Module One: Management Methodology for Health Services (PMMHS) An Introduc.on Part 2

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1 Module One: Management Methodology for Health Services (PMMHS) An Introduc.on Part 2

2 What is PMMHS? It is a methodology for the management of health services based on produc.on, efficiency, resources and costs (PERC), the quality of services and user sa.sfac.on; It is a tool to aid managers in decision- making and guiding ins.tu.onal changes; It entails a par.cipatory style of management; It helps in the development of indicators to evaluate challenges that threaten the capacity and resource u.liza.on of health services; It facilitates monitoring and nego.a.on of network agreements; and It has a sooware (PERC) and a set of tools that support the methodology.

3 Principal Objec.ves of the Management Methodology for Health Services (PMMHS) Informa.on- based decision- making Efficient management of health resources Improved access to quality of services

4 Historical Evolu.on This process was started by PAHO in 1973 in Colombia Over the next several years, it was refined through implementa.on experiences in many countries including Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela and the English- Speaking countries of Trinidad & Tobago, and Belize Eventually, aoer several itera.ons, SIG became PMMHS and WinSIG became PERC

5 The PMMHS View of Health Service Health services are processes that can be evaluated with measures of equity, efficacy, and efficiency. Service systems can be organized as produc.on centres and sub- centres according to their products, resources u.lized and their associated costs Systems

6 The Goal of PMMHS is Evidence- based Health Service Management Determining the right mix of services and procedures by which available resources can provide the greatest benefit to the popula.on at the lowest possible risk and cost. Muir Gray JA (2004): Evidence- based Healthcare. How to Make Health Policy and Management Decisions.

7 Management Methodology for Health Services (PMMHS) It is offered as a useful tool to generate an informa.on culture in health services management based on produc.vity, transparency, and accountability.


9 PMMHS is Not... A source of automa.c management solu.ons A magic formula for problem- solving in healthcare management An approach that requires the genera.on of new informa.on

10 PMMHS is... A process that selects and links informa.on to help in the formula.on of ques.ons A strategic view of the health service or network of services The structured collec.on of required data to generate informa.on using PERC

11 PERC provides A visual consulta.on system where compiled data can be viewed onscreen Up- to- date informa.on for managers Management chart Indicators and their trends A tool that allows: The evalua.on of produc.vity The analysis of efficiency Planning and

12 Factors that Determine a Successful Implementa.on of the PMMHS High level support Management leadership support Sustainable financial support Training of health service managers for the development of new skills par.cipa.on of the implementa.on team Access to needed informa.on Constant support and monitoring Informa.on plaeorm Basic informa.on tools Internet access

13 Structural Elements of PMMHS

14 Op.mal Management OpDmal Management is fundamental for the transforma.on of health systems based on Primary Health Care. It require the development of the capacity To respond to the community s needs using resources To meet quality requirements and, To nurture sa.sfactory work environment for health workers

15 Op.mal Management Op.mal Management also requires the development of organiza.onal capacity For data capture as well as indicator use and analysis an Informa.on Culture To monitor and evaluate the performance of the health services To generate par.cipatory environments to build new competencies aimed at addressing the measured challenges and needs

16 Processes Strengthening of management capacity by training and con.nuing educa.on Agreements on management indicators in order to measure produc.vity Analysis of informa.on for decision- making and performance evalua.on based on pre- established objec.ves Decision- making beyond the genera.on and analysis of informa.on Execu.on Improve planning and implementa.on of solu.ons

17 Development Tools PERC- (for Produc.on, Efficiency, Resources and Costs) is an Internet based digital tool. With it, PMMHS... Organises data and generates tables and charts Allows the analysis of variables by produc.on and service centres Facilitates cost, performance and efficiency analyses PAHO and the ins.tu.ons have developed and will con.nue to develop new tools aimed at improving data collec.on, data management and managerial capacity

18 Ins.tu.onal Objec.ves The implementa.on of the PMMHS, can contribute to the achievement of four ins.tu.onal objec.ves: 1. Efficiency with Quality 2. Resources DistribuDon RaDonalizaDon 3. ConDnuous Improvement 4. DisseminaDon of Successful PracDces

19 Func.ons of the PMMHS

20 Func.ons of the PMMHS PMMHS... Provides performance evalua.on data Iden.fies produc.vity problems Facilitates analysis and change op.ons Organizes the delivery processes according to produc.on, costs and results

21 Func.ons of the PMMHS con.nued PMMHS... Enables monitoring and evalua.on Establishes costs of services and their rela.onship to produc.on efficiency Allows performance comparisons between and within organiza.ons Creates learning and the dissemina.on of best prac.ces Provides a more homogeneous view of the country s health services