3- Explain, using Mendelian genetics, the concepts of dominance, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, recessiveness, and sex-linkage;

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1 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Mendel (monohybrid dihybrid) 1- Test feedback 20 min. 2- Vocabulary in teams 15 min. 3- Mendel story & problems (monohybrid & dihybrid) 40 min. Socratic Q&A Notes x Self-assessment Brainstorming Anecdote x Feedback x Problem analysis x Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout x Test Game x Library x x

2 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Mendel (Dihybrid Incomplete Dominance,) 1- Genetic problems (dihybrid, incomplete dominance, codominance) 80 min. Socratic Q&A x Notes x Self-assessment Problem analysis x Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout Test Game Library

3 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Mendel (Co-dominance) 1- Genetic problems (dihybrid, incomplete dominance, codominance) 80 min. Socratic Q&A x Notes x Self-assessment Problem analysis x Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout Test Game Library

4 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Lab blood type. (use your phenotype to know your genotype) 1- Select appropriate instruments and use them effectively and accurately in collecting observations and data 2- Select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical, and linguistic modes of representation to communicate scientific ideas, plans, and experimental results 3- Locate, select, analyze, and integrate information on topics under study, working independently and as part of a team, and using appropriate library and electronic research tools, including sites; 4- Communicate the procedures and results of investigations and research for specific purposes using data tables and laboratory reports 1- Lab blood type 80 min x Problem analysis x Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo x Handout Test Game Library Lab report

5 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Morgan s Sex-Linkage 1- Sex-Linkage problems 80 min. Problem analysis x Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout x Test Game Library Complete problem sheet

6 -5 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Lab: Investigating human traits p Compile qualitative and quantitative data from a laboratory investigation on monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, and present the results, either by hand or computer 2- Select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical, and linguistic modes of representation to communicate scientific ideas, plans, and experimental results 3- Locate, select, analyze, and integrate information on topics under study, working independently and as part of a team, and using appropriate library and electronic research tools, including sites; 4- Communicate the procedures and results of investigations and research for specific purposes using data tables and laboratory reports 1- Lab investigation human traits 80 min. x Brainstorming x Anecdote Feedback Problem analysis Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo x Handout Test Game Library x x Lab report

7 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Virtual fruit fly lab 2- Biotechnology 1- Compile qualitative and quantitative data from a laboratory investigation on monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, and present the results, either by hand or computer (e.g., record observations using a Virtual Fly laboratory software package); 2- Research genetic technologies using sources from print and electronic media, and synthesize the information gained (e.g., describe the Human Genome Project, transgenics, or the process of genetic screening; list the advantages and disadvantages of cloning or the genetic manipulation of plants). 1- Virtual lab 45 min. 2- Research Human Genome Project, DNA fingerprinting, Gene Therapy 30 min. Group work TV/Video Written quiz Problem analysis Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo x Handout Test Game Library x x x x

8 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: Pedigree charts 2- Hemophilia in the Royal family 1- Pedigree charts 25 min. 2- questions chapter 4 (p.158) 35 min. Presentations/seminar Text x Assignment check Problem analysis Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout Test Game Library x x

9 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: More genetic problems 1- Last Handout!!! 80 min. 2- Problem analysis Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo Handout x Test Game Library x

10 Biology 11 Chapter: 5.9 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: DNA fingerprinting 1- Locate, select, analyze, and integrate information on topics under study, working independently and as part of a team, and using appropriate library and electronic research tools, including sites; 2- Communicate the procedures and results of investigations and research for specific purposes using data tables and laboratory reports. 3- Outline the scientific findings and some of the technological advances that led to the modern concept of the gene and to genetic technology, and demonstrate an awareness of some of the social and political issues raised by genetic research and reproductive technology. 1- DNA fingerprinting 80 min. x Problem analysis Poster Essay writing Laboratory / Demo x Handout x Test Game Library Lab report

11 -5 Unit 2: Genetics Continuity Course: & Test demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of meiosis and describe the perform laboratory studies of meiosis and analyse the results of genetic research related to the laws of heredity; outline the scientific findings and some of the technological advances that led to the modern concept of the gene and to genetic technology, and demonstrate an awareness of some of the social and political issues raised by genetic research and reproductive technology. demonstrate an understanding of the process and importance of mitosis (e.g., cell division and the phases of mitosis); explain how the concepts of DNA, genes, chromosomes, and meiosis account for the transmission of hereditary characteristics from generation to generation (e.g., explain how the sex of an individual can be determined genetically; demonstrate an understanding that the expression of a genetic disorder linked to the sex chromosomes is more common in males than in females); describe and explain the process of discovery (e.g., the sequence of studies and the knowledge gained) that led Mendel to formulate his laws of heredity; explain the process of meiosis in terms of the replication and movement of chromosomes; describe genetic disorders (e.g., Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome) in terms of the chromosomes affected, physical effects, and treatment; explain, using Mendelian genetics, the concepts of dominance, co-dominance,