What s New in Cityworks 2014 SP1

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1 1 What s New in Cityworks 2014 SP1 Server AMS Server PLL Web Services Designer Storeroom Mobile Other Server AMS Item 5276: Contract and Contractor fields have been added to work order search results. Item 5327: Numerous search fields and search results fields were added to Contracts search. Contracts can also be associated with projects. Item 5369: X and Y values are now copied from parent work orders to child work orders. Item 3078: Image and UNC paths are used for assets. Item 3417: The user can now define the highlight color for asset selection results. Item 3418: The JavaScript map can detect the user s location and zoom and center the map on the location. Item 3430: A new tool allows you to add a maintenance score to historical work orders. Item 3508: A custom inspection field can be set to update a selected attribute field for an asset when the inspection is closed. Item 3509: The request Call History panel displays the caller s history even if the customer is not in the account table. Item 3510: The Measure tool on the map now has more units of measurement. Item 3512: The Condition map tool has been enhanced to show cost totals. Item 3513: GIS Search now returns up to the number of records in the max number of records returned Designer preference when the Server GIS model is set to REST. Item 3520: A default sort field has been added to GIS Search. Item 3521: When a change is made on the Asset Edit Form, the GIS attribute information is also updated in the Equipment Changeout, Asset Analytics, and Select Feature Objects forms. Item 3523: A highlight button has been added to the standard inspection toolbar. Item 3570: When geocoding an address in the Locate tool with the work history checked, the work history displays on the left pane. A highlight button has also been added. Item 3572: The work history form displays the asset summary based on the selected assets, not the search definitions. December 4, 2014

2 2 Item 3622: Equipment Changeout has a new user interface. Item 3623: A scroll bar has been added to the Observations panel on a TV inspection. Item 3625: A calendar control has been added for editing GIS date attributes. Item 3650: The request edit page now has an Existing Requests with the Same Problem Code panel. Item 3719: A child work order can be created with one or more selected entities from the parent work order. Item 3738: Passing in custom field values when creating or updating a service request has been added. Item 3751: A new geocoding tool has been added to the JavaScript map. Item 3772: Multiple child inspections can now be added to a parent inspection. Item 3785: Added the ability to search for assets that have not had maintenance in a certain timeframe to GIS Search. Item 3819: The SOE has been updated to work with ArcGIS Server Item 3820: Server AMS/PLL can now run in 64-bit mode if not using the geodata service. Item 3852: Multiple service requests can now be closed at once using the Apply to All check box. Item 3860: Multiple work activities can be opened from the map by clicking the open selected work activities button on the Results panel. Item 3879 and 3880: Interactive service request and work order charts have been added to the inbox. Item 3900: The work order line item panel will not display if the user does not have permission to view line items. If the user has permission to view line items but not costs, the line item panel will display but the costs will not. Item 3901: The ELM Assets table now shows all asset information. Item 3905: When new users are imported, they are given a default password. They are required to change their password when they log in the first time. Item 3913: Map printing now uses an Esri export web map service. Item 3920: Server AMS admin security roles are not removed from the cwsvrsitemap table if the roles are deleted. Item 3935: Added a method to ensure that a child work order is created when the parent work order is closed, if it hasn t already been done. Item 3937: In ELM, contractors with expired licenses are now displayed in red.

3 3 Item 3754: Activity-based map printing has been added to request, work order, and inspection printing. Item 3771: Cyclical inspections can now be created. Item 3823: Database Manager is automatically opened after running the installer. Item 3903: Work order Readings now includes a minimum option. Item 3933: Users can associate labor with both the asset and the task in ELM. Item 3934: A new preference allows GIS data to be updated from a CCTV inspection. Item 3936: Asset Analytics information can be exported as a CSV file. Also, inbox charts can be downloaded or printed. Item 3962: Added the ability to open multiple work activities from the JavaScript map. Item 3966: Contractor material fields can now be populated by selecting material from the hierarchy on the work order ELM page or by selecting material from either the Storeroom or the hierarchy on the work order Material page. Item 3979: The Condition tool now allows for multiple analyses to be displayed on the map. Item 3981: In Asset Analytics, Actual Start Date and Actual Finish Date have been added to the Work Order panel and Inspection Date has been added to the Inspection panel. Item 3983: Caller information can now be populated from the Call History results. Item 3984: Address and Location fields appear on the new work order page. They can be set as required so that users cannot save the work order without entering location information. Item 3992 and 4766: Users can search for numeric ranges on the service request, work order, inspection, and GIS search pages. Item 4000: The Asset Alias tool now shows map layers that resolve to the same asset type. Item 4003: Default settings can now be set for service request, work order, inspection, PLL, and Contract searches. Item 4034: The site menu is now configured in Designer. Item 4039: Custom fields can be included in the audit log for service requests and work orders. Item 4108: Users can search work orders by the CreatedByCycle. Users can also search by the date to be printed, and null values can be used in the Printed On and Next Print Date fields. Total asset count is now available as a search result field.

4 4 Item 4113: Numeric search fields that include a filter option can now be searched for null values. Item 4163: If an assembly is selected in either the work order material cost edit panel or in ELM, the user can also view the assembly BOM. Item 4295: The Pavement standard inspection has been added to Server. Item 4349: Asset form configuration customizations are now displayed on the GIS Search screen. Item 4394: The installer checks for required fields on each page. Item 4395: The Inbox clear selection button has been updated. Item 4404: Crystal Reports can now be uploaded to the server through the browser. Item 4424: Users can now search for custom field categories without having to select any custom field values. Item 4434: The Entity Workorder History tool allows users to copy the work history of an entity to another entity of the same type. Item 4490: When conducting a GIS Search for related objects, the highlight button is disabled. Item 4645: Added a budget reports page. Item 4648: Material, equipment, and contractor hierarchies have been added to ELM. Item 4687: The main toolbar menu items can now be closed by clicking anywhere outside the open menu. Item 4824: Universal custom fields were added for work orders. Item 4847: Work orders can be searched by work order cost, labor cost, equipment cost, material cost, or permit cost. Service requests can be searched by labor cost. Inspections can be searched by score and rating. Item 4917: The CWDBA user is now configured in Database Manager. Item 4919: Domain administrators can delete server log files from the log viewer. Users can also delete log files that start with their login name. Item 5021: Cityworks Field Results panel now shows the asset count on each tab if greater than zero. Item 5025: Attachments now display a thumbnail image of the attachment. Item 5027: The Measure map tool has been enhanced.

5 5 Server PLL Item 5062: The Show Action buttons along with Menu option has been removed from PLL Admin (System Tools > Preferences > Public Access) since it doesn t apply to Public Access. Item 5229: The fee amounts that are automatically added when a business license renewal occurs can now be updated. Item 5390: Parent/child relationships can now be removed in Case Utility. Item 3344: The Public Access registration form has been enhanced. Item 3346: The PLL Admin Public Access section now shows if login approval was denied and by whom. Item 3382: The Submit button works in Google Chrome. Item 3406: Users can now search by case numbers in Public Access. Item 3410: A Create wizard has been added to Public Access. Item 3455: Linear fees have been enhanced to properly handle rounding. Item 3481: SQL scripts can apply to Database Manager to validate audit trace structures on upgrades. Item 3535: An image appears next to any fee in Case Data that is linked to the Grand Sum. Item 3589: A security role cannot be deleted if users are assigned to that role. Item 3593: The screen flow icon on search bars has been updated. Item 3595: The confirmation message that appears when adding checklist items now matches the other confirmation messages. Item 3596: Users can now select multiple cases for deletion in Case Utility. Item 3598: To ensure data integrity, delete functionality has been reworked. Item 3604: When creating a new case, the Create New Contractor window has been resized. Item 3605: The Preferences page has been redesigned. Item 3697: CA_FEES now inserts a zero instead of null when the fee amount is zero. Item 3699: Custom fees can handle IF, AND, or OR logical operators. Item 3700: Custom fees can be linked to all case data detail types. Item 3703: Public Access users can now be required to enter an address for their login ID. Item 3704: Public Access users can now add an address from the map.

6 6 Item 3706: Public Access can now notify new users via if their registration is approved or denied. Item 3707: Public Access can be configured to require new users to complete a Captcha during registration. This is done in the WebAppSettings.config file. Item 3710: More explanation is provided when an error occurs when creating a custom fee. Item 3717: Added the ability to search on projects using the Project Code. Item 3769: Related Documents (attachments) preferences are now under Preferences instead of in the WebAppSettings.config file. Item 3755 and 3756: Existing cases can now be linked as child cases. Items 3757 and 3760: A thumbnail view option has been added to the RelDocs/Attachments panel so that users can see a preview of the image without having to download or open it. Item 3761: Fees do not have to be locked when a payment is made. Item 3767: A Conditions tab has been added to the search form. Item 3768: Added the ability to search for relationships to cases, work orders, and requests on the General tab. Item 3796: Users can now open multiple cases from the Inbox and from search results forms. Item 3797: Users can now open multiple cases and switch between them from the summary page status bar. Item 3804: There is a Conditions tab on the search screen, and Conditions is included in the Results Display section. Item 3869: One-click printing of Crystal Reports is now available. Item 3870: Charting tools for the following analysis types have been added to the inbox: count, count by (week, month, year), and sum. Item 3871: Interactive charts have been added to PLL. Item 3873: Adding a new PLL user now creates a user in AMS as well. Item 3875: Layout Manager works with the Holiday, Notes, and Tasks administrative functions. Item 3876: Layout Manager has a new binding attribute. Item 3878: Layout Manager has a new suffix attribute. Item 3882: A new Notification Type, RTF, is now available. Item 3883: The Public Access homepage works with an Oracle database.

7 7 Item 3885: Layout Manager works with the user-side Case Address and Edit forms. Item 3886: Layout Manager has been applied to the navigation buttons on the Edit panels. Item 3887: Crystal Reports runtime is updated. Item 3925: Crystal Reports are now correctly assigned to templates rather than case types. This change requires administrators to re-associate their reports in PLL Admin and at the template level. Item 3926: Added the ability to continue using multi-edit and multi-view options with Layout Manager. Item 4077: A Completed column has been added to the Workflow panel. Item 4117: In Public Access, Check Case Status can be searched without entering any search criteria. Item 4126: In Public Access, the Check Status of Inspection Request form has been updated. Item 4131: In Public Access, the Inspection Details panel now shows the Inspection Type, Description, Target Start Date, Completed Date, and Result columns. Item 4157: Two new check boxes have been added to case templates: Show Quick Create and Check Quick Create. Item 4189: When creating a case, the Case Number field is only available if the Automatically Assign field is not selected. Item 4506: The panels on the case summary form have new expand/collapse icons. Item 4621: In PLL Admin, when adding a new case type, Automatically Assign Numbers is selected by default. Item 4934: In Public Access, the workflow panel now shows an icon to indicate which tasks have comments associated with them. Item 4936: When a user is creating a new application in Public Access, data is not lost if the user presses the Previous button. Items 4932 and 4933: Public Access has a new, customizable UI. Web Services The Server PLL web services are all new for The following Server AMS web services have been added: Attachments Crew

8 8 CustomerCall Types The following Server AMS methods on existing web services have been added: Authenticate o Version Employee o ByIds Entity o Configuration Equipment o ByIds Material o ByIds Search o GISSaved o PllSaved ServiceRequest o ByIncidentAnd o ByOtherSystemId o CustomFields o ProblemLeafByOtherSysCodeDescs o ProblemLeafBySid o TemplateCustomFields WorkOrder o AddEntities o CustomFields o RemoveEntities Item 3721: The ability to get template custom fields from web services has been added. Item 3770: For category custom fields, both work orders and service requests have get, update, and get template functions in the API. Item 3853: The Inspection API update method now handles updating branching inspections. Item 3854: The new template custom field methods are public in the work order and service request APIs. Item 3902: AddEntities and RemoveEntities methods have been added to the work order API. Item 3958: The inspection and work order services were updated to prevent an inspection or work order from being created if the asset type does not have a UID field set in Designer.

9 9 Item 3980: An API Version web service has been added to the SDK. Item 4045: The required API methods of the CrewService have been exposed and also added to the mobile SDKs. Item 4643: The Public APIs were updated to replace CwWebService. Server now uses these new services. Item 4646: The PACP interface now uses Cityworks Server services. Designer Designer is a new web application for New features added are: Item 5361: An Enable Storeroom preference has been added to allow users with a Storeroom license to disable Storeroom. Item 5440: An Is Active field has been added to Equipment. Item 5452: An Update Work History check box was added to the Reassign Asset Types page. Item 5462: The following permissions have been added: VIEWCONTRACTCOST, VIEWSRLABORCOST, VIEWWOLABORCOST, VIEWWOEQUIPMENTCOST, and VIEWWOMATERIALCOST. Work order costs will be displayed based on these individual permissions. The work order VIEWCOST permission now only applies to Contract, Line Item, or Permit costs. Item 3827: Asset updates can now be configured on the work order template. Item 4015: New fields have been added to Materials: Is Active, Expiration Date, Splittable, Category, and Justification Required. Item 4016: Custom Codes now have an Is Active field. Item 4230: Items added to hierarchies are now sorted by NodeSid. Item 4296: Pavement Inspection Mapping has been added. Item 4393: The root node in the site menu cannot be edited. Item 4471: The Employees list can be filtered by group. Item 4644: An Apply to All button was added to ing and Licensing. Item 4649: The new notification system allows users to create template-based or event-based notifications. Item 4915: Next Audit, Cycle Interval, and Cycle Unit fields have been added to Storeroom Materials in Designer.

10 10 Item 5026: If a material has an image associated with it, a thumbnail image will appear next to that material. Item 5084: Users can now define asset alias entries for features and objects in Designer. Storeroom Storeroom is a new web application for New features added are: Item 4981: When issuing to a work order, a message alerts users if they do not have at least one material selected. Item 5326: Storeroom domain administrators have access to Material, Supplier, and Supplier Material pages. Item 4779: Storeroom saved searches can now be created and displayed in the inbox. Search results can also be exported as a.csv file. Item 4780: Transactions and search results are printed using a Crystal Report template. Item 4915: Next Audit, Audit Interval, and Audit Interval Unit fields have been added to the material search page. Item 4957: A Materials Cost Conversion page was added to allow administrators to easily convert cost types from Current or Weighted Average to LIFO or FIFO. When an audit transaction is recorded, both the Transaction Date and Recorded Date are populated with the current date and time. Audit transactions cannot be postdated, meaning that it is necessary for users to transact audits in real-time. This was done to allow for auditing of LIFO and FIFO cost types. Mobile Item 3590 and 3591: The Mobile web app is now available. Item 4087, 4203, 4204, and 4285: Work order labor, equipment, and material have been added to the Android and ios apps and the Mobile web app. Labor has been added to service requests in the Android and ios apps. Item 4670 and 4680: PLL inspections have been added to the Android and ios apps and the Mobile web app. Item 4165 and 4311: Attachments have been added to the Android and ios apps. Item 4043: The Android and ios apps works with Cityworks Online.

11 11 Other Item 4038: Database Manager is all new for Item 4297: The Paver Interface and CCTV Interface have been combined into a single application. Items 4845, 4929, and 4930: Various enhancements have been made to the PACP interface. Cityworks 2014 SP1 is only certified against the following ArcGIS versions: 10.0 SP5, 10.1 SP1, 10.2, , and Please take some time and review our systems specifications to make sure your system is compliant.