Advantages of Agile model:

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1 Agile methodology Agile : We divide the application components (parts) and work on them one at a time. When one is ready we deploy it to production (live environment). Agile is very collaborative and interactive. Because the application gets done incrementally components by components change requests are welcome. Change request - Product owner or team decides to add something to the product that was not in the requirements before. Advantages of Agile model: Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software. People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months). Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication. Close daily cooperation between business people and developers. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. Regular adaptation to changing circumstances. Even late changes in requirements are welcomed

2 Agile Scrum Agile Scrum: scrum is one of the "Agile Methods", it has a loose set of guidelines that govern the development process of a product, from its design stages to its completion. It aims to cure some common failures of the typical development process, such as: Chaos due to changing requirements / change request. Roles of Scrum 1. Product Owner - (holds the vision for the product) 2. Scrum Master (helps the team to stay on track) 3. The Team (builds the product) A. Dev B. QA C. Others The product is built incrementally in a series of short time periods called sprints. Sprints have a defined length, typically two weeks. Most teams find that short sprints work better than long ones. During each sprint, the Scrum team builds and delivers a product increment, which is a shippable subset of the product. Each product increment is a recognizable, visibly improved, operating version of the product, meeting defined acceptance criteria and built to a level of quality called done. Scrum under 10 minutes (Good video to understand Scrum)

3 Documents on Scrum Agile Scrum Ceremonies Product backlog refinement / Backlog grooming meeting o Product Backlog (the list of ideas for the product, in order of priority. Wishlist of the product owner for the product) Sprint Planning Meeting o Sprint Backlog (Stories will be worked on in the upcoming sprint) Daily Scrum (15 mins or less) o What did you do yesterday o What are you working on today o Is there any risk or roadblocks? Sprint Review meeting/sprint Demo o Demo of the stories completed during the sprint Sprint Retrospective Meeting o What did we do well on the last sprint o What did we did not do well on the last sprint o What can we improve on the next sprint or going forward? Burndown Chart (where everyone can at real time the progress of the sprint)

4 Typical sprint burndown chart Sometime Team needs to work extra hard to catch up

5 After every sprint Product should be ship ready state.