PARKING GARAGE LDC ARTICLE VIII. Design Standards City of Oviedo

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1 PARKING GARAGE LDC ARTICLE VIII Design Standards City of Oviedo

2 General Intent of Standards Produce a high quality living environment for all users. Enhance the relationship between development and public space. Maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the streetscape and the architecture within the City of Oviedo. Create publicly accessible open spaces and plazas as key focal points and an organizing feature of the site. Maintain an appropriate overall scale and pattern of development. Protect significant natural and man-made features (e.g., mature vegetation, street trees, heritage trees, open space areas). Provide for density/intensity through an efficient and cost-effective use of land. Require articulation that reduces the mass/scale and uniformity of large building masses, while allowing design flexibility. Improve traffic circulation options, particularly for pedestrians/bicyclists. Ensure the development is accomplished with high quality that benefits the property owners and citizens of Oviedo.

3 Elements Site Design Building Siting Building Form (Architectural Guidelines) Accessory Structures

4 Elements - Breakdown Site Design Building Siting Building Form Streets/ Walkways Open Space Landscape Lighting Guest Parking Signage Orientation Lot Size, Width & Setbacks On-Site Parking Articulation & Design Roof Modulation Fenestration Materials Colors Height Accessory Structures Fences/Walls Service Areas Mechanical Equipment Solar Panels Other Accessory Structures Urban Design Architectural Design

5 Incentives to Comprehensive Plan Policies City standards focus on Comprehensive Plan Policies. Innovative design and density bonus (Section 8.3). If development meets at least two (2) policies under innovative design by the Comp Plan, it will be eligible for density bonuses where applicable; subject to City Council approval. Preserve > 25% of trees with caliper > 30 Provide complete public streets (see figure 8.1 in the City of Oviedo s LDC) 25% of residential units address Communities for a lifetime principles (i.e., elevators in developments or master bedroom suites at ground level) Low impact development engineering solutions for storm water (e.g., bioswales, porous paving, green roofs, etc.) At least five percent (5%) of the required parking is dedicated as charging stations for electric cars Environmentally friendly building design practices are utilized Health-Design solutions are offered within the development (e.g., community gardens, internal bicycle lanes/trails, outdoor communal fitness equipment, etc.)

6 Site Design Streets/Alleys/Walkways Connectivity and Safety Ensure that the development provides internal and external circulation connectivity and safety as may be required to protect the public interest (Section 8.8). Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of the street, public or private. New streets and sidewalks should be extended and integrated into the existing public street system. Internal streets and right-of-ways shall have a minimum width of 50, unless otherwise approved. Internal streets (public/private) shall have a minimum width of 50, unless otherwise approved. Mechanical garages are prohibited. Alley minimum width: 16 of pavement, 20 total Sidewalk minimum width: 5, clear of vehicle overhangs

7 Site Design Streets/Alleys/Walkways Connectivity and Safety Access Points Parking garages shall be accessible from a local street or an alley The number of access points shall be determined during the review Access points shall be well signalized to minimize impacts of parking garage entrances in major pedestrian zones Parking garages are encouraged to not be constructed adjacent to designated arterial and collector roadways, unless there is enough space to provide for the required stacking. LDC: Figure 8.51 Access Points

8 Site Design Open Space Balance Between Developed and Undeveloped Areas At least 25% of the total site development shall be dedicated as open space, except when located within the Downtown District (see standards in Article VI). Open spaces are encouraged to be designed with topographic, natural and/or historic features.

9 Site Design Landscape Shade and Greenery Preserve and protect existing healthy trees and ensure that new development provides shade and greenery At minimum, 1 large street tree shall be provided for every 50 linear feet of right-of-way, adjacent to a development parcel. Alternatively, a minimum of 1 medium street tree may be allowed every 30 linear feet, adjacent to a development parcel, if applicant demonstrates that is impractical to plant the large trees. The minimum number of required trees for parking garage development is calculated at a rate of 15 trees per net buildable acre.

10 Site Design Landscape Shade and Greenery Desired Not Desired

11 Site Design Lighting Safety and Convenience Ensure safety and convenience for the circulation of people and motor vehicles Areas used by pedestrians shall be illuminated at night to ensure public safety. Lighting shall be provided at regular intervals to prevent dark pockets. Lighting fixtures shall have a maximum pole height of 16, except in vehicular areas where the maximum pole height is to be 35. All fixtures shall be consistent throughout the development and compliment the architecture; fixtures in public right-of-ways shall use Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting. Lighting fixtures shall used concealed source fixtures and must have fluted bases. Exclusively pedestrian area lighting may use bollards instead of light poles. Innovative lighting proposals may be submitted to the City Council for approval.

12 Site Design Lighting Safety and Convenience LDC: Figure 8.52 Lighting Parking Garages

13 Building Siting - Orientation Orient the parking garage development to cause the least impact on pedestrian activity and to have parking garage buildings creating a sense of spatial enclosure along streets with buildings forming a street wall and defining outdoor rooms. No more than 2 parking garage entrance/exits may be located on a single block frontage; Pedestrian entrances/exits to parking garages shall be directly from the street, unless the structure is part of a development that provides access directly to and from other building uses. If structured parking garages are accessory to an existing development they shall be located behind the principal buildings or on the same building, below or above the principal use. Primary Façade Classifications: A façade that has a primary entrance door; or faces a public or private street.

14 Building Siting - Orientation LDC: Figure 8.53 Building Orientation; Parking Garages

15 Building Siting Lot Width and Setbacks Organize the location of parking garage in relation to the street, to the lot and to other adjacent buildings in order to provide enough space. There is no minimum lot width or minimum lot size for parking garages. The minimum setbacks established in Section 4.12, Table 4.2 of Lot Use Regulations; Section 6.3, Table 6.2, Building Setbacks; Section 6.4 (F)(4)(b), Setbacks; and Section 6.4 (G)(4)(c), Setbacks, according to the specific zoning district.

16 Building Siting Parking Requirements A minimum of 1 charging station for electric cars shall be designated per development requiring more than 50 parking spaces. The charging station shall serve 2 spaces.

17 Building Form Articulation and Design Create Visual Interest The intent is to reduce the apparent size of buildings and create visual interest. Building facades and roofs shall include architectural elements that vary the appearance of a large building mass, break up long walls, express the individuality of each building, and enhance the character of the neighborhood/development. Parking garages that have façades that are hidden/closed by surrounding buildings may be exempted from the requirements of section 8.8(c), if demonstrated that such façades are not visible from public areas. Front entrances shall be clearly defined with the use of architectural features (e.g., porticos, recessed/projected access, stairs, columns, canopies, different materials or treatment, etc.) One pedestrian entrance per building unit shall be provided on the primary façade.

18 Building Form Articulation and Design Create Visual Interest Minimum Number of Articulation Elements Primary façade: 3; Secondary façade: 2; Rear façade: 1; Rear façade visible from right-of-way: 2; If the building is placed on the corner of 2 ROW s, adding additional corner elements is required. (Articulation elements can be found in section 8.8 (C)(1)(e) of the City of Oviedo s LDC) Architectural elements and variation shall not be restricted to a single façade. All sides of a building shall display a balanced level of quality and architectural interest. Parking structures that are accessory buildings shall be designed to compliment and compatible with the architectural character, materials, and colors. Parking structure façades shall not allow ramps to be visible from adjacent public ROWs, private streets, and publicly accessible open space and plazas. Elements utilized to satisfy articulation requirements shall not be credited as satisfying other design requirements.

19 Building Form Articulation and Design Create Visual Interest LDC: Figure 8.54 Building Articulation Parking Garages

20 Building Form Roof Modulation Roof forms may be used to identify different functional areas within the building, to provide for additional light to enter the building, to reduce massing, to screen rooftop equipment, and to create movement along the roofline. (See figure 8.45 in the LDC) Roofing forms, slopes, details, materials, and overall design should be compatible with the overall style, mass, scale and character of the structure. All roofs should include gutters/down-spouts that: Drain directly into a cistern, landscaped area, or storm drain system; match the trim of body color of the façade; and are discreetly located to maximize aesthetics, unless decorative in nature. Vent pipes that are visible from the streets shall be painted to match the color of the roof. Minimum Number of Roof Modulation Elements: Primary façade: 2; Secondary façade: 1

21 Building Form Roof Modulation Roof Modulation Elements: Uninterrupted roofline along the eave between roof modulation elements shall not exceed 40 Decorative parapets that are a minimum of 4 in height above the finished roof, floor of the rooftop Extension of window or façade element is up into the roof area Distinctive roof forms covering each building s mass Landscape planters or elements along the roofline Any other treatment that the approving authority determines to be consistent with the intent of this subsection and is consistent with sound and generally accepted land use planning or architectural practices and principles.

22 Building Form - Fenestration Ensure identity and visual interest in parking garage building design and ensure proper natural light and ventilation to the garage building. Doors, windows, and other openings in a building exterior façade shall comply with all of the following: Fenestration elements shall be appropriately sized for the scale and style of location. Elements shall occupy a minimum of 30% of the area of the façade area of the primary façade or façades that front a street, park, plaza or on-site courtyard Windows or openings shall provide both visibility and day-lighting into the building. Windows shall preferably be vertical shape (height 20% width). If openings are horizontal in shape, vertical elements in the façade articulation shall be provided.

23 Building Form - Materials Façade materials are used to provide character and attractiveness to the parking garage. The materials shall be varied and contrasting either to differentiate buildings or parts of buildings. Material treatment shall e consistent in all facades and shall be complementary to one another and appropriate for the architectural style. The minimum number of building materials to be used on a primary façade and secondary façade is 2, excluding fenestration, trims, and decorative elements. Changes in material shall generally occur when there is a change in the plane of the façade and on the inside corners of the building. Brick and Stone materials shall wrap around corners to give an appearance of structural function and minimize a veneer appearance.

24 Building Form - Materials Appropriate Façade Materials Brick Stone Wood Panel (painted or stained lap horizontal siding, vertical board, batten-wood siding) Stucco, Textured Stucco Textured Concrete Panels Inappropriate Façade Materials Untreated Concrete Block Plywood, Unfinished Lumber or Textured T1-11 Aluminum, Sheet Metal or Tin Siding Corrugated Fiberglass For percentages of Specific Materials see Section 8.8-C(4)(f) in the City of Oviedo s LDC. The Percentage Calculation shall be based on exterior walls, excluding fenestration, trims and decorative elements.

25 Materials Brick

26 Cast stone Materials Stone

27 Materials Wood panels

28 Materials Stucco Textures and colors

29 Materials Concrete Panels

30 Building Form - Colors Ensure that colors are harmonious and add to the visual character of the building. Colors that are garish, gaudy, loud, excessive or ostentatious; colors that constitute glaring and unattractive contrast to the surrounding buildings or area; colors that fluoresce under ultraviolet (UV) or black light; and colors and/or finishes that are pearlescent or excessively reflective in nature are prohibited on the exterior of any building. Color applications shall have a maximum of 3 colors on the exterior walls of any building plus 2 additional colors for trim/cornice work. Interior walls and ceilings shall be painted/finished with a material in a light color to enhance light levels. Unpainted materials such as brick and stone do not count as colors.

31 Building Form - Colors Desired Not Desired

32 Building Form - Height The maximum height for parking garages in all zoning districts shall be 45 feet. Building garages located along development corridors, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, shall have a maximum height of 60 feet, except those located within the Downtown Mixed Use District Village Core (MUD-VC) which height shall comply with Article VI, Exhibit C, Maximum Buildable Height by Zone.

33 Accessory Structures Fences and Walls Fences and walls located in the front yard/setback shall have a maximum height of 3 feet. Rear and side yard fences and walls shall have a maximum height of 6 feet and the setback shall be zero. Fence and wall posts shall be no more than 12 inches higher than the fence or wall. Parking Garage perimeter walls and fences shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet. Fences and walls shall be constructed with materials that are consistent or complementary to the architecture of the development. Permissible wall finishing materials include: brick and stone Permissible fence materials include wood, vinyl, anodized aluminum and wrought iron. Materials such as barbed wire, razor wire and chain link are prohibited.

34 Accessory Structures Service Areas Ensure that service areas, loading areas, refuse/recycling collection containers (garbage dumpsters) are located in areas that are not visible from public streets by pedestrians. Design Requirements for refuse/recycling collection containers: Refuse/recycling collection containers (garbage dumpsters) shall be structurally screened. Screening shall be a minimum one (1) foot greater in height than the element being screened. Structural screening shall be consistent with the architectural elements, materials, and colors of the principal structure. The minimum rear and side setback to refuse/recycling collection containers shall be five (5) feet.

35 Accessory Structures Mechanical Equipment Mechanical equipment shall be placed on the roof, on the side, or in the rear of each building. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from all ground level views by a parapet wall or other architectural feature, which feature shall be architecturally integrated to the building. The parapet screen height shall be at least one (1) foot higher than the mechanical equipment being screened. In exceptional cases, if the applicant cannot meet this requirement, the applicant may propose a different screening height (See Section 8.8 (D)(3)(c) in the LDC). Structural screening shall be consistent with the architectural elements, materials and colors of the principal structure. Ground equipment shall not be visible from public right-of-ways, by pedestrians or adjacent residential properties. Screening shall be provided at a minimum 1 foot greater in height than the area/equipment being screened. Structural screening shall be consistent with the architectural elements, materials, and colors of the principal structure. The minimum rear and side setbacks for ground-mounted equipment shall be 5 feet.

36 Accessory Structures Solar Panels Allow green building practices by permitting solar panels in the parking garage building while keeping the aesthetic character of the building and the development. Solar panels that are not integrated in the architecture of the façade or roof shall be hidden from sight and shall be treated as mechanical equipment. Solar panels and photovoltaic elements that are integrated into the building architecture shall comply with the architecture articulation and/or roof elements.