Martin Linking professional training. Shanghai, China Date: 26 th and 27 th, November, Your International Facilitator:

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1 Global Sourcing Management Best Practices The aim of this two-day workshop is to assist sourcing professionals, managers and directors to improve management A skill and value offering for enterprise in global sourcing management, including sourcing strategy, spend analysis, categorization, supplier management, bidding and negotiation, etc. Through case studies, exercise and best practice sharing, trends and models to identify more value from global sourcing management is presented and learned. Shanghai, China Date: 26 th and 27 th, November, 2012 Your International Facilitator: Johan Backbro Senior Management Consultant Capacent Johan Bäckbro has spent three and a half years in China and one year in Hong Kong prior to joining Capacent. During these years Johan worked within retail, logistics, PR/Advertising and production; and within the areas of sourcing, production, distribution and business development main focus was put on project management and retail store expansion. The time spent in Asia developed Johan s understanding for the complexity of business development when different cultures meet; both business cultures and cultures on a specific national level. Through this understanding Johan has the competence and ability to make sure that projects, no matter what direction, are accomplished with success. Johan has worked in both global companies as well as smaller entrepreneurial companies and has actively sought to work towards a leadership where the involvement of different people and their competence have been of great value. AREAS OF COMPETENCE EDUCATION Management in general Project Management Sourcing Sourcing negotiation Purchasing, strategic, tactical and operational Production, planning & control Quality Management Business Plans & Strategy Jönköping International Business School, management & marketing; American School of the Hague, The Netherlands; Course Description: There are two main challenges lying ahead of sourcing managers and directors: first, a more volatile supply market; second, increasingly complex activities in global sourcing. And of course, the pressure to identify value potential and materialize the potential is adherent to sourcing. In the meanwhile, product proliferation and customization make it harder for sourcing decision makers to manage the change and increase value for his enterprise. In order to meeting the challenge of complexity, and to enhancing capability to bring identify more value from sourcing organization, it s imperative to gain new insight into global sourcing management. This training course will explore how to better manage global sourcing through case study with tools and methods introduced. What the Seminar will help you achieve: What is sourcing and the value of sourcing strategy How to identify potential and opportunity from spend analysis How to increase value from structured approach of competitive bidding and negotiation How to manage your category and increase value by reinvent category How to manage your suppliers and identify shared value through better supplier management Martin Linking professional training Pre-Course Questionnaire In order to tailor this course precisely to your needs, the course leaders would value information on your knowledge, experience and requirements.

2 Training Programme Day One Monday 26th November 2012 Day One Session One Introduction to sourcing and its role in supply chain Sourcing is the start of value-adding activities for an enterprise, but it s only a link in a value chain. For most traditional industries, sourcing has the most impact to the bottom line performance. Sourcing: introduction and clarification Sourcing: an integrated part of supply chain Session Two Sourcing strategy and insight into sourcing management Sourcing strategy is the key for sourcing organization to focus on value-adding and value-creating, instead of value protection, activities. Sourcing strategy: why so important Sourcing strategy: norm and innovative Re-invent your sourcing strategy Session Three Spend Analysis and Opportunity Assessment Spend analysis is such a powerful tool that few managers looked behind the data. Introduction to spend analysis Valuable insight into the analysis Assess opportunity for improvement In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on or to discuss further possibilities. Session Four Competitive Bidding and Negotiation Introduction of a well-structured and proven practice to competitive bidding and negotiation will considerably help sourcing managers identify more potential out of the process. Competitive bidding and case sharing Negotiation: a value-discovery journey Conclusion Day One About Martin Linking Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow. We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry sectors to ensure that the business intelligence we provide is timely and cutting-edge. Workshop Schedule Day One & Two 0830 Registration and coffee 0900 Workshop commences 1045 Morning refreshments 1115 Workshop re-commences 1200 Luncheon 1300 Workshop commences 1500 Afternoon refreshments 1530 Workshop re-commences 1730 Workshop concludes Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

3 Training Programme Day Two Tuesday 27th November 2012 Day Two Session One Category Management Part I Manage by category is taken for granted by sourcing professionals and managers. Value lies in how to categorize. Category management: what it is and what it isn t Category management: approach and practice Session Two Category Management Part II Re-invent or categorize differently can be a new source of value creation. Categorization: development and trend Value identification from re-categorization Session Three Supplier management Part I Supplier management is essential for sourcing management. Outstanding supplier management has potential to reduce significant hidden cost. Introduction to supplier management Inside of supplier management Exercise for supplier management About Johan Backbro EXAMPLE OF PROJECTS Project Industry Short description PRODUCTION Insourcing/out sourcing Planning and Steering Quality management Production move coordination SOURCING Outsourcing Strategic purchasing Purchase / materials supply Printing Production Production Printing Responsible for production of display material for a European company (included Quality Control visits at factories in China). Planned and management production of campaign material (responsibility included Quality Control visits at factories in China). Responsible for quality improvement projects for shop interior fittings. Coordinated a production move for a factory. Factory area decreased from approximately 19,000 sqm to approximately 12,000 sqm after completed project. Delivered finished layouts, time plan and budget for management approval. Involved in design; coordination of sourcing, production and distribution of articles to client s stores in Asia and Europe. Included several different designs (size, form and material). Mannequins, clothing hangers and interior for several retail clients with stores in Eruope and South America. Involved in sourcing and production of a company s marketing catalogue which presented previous successful projects to be presented to current and potential clients. Session Four Supplier Management Part II Successful supplier management practice, model and tactics. Best practice in supplier management Identify potential in supplier management Supplier management framework and model STRATEGY Expansion plan Store gift-box coordination (design, sourcing, production and distribution) PR/A dverti sing Presented an expansion plan for a furniture company in Hong Kong to possibly expand the business to Shanghai, China. Coordinated a store-gift box which was sent to several hundred locations in Asia. Coordination included being actively involved in the entire distribution chain of each store-gift box. Design and content responsible; responsible for sourcing of materials and the production to finished product. Coordinated the logistics of the box to all locations. Conclusion Day Two Environmental strategy Transporta tion Project Manager for an environmental project with focus on transportation of people (customers and employees) to and from stores/offices. The goal was to environmentally adapt the activities to make it more environmentally friendly. Test locations were Shanghai, China and Shenzhen, China. Part of a team that was in charge of coordinating the insourcing of services to client s customers. Insourcing strategy Service Took different roles in different phases of the project; the most major role was creating base documents for other projects-within-the-project to develop in line with the strategy of successfully fulfilling the insourcing. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

4 全球采购管理最佳实践 这次为期两天的培训的目的是协助采购专业人员 经理和总监在全球采购管理的过程中提高管理技能和为企业 A 提供价值, 包括采购战略 支出分析 分类 供应商管理 投标和谈判等 通过案例研究 练习和最佳实践共享 趋势和模型, 从全球采购管理中发现更多的价值 中国上海 2012 年 11 月 日 您的国际培训师 : Johan Backbro 高级管理顾问 Capacent 在加入 Capacent 前 Johan Backbro 已经在中国工作了三年半和在香港工作了一年 在这些年里,Johan 工作过的行业包括 物流 公关广告和生产, 主要领域为采购 生产 销售和业务发展, 重点是项目管理及商店的扩张 在亚洲花的时间帮助 Johan 发展了对当不同的文化交汇时业务发展复杂性的理解, 包括商业文化和国家层次的文化 通过这一认识,Johan 有能力确保项目, 无论什么方向上完成, 都能取得圆满成功 Johan 曾在世界性的公司以及小点的企业里工作过, 他积极寻求一种涉及具有不同能力的人的领导力 擅长的领域 一般管理 项目管理 采购 采购谈判 采购 战略 战术和运作 生产 计划 控制 质量管理 商业计划和策略 培训描述 : 采购经理和总监有两个面临的主要挑战 : 首先, 更加不稳定的供应市场 ; 其次, 日益复杂的全球采购活动 当然识别潜在价值并实现潜在价值的压力是和采购活动并存的 同时, 产品种类的激增和定制需求使得采购决策者更难管理变化和为他的企业增值 为了满足复杂的挑战, 提高识别能力从采购组织带来更多的价值, 有必要对全球采购管理获得新的洞察力 本课程将探讨如何通过案例研究并介绍工具和方法更好地管理全球采购 这次培训将在以下方面给您帮助 : 什么是采购和采购策略的价值 如何通过支出分析识别潜力和机会 如何使用结构化的方法从竞争性的投标和谈判中增加价值 如何管理类别并通过重构类别来增加价值 如何管理您的供应商并通过更好的供应商管理识别共同的价值 教育背景 瑞典延雪平国际商学院, 管理和营销, 海牙美国学校, 荷兰, 马汀令可专业培训 预先课程问卷为了使这一课程真正适合您的需求, 培训师将会评估你现有的知识, 经验和需求

5 培训第一天 2012 年 11 月 26 日星期一 第一天 第一节 介绍采购及其在供应链中的作用采购是企业增值活动的开始, 但那只是价值链中的一环 对于大多数传统产业, 采购对业绩最具影响 采购 : 介绍和澄清 采购 : 供应链的一个组成部分第二节 采购战略和对采购管理的深入了解采购战略是采购组织集中于价值增加和价值创造, 而不是价值保护活动的关键 采购战略 : 为什么这么重要 采购战略 : 规范和创新 重新构造您的采购战略 案例研究 第四节 竞标和谈判介绍一种会大大帮助采购经理从这个过程中识别出更多的潜力具有良好结构和被实践证明的竞标和谈判 竞标和案例共享 谈判 : 一个价值发现的旅程 案例研究第一天总结 第三节 支出分析和机会评估支出分析是一个如此强大的工具以至于很少有经理回顾这些数据 : 支出分析介绍 对分析有价值的洞察 促成改进的评估机会 案例研究 关于马汀令可 马汀令可商务咨询计划每年组织超过 80 场的培训和会议, 与全球 1000 强公司的高层经理一起提高他们的商务战略, 满足他们的学习和培训需求 并且我们在不断成长 我们邀请领先企业的管理者 决策者和创新者在我们的活动中分享他们的思想观念 最佳商业实践和新技术 我们致力于为我们的客户提供即刻可用的前沿信息 我们不断地研究和聆听所有行业的声音来保证我们提供商业信息是及时和前沿的 内训方案 : 如果公司有很多人有类似的培训需要, 那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 : 电邮 培训时间表第一天和第二天 0830 签到和早茶 0900 培训开始 1045 上午午间休息 1115 培训继续 1200 午餐 1300 培训开始 1500 下午午间休息 1530 培训继续 1730 培训总结 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

6 培训第二天 2012 年 11 月 27 日星期二 第二天 第一节 类别管理第一部分通过类别进行管理对于采购专业人员和经理是理所当然的 问题在于如何分类 类别管理 : 是什么和不是什么 类别管理 : 方法和实践 案例研究第二节 类别管理第二部分重新构造或用不同的方法分类会是一个新的价值之源 分类 : 发展和趋势 重新分类的价值识别 案例研究第三节 供应商管理第一部分供应商管理对于采购管理是非常必要的 优秀的供应商管理有可能显著降低隐藏的成本 介绍供应商管理 供应商管理深入讲解 供应商管理练习第四节 供应商管理第二部分成功的供应商管理实践 模型和战术 供应商管理最佳实践 确定供应商管理中的潜在可能 供应商管理框架和模型 案例研究第二天总结 关于 Johan Backbro 部分从事过的项目 项目行业简述 生产 采购 战略 内购 / 外包 规划和转向 印刷 负责一家欧洲公司显示材料的生产 ( 包括 访问在中国工厂的质量控制 ) 活动材料的生产计划和管理 ( 负责访问在中 国工厂的质量控制 ) 质量管理生产负责商店内部配件质量改进项目 协调生产线的移动 外包 战略采购 采购 / 材料供应 扩建计划 商店礼品盒协调 ( 设计 采购 生产 配送 ) 环境战略 内购策略 生产 印刷 公关和广告 运输 服务 协调工厂生产线的移动 项目完成后工厂占 地面积从约 平方米下降到约 平 方米 交付完成后的布局 时间计划和预算 给管理层批准 参与给客户在亚洲和欧洲商店的设计 采 购协调 生产和配送物品 包括几个不同的 设计 ( 大小 形状及材质 ) 为几个客户提供在欧洲和南美洲的商 店提供展示模特 服装衣架及室内用品 参与公司的市场营销目录的采购和生产, 目 录包括展示给现有的和潜在的客户以前成 功完成的项目 为一家香港的家具将业务范围扩展到中国 上海提供了扩展计划 协调一个商店礼品盒被送到在亚洲的数百 地点 协调包括积极参与每一个商店礼品盒 的整个配送链 负责设计和内容 ; 负责材料采购和到成品的 生产 协调礼品盒到所有的地点的物流 作为一个环境工程的项目经理, 主要集中在 客户和员工来去商店 / 办公室的交通 目标 是使得这项活动更为环境友好 测试地点包 括中国的上海和深圳 负责协调客户服务的内购团队的一员 在项目不同阶段担任不同的角色, 大部分的 角色是创建制定符合成功完成内购战略的 整个项目的分项目的基础文档 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

7 Global Sourcing Management Best Practices SH Sales Contract-Please Complete in Capital Letters and Black Ink Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to Whitney Shen Fax No: Fee Per Delegate Two Day Training Fee RMB 8850 per person All the registered delegates are entitled for a set of documentation free of charge. DOCUMENTATION RMB 1000 If you are unable to attend the conference/training but wish to receive copies of the conference/training documentation, please complete the sales contract, tick this box and return the contract with payment details. Full Payment is required within 5 working days Register Now Contact: Whitney Shen Tel: Fax: Business Opportunities An exhibition space is available at the conference. Sponsorship opportunities covering lunch, evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs are also available. Please contact Ms. Whitney Shen at Payment Method Our payment terms are 5 working days on receipt of invoice and full payments can be made by bank transfer Authorization (Signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of contracting organization.) This booking is invalid without a signature. Terms & Conditions: 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms - Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within five (5) working days upon the issuance of invoice. Payment must be received prior to the conference/ training date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference/training seats, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Client s Cancellation/substitution - Provided the total fee has been paid, client s cancellation must be received in writing by MAIL or FAX four (4) weeks prior to the event in order to obtain an 85% credit to attend for any future Martin Linking Events. Under such circumstances, Martin Linking will retain the other 15% service fee to cover expenses for prior cost that has already been incurred upon the acceptance of registration.all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by Martin Linking. 4. If, for any unexpected circumstances or reasons that Martin Linking decides to postpone this event, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Martin Linking harmless from any cost incurred in by the client. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future Martin Linking s events. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the content without notice. 5. Copyright etc. - All Intellectual Property rights in all materials produced or distributed BY Martin Linking in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication,publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. 6. Important note: In the event that Martin Linking permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (Including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a refund for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event. Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited