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1 Annals f Arid Zne 28 (3&4): , 1989 PERFORMANCE OF FINGER MILLI T RELAY CROPPED WITH LEGUMES AS INFLUENCED BY ESTABLISHMENT TIMES AND N LEVELS S. PURUSHOTHAMI AND K. SHIVASHANKAR Department f Agrnmy, Agricultural Cllege, University f Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalre ABSTRACT Perfrmance f finger millet as a relay crp was studied with early crps f sybean, cwpea and field beans at three N levels (0, 12.5 and 25 kg/ha). Finger millet was swn at 30 and 60 days after swing f legumes. The yield cmpnents, N uptake any yield f finger millet were significantly influenced by different early legumes and establishment times f finger millet but nt by N levels applied t the legume. Relays with sybean and cwpea gave significantly higher yields than with field beans. Early establishment f finger millet gave significantly higher yields than late establishment. The study suggests sybean and cwpea t be preferred as early crps with an early establishment f finger millet in the system, withut requiring applied nitrgen. INTRODUCTION Duble crpping f cwpea-finger millet system, thugh recmmended fr red sils f Karnataka under dry land cnditins is nt practised by many farmers due t the lack f time fr getting the lands prepared fr bth the crps. Relay crpping f legume-finger millet system is mre likely than duble crpping by vercming pst-kharif land preparatin prblems and l-y utilizing the residual misture r extended rainfall perids and nutrients left ver by kharif crp. a Hence, study was undertaken t find ut a suita ble early legume crp, time f establishment f finger millet as a relay crp and nitrgen requirment in the legum-finger millet relay crpping system. MATERIAL AND METHODS A field experiment was cnducted at Agricultural Research Statin, Chintamani (Karnataka) under rainfed cnditins during kharif 1982 and The treat- 1 Agrnmist (Frage Crps), Animal Research Statin, Knehally, Tiptur Part f Ph.D. thesis submitted by the senir authr t the Univ. f Agril. Sciences, Bangalre

2 286: PURUSHOTHAM & SHIVASHANKAR ments cnsisted f three legumes (sybean cv 'Hardee', cwpea cv 'C-]52' and field beans cv 'Mani Avare lcal') swn early with three nitrgen ]evels ( and 25 kg Njha). Relay crp f linger millet (cv 'Indaf-8') was swn in tw batches i. e. 30 and 60 days after swing f legumes in the interspace f tw (45 em apart) rws f the early swn grain legume. Thus, in all, there were 18 treatment cmbinatins in a Randmised Blck Design with three replicatins. The sil f the experimental site was sandy lam and acidic, with 0.46% rganic carbn and 4]9, 13.2 anj 291 kg per ha f available N, P and K, respectively. in the first year; and 065% rganic carbn and 433, ] 5 and 361 kg f N, P and K per ha in the secnd year. The rainfall received during the crp grwing perid in the tw years was 519 and 489 mm. re~pectively, less than the nrma] (6]6 mm); the distributin f rainfall was better in ]983 than in A plant spacing f ]0 cm in sybean and cwpea while, 45 em in the field beans, was fllwed. Standard fertilizer dses f 25, 22 and 21 kgjha f N, P and K fr sybean and cwpea crps; 25, 22 and 0 kgjha fr field beans and 25, 16.5, and 0 kg/ha fr finger millet crp were used except where applied nitrgen was reduced t half (12.5 kg/ha) r nil. Entire dse f NPK was applied at the time f swing t legumes, while fr finger millet, 50% N and entire P was the rest f N was given as tp dressing at days after swing, based n the sil misture cnditins. The seeds f legumes were dibbled, while finger millet as relay crp was swn as per treatment. Hwever, the establishment f finger millet in the first relay was achieved by a pre- r pstswing irrigatin frm the farm pnd during bth the years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The grain and straw yields f finger millet, when relayed with cwpea, were significantly higher (1795 and 2217 kg/ha, respectively) than in relay with sybean (1336 and] 557 kg/ha) during Further. these were significantly higher than in relay with field beans. In ]983, the yields f finger millet with sybean and cwpea were n a par but significantly higher than the relay with field beans (Table I). Th is differential respnse was due t less rainfall and its prer distributin in ] 982 than in 1983, In pled analysis, grain and straw yields f finger millet in relay with cwpea and sybean were similar and significantly belter than relay with field beans. The higher yield f finger millet's relay with sybean and cwpea than with field beans was due t better yield cmpnents like ears/plant, grain yield/plant, ear length, fingersjear and grain weight (Table 2) and higher N uptake in grain and straw f finger millet in bth the years (Table 3). Hwever in ]982, there was m,1fgin~1 sllp:ririty f yield cmpnents like ears/plant, grain weight/

3 MILLET RELA YED WITH LEGUMES: 287 Table (kgfha) ffinger millet as influenced by nitrgen levels t the pulse crps and establishment times f finger millet in pulse-finger millet relay crpping systems during 1982 and ~3 mean Treatments Grain Straw Gralll Straw Grain Straw Crpping systems Sybean-Finger millet Cwpea-Finger millet Field beans-finger millet ) SE± CD \P=O 05) Establishmlnl times 1 (,Early) II (Late) :: (F lest significant fr bth) Nitrgen levels (kgfha) plant and number f fingers/ear in cwpea-finger millet relay. Further, pr grwth f cwpea caused yield superirity f finger millet ver sybean-finger millet relay. Added t this, N-uptake in grain and straw f finger millet was relatively higher in cwpea-finger millet relay than in sybean-finger millet relay (Table 3). Amng pulses, sybean and cwpea, being shrt in duratin, ffered Jess cmpetitin t finger millet cmpared t field beans which shwed stiff cmpetitin. The vegetative grwth f field beans smthered finger millet which, in turn, flwered yield cmpnents, N-uptake and ultimately yields. Reddy et al. (1983) als bserved lesser adverse effect f sybean and cwpea n finger millet than f redgram and field beans. Early establishment f finger millet gave significantly higher grain, straw and bilgical yield f thi~ millet than with later establishment at 60 days aner swing f legumes in bth the years (Table 1). Better yields in early establishment f finger millet were due t less cmpetitin ffered by legumes which, in: turn gave significantly mre grain weight/plant, ear length, fingers/ear (Table 2) and N-uptake in grain and straw f finger millet (Table 3). As bserved in the present study, Anjaneyulu et al. (1982) btained greater grain yields frm pearl millet established at 14 days rather than at 28 days in early swn mung bean crp. Added t initial suppressin by legumes t establishing finger millet, cntinued cmpetitin was bserved fr a perid f lesser duratin in cwpea and sybean than in field beans.

4 288: PURUSHOTHAM & SHIVASHANKAR... '"E ln~v\v) \0 -.0 N 0 NNNOO \OM""JV) 0 ' V)~O{I'Jan N N NOS::: N V; i) ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Cl)":' '" E '"u; ;>, e c ọ.. u ;>, <lj '"... ~ ~ 00 E '" ~~~6~ C'ir-lNOO r- C r- <lj E C '" '".D'" 0." ~ -.~ U~ ~ n II -He.. E~ ~O ~u ~n -H~ ;:; "'! E ~ c N")~O g...c"4 CI:.IU z

5 MILLET RELA YED WITH LEGlJMES : 289 Table 3. Nitrgen uptake (kg/ha) thrugh grain and straw ffingt"r millet rclay crpping systems as influenced by establishment times and nitrgen levels during 1982 and 1983 Grain Straw Ttal Treatments 19l ~3-19~ Relay crpping with Sybean Cwpea Ficld beans :; SEm± CD (P=0.05) Establishment time 1 Relay II Relay U Nitrgen le\"els lk!:jha) SEm± Grain and straw yields f finger millet did nt differ due t N-levels applied t the early swn legumes in bth years as well as in pled analysis (Table 1). Hwever, ttal bilgical yield (grain + straw) f finger millet with nitrgen was significantly higher than with n N applicatin in 1983 nly. The interactin between relay crpping systems and establishment times f finger millet in influencing the grain yield f finger millet was significant in 1982 (Table 4). In case f cwpea-finger millet relay system, grain yield f finger millet did nt differ due t establishment times f flnger millet. Hwever, finger millet relayed with sybean and field beans gave significantly higher grain yield at early establishment. At bth the establishment perids, grain yield f finger millet was significantly higher when relayed with sybean and cwpea than its relay with field beans. Further, under late establishment yield f finger millet was significantly higher f in relay with cwpea than with sybean in Table 4. Grain, straw and ttal yields (kg/ha) f finger millet as influenced by crpping systems and establishment times during 1982 and 1983 (data nly significant pres~nted) Finga millet with Grain yield (19R2) Straw yield (1983) Tlal yield (1983) Early Late Early Late Early Late Sybean Cwpea Field beans S8m ± CD lp=o 05)

6 290: PURUSHOTHAM & SHIVASHANKAR Thus n red sils, under rainfed cnditins, sybean and cwpea as early legumes ar..d subsequently relayed with finger millet afl er 30 days f legume-swing gave higher yields f finger millet with less cmpetitin. Better yield cmpnents and N-uptake were bserved in finger millet under these relay systems. REFERENCES Anjaneyulu, V.R., Singh, S.P. and Pal, M Effect f time, technique and pattern f pearl millet planting n its grwth and yield in sle and intercrpping system. Indian Jurnal f Agrnmy. 27 : Reddy, V.C.. Lingegwda, B.K., Rajappa, M.G. and Kumaraswamy, A.S Intercrpping in finger millet under rainfed cnditins. Mysre Jurnal f Agricultural Sciences. 17 : 5-7.