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1 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized YUCE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT (HEPP) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN-MITIGATION PART Phase Issue Mitigating Measure Responsibility* Sitting - Construction camps will not be established near the forested areas I. Sitting of camps and municipal services for worker camps -Construction camps will be sited at least: (a) (b) (c) 1 km from any protected areas 50 meters from any surface water bodies, and 1 km from any villages or sites of cultural significance Services (a) Water for the camps will be provided by. (b) Compact waste water treatment unit will be established at main camp. At camp, sewage will be stored temporarily in a septic tank and will be transferred to main camp for waste water treatment. Treated water will reach at least to minimum allowable water discharge criteria and than it will be discharged to AKSU River. (c) Recycleable solid waste will be collected at suiatable storage area and then will be given to recycling firms. (d) Garbage from the camps will be put in garbage drums and it will be collected periodically by DERELI Municipality. MENERJI Enerji SELİN İNŞAAT TAAH.LTD. Construction II. Construction solid waste management (soil, rock, packaging materials etc.) - Construction camp restored to compatible use after work is completed. - It is estimated that during excavation works, m 3 of soilrock will be removed from its original place m 3 of this amount will be used for concrete production, m 3 will be placed on suitable stocking area and remaining m 3 will be used as filling material. - Rock shall be used as fill to the greatest extent possible, excess to be disposed of at site approved by authorities - Topsoil will be stored and covered to prevent erosion. After completion, soil will be restored to original location and revegetated. - Packaging wastes from electrical equipment will be recycled wherever possible. otherwise it will be collected by. - Burning is to be limited to prevent forest fires. MENERJI Enerji III. Construction engine equipment exhausts IV. Construction equipment storage - Verify equipment has valid operating permits - Minimize engine idling by turning off equipment not in use for more than 5 minutes - Avoid tree cutting to create storage area - Place equipment on impervious surface to prevent oil leaks from contaminating soil - RJI Enerji - O

3 q p g - Locate storage area at least 50 meters away from any surface water bodies, avoid villages and any population centers MENER A.Ş. Construction V. Noise - Construction would take place only during daytime (from 7.00AM to 7.00PM) - The noise level will be kept under the stated limit in "Environmental Noise Assessement and Management Regulation". If noise level exceeds the limit (except during blasting), measures such as installing protection walls will be taken. - Workers who exposed to high level of noise will use necessary equipments such as headset or earplug. - If during evening is required, the local affected people will first be consulted at least one week in advance. MENERJI Enerji VI. Dust - Water spraying in dry and windy conditions on local roads where trucks pass and at any sites - Dusty materials will be covered with canvas cloth during transportation -MENERJI - VII. Worker safety VIII. Soil erosion and silt runoff IX. Existing roads X. Access road siting and XI. Transmission line routing and - Contractor will be required to develop a health and safety plan two weeks before starting work, and then subproject sponsor will review and approve it; workers will be subjected to health screening and health and safety training sessions will be provided; public health education will be part of the program - Necessary safety tools such as helmets, working shoes, ear protection, dust filter and others will be provided and be required to be used by workers. - Any transmission towers or other structures will be located to avoid high slope (>30 ) areas - In case selection of such slope areas cannot be avoided, structures will be designed to minimize excavation on slopes - Construction will proceed during dry conditions - Bunds, sedimentation ponds, or other silt trapping devices constructed to avoid siltation into surface waters - Minimize additional traffic movements on existing roads - Repair any roads as soon as damage becomes evident - Keep roads free from mud, debris and other obstacles - Use existing access roads wherever possible - Avoid tree cutting or economically productive lands wherever possible - Use existing ROWs wherever possible - Avoid migratory or local bird routes, particularly protected areas (e.g. Ramsar sites) A.Ş. - -MENERJI - - -

4 Construction XII. Historical, archeological and cultural artifacts, and areas/structures of local/international cultural value - In case any historical, cultural or archeological asset in encountered during excavation/, the excavation/ work shall be stopped and the Provincial/Municipal Directors of Culture and Museum Directorate shall be immediately informed thereof. No persons are permitted to remove articles or disturb the area: such action are grounds for dismissal or contract cancellation. The work will be resumed after inspection and written approval by the authorities. - In case any transmission line or access road or structure passes through or is to be sited on village cemeteries, the alignment or site would normally be changed. If it is unavoidable, a special consultation with the affected communities would be held to determine culturally appropriate means of relocating the gravesites in accordance to local customs/beliefs/traditions. No tower pads are to be placed in cemeteries. A.Ş. - -Museum Directorate -Provincial Directorate of Culture and Nature XIII. Raw material supply All materials supplied to the subproject, e.g. stone, concrete, sand, etc. must be provided by contractors with valid operating permits XIII. Management of hazardous materials (fuels, lubricants, explosives etc.) - All hazardous materials are to be stored on impervious surfaces, in well ventilated buildings that are locked and fenced when not in use and to which public access is denied and at least 50 meters from any surface waters. - Maintanance and lubrication of all trucks and equipment will be done at authorized service centers at neighbouring towns. In emergency case, it may be done at site but in this case, waste lubricants will be collected in drums and send to service centers. A.Ş. - XIV. Fish passage - Population centers and forested areas are to be avoided - In order to maintain natural life of every kind of fishes, a fish passege will be constructed. The project for fish passage will be prepared together with a hydrobiologist, in order to make sure that all type of fishes easily move forward through Aksu River. XV. Loss of forest - Avoid siting project in forested areas, to the extent possible. Any forest removed must be restored after or replaced at some other location Noise (from power house) - Equipment should be housed in sound insulated buildings, and/or trees shrubs planted around noisy equipment to further absorb sound - Workers who exposed to high level of noise will use necessary equipments such as headset or earplug. SELIN Operation Worker safety - Workers will be subjected to health screening and health and safety training sessions will be provided - Necessary safety tools such as helmets, working shoes, ear protection, dust filter and others will be provided and be required to be used by workers. MENERJI

5 - All operational activities will be in compliance with the relevant Turkish Occupational Health and Safety Regulation - M Operation Domestic sewage (operations staff) - Domestic sewage will be stored temporarily in a isolated underground septic tank and will be periodically collected by. Domestic solid waste (operations staff) - Recycleable solid waste will be collected at suiatable storage area and then will be given to recycling firms. - Domestic garbage will be put in garbage drums and it will be collected periodically by Saimbeyli Municipality. - Accumulated clay and sandy soils in sedimentation pool will be collected periodically. Sınce this soil is very useful for agricultural activities, it will be given to neighbouring farmers. A.Ş.

6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN-MONITORING PART Phase/Issue What parameter is to be monitored? Where How When is the parameter to be monitored? is the parameter to be monitored/ type of monitoring equipment? is the parameter to be monitored-frequency of measurement or continuous? Responsibility I. Siting of camps and municipal services for worker camps Construction - Camp location - Camp site - Quarterly, greater frequency (e.g. weekly) if improper practices are noted - Arrangements for - Water supply site, water supply, sewage, sewage and garbage and municipal solid disposal sites waste - Quarterly, greater frequency (e.g. weekly) if improper practices are noted SELIN - Campsite properly restored? - Campsite - Completion of work - Packaging waste recycling and disposal practices - Package waste storage and/or disposal site II. Construction solid waste management (soil, rock, packaging materials etc.) - Rock and soil reuse or disposal practices - Adequacy of topsoil temporary storage site (covered and erosion protection measures in place), restored area properly revegetated - Rock and soil storage and or disposal site - Topsoil temporary storage site and revegetation site when completed Quarterly, greater frequency (e.g. weekly) if improper practices are noted III. Construction engine equipment exhausts - Turkish registration - At project site entrance - Unused equipment idling times - At site - Once, when equipment enters site - Monthly, greater frequency (e.g. weekly) if improper practices are noted - Tree cutting involved in preparing storage site? IV. Construction equipment storage - Site avoids population centers and surface water bodies? Proposed equipment storage site Once, before site is prepared - Mem -

7 - Equipment situated on an impervious surface? - Construction hours - Site observation - Monthly - Sound barriers needed and installed? (if necessary) - Headset or earplug V. Noise provided to and being used by workers who exposed to high level of noise? Construction site - Local population informed of any offhour at least one week in advance - - Monthly - - Monthly - Consult with local affected groups - One week before offhour starts VI. Dust VII. Worker safety - Water spraying performed properly? - Construction site and access roads - Covering of dusty - Construction site materials during and access roads transportation or at storage areas performed properly? - Acceptable health and safety plan prepared? - Safety equipment provided to and being used by workers? In areas where workers are performing their assignments - During hot, dry, or windy weather - Monthly - (with a copy - Before any physical of the health and worker activities are safety plan for initiated verification) - - Weekly. More frequently (at random) if violations are observed - Construction proceeding in dry season? Structure site Prior to start of VIII. Soil erosion and silt runoff Slope of structure site <30 0? Appropriate trapping included? silt Areas of major systems runoff During or immediately after rainstorm SELIN Existing roads Condition, cleanliness within 1km of site Site visit/visual Weekly during More frequently (at random) if violations are observed

8 Access road siting and Route selection offers Access road route review of Before minimal intrusion with new, tree plans, site visit cutting, use of productive land etc. Transmission line routing and Chance find of cultural artifacts, and areas/structures of local cultural value Route selection offers minimal intrusion with new, tree cutting, use of productive land etc. Migratory bird paths, Ramsar sites etc. avoided? Accidental find of At any excavation articles of cultural site value Location of any cemeteries or structures (natural or man-made) of local value Transmission line route review of plans, site visit Determine of authorities notified and proper procedures followed? Along planned Determine if proper alignment routes of consultations any transmission conducted by towers, or newly speaking with local planned access road affected groups Before During SELIN Raw material supply Validity of the At the entrance of inspection of Before signing an suppliers operating the project site or at license agreement for material license the suppliers office supply Management of hazardous materials (fuels, lubricants, explosives etc.) Storage facilities locked, fenced, well ventilated, on impervious ground? Location far from population centers? Fish passage Adequacy of fish At site review of Before start of passage plans, site visit and twice in a year thereafter.. Hydrobiologist Increase frequency if improper practices Loss of forest Removal of trees, forest clearing Hazardous materials storage site Project site as well as off-sites (storage facilities, access roads, transmission line routes, etc.) inspection of building and site Before start of and quarterly thereafter.. Increase frequency if improper practices observed. observed. Prior to any land clearing activities SELIN Noise levels Operation At or near power db meter house Q t l SELIN

9 Noise (from power house) Sound measures (housing, tree planting, sound barriers etc.) absorbing Nearest installed population centers (particularly if there are complaints) Quarterly, or immediately after any complaint is lodged by local population Acceptable health screening and safety training made? (with a copy of the health and safety reports for verification) Worker safety Safety equipment provided to and being used by workers? In areas where workers are performing their assignments Quarterly, or immediately after any complaint is lodged by workers SELIN Complience with Turkish Occupational Health and Safety Regulation Domestic sewage (operations staff) Has a septic tank of proper design been installed and is it operating properly. Domestic sewage in the septic tank collected by Saimbeyli Municipality on a regular basis? Immediate area surrounding septic tank and groundwater underneath septic tank (system design and ) Before start of operations Quarterly, or immediately after any complaint is lodged by workers SELIN Waste collected by Saimbeyli Municipality on a regular (at least weekly) basis? Domestic solid waste (operations staff) Recyleable solid waste and accumulated clay and sandy soil given to suitable firms/person General area where staff are working or housed and temporary waste disposal site Every two weeks more frequently (weekly or daily) if observations reveal poor operation SELIN Temporary facilities protected? storage properly