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1 Chapter 1 : SIAM - Service Integration and Management Siam: Principles And Practices For Service Integration And Management [Van Haren Publishing] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The increasing complexity of the IT value chain and the rise of multi-vendor supplier ecosystems has led to the rise of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) as a new approach. Hot Topics Service integration and management SIAM is a management approach that has evolved over the last decade and is now rapidly growing in popularity. But what is it? How can you benefit from it? And most importantly, why should you care? SIAM has a different level of focus to traditional multi-sourced ecosystems with one customer and multiple suppliers. It provides governance, management, integration, assurance, and coordination to ensure that the customer organization gets maximum value from its service providers. How can I and my company benefit from it? Put simply, SIAM helps companies who are struggling to manage their suppliers. SIAM Foundation Body of Knowledge, copyright Scopism The service integrator is a specialist function that coordinates the service providers, providing an end-to-end view of provision and encouraging the service providers to collaborate, innovate, and improve. As more and more organizations source services from different service providers, SIAM gives them a structure that allows them to add and remove service providers quickly and efficiently, with contracts, agreements, and a culture that drive the right behaviors from all parties. A SIAM model should give them a structure to work in that encourages quality and innovation, not finger-pointing, blame, and worries about their future. Sounds a bit idealistic? Maybe it is, but we already have many industry examples of SIAM models working well as well as some working not so well! Why should I care? SIAM has been building momentum for years, and marks the point where it becomes a defined set of management practices that you can read, learn from, use, comment on, and help evolve. SIAM will complement and build on many other management practices like IT service management ITSM, and show you how to adapt and augment processes in a multi-supplier environment. Want to learn more? In, the year of SIAM, we have: The launch of SIAM Professional training and certification â already in development, and due to launch later in Several useful blogs such as: Integrating people, process, and tools. Want ITSM best practice and advice delivered directly to your inbox? Why not sign up for our newsletter? Claire is also director of Scopism. Page 1

2 Chapter 2 : Why is the Year that SIAM Gets Serious - Het recentelijk verschenen Service Integration and Management Foundation Body of Knowledge en SIAM: Principles and Practices for Service Integration and Management uit eind Alle twee geschreven door een collectief van auteurs. De opkomst van Cloud speelt hierbij natuurlijk een belangrijke rol. SIAM wordt terecht steeds meer gezien als een essentiele opzichzelf staande IT competentie die belangrijk bijdraagt aan het functioneren van een organisatie. Op de Nederlandse markt zijn twee engelstalige boeken beschikbaar rondom dit onderwerp. Principles and Practices for Service Integration and Management uit eind Alle twee geschreven door een collectief van auteurs. Deze recensie betreft beide boeken. Het verschaft een makkelijk te consumeren overzicht en basiskennis rondom het onderwerp. De illustraties zijn helder en simpel en helpen bij de verduidelijking. Een prima inleidend boek voor een ieder die met SIAM te maken heeft of gaat krijgen van hoog tot laag. Als je je even kwaad maakt heb je het in twee avonden uit. Wat minder sterk is het ontbreken van een index of enige verwijzing naar de gebruikte bronnen. Wel is er een bijlage met procesbeschrijvingen en een verklarende woordenlijst. Het boek kan ook gebruikt worden als bronmateriaal voor een EXIN examen. Hier moet de lezer even goed voor gaan zitten. Dit boek richt zich veel meer op diegenen die leiding geven aan het implementeren of optimaliseren van SIAM. Het is duidelijk dat de schrijvers hebben doorgedacht en ook naar meer volledigheid hebben gestreefd. Sterk is bijvoorbeeld dat men ook ingaat op de positie van de Service Provider die hoogstwaarschijnlijk meerdere klanten bedient. Dat betekent dat de Service Provider dus eigenlijk ook een Service Integrator is. Met andere woorden er is een wederkerigheid. Dit is een belangrijk gegeven vooral voor de toekomst. Ik kom hierop terug. De volledigheid gaat wel ver. Daar moet de lezer wel op bedacht zijn. Er zijn veel wegen die naar Rome leiden. Een organisatie kan ervoor kiezen om deze rol grotendeels uit te besteden of juist binnenshuis te houden. Ook zijn er mengvormen mogelijk. Een heldere keuze met bijpassende functiescheiding en governancemodel is in alle situaties van groot belang. Daarnaast moet er ook nagedacht worden over processen, tooling en data. Welk gedeelte wordt centraal uitgevoerd door de SIAM organisatie en wat blijft de verantwoordelijkheid van de service providers? Daar zitten dus grote uitdagingen. SIAM BOK beschrijft de complexiteit wel, maar gaat zelden verder dan te stellen dat er oplossingen gevonden moeten worden. Zo wordt bijvoorbeeld uitlegd dat er een verschil zit tussen een externe Integrater die ook verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor servicelevels over alle providers heen versus een Integrator die alleen faciliteert. De positie van Cloud Providers De opkomst van Cloud en ook Agile worden wel degelijk genoemd in beide boeken. In het verleden werd er bij uitbesteding uitgebreid onderhandeld over specifieke voorwaarden en uitvoering. Die mogelijkheid is er niet bij het Cloud aanbod. En dit komt door de wederkerigheid, een provider die sterk geautomatiseerd is moet gaan voor een uniforme toepassing voor alle klanten. Anno is duidelijk dat dit een doodlopende straat is. Een Cloud Provider begint daar niet aan. Sterker nog men wil eigenlijk niet eens een service level afgeven. Een hoge beschikbaarheid moet in de applicatie worden opgelost. De informatie is vooral geschikt voor medewerkers die in een SIAM organisatie gaan werken of er mee te maken krijgen. Beide boeken zijn erg nuttig. Dit is echt complex en heldere Best Practices hoe je daadwerkelijk een dergelijke organisatie moet opzetten en runnen zijn maar beperkt aanwezig. Page 2

3 Chapter 3 : What is SIAMÂ? YaSM Wiki Service integration facilitates the linkage of services, the technology of which they are comprised and the delivery organizations and processes used to operate them, into a single operating is a relatively new and fast evolving concept. Many silo-based IT departments and service providers fail to deliver on their promises of cost savings, service improvements, and innovation. In addition, the finger-pointing among multiple internal and external suppliers and often inflexible contractual constraints render it difficult to address market challenges in an agile way. The complexity and lack of transparency make it hard to understand the necessary action items to achieve the necessary end-to-end service levels and meet the expectations of the service consumers. Driven by the need to manage the results of typical multi-supplier eco-systems and to accommodate the increasing need for go-to-market speed, organizations are now looking for a multi-supplier sourcing model to address the necessary governance and achieve the expected but hitherto missed opportunities. Service Integration and Management SIAM is a sourcing model based on leading practices observed at major global organizations. It is a functional group that provides the governance and a single point of responsibility for the delivery of integrated services to the client, based upon an operating model that focuses on core organizational competencies and delegates or outsources the activities that are deemed non-core or commodity. The granular services, provided by multiple internal or external service providers, are integrated by the SIAM function to ensure end-to-end service levels and transparency. The SIAM function also called the Guardian Agent or Integration function is responsible for matters pertaining to interoperability, cross-functional coordination, governance, and end-to-end service levels. The main goal of SIAM is to coordinate internal and external suppliers and their services in a cost-effective way to achieve the end-to-end service levels needed to support the goals of the business functions. SIAM is a layer between the suppliers and the IT functions that supports and enables the integration of the services offered by multiple internal and external service providers. A commercial component deals with activities around contracts, procurement, service level penalties, invoicing, etc. One can think of this component as the format, the structure, or the commercial and contractual controls of the SIAM concept. It comprises all activities that focus on the actual coordination of the services provided by the multiple suppliers, and can be split up in three sub-layers: Pain Points The intention of the multi-supplier sourcing model is to address the following potential pain points: Reluctant collaboration across suppliers, caused by unclear delineation of responsibilities and accountability; Lack of transparency and incomplete understanding of end-to-end service level performance; Contractual compliance without innovation; Impotent governance and multiple costly change orders for minimal efforts; Poor architectural integration with multiple points of failure; Labor-intensive reporting and inadequate data to ensure fact-driven decisions. Benefits The possible benefits of the governance model are to offer: An effective framework for managing supplier performance and improving consistency in service levels; A single point of accountability for end-to-end service delivery to the business; The ability to seize benefits in technology breakthroughs to reduce IT costs; The capability for managing IT risks and compliance across the eco-system; A mechanism to enhance alignment of IT priorities with business objectives. There are several service management tools on the market, but the main attribute is the functionality of tool modules to share data across the various internal departments legal, IT, procurement, facilities, HR, etc. When considering what is needed to enable multiple stakeholders to plug into a common technology, we first look at the basic building blocks of the technology: Data Common usage of data eliminates redundancy and makes it easy to update data elements. The data resides in structured tables that are common to all service management tool modules. Security Sectioning off certain data elements is enabled by the domain concept in the tool. Workflow The most powerful feature of a service management tool should be its workflow engine. Reporting The out-of-the-box graphical capabilities and service-aligned reporting of typical service management tools facilitate decision-making to achieve intended results. Page 3

4 Reporting functionality provides the visibility and transparency to understand and manage outcomes. The service management functionality contains the necessary and sufficient elements to support the goals of multiple stakeholders. The ERP functionality provides an integrated real-time view of core business processes, using common databases and a powerful workflow engine. Unified Service Delivery Unified Service Delivery is the concept of facilitating the information flow between business functions, using the building blocks of the service management tool technology. A typical example is the effort of onboarding a new employee: Facilities needs to take care of office space; HR will need to determine the role of the new employee and his or her access needs to particular applications; IT needs to provide a laptop and provide access to various applications; Procurement may need to provide a mobile phone; Security needs to provide building access; HR needs data to ensure the employee will get paid; etc. The shared data and workflow rules of the service management tool enable such routine onboarding requests to take on the characteristics of transactions we are now accustomed to on websites such as ebay or Amazon. The success of the internet-like transactions paradigm in the tool eco-system is based upon multiple factors, such as employee self-service, speed, reduced costs, immediate feedback of request status to the user, consistent graphical user interfaces, and reporting capabilities. Unified Service Delivery is the effective, efficient, and consistent delivery of services, calling upon intertwined enterprise stakeholders and using common data, powerful workflows, comprehensive security, consistent user experiences, and suitable reporting tools. SIAM Architecture Similar to the concept of the Unified Service Delivery explained above, the modules that make up the service management system share the building blocks across the various internal and external groups that provide and use the data. The system facilitates information flow between the stakeholders. More importantly, it enables the client enterprise to keep control over data, its security and access, the workflows that use the data e. The service management tool hence plays the role of a transaction bus, channeling data and activities from one stakeholder to the next, based upon the path in the workflow, and within the security guidelines e. A good example is the roll-out of a new module for an existing application in the enterprise. The Application Development or commercial off-the-shelf software COTS supplier provides the code; the network people ensure that additional bandwidth will be available for the encrypted application data; the internal data center has the servers ready for the application and the data; the HelpDesk prepares for the initial wave of questions by developing frequently asked questions FAQs ; an external disaster recovery supplier ensures backups of the data; the application maintenance group puts the final touches on the user acceptance testing UAT ; the change advisory board CAB makes sure that checklists have been checked off and all relevant stakeholders are informed and give their thumbs up. The complexity and number of interactions between the different groups can be difficult to manage if it is done without a centralized ERP tool. An effective service management tool allows the smooth interaction of stakeholders and enables the seamless transition from one task to the next. Its functionality also allows the auditability and full traceability of approvals and who did or failed to do what. The fact that the facilitation happens in the cloud, with a minimal footprint in the internal IT architecture, can be a happy bonus. The client controls the data entered by the different stakeholders and achieves a transparency and visibility in the system that is unprecedented. The decision about outsourcing particular activities within the SIAM layer should be based on a the capabilities of the potential internal or external agents that can perform the necessary activities; and b the consideration if the activity is a core competency or not. It is useful to look at a SIAM outsourcing decision from the perspective of process, people, and tools. Process Considerations Some of the questions to consider when structuring the SIAM activities are related to the process maturity of the environment and its stakeholders: Are the process activities and cross-supplier coordination efforts well-defined? Is there a comprehensive RACI matrix in place? Do the contracts contain clauses to address changes in the RACI matrix? These questions will guide you in scoping the organizational change and process redesign efforts. The combination of IT operational skills and a deep understanding of processes are critical to achieve the SIAM goals. Expertise with the structure of outsourcing contracts and with legal aspects, together with a solid foundation in procurement and supply-chain processes can also strongly influence the success of SIAM Page 4

5 initiatives. Technology Considerations The focus of the technology considerations should be on the degree of architectural integration. Examples of this integration could be a common data dictionary, federated configuration management databases, discovery tools, orchestration, and automation. To ensure the multi-sourcing technology is effectively reducing the complexity of the multi-supplier eco-system, it is critical that the architectural structure of the technology aspects is well thought through. Rapid deployment attributes, common data repositories, agreed-upon definitions and workflows, and defined access and identity management are examples of characteristics of an enabling tool and functionality architecture. Decomposition of the Service Integration Layer As mentioned earlier, the Service Integration Layer has 1 a commercial component and 2 an integration component. Below is a breakdown of typical sets of activities one can find under these headers. The decomposition is not intended to be exhaustive, but provides a guiding structure or framework and a suggested common taxonomy. The Service Integration Layer assists in finding the best possible cost to meet the needs of the client in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location. The Integration Layer reports on the audit results, the corrective actions, and the continual improvement efforts of the service provider. It includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during its implementation or execution. The service levels include run-of-the-mill metrics such as first call resolution FCR, mean time to restore MTTR, or number of unauthorized changes, but may also include more complex service levels such as disaster preparedness, recoverability of services, and joint testing. This is where typically the different individual service levels are broken down to the operational granularity and compared with the contractual indicators. This may include software licensing compliance aspects, cross-suppliers CI relationships, the tie between particular CIs and major incidents, etc. In contrast to the typical narrow and deep data repositories that can be found at each supplier, SIAM focuses on a broad and shallow configuration management database CMDB containing only the CIs relevant to the end-to-end service levels. It also includes minor and possibly major enhancements to the service management tool platform. The Platform and Automation management focuses on the architectural execution of this mandate with a periodical review and the generation of a set of recommendations. Conclusion To achieve the governance that will make multi-sourcing arrangements effective, clients must get internal service providers and external suppliers to work together, both from a commercial and operational standpoint. The integration layer, consisting of elements of process, tools, and people, is critical to the success of these arrangements. Page 5

6 Chapter 4 : Service integration and management - Wikipedia An introduction to Service Integration and Management and ITILÂ 5 Service integration and management has the same meaning as Service Integration. SIAM is a term that is used as an abbreviation for Service Integration and Management, and is also. Lead supplier as service integrator SIAM introduces some of the following key concepts for effective Service Management: This is where TCC is useful. TCC reflects the cost that organization incurs during the life of a service that it has sourced from a service provider. With knowledge being sourced from a number of providers both internal as well as external, management of this distributed set becomes critical. Distributed Knowledge Management through federated knowledge base gains prominence. IT Capabilities[ edit ] In order to perform effective and efficient service integration and management, multi-sourcing clients require key IT capabilities. They need to build and continuously improve these capabilities for performing successful service integration and management. In total, research identifies six key IT capabilities that clients should build and optimize. Manage Service Integration Governance: Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to define, establish and continuously adapt the service integration governance. Manage the Service Integration Organization: Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to develop and manage the distributed organization in accordance with changing business requirements. Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to manage business demand and develop a service portfolio in alignment with business requirements. Manage Tools and Information: Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to manage distributed information and the integration tool solutions. Manage Providers and Contracts: Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to select an appropriate provider portfolio and to manage the providers according to the outsourcing contracts Manage End-to-end Services: Multi-sourcing organizations need to be able to understand and manage the business services end-to-end. Integral part is IT service management including relevant processes. A conscious and systematic implementation of these capabilities should contribute to the effectiveness of multi-sourcing engagements and overall multi-sourcing success. Challenges, issues and benefits[ edit ] When services are provided by myriad teams or suppliers, ensuring seamless service delivery to the business or organization being served presents a challenge. To sustain the benefits, strong operational and commercial governance are essential. According to research, service integration and management needs to address and overcome four key challenges: Some common issues include: Individual teams both in-house and outsourced can act autonomously and lack coordination. Individual suppliers fulfilling their contractual obligations does not provide assurance that the end to end service delivered to the enterprise will be acceptable Fragmentation can complicate the tasks of integration and governance, both of which are essential to delivering effective services to a business or organisation. Individual suppliers can focus on attributing blame rather than identifying and addressing the root cause of service quality issues. Some key benefits of moving to a well managed multisourced IT organisation can include: Ease of obtaining additional resources "on tap". Increased adaptability and speed of response to business requirements. Competition between suppliers to drive down costs and increase quality. Widening the portfolio of services and skills available to the organisation. Decreased time to market, with increased innovation and business to IT alignment. Allowing the retained organisation to focus on IT strategy, business relationship management, enterprise architecture, and governance. Having the ability to utilise suppliers who are either best-of-breed or specialists, experts in niche technologies, or who can bring individual strengths to specific service offerings. SIAM aims to bring the desired governance and control which will ensure organisational policies and standards are not ignored or inconsistently applied; and suppliers act in a cohesive and efficient manner. Organisational structure[ edit ] The creation of a SIAM team, who act as the single point of accountability and orchestrate multiple suppliers, is seen as an effective way of minimizing or mitigating potential multisourcing issues, and optimising the composite IT organisation. Manage the multiple suppliers to give the optimal mix of flexibility, innovation, Page 6

7 standard and consistent service. Be accountable for the integrated services that are being delivered back to the business. Specify IT service management processes and procedures to be deployed across the enterprise and ensure they are followed. Act as the central point of control between IT demand and IT supply. Play a pivotal coordinating role in all service management processes. Examples of specific activities that a SIAM team would undertake include: In addition, a SIAM team would act as the gatekeeper by enforcing change, security accreditation, testing and release processes. Four different organizational models exist to institutionalize service integration and management in multi-sourcing settings with interdependent services. The models describe the position of the organizational unit that is performing service integration and management: The client itself can take responsibility for service integration. Its retained organization is accountable for coordinating and integrating the services. Lead supplier as service integrator: An independent third party company is responsible for service integration without additional service delivery responsibilities. Service integration responsibilities are distributed across the client and one of their service providers. Prime vendor, where one organisation sub-contracts services to external service providers is not a SIAM structure, although it requires similar capabilities. The service integrator in a SIAM model will not typically hold contractual relationships with the service providers. Whilst it might be considered beneficial from a governance perspective for that supplier to have no other commercial interest in the provision of IT services to the customer in practice the SIAM provider is often the supplier with the largest contract value. In theory this means that they have the greatest interest in delivering a good service. ITIL, therefore, provides a strong platform and common language with which a SIAM team can manage and work with a full spectrum of suppliers. Chapter 5 : Quick guide to SIAM The increasing complexity of the IT value chain and the rise of multi-vendor supplier ecosystems has led to the rise of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) as a new approach. Service Integration is the set of principles and practices, which facilitate that collaborative working relationships between service providers required to maximize. Page 7