Name: Review HW 20 Mendelian Genetics and Humn Inheritance

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1 Name: Review HW 20 Bio AP Mendelian Genetics and Humn Inheritance 1. Four genes on a chromosome C are mapped and their crossover frequencies were determined. Genes Crossover Frequency K and J 10 J and M 15 M and L 20 J and L 35 K and L 45 Which of the following represents the relative locations of these 4 genes on chromosome C? 1) KJML 2) KMLJ 3) JMLK 4) LJMK 5) KLJM 2. Gene mapping on is a function of which of the following? 1) Crossing-over between homolgous 2) Order of 3) Number of genes on a chromosome 4) Crossing-over between non-homologous 5) Number of 3. The relative position of four genes on a chromosome is PQRS. The distance between P and S is 25 map units. The distance between R and S is 15 map units, and between P and Q is 5 map units. Which of the following represents the frequency of crossover between P and R? 1) 5% 2) 10% 3) 15% 4) 20% 5) 25% 4. An organism with genotype QqRr only produces two gamete genotypes, QR and qr. This violates which principle of Mendelian genetics? 1) Codominance 2) Dominance 3) Independent Assortment 4) Linkage 5) Segregation 5. A couple has 6 children and all of them are female. The probability that the couple's 7th child is a male is 1) 1/49 2) 1/7 3) 1/6 4) 1/2 5) 6/7 6. If there is an equal likelihood of producing male or female offspring, what is the probability of producing 3 sequential male children and then 1 female child? 1) 1/16 2) 1/8 3) 1/4 4) 1/2 5) 5/8 Base your answers to questions 7 through 10 on the choices below. (A) Phenotype (B) Genotype (C) Locus (D) Allele (E) Heterozygous 7. The location on a chromosome where a gene is located 8. One of several varieties of a gene 9. The physical trait determined by a gene product 10. The condition where two inherited alleles are different 11. An organism has three independently assorting traits XxYyZz. What fraction of its gametes will contain the dominant genes XYZ? 1) 0 2) 1/8 3) 1/4 4) 1/2 5) 3/4 Page 1

2 12. In sheep, eye color is controlled by a single gene with two alleles. When a homozygous brown-eyed sheep is crossed with a homozygous green-eyed sheep, blue-eyed offspring are produced. If the blue-eyed sheep are mated with each other, what percent of their offspring will most likely have blue eyes? 1) 0% 2) 25% 3) 50% 4) 75% 5) 100% 13. A woman with genotype AaBb mates with a man with genotype AABb. Assuming independent assortment and random recombination, what is the chance that the child will have the genotype AABB? 1) 1/16 2) 2/16 3) 4/16 4) 6/16 5) 8/ A genotype can be described as 1) the genetic makeup of an organism 2) part of a chromosome that codes for a certain hereditary trait 3) the outward, visible expression of the hereditary makeup of an organism 4) the shifting of gene positions in 5) a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides that codes for a single amino acid 15. In reference to blood types, sometimes both the A allele and the B allele are expressed. Which of the following terms best explains this? 1) Linked genes 2) Incomplete dominance 3) Multiple alleles 4) Codominance 5) Polygenetic inheritance 16. If a mother and her child belong to blood group AB, which blood group could the father NOT belong to? 1) AB 2) A 3) B 4) O 5) Both B and C 17. The interaction between genes that causes the suppression of one of the genes is called 1) incomplete dominance 2) codominance 3) pleiotropy 4) polygenic 5) epistasis 18. In terms of blood transfusions, an individual with type AB blood can safely receive 1) type A, type B, type AB, and type O blood 2) type AB blood, but not type A, type B or 3) type AB or, but not type A or type B blood 4), but not type A, type B, or 5) type A, type B or type AB blood, but not 19. Which of the following statements about sickle cell anemia is NOT true? 1) It is an inherited disease in which there is one base substitution. 2) It is prevalent in the Black population of Africa. 3) It is maintained in the population because it serves as a protective mechanism against malaria. 4) It is transmitted by mosquitoes. 5) Sickle Cell Anemia involves a change on the beta chains of hemoglobin. 20. The inheritance of height from very short to very tall in humans is an example of which of the following? 1) Pleiotropy 2) Epistasis 3) Polygenic inheritance 4) Gene linkage 5) Codominance Page 2

3 Base your answers to questions 21 through 24 on the diagram below. 21. The inheritance pattern for the depicted trait is most likely 1) autosomal dominant 2) autosomal recessive 3) polygenic 4) sex-linked dominant 5) sex-linked recessive 22. This trait could be 1) color blindness 2) cystic fibrosis 3) polydactyly 4) rickets 5) Tay-Sachs disease 23. If Individual 11 marries a man with only one recessive allele for the depicted trait, what is the likelihood that they will have a male child who manifests this trait? 1) 0% 2) 12.5% 3) 25% 4) 37.5% 5) 50% 24. What is the genotype of Individual 5? 1) tt 2) Tt 3) TT 4) X t Y 5) X T Y 25. In order for a female to express a sex-linked trait, she must have 1) a Y chromosome 2) nondisjunction 3) aneuploidy 4) autosomes 5) homozygous genes for the trait 26. Which of the following is a sex-linked recessive trait? 1) Hemophilia 2) Phenylketonuria 3) Turner's Syndrome 4) Trisomy-21 5) Klinefelter's Syndrome Page 3

4 27. In early embryonic development, aneuploidy of a single cell will be passed on to all of the cells of the developing organism through 1) mitosis 2) nondisjunction 3) translocation 4) meiosis 28. The exchange of parts between nonhomologous is called 1) polyploidy 2) trisomy 3) translocation 4) duplication 29. A person with XYY syndrome will have how many Barr bodies in his nuclei? 1) o 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) either 1 or If a chromosome fragment becomes attached to a nonhomologous chromosome, the result is known as a 1) inversion 2) translocation 3) point mutation 4) duplication 5) transcription 31. The chromosomal mutation by which the fragment reattaches to the original chromosome, but in a reversed orientation is called a(n): 1) diversion 2) deletion 3) translocation 4) duplication Review HW 20 Page 4

5 32. In many cases, alleles do not show simple relationships between dominance and recessiveness. Explain the following inheritance patterns. Include examples of each. a.) Codominance b.) Incomplete dominance c.) Pleiotropy d.) Multiple alleles e.) Epistasis f.) Polygenic inheritance Page 5