Process Innovation in Upstream Process of Manufacturing

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1 Process Innovation in Upstream Process of Manufacturing 関口利宏 北島満樹 あらまし PLM Product Lifecycle ManagementPLM PLEMIA PLM ICT PLEMIA Abstract Recently in the Japanese manufacturing industry, enterprises have been reconstructing their business strategies in the global market. With the maturation of advanced country markets, expansion of developing country markets and improvement of manufacturing competitiveness in Asian countries including China, the environment surrounding the Japanese manufacturing industry has been undergoing dramatic changes in these past few years, which has made the situation tough. Above all, enterprises are rapidly localizing their production sites along with market globalization and they are facing major challenges: delayed launch of mass production due to insufficient skills of local personnel, and higher costs incurred by preparing for production. To solve these challenges, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is becoming essential. PLM is a strategic integrated solution for constructing the next-generation development/design and manufacturing environment encompassing the product planning phase, development/design, manufacturing sites, sales, support, disposal and recycling. The general design information management system PLEMIA presented in this paper is a solution that provides the core of PLM. It is capable of managing product-related information in a centralized way throughout the entire product life cycle and thus it facilitates manufacturing from the upstream process of design and strongly supports enterprises in the building of a manufacturing environment that can flexibly adapt to changes in the market. This paper describes a case of applying PLEMIA to the construction of an integrated design environment and mentions process innovation achieved by sharing data between the upstream process and the processes after design completion. 16 FUJITSU. 65, 5, p , 2014

2 まえがき PLM PLEMIA ICT PLEMIA ものづくり企業の課題 コモディティ化の進展 コトづくりの重要性 Apple itunes ipod itunes Mac WindowsPC iphone itunes FUJITSU. 65, 5 09,

3 ものづくり上流工程の改革 ICT ICT FTCP Flexible Technical Computing Platform 3 FTCP 3 CAD Computer Aided Design FUJITSU Manufacturing Industry Solution VPS Virtual Product Simulator FUJITSU Manufacturing Industry Solution GP4 PC 図 -1 PC PCCAD 2 PLEMIA の基本構成 ICT ICT PLEMIA PLM PLM 3 1 / 製品データ 生産性と生産能率を検証 作業手順 各種指標 / 定量評価 レイアウト -1 GP4 18 FUJITSU. 65, 5 09, 2014

4 2 3 CAD 2 CAD Web PLEMIA の機能と特長 PLEMIA 1 CAD 2 BOM Bill of Materials 3 DMU Digital Mock-Up DMU FUJITSU. 65, 5 09,

5 7 お客様のコトづくりへの支援 PLEMIA ICT PLM 1 2 EXCEL 3 3 VPS/Manufacturing 3 CAD 4 図 -2 Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision 2014 CAD/ 管理メカ / エレ / ソフト 解析 / 管理 生産準備検証組立 / 工程 / 物流 部品管理 環境情報管理 製品検証 - モノを作らないものづくり 従来型 DR VDR S3D-VDR HC-VDR MMO-VDR 戦略 プロジェクト管理 / プログラム管理 技術情報管理 ニーズシーズ要件仕様人部品コスト設備 PLEMIA ハイパーコネクティッド基盤 インターネット / イントラネット 工場 生産管理 (ERP) 生産 / 購買 / 品質 / 原価 / 出荷 製造管理 (MES) 材料投入 / 加工 / 組立 / 検査 / 梱包 資材管理場内在庫 / 協力会社在庫 / 商品在庫 保守情報管理 顧客 部品メーカー 設計協力会社 生産協力工場 ベテラン技術者 企業統合 販売店 FUJITSU. 65, 5 09, 2014

6 M&A PLM 4 むすび ICT ICT ICT PLM PLEMIA PLM PLEMIA PLM 参考文献 FUJITSU Vol.63 No.1 p PLM 4 Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision 著者紹介 関口利宏 ( せきぐちとしひろ ) PLM PLM 北島満樹 ( きたじまみつき ) PLM PLM FUJITSU. 65, 5 09,