IDM part 2 has arrived Interaction framework. Jan Karlshøj / Henk Schaap buildingsmart ITM-IUG Tokyo, 17 oktober 2012

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1 IDM part 2 has arrived Interaction framework Jan Karlshøj / Henk Schaap buildingsmart ITM-IUG Tokyo, 17 oktober 2012

2 IDM part 1

3 IDM part 2


5 Agenda Background Explaination IDM part 2 Software support Practical use of IDM part 2 Draft resolution

6 Background Origin Dutch VISI standard Reason Intensive communication between building partners lack of communication is a source of errors No standard available for expressing communication arrangements Need for interoperability Development started in 1998 Introduced in Dutch construction sector from 2003

7 February 2009 buildingsmart ITM Schiphol Amsterdam Presentation on VISI standard was well received Well defined scope on coordination, decision making and information transfer Software-tools already available Proposal for cooperation in buildingsmart en ISO IDM development NL contribution in ISO/TC 59/SC 13 WG 8

8 Background ISO/TC 59/SC 13 WG Basic concepts of Dutch VISI standard introduced in IDM part Elaboration of concepts in IDM part CD-version approval 2012 DIS-version approval 100% 2012 IS-version expected Contributions: Jeff Wix, Nick Nisbet, Gunnar Friborg, Eilif Hjelset, Kurt Löwnerts, Ghang Lee, Inham Kim, Tatsuo Terai, Henk Schaap, Jan Bouwman, Jan Karlshøy, Wolfgang Wilkes

9 Explaination IDM part 2 Communication is the wire of the process

10 IDM part 2 concepts Action based communication Ref. Jan Dietz, 2006, Enterprise Ontology, Springer

11 Roles and transaction Client T Engineering contractor Roles Transactions Messages in transaction Data elements in message

12 Divide the roles VISI

13 Coordination / decision making

14 Interaction map Engineering contractor CR2 Constructing T 3 R2 Contract supervising T 2 R1 Project managing T 1 CR1 Client T 4 T 5 R3 R4 Testing/ accepting System engineering

15 Large scale application Interactiediagram DBFM Working Draft 18 augustus 2012 / Henk Schaap ON Bewegwijzering T34 T1 T25 T1 Corporate dienst T26 T1 T31 T1 Leiding beheerder Gemeenten T35 T1 T32 T1 Bestuursorgaan T33 T1 T24 T1 Indiener claim Explosieven opruimings commando T30 T1 Opdracht-nemende Opdrachtgevende projectorganisatie BG Regisserende afhandeling storing T16 Meldpunt storing ON Constaterende ON storingen Opdrachtnemende T22 T1 T1 T5 T5a T1 RWS Landelijke gegevensbeheerder T21 T1 T11 VODK ON T1 T8 T17 T14 T10 T13 T29 T1 T1 T3 T30 T1 T1 T7 T19 T1 T18 T20 T1 T1 T4 Constaterende VO ON VODK storing ON T15 Service Desk DVM RWS Infolijn Weginspecterende T23 T1 Bevoegd gezag/ Regionale dienst T1 T2 ON Gladheidbestrijding T12 T1 T9 Verkeerscentrale T1 T6 (Vaar)Weg- Beheerder T28 T1 Vergunning aanvrager Bevoegd Gezag/ Regionale Dienst

16 Example transaction Client T Engineering contractor Transaction: Request for change Messages: Request for change Report impact and consequences Provisional disapproval Reject request Acceptance

17 Messages in Transaction Client Engineering contractor Request for change Report impact & consequences Provisional disapproval Reject request Accept change Transaction Tx: Request for change

18 IDM part 2 Title: Interaction framework Provides a method and format for describing Interaction between roles in the building process Diagram: Interaction map Diagram: Messages in transaction XML-format for defining: roles, transactions, messages, message in transactions, dataelements

19 IDM part 2 IDM part 2 provides: A method to validate interaction framework Enables portability of interaction framework Enables standardization of interaction on project, organization and/or national level Enables interoperability of structured messages

20 Software support Software applications are available from: Infostrait Bakker & Spees Cenosco KPD software Brink Groep For an impression, see:

21 Practical use Triggers: structured communication, traceability, interoperability Implemented by major clients in INFRA Applied yearly in > 1000 projects First focus: contract management Second focus: coordination, decision making on, and transfer of BIM-containers

22 Prorail attaches importance to a uniform, transparent and traceable communication between all parties during both design and build projects, as in maintenance. Therefore Prorail decided to mandate the use of the VISI standard (IDM part 2) in all our contracts Martin Zoontjens Manager Business Information

23 Rijkswaterstaat wants to improve the information flow between contractors, client project organization and maintenance organization. Open standards are a means to achieve this. We have selected IDM part 2 as an important component in our BIM approach. Herman Winkels Manager BIM program

24 More information about the Rijkswaterstaat BIM program, see:

25 Draft resolution ITM/IUG acknowledges and appreciates the extensive work of convener Henk Schaap and other buildingsmart members for their work with the ISO IDM Part 2. Before ITM/IUG formally recognize IDM part 2 as a buildingsmart standard that could contributes to interoperability in the building process, - it should be clear how the future development can be financed - a technical review of the standard should be performed by ITM - a software implementation review should be performed by ISG although it should be taken into account by the standard is already implemented in software products. - IUG should evaluate the value of the standard from a user point of view All reviews and evaluations have to be completed by January A formal decision recognition of ISO IDM Part 2 will be based in the reviews and evaluations. ITM/IUG encourage User groups to execute pilot projects and give feedback and comments ITM/IUG asks Jan Karlshoej to coordinate information meetings on IDM part 2 and coordinate feedback from pilot projects.

26 Questions

27 VISI standard IDM part 2 VISI standard is maintained in the Netherlands by CROW (Technology platform for infrastructure, traffic, transport and public spaces) quality mark interaction frameworks VISI framework for contract management (traditional) VISI framework for contract management in D&C