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2 Page 2 7:00 p. m. will l" pay for the traffic signals at Hillside and the upgrade intersection at Heritage is to be paid for by c. Fish Hatchery Parking Lot c Wal Mart Center. of the MOTON TO APPROVE THE STE PLAN FOR THE FSH HATCHERY PA:RKNG LOT CHANGES TO NCLUDE REA:LGNMENT OF SDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB AND GUTTER SO THAT THE CURB AND GUTTER RUNS THE ENTRE LENGTH OF THE WEST SDE OF DOPKNS STREET WTH THE SDEWALK A:DJACENT TO THE CURB AND GUTTER, AND THE STORM SEWER NLETS TO BE SURROUNDED BY A CONCRETE PAD. ( JASHNSKY/ SCAFF CARRED. d. Milwaukee Street Extension MOTON TO A:PPROVE THE MLWAUKEE STREET EXTENSON PLA:N WTH EXCEPTON OF A SPEC. TO BE WRTTEN FOR STA:MPED COLORED CONCRETE BETWEEN THE SDEWALK AND CURB. ( OBENBERGER/ RLEY) CARRED. e. Sanitary Street Extension Sewer Extension- West of Genesee Street- Milwaukee MOTON TO A:PPROVE THE SANTARY SEWER EXTENSON ON GENESEE STREET AND THE WATER MAN EXTENSON ON MLWAUKEE STREET. ( OBENBERGER/ EVENSON) CARRED. Discussion of Agenda tems c., d., and e. held jointly. The width of Dopkins is 27 feet and part of Dopkins is that the DNR has required to have ditches on both sides. Previously both sides had curb and gutters. The proposal is for swail for the south culverts at Dopkins and Main to have a swail that will go river with a cross culvert at the intersection Dopkins and to the Milwaukee Street. The water will be routed through and then everything from the parking lot and Lange site will be routed to the detention basin for the storm water requirements and quality erosion control. Sidewalk will be along the parking lot side and routing it around the basin and then both sides of Milwaukee Street along north side of parking lot back to Fish Hatchery site down a set of proposed stairs. The street lighting will be part of bid package. Wis. Electric is taking a look at the parking lot and doing appropriate spacing. The City Planner does not like where the sidewalk is on the west side; he would like to see it against the street/ curb along the west side. The parking lot is old fishrearing ponds that are filled with " stuff," i.e., asphalt, gravity pipe comes from the lake ( concrete) with a shutoff value at the end at the pond. The DNR specialist Pete Wood felt pretty comfortable with the design in terms of water quality. The islands are curbed with openings every twenty feet. The storm sewer pipe is extended to maintain the slopes and part of the overall storm water plan is to have the swails act as detention areas to limit and constrict the flow. These will be 8" PVC pipes with a 4" opening/ cap concrete culvert is proposed for the driveway at the end to constrict the flow. A access to the

3 Page 3 7:00 p. m. c., parking lot and concrete coming into the pond. structure would be concrete. The terrace area comprised stamped colored brick- a separate MOTON TO APPROVE f. Other The outlet concrete and the cross- culvert would be bid item. of concrete should be 1. Final Consideration of Well Abandonment Ordinance Ald. Romanowski stated that this was looked at a first time back in April to review and because there was no meeting in May, it is here for approval in June. On page 7-8 of the ordinance, sec severance of private wells, time frame is immediate. On page 3 use of private well, test every 5 years- bacteriological test to be submitted to Mike Scaff. MOTON TO A:PPROVE THE WELL A:BA:NDONMENT A:ND WELL OPERATON PERMT DOCUMENT AS STATED A:ND MAKE A RECOMMENDATON TO THE CTY COUNCL TO APPROVE CHA:NGES CARRED. N THE DELAFELD CODE. ( OBENBERGER/ JASHNSKY) 2. Lift Station Superintendent Scaff states that his understanding the contract has been passed along has not signed as of this date. is that and the contractor 3. Ald. Romanowski and City Engineer Welch composed a letter to US Filter concerning system for the hydrogen was to get letter out. the bioxide chemical feed sulfide situation. Adm. Carlson c New Business a. Towne Center- Lang Site-Site Plan, Erosion Control Mike Court of Welch & Hansen presented the site plan and grading plan-erosion control. The DNR has requested applying for a joint Chapter 30 permit for the parking lot and Milwaukee Street extension. The overall plan includes all the grading work along the Bark River. The site plan incorporates 4. c. and d. also. The Towne Center' s erosion control will be a shared sediment basin on the northwest corner of the intersection of Milwaukee and Dopkins discharged at the Lang protection proposed which has been submitted requested that the roof drainage go directly it is clean water. The roof drainage site. For of the banks of the river, a double silt fence is corner of the building and go the DNR. The DNR has into the river because will drain to the northwest to the street cross culvert and into the river. Mr. James ( Chip) Leedom explained the drainage on the Towne Center. There will be two catch basins within the parking lot that will capture the surface water flow from the

4 Page 4 7:00 p. m. parking lot-one near the eastern drive and one near the west drive off of Dopkins. Both basins discharge into the grass line swail along the southern property line and then to a culvert crossing across the street into the storage/ detention area off the corner of the City parking lot. A 3 foot keystone retaining wall with a fence ( similar to Lang' s) will be located along the south line swail and property line to enable the creation of the grass at 2 to 1 and keep grades not require grading into the adjacent property to the south. A revised plan were submitted indicating the narrowing of the driveways ( 14 feet) off of Milwaukee Street and made them one- way-one an entrance and one an exit- as suggested by Ald. Romanowski at the Plan Commission meeting. Ald. Romanowski pointed out to the committee that originally the Plan Commission was presented with sidewalk on the east side of Dopkins and some parking, but the parking and sidewalk on the east side of Dopkins were lost because of the Chapter 30 considerations. The stop signs will be moved because of the loss of the sidewalk. The site grading will be two separate jobs- the only thing that is joint is the application for the permits. The future water main will go from Genesee Street at the intersection of Milwaukee and bring it parallel to the sanitary sewer comes in on the south side and up to the intersection of Dopkins and Milwaukee Street and ending with a hydrant and a hydrant at Genesee and Milwaukee. The main will not be looped at Dopkins Street. The reason for not looping it is that there will be no need to service the parking lot and the lot to the south can be serviced off of Main Street when that service is in and the looping would then be done on Genesee and Main Streets. There will be 8- inch line servicing the Towne Center and the existing building to the north. Eng. Welch stated project will probably be faced with contaminated soils and water. As a joint project, what was decided to date to do is when the sewers are put in ( they will be deeper) they will encounter contaminated soils. Therefore, it will be proposed that SGMA will have a person present when doing the sanitary sewer and if the soil is contaminated they will stockpile it on Lang' s property. Lang will be responsible for disposing of it with the material they excavate from their basement. The same procedure will be followed with the water. Lang will propose a tank for the contaminated water. Lang/ whoever will dispose of it. SGMA will arrange for landfill; and the DNR will be contacted re field stream the soil. Water mains may need special gaskets. Question was raised as to whether the right- of- way was dedicated. The 6" lateral to the Towne Center building is both fire protection and domestic supply. Checking will be done in relation to metering. Splitting inside or outside of the building will be determined by Tom Many, City Building nspector. The Electric Company has been contacted regarding lighting proposal- suggested placement.


6 Page 6 7:00 p. m. be submitted in writing to the Public Works Committee and/ or on to Council; a preamble explaining the process project is at in the process should be done. and where the 6. Superintendent' s Report a Street Paving Project Superintendent Scaff talked to Wolf Construction and Wolf was told to hold off until June 10, Wolf stated they would probably start around June 19, The finishing date is prior to school commencement and once they start they cannot stop. b. Other Brush pickup for spring starts May 1, pickup. This announcement is on cable TV This is a one-time The second lift is going on in Copperfield Estates and Valley Road Farms North starting June 8, Engineer Welch will talk to Administrator Carlson with instruction not to issue any additional building permits in Steeple Point Subdivision until the City gets an agreement and schedule to clean out the ponds. c., City Engineer Welch should follow through on getting Hillside Drive restored and the sidewalk repaired. 7. Adjourn. MOTON TO ADJOURN. ( SCAFF/ EVENSON) CARRED. Meeting adjourned at 9: 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted 9::::: z~ i 1