commensalism food chain

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1 biome an area with similar CLIMATE, plant and animal life commensalism decomposers micro-organisms responsible for ensuring nutrients contimue to cycle through the ecosystem food chain food web lichens mutualism relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefits (example: barnacles on a killer whale) nitrogen fixation nitrogen fixing bacteria bacteria found in the ground that fixes /changes nitrogen from the soil so that plants can use it..without it, plants would not be able to produce the food they need in order to survive parasitism relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed (example: fleas on a dog) pioneer species biotic factor non-living portions of an ecosystem (example: temperature, rain, wind, buildings, etc.) Draw and explain the numbers pyramid, the biomass pyramid and the energy pyramid. Draw and label the nitrogen and carbon cycle. Draw the different levels of succession. the image below represents different stages of community succession climax community is the final and most stable stage List the biomes. Which one has the greatest amount of biodiversity? the tropical rainforest has the greatest amount of biodiversity What determines the characteristics of a biome? climate Be able to identify producers, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary consumers on a food web. -producers are all the plants in a food web, they are the base of the pyramid and without them, there would be no source of energy for any other animal -know that the arrows jon a food web show the direction energy flows. Elimiating an animal will affect ALL the animals on the food web

2 enzyme inorganic monomer organic polymer contains carbon COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE elements CARBOHYDRATE LIPID PROTEIN NUCLEIC ACID function store and transmit genetic information monomer monosaccharide amino acid indicator Benedicts turns orange if sugar is present Iodine turns black if starch is present Paper Bag will leave a mark Biurets turns purple in the presence of protien Draw and label an enzyme-substrate complex. Draw the molecular structure of a lipid, a carbohydrate and a nucleic acid. LIPID/FATTY ACID: CARBOHYDRATE/MONOSACCHARIDE: How does an enzyme know which substrate to attach to? the shapes of the enzyme and substrate match, they are SPECIFIC What does the ending ose represent? What does the ending ase represent? -ase means it is an enzyme (examples: protease, galactase,, LACTASE, maltase) What happens to an enzyme after the reaction has taken place? NOTHING, it remains unchanged and is ready to accept another substrate

3 ATP cell organic molecule that acts as the main energy source for cell processes the smallest unit of life in all living things eukaryote a cell with membrane bound organelles and a nucleus flagella organelle hairlike organelle that provides movement for a cell a structure within a cell that performs a specific function prokaryote a cell with NO membrane bound organelles (only ribosomes) and NO nucleus ribosome organelle that synthesizes protein (makes protein) COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE (yes or no for each structure) cell membrane nucleus membrane bound organelles ribosomes genetic material cytoplasm prokaryote eukaryote bacteria virus Give an example of a prokaryote. bacteria Explain why viruses are considered non-living. they are not able to reproduce on their own What do viruses and cells have in common? they contain genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA

4 PHOTOSYNTHESIS CELLULAR RESPIRATION formula 6CO 2 + 6H 20 C 6H 12O 6 + 6O 2 C 6H 12O 6 + 6O 2 6CO 2 + 6H 20 + energy reactants products movement of water from an area of high concentration to low concentration organelle in which it happens chloroplast mitochondria animals no yes plants yes yes active transport diffusion movement of substances against a concentration gradient (from an area of low concentration to high concentration) which requires the use of energy facilitated diffusion osmosis movement of water from an area of high concentration to low concentration endocytosis exocytosis process in which a cell takes in materials from the outside by engulfing/swallowing/encasing/ surrounding/enclosing them with the cell membrane carrier protein proteins responsible for carrying substances across the cell membrane during active transport ISOTONIC HYPERTONIC HYPOTONIC concentration of solutes equal inside and outside higher outside higher inside movement of water in and out at equal rate water moves out of cell water moves into cell what happens to the cell stays the same cell shrinks cell gets bigger

5 replication transcription translation a single DNA strand is copied into a second DNA strand, occurs in the nucleus a section of the DNA molecule is copied into an mrna strand WHY does DNA replicate? to make sure that dividing cells have an exact copy of the DNA Where do the following events take place: replication, transcription, translation In replication, the complimentary DNA strand of GTACGTTAACG would be: CATGCAATTGC In transcription, the complimentary RNA strand of GTACGTTAACG would be: CAUGCAAUUGC In translation, the DNA strand UGTACGTTAACG would result in the amino acid sequence: threonine cysteine asparagine - cysteine