilizer used? If No, go to a Sythetic fertilizers use records available? (pg b Compost use records available (interval between application and harvest not less than 45 days)? 5.04 Untreated animal manure used? (eg GAP) If No, go to b Nonsyn treatment use records available, (interval between application and harvest not less than 45 days)? 5.07b Letter of assurance from fertilizer supplier stating inert ingredients? (Get From Supplier) 5.02c COA from compost supplier (heavy metal & pathogen)? (Lot specific) 5.04a Untreated animal manure incorporated & not applied growing season? 5.05c COA from supplier available that covers pathogen and heavy metal testing, etc? 5.08 Fertilizers and containers stored 5.03 Are biosolids used? If No, go to b Animal manure use records available (interval between application and harvest not less than 120 days)? 5.06 Soil amendments used that do not contain animal products or manures? If No, a Bio-solids incorporated and not applied during growing season? 5.04c COA stating components of materials from animal manure supplier? 5.06a Soil amendment use & application records available? Water 6.01 Does growing operation practice dryland farming? If No, f Test results conducted at 6.05a Is surface water adequate distance from untreated manure? 6.06i Is overhead 6.01a Water systems used to supply for crop needs (freeze protection)? If No, g SOPs 6.05b Is water source under direction of water authority or district?(permits, invoice) 6.06j Crops irrigation or furrow system? (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 2 of 8

3 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified b 6.01d 6.03h SOPs if 6.05c Livestock or grazing animals have access to 6.06k Crops sub 6.01c Test results current and required +/ or expected 6.03i If 6.05d Free from contamination and taken to minimize it? 6.07 Tail water (run off water) system used in operation? If No, go to d SOPs 6.03j Crops 6.05e Records available for periodic inspection and/or disinfection of (pg a Surface water adequate distance from untreated manure? 6.01e SOPs if or 6.03k Overhead 6.05f go to 6.05h 6.07b Livestock or grazing animals have access to tail water systems? 6.01f If 6.03l Crops 6.05gTest results 6.07c Free from contamination and taken to minimize it? 6.02 Water used in operation sourced from Municipal or District pipeline systems? If No, go to m Crops sub 6.05h SOPs 6.07d Records available for periodic inspection and/ or disinfection of (pg a go to 6.02c 6.04 Water used in operation sourced from reservoirs, ponds, etc? No, i SOPs if 6.07e go to 6.07g 6.02b Test results 6.04a Surface water adequate distance from untreated manure? 6.05j If 6.07f Test results 6.02c SOPs 6.04b Livestock or grazing animals have access to the open water systems? 6.05k Crops of drip system? 6.07g SOPs 6.02d SOPs if 6.04c Free from contamination and taken to minimize it? 6.05l Overhead 6.07h SOPs if / (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 3 of 8

4 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified e If (pg d Records 6.07i If available 6.05m Crops for periodic (pg. 49- inspection and/ or disinfection of 6.02f Crops 6.04e go to 6.04g? 6.05n Crops sub 6.07j Crops 6.02g Overhead 6.04f Test results 6.06 Recycled or reclaimed water used in operation? If No, go to k Overhead 6.02h Crops 6.04g SOPs 6.06a Recycling process under reclamation management or authority? 6.07l Crops 6.02i Crops sub 6.04h SOPs if 6.06b Microbial control utilized? 6.07m Crops sub 6.03 Water used in the operation sourced from well? If No, go to i If 6.06c go to 6.06e 6.08 Check valve / back flow prevention in use when/where necessary? 6.03a Well heads adequate distance from untreated manure? 6.04j Crops 6.06d Test results 6.03b Well designed 6.04k Overhead 6.06e SOPs 6.09 Is irrigation equipment not in use free from pest contamination and stored clean, off the ground? 6.03c Well free from contamination and taken to minimize it? 6.04l Crops 6.06f SOPs if / 6.03d Records available for periodic inspection and/ or treatment of wells? (pg m Crops sub 6.06g If (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 4 of 8

5 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified e test conducted on water used? If No, go to 6.03g 6.05 Water used in the operation sourced from canals, ditches, rivers? If No, go to h Crops Crop Protection 7.01 policy/ procedures for mixing/loading CP materials? 7.01a Mixing/ loading of CP materials performed safely / distance to 7.02 policy/procedure for rinsing/ cleaning of crop protection (CP) equipment? (pg.22) 7.04 Documentation of employees who handle CP materials trained or under supervision? 7.05 Operation follows a pesticide application recording program? No, Automatic Failure (pg.22) 7.05a CP application records up to date and available for review? (Training log pg. 55) 7.07 CP applications restricted by labels and manufacturers guidelines? If No, AF Pesticide Use 7.08 Grower Report adhering to preharvest interval (PUR) time periods? If No, Automatic Failure (PUR) 7.09 Employee rentry intervals established as required? (pg.21 #1) #5) #5) 7.12 CP containers stored contamination and disposed of responsibly? 7.13 policies/ procedures for monitoring CP equipment (calibration, replacement)? 7.13a CP equipment is in good working order? #8) (pg.22-23) #7) 7.02a Rinsing/ cleaning of CP equipment performed safely / distance to 7.06 CP materials registered in country of use for target crop? If Yes, go to If No, Auto. Fail (pg. 21 #5) 7.10 Posting take place on area of treatment according to guidelines? #6) 7.03 Documentation for individuals making decisions on CP are qualified (PCA)? (pg.22 +all licenses on hand) Employee Safety & Hygiene 7.06a Country of production allows the use of CP materials registered in another country? If No, Automatic Failure (pg. 21 #6) 7.11 CP applications restricted when gusts are excessive to avoid drift? #4) 8.01 policy for dealing with employees that are or become physically ill? (pg.27) 8.06d Toilets with visual signs, (appropiate languages), to remind of hand washing? (pg. 29, pg sign) 8.08d Hand washing (HW) stations designed and maintained (pg ) 8.02 policy for employees with open sores and wounds? (pg.27) 8.06e Toilets maintained in clean condition, records of cleaning, servicing and stocking? (from suppliers or SOP) (pg e 32, pg policy and procedure requiring HW prior work, after break & after using toilet? (pg. 29, Hygiene #2) (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 5 of 8

6 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified 2 Question Answer 1 Verified policy & procedure for commodities in contact with blood to be destroyed? No, Auto. Failure 8.04 policy prohibiting eating, drinking, tobacco, gum in the growing area? 8.05 Hygiene training program for new and existing eployees, with records? 8.06 Toilet facilities are provided? If No, go to 8.07 and Automatic Failure (pg. 27) (pg.30 #4) (pg , pg (pg ) 8.06f Catch basins designed and maintained 8.06g Catch basin emptied properly, procedure (from suppliers or SOP) 8.07 Evidence of fecal contamination in growing area? If Yes, Automatic Failure 8.08 Hand Washing (HW) facilities are provided? No, 8.09 (for portable 8.9 Potable toilets) drinking water provided? If No, go to 8.10 (pg. 32) (pg ) 8.9a Water containers maintained and clean? 8.10 First-aid kit available and inventory maintained? 8.11 Trash cans are available in suitable locations? (pg. 29, Policies #1) (pg. 29, Policies #3) 8.06a Are toilet placed 1/4 mile or 5 minutes walking distance? 8.06b Toilets in suitable location 8.06c Minimum of one toilet for each of 20 employees? Food Security 9.01 Measures taken to control vehicle access? 9.02 Posting such as "No trespassing" / "Restricted entry" used appropriately? 9.03 Entrances restricted by gates, chains, guard stations, etc? 9.04 Are water sources designed tampering? (pg. 31) 8.08a Are HW stations placed 1/4 mile or 5 minutes walking distance? (pg. 31) 8.08b HW stations clearly visible (outside of toilets) and easily accessible? (pg. 31) 8.08c HW stations stocked with soap, paper towels, trash can? (pg. 35) 9.05 Grounds and facilities monitored by personnel? (pg. 35) 9.06 Staff instructed to report suspicious activity? (pg.35) 9.07 High risk areas monitored (equipment, shops, sheds)? (pg. 35) 9.08 Equipment examined for tampering prior to use? (SOP or Logs) (pg. 31) 8.12 Foreign material issues, that could be/ are a potential risk, observed in growing area e.g. jewlery? (pg. 31) (pg. 31) (pg. 35) 9.09 Security training required for supervisors, with attendance records? (pg. 35) 9.10 Security education material available? (pg. 35) 9.11 Inventory records for chemicals maintained? If No, go to 9.12 (pg. 35) 9.11a Records periodically reconciled with real inventory? (pg. 30, Hygiene #5) (pg. 43, 9.12 Personal pg materials kept away from harvest operation? (pg. 43) (pg (pg. 35) (pg. 35) (Rev. 10/13/2014) Page 6 of 8

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