07 MARCH 2017 PLANNING COMMITTEE. 5a 16/1151 Reg d: Expires: Ward: HO. 20 (CofU) Number of Weeks on Cttee Day:

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1 5a 16/1151 Reg d: Expires: Ward: HO Nei. Con. Exp: BVPI Target 20 (CofU) Number of Weeks on Cttee Day: 21/22 On Target? Yes LOCATION: PROPOSAL: TYPE: Cable House, 12 Well Lane, Horsell, Woking, GU21 4PA Change of Use from existing Use Classes B1 (Offices) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) to Use Class D1 (Veterinary Clinic) with associated alterations to existing elevations and landscaping, including the formation of additional car parking bays and entrance steps, replacement shopfront and installation of fencing, cycle stand and bollard (amended plans and transport statement received ). Full APPLICANT: Mrs N Caamano OFFICER: Benjamin Bailey REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE The application has been referred to Planning Committee for determination by Councillor Colin Kemp due to local concerns regarding highways and car parking implications. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Change of Use from existing Use Classes B1 (Offices) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) to Use Class D1 (Veterinary Clinic) with associated alterations to existing elevations and landscaping, including the formation of additional car parking bays and entrance steps, replacement shopfront and installation of fencing, cycle stand and bollard. PLANNING STATUS Urban Area Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (TBH SPA) Zone B (400m-5km) RECOMMENDATION Grant planning permission subject to recommended conditions. SITE DESCRIPTION The application site is located within the Horsell area of the Borough fronting Well Lane and is currently occupied by a vacant part two storey, part single storey commercial building which was last within use as an electrical wholesalers (a mixture of use class B1 (office) and B8 (storage and distribution)). The area not encompassed by building footprint is predominantly laid to hardstanding with vehicular access achieved from Well Lane. An area of Urban Open Space/Common Land exists to the north-west with residential properties to the east, south and west. 1

2 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PLAN/2015/ Erection of two detached dwellings (1No 3 bedroom and 1No 4 bedroom) with 1No detached garage and associated landscaping following demolition of existing two storey electrical wholesalers building (Use Classes B1 (offices) and B8 (storage and distribution)) (amended location plan). Permitted subject to legal agreement and conditions ( ) 77/ The demolition of existing garage, the execution of site works and the erection of a store building (amended application). Permitted subject to conditions ( ) 77/ The demolition of any existing buildings, the execution of site works and the erection of a building for use as a store on land at rear of Well Lane, Horsell. Permitted subject to conditions ( ) 76/ The execution of site works and the change of use from a builders premises to electrician s premises. Permitted subject to conditions ( ) 76/ The demolition of any existing buildings, the execution of site works and the erection of a single storey building for use as a store with retail counter. Permitted subject to conditions ( ) Change of use of yard from Timber store to Builder s Yard and the erection of a building fro use as a Builders Office. Permitted subject to conditions ( ) CONSULTATIONS County Highway Authority (SCC) (Initial): County Highway Authority (SCC) (Second): Please request that the applicant provides further information with regard to car parking provision for staff, a TRICS trip rate analysis and modal choice. The proposed development has been considered by the County Highway Authority who, having considered any local representations and having assessed the application on highway safety, capacity and policy grounds, raises no objection subject to recommended condition 8. Environmental Health Officer (WBC) (Initial): Requested further information regarding proposed opening hours, whether staff would be on-site overnight to attend to animals, any measures to reduce potential noise breakout, any external plant proposed. Environmental Health Officer (WBC) (Second): No objection subject to recommended conditions 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. 2

3 REPRESENTATIONS x3 rounds of public consultation have been undertaken on the application (initial consultation and x2 further rounds of consultation on amended plans/additional information) raising the following main points: Initial consultation ( days): x16 letters of objection received raising the following main points: Two houses as permitted would be more appropriate on this site (Officer Note: The Local Planning Authority has a statutory obligation to assess each submitted planning application on its individual merits) Increase in traffic use, and congestion, to Well Lane and surrounding roads Limited car parking provided on the site Concerns regarding the car parking layout on the site Additional car parking on surrounding roads Generation of noise; car noise, animal noise Will affect rear of No.8 Well Lane Opening hours; previous business operated normal working hours, Monday to Friday Concerns about potential criminal activity; storage of drugs on the premises Air conditioning units are proposed (Officer Note: Condition 5 is recommended to secure further details) Loss of privacy to No.10 Well Lane due to location of the main entrance adjacent to No.10 A tree was removed to the rear of the site (Officer Note: This tree was not protected and its removal did not constitute a breach) x2 letters of support received raising the following main points: Building is dilapidated and a known area for vandalism and antisocial behaviour Have always used Lynton House veterinary surgery The traffic around Woking Town Centre is becoming intolerable Would save hassle of a journey through Woking Town Centre with a sick animal Could be an asset to the local community Second consultation ( days): x56 letters of objection received raising the following main points: Two houses as permitted would be more appropriate on this site (Officer Note: The Local Planning Authority has a statutory obligation to assess each submitted planning application on its individual merits) Increase in traffic use, and congestion, to Well Lane and surrounding roads Limited car parking provided on the site Concerns regarding the car parking layout on the site Additional car parking on surrounding roads Generation of noise; car noise, animal noise Opening hours; previous business operated normal working hours, Monday to Friday Air conditioning units are proposed (Officer Note: Condition 5 is recommended to secure further details) Loss of privacy to No.10 Well Lane due to location of the main entrance adjacent to No.10 Lack of public transport to the site What hours would deliveries/collections occur to/from the site? Would make Well Lane less safe for schoolchildren Is there need for another pet hospital in this area? x17 letters of support received raising the following main points: 3

4 Parking, traffic and noise are not insurmountable objections with careful thought and design A business has been on the site for the last 30 years When Senate Electrical were on the site there would be least cars per hour and 3-4 delivery lorries during the day Would be in a good location for a large majority of pet owners in Horsell Heard that site owner s were approached by Tesco for a minimart Would be an asset to Horsell Building is currently a run down shell; would improve its appearance Lynton House have provided an excellent, professional service New premises will make parking and access easier as outside of Woking Town Centre, particularly with anxious animals Building has been empty for some time Surgery only has about four visitors at a time Have never heard any animal noise outside Lynton House and have been using it for over 30 years Better use of space than more housing Proposed redevelopment of Woking Town Centre will make current premises more difficult to access Bus route into Woking from Chobham passes by the building Third consultation ( days): x23 letters of objection received raising the following main points: Two houses as permitted would be more appropriate on this site (Officer Note: The Local Planning Authority has a statutory obligation to assess each submitted planning application on its individual merits) Increase in traffic use, and congestion, to Well Lane and surrounding roads Limited car parking provided on the site Concerns regarding the car parking layout on the site Additional car parking on surrounding roads Generation of noise; car noise, animal noise Opening hours; previous business operated normal working hours, Monday to Friday Would make Well Lane less safe for schoolchildren Is there need for another pet hospital in this area? Those supporting the current application appear to be current clients of the practice rather than residents local to Well Lane who will be affected by the proposal Applicant should be required to plant screening to the rear to replace the tree that was removed Illumination of the staff parking area/rear entrance has not been addressed (Officer Note: Condition 12 is recommended to secure further details) Land ownership query relating to the area of proposed staff car parking to the rear (Officer Note: The applicant has provided evidence that satisfies Officers that this land is within the control of the applicant. This land has been included within the redline boundary of the application site and the change of use sought therefore encompasses this land) Protection should be provided for common boundary fence at No.14 Well Lane Signage is shown on the eastern elevation (Officer Note: Separate Advertisement Consent would be required for any such potential signage. Informative 4 is recommended to this effect) The applicant should be required to obscure windows to the rear of the property (Officer Note: All windows exist at present. No new windows are proposed) Applicant should be required to convert flat roof into a green roof 4

5 (Officer Note: This would not be necessary, relevant to the development to be permitted or reasonable and would not therefore accord with the six tests for planning conditions set out by paragraph 206 of the NPPF) x30 letters of support received raising the following main points: A business has been on the site for the last 30 years Would be in a good location for a large majority of pet owners in Horsell Would be an asset to Horsell Would provide employment Building is currently a run down shell; would improve its appearance Lynton House have provided an excellent, professional service New premises will make parking and access easier as outside of Woking Town Centre, particularly with anxious animals Building has been empty for some time Proposed redevelopment of Woking Town Centre will make current premises more difficult to access If business cannot find suitable new premises may be forced to exit Woking and that would be a big loss RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Section 1 - Building a strong, competitive economy Section 4 - Promoting sustainable transport Section 7 - Requiring good design Section 8 - Promoting healthy communities Woking Core Strategy (2012) CS1 - A spatial strategy for Woking Borough CS15 - Sustainable economic development CS18 - Transport and accessibility CS19 - Social and community Infrastructure CS21 - Design CS25 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development Development Management Policies DPD (2016) DM7 - Noise and Light Pollution DM19 - Shopfronts Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD s) Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight (2008) Design (2015) Parking Standards (2006) Other Material Considerations National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) PLANNING ISSUES 1. The main planning issues to consider in determining this application are: Principle of development Design and impact upon the character of the area Impact upon neighbouring amenity Highways and parking implications 5

6 having regard to the relevant policies of the Development Plan, other relevant material planning considerations and national planning policy and guidance. Principle of development 2. The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and Policy CS25 of the Woking Core Strategy (2012) promote a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The application site is previously developed (brownfield) land within the Urban Area where the principle of change of use is acceptable, subject to other relevant material planning considerations, specific development plan policies and national planning policy and guidance. 3. The application site is outside of a designated Employment Area. Policy CS15 of the Woking Core Strategy (2012) states that the Council will permit the redevelopment of B use sites elsewhere in the borough for alternative uses that accord with other policies in the Core Strategy where (i) the existing use of the site causes harm to amenity and/or (ii) it can be demonstrated that the location is unsuitable for the needs of modern business. 4. The site is currently vacant (having ceased occupation around April 2015) following the relocation of the previous occupants. The previous, and therefore extant, lawful use of the site is a mixture of use classes B1 (offices) and B8 (storage and distribution). In granting planning permission (Ref: PLAN/2015/1273) for the redevelopment of the site for residential purposes the Local Planning Authority accepted that the loss of the existing B class uses was acceptable in principle. 5. Notwithstanding this, whilst the proposal would result in a loss of existing B class floorspace the proposal would nonetheless retain employment in the form of 6 full time staff and 6 part time staff (vets, nurses and receptionists). The change of use of the site from a mixture of B class uses to a D class use would therefore not conflict with the overriding objective of policy CS15 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 which is to accommodate the predicted future growth in economic development required for Woking s economy to grow, to ensure sustainable employment development patterns, promote business competiveness and allow for flexibility to cater for the changing needs of the economy. 6. Taking the above into consideration, the principle of the change of use is acceptable subject to the further planning considerations set out within this report. Design and impact upon the character of the area 7. One of the core principles of planning as identified in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 is securing high quality design. Furthermore policy CS21 (Design) of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 states that proposals for new development should respect and make a positive contribution to the street scene and character of the area in which they are situated. 8. The existing commercial building is considered to be of limited architectural or townscape merit and appears somewhat incongruous within the context of the prevailing residential character of the surrounding area. The proposal incorporates relatively minor alterations to the external appearance of the existing building although these would noticeably change the appearance of the building. 6

7 9. Broadly the existing timber weatherboarding would be removed and replaced with vertical Siberian Larch cladding, a replacement shopfront installed, new steps formed to the main entrance with flanking handrails, and minor alterations to fenestration and replacement of existing window frames. Whilst the submitted proposed elevations show indicative signage any proposed signage (other than within the glazed shopfront) would require separate Advertisement Consent. Whilst noticeably changing the appearance of the existing building the proposed external alterations would refresh the appearance of the building which is somewhat dated and dilapidated. Given the existing context of the building within the surrounding area the proposed alterations are considered to be acceptable although condition 3 is recommended to secure further details of the proposed Siberian Larch cladding. 10. Existing vehicle parking arrangements for the site are generally informal, laid to hardstanding and provide a total of 8 spaces to the side and rear of the site. These spaces are marked out for parking and could be used without a requirement for further planning permission, but do not comply with current standards in terms of parking bay sizes and layout. New visitor parking bays would be demarcated (on existing hardstanding) to the side of the building within this existing parking area with a further 3 staff parking spaces formed to the rear of the site and 3 spaces to the front of the site. A hooped cycle stand, bollards and fencing would be installed to the side and rear of the site. Having regard to the existing character of the application site the formation and installation of such features is not considered to appear harmful to the character of the surrounding area. 11. Overall the proposal is considered to respect the street scene and the character of the area and is therefore considered to accord with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012, Supplementary Planning Document Design (2015) and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework Impact upon neighbouring amenity 12. Policy CS21 (Design) of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 advises that proposals for new development should achieve a satisfactory relationship to adjoining properties, avoiding significant harmful impact in terms of loss of privacy, daylight or sunlight, or an overbearing effect due to bulk, proximity or outlook. 13. The proposal would not increase the existing building envelope and would therefore not give rise to significantly harmful impact, in comparison to the existing situation, in terms of potential loss of daylight, sunlight or overbearing effect due to bulk, proximity or outlook. A single new door opening would be formed within the rear elevation of the single storey element; this door opening would be situated approximately 9.0m from the opposing common residential boundary and would be largely screened by a proposed 1.8m high acoustic fence. This new door opening is not considered to give rise to a significantly harmful loss of privacy. All other openings would remain as existing (albeit with replaced window frames) and would therefore not give rise to any significantly harmful loss of privacy in comparison to the existing situation. 14. Policy CS21 (Design) of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 also advises that proposals for new development should be designed to avoid significant harm to the environment and general amenity, resulting from noise, dust, vibrations, light or other releases. The proposed change of use from a mixture of class B uses to a class D use is not considered likely to give rise to harm resulting from dust, vibrations, light or other releases, in comparison to the existing situation. 7

8 15. In terms of noise and general disturbance it is a significant material consideration that the application site benefits from lawful use for a mixture of classes B1 (offices) and B8 (storage and distribution). Whilst the application site appears to have been vacant since approximately April 2015 there would be no planning impediment to a potential occupier utilising the site for a mixture of class B1 (offices) and B8 (storage and distribution) as this would require no further grant of planning permission. It is also a material consideration that planning permissions granted on the site between 1960 and 1977 (no further planning permissions have been granted since 1977 with the exception of the residential redevelopment in 2016) contain no restrictions upon hours of use or operation via planning condition. Therefore no planning impediment would exist to the site potentially being utilised for a mixture of class B1 and B8 purposes during sensitive hours (evenings and weekends). 16. Paragraph 123 of the NPPF states that planning decisions should aim to (i) avoid noise from giving rise to significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life as a result of new development (ii) mitigate and reduce to a minimum other adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising from noise from new development, including through the use of conditions and (iii) recognise that development will often create some noise and existing businesses wanting to develop in continuance of their business should not have unreasonable restrictions put on them because of changes in nearby land uses since they were established. 17. Existing parking arrangements for the site are generally informal, laid to hardstanding and provide a total of 8 spaces to the side and rear of the site. These spaces are marked out for parking and could be used without a requirement for further planning permission. New visitor parking bays would be demarcated (on existing hardstanding) to the side of the building within this existing parking area with a further 3 staff parking spaces formed to the rear of the site and 3 staff parking spaces to the front of the site. The applicant has incorporated measures to control the use of specific parking spaces including; the provision of a gate to restrict access to the 3 staff spaces to the rear of the premises outside of opening hours, a collapsible bollard to the space adjacent to the residential property of No.14 Well Lane to prevent car parking within this space outside of opening hours, the provision of 1.8m high acoustic fencing along the common rear boundary, and a combination of 1.8m high acoustic fencing along part of the common boundary with adjacent No.10 Well Lane with the remainder of this common boundary demarcated by a new 1.8m high close-boarded timber fence (condition 7 refers). 18. The applicant is proposing opening hours of: Monday to Fridays (inclusive) Saturdays Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays 19. Additionally an out-of-hours emergency animal care service is proposed to operate: Monday to Fridays (inclusive) Saturdays Sunday, Bank and Public Holidays 20. The applicant has advised that during the out-of-hours animal care service the surgery will be staffed by 1 vet and 1 nurse (separate male and female staff rest areas are provided at first floor level) and that the average number of out-of-hours visitors at the current premises equates to cases per year (less than 1 per night on average). The applicant advises that the maximum number of animal care admissions during out-of-hours on one night historically is 3 cases. 8

9 21. The applicant has advised that appointments for consultations would be required to be made in advance to attend the surgery; it is not proposed to function as an emergency animal care centre during normal opening hours. 22. The proposed staff parking areas would occur either along the Well Lane carriageway frontage or within the gated area to the rear, which will be largely enclosed by 1.8m high acoustic fencing. Vehicle movements in these areas are likely to be minimal outside of normal opening hours and, having regard to the locational characteristics of the site and the existing lawful use and layout of the site, are not considered to give rise to significantly harmful impact by reason of noise or general disturbance, particularly when having regard to what could lawfully occur without any further grant of planning permission. 23. Visitor car parking would be demarcated (on existing hardstanding) within the existing informal car parking area to the side and rear. Whilst it is acknowledged that the previous occupier of the site appeared to maintain operating hours broadly of Mondays Fridays (inclusive) it is a material consideration that no planning condition restricts hours of use/operation on the site as existing and therefore that car parking, and associated vehicle movement, could lawfully occur, without any further grant of planning permission, within the area of the proposed visitor car parking.whilst the occupiers of No.14 Well Lane are likely to be aware of visitor car parking, and associated vehicular movement, this must be compared to a situation which could potentially occur without any further grant of planning permission. Furthermore the existing relationship between No.14 Well Lane and the application site, which has had a lawful commercial use since at least the 1960s, is readily established. Normal opening hours of the proposed veterinary surgery can be sufficiently controlled via planning condition (condition 9 refers), and would avoid the most sensitive hours (ie. after 2000 and before 0800), and therefore avoid significantly harmful impact, by reason of noise, upon nearby residential occupiers. 24. Whilst it is acknowledged that a relatively modest level of emergency out-of-hours animal care admissions (the applicant advises an average of less than 1 per night occur at the current premises) would likely occur this would be capable of being adequately managed by the admitting vet and nurse who would remain on the site during this time. It is also likely that the visitor parking space within closest proximity to the carriageway of Well Lane would be utilised for out-of-hours visitation, which would cause the least potential disturbance to nearby residential occupiers by reason of noise. A collapsible bollard to the parking space adjacent to the residential property of No.14 Well Lane would prevent car parking out-of-hours within this space with a gate restricting out-of-hours access to the 3 staff car spaces to the rear. It is not considered, having regard to the likely modest level of out-of-hours visitation, combined with the mitigation measures proposed, that potential noise and disturbance, would be significantly harmful. 25. Letters of representation have raised concern regarding potential noise breakout from the building itself. The applicant has instated a lobby to the main entrance to reduce any noise breakout from the waiting and reception areas as visitors access and egress the building. An existing window serving the proposed dog ward is proposed to be covered with a vinyl manifestation with the inside of the reveal insulated and boarded to reduce potential noise breakout. Furthermore the external walls of the proposed dog ward are proposed to be dry lined with insulation and plasterboard to further reduce potential noise breakout (condition 4 is recommended to secure further details of measures to acoustically insulate the building). Whilst air conditioning units 9

10 are proposed to the rear elevation these have been marked approximately on the submitted plans as being 4.5m from the common boundary with No.10 Well Lane and condition 5 is recommended to secure further details. 26. The Council s Environmental Health service have been consulted upon the application and raise no objection subject to conditions to control opening hours, details of measures to acoustically insulate the building and details of external plant and equipment. The applicant has also advised that 1 vet and 1 nurse will remain on site out-of-hours to treat any emergency animal care admissions and to tend to animals remaining in the dog and cat wards overnight. 27. Overall, subject to recommended conditions, the impact upon neighbouring amenity is considered to be acceptable. Highways and parking implications 28. Following some level of local concern, and initial comment from the County Highway Authority (CHA) (Surrey CC) the applicant has commissioned and undertaken a Transport Assessment (Ref: MA10511-TS-R03) in accordance with the Department for Transport Guidance on Transport Assessment. 29. The application site is currently vacant with the previous use being an Electrical Wholesalers with ancillary offices. The applicant contends that this use generated reasonably substantial traffic movements including cars, vans (customer and delivery) when it was operational. The applicant also contends that the previous owner of the site has confirmed that at peak trading the previous occupying Electrical Wholesalers maintained 12 members of staff, with 4 large delivery vehicles per day. The busiest times are mentioned as having been from early morning until lunchtime with trade and public sales; possibly up to 12 vans per hour from trade customers, with additional retail customers throughout the day. Due to the existing parking layout, the previous owner of site states that vans invariably reversed onto Well Lane. 30. Existing parking arrangements for the site are quite informal and provide a total of 8 spaces to the side and rear of the site. These spaces are marked out for parking and could be used without further planning permission, but do not meet current standards in terms of parking bay sizes and layout. Directly to the frontage of the site there is capacity for additional parking off street and no parking restrictions exist in the form of traffic regulation orders in front of the building. There is an existing dropped kerb arrangement in front of the building which provides access to the existing parking space along the front of the site. Well Lane is subject to a 30 mph speed limit and benefits from traffic calming features. 31. Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Parking Standards (2006) identifies a parking standard for Class D1 (Veterinary practices) of 4 spaces per consulting room, outside of the High Accessibility Zone, as is the case in this instance. However the SPD does advise that for car parking the standards define the maximum acceptable provision for the most common forms of development. Provision above this level will not normally be permitted. A minimum requirement will not normally be imposed unless under provision would result in road safety implications which cannot be resolved through the introduction or enforcement of on-street parking controls. Furthermore the NPPF advises that development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe (Paragraph 32). More recently, policy CS18 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 highlights the Council s commitment to sustainable transport modes. The proposal 10

11 would provide 12No. car parking spaces (6 visitor and 6 staff), including 1No. disabled bay and also a secure cycle parking hoop. 32. The Lynton House Veterinary Group is a longstanding practice within Woking, and is currently located on Victoria Road, within Woking Town Centre. The Group wish to relocate locally to the application site as it is stated that the building on this site is better suited for the business, providing better facilities for pets, clients and staff. The application site is situated on the western side of Well Lane which is located in the Horsell area, approximately 0.75 miles west of Woking Town Centre. Whilst the immediate area is predominantly residential, there are elements of retail and employment use within the area, including an existing car repair garage to the south on Well Lane alongside a fish & chip shop further to the north. 33. The applicant states that a total of 6 full time staff and 6 part time staff will be employed on the application site. However these staff will not all be present on the site at any one time but spread across the week. The maximum number of staff which would be present on site at any one time would be 6. Outside normal consulting hours, the surgery is proposed to operate an emergency animal care admissions service to be staffed by 1 vet and 1 nurse. 34. The applicant comments that appointments for consultations are required to be made in advance; the site is not intended to function as an emergency surgery with drop-in appointments during normal opening hours. Appointment durations are proposed to be 15 minutes; therefore equating to 4 per consulting room per hour as a maximum. The applicant contends that the current surgery benefits from two consulting rooms but they are not fully utilised all day (circa 60%) and this is expected to remain the case after any relocation. The expected utilisation of consultation rooms is to be circa 80% of the maximum at any one time (based upon two consulting rooms being in use at any one time) therefore 4 appointments per consulting room per hour is a peak value. 35. The rate of clients attending the surgery is restricted by the appointments Made and their durations. With 2 consulting rooms in use at any one time this results in 2 clients attending appointments at the surgery at any one time. Generally it is considered that 50% of clients will attend for appointments approximately 5-10 minutes beforehand which results in 2 clients on average waiting for appointments at any one time, meaning 4 clients at the surgery (and 4 visitor car parking spaces being occupied - assuming 100% client car travel) in addition to the staff (6No.) present on the site at any one time during normal opening hours. 36. With 6No. staff members present on the site at any one time, the provision of parking enables 100% of the staff to travel by car and benefit from a parking space; the applicant contends that some staff travel by alternative means to the existing, local, practice location and therefore 100% staff travel by car is unlikely. 37. It is considered that the provision of 12No. overall car parking spaces would ensure that there is not an overprovision of car parking spaces, thus promoting the use of the private vehicle as a means of transport, and not an under provision of car parking which would give rise to on-street parking pressure. It is also a material consideration that the application site is located a short distance outside of the designated High Accessibility Zone, which would trigger a 50% reduction in the maximum car parking standard. 38. The County Highway Authority (CHA) initially raised concerns regarding the change of use of this site on the basis that the initial submission appeared to be more akin to an 11

12 animal hospital as opposed to a veterinary surgery. As such the CHA based initial assessment upon this assumption and requested further information from the applicant working on a potential worst case scenario. The applicant has consequently commissioned and submitted a Transport Statement with detailed information as to the proposed operation of the site and incorporating amendments to the setting out of car parking to take into account the initial concerns raised. 39. The CHA has assessed the Transport Statement accordingly and note that the applicant has countered the initial CHA TRICS data output with TRICS data more appropriate to the proposed business (as explained within the Transport Statement). The CHA also note that this data has been sourced from the proposed occupiers existing veterinary surgery: Lynton House; which is expected to be vacated and operations transferred to this site in the event planning permission is granted. 40. The CHA based initial assessment upon a relatively small sample size utilised by the TRICS database, although did acknowledge this constraint at the time and recommended that the applicant provided some "real world" data. The CHA conclude therefore that it is likely that the real world data submitted by the applicant with regard to the particular circumstances of the proposal would provide more accurate basis for assessment than that initially stated by the CHA. On the basis that the submitted data is more accurate, and following a greater understanding of the manner in which the proposed site is to be operated (ie. no emergency drop in service during the regular day, booking by appointment only in fifteen minute consultations, a maximum of six staff on site at any one time) the CHA concur that the likely trips generated by the proposed development are likely to be significantly lower than those initially assumed by the CHA and the predicted peak hour (18:00-19:00) trip rate of 15 vehicle movements is not likely to create a significant or severe impact upon the local highway network. 41. With reference to local residents concerns regarding additional vehicle movements during the traditional peak hours, the submitted data indicates that between 08:00 and 09:00 there are likely to be 3 vehicle movements and between 17:00 and 18:00 there are likely to be 14 vehicle movements. Total daily vehicle movements amount to 88. The CHA do not consider that these levels would amount to a significant or severe impact upon the local highway network. 42. The CHA acknowledge that local residents have raised concerns regarding car parking provision and the prospect of parking overspill onto the local highway network however comment that the applicant has considered this through the inclusion of dwell times and has provided information relating to the existing operation at Lynton House, and of the proposed new veterinary surgery at the site. With two consultation rooms being utilised at any one time, alongside maximum numbers of staff on site at any one time, the car parking provision (12No. spaces) is considered sufficient to cater for clients and staff alike. Whilst overspill car parking may occur, it is not envisaged that this would be a regular occurrence (ie. under normal operating conditions), and should overspill car parking occur then on-street parking is nonetheless available within the area, for example further north along Well Lane from the Lockfield Drive junction there are no on-street parking restrictions and sufficient publically available on-street parking to facilitate such occasional overspill. 43. The CHA also comment that the revised car parking layout is more likely to be used in accordance with the original intent, and that, whilst vehicle manoeuvring into the 3 staff parking spaces to the rear may require several vehicle movements, the removal of the double parking originally proposed within this rear parking area is a positive 12

13 factor. Furthermore vehicle tracking paths have been submitted which demonstrate that vehicles would be able to access, turn and egress the application site in a forward gear from the 3 staff parking spaces to the rear. 44. Considering the above assessment, following the provision of more detailed information from the applicant, the CHA considers that there are not reasonable grounds to recommend refusal of the application on the grounds of highway safety or capacity and therefore offers no objection to the proposal subject to the inclusion of recommended condition 8 in any planning permission granted. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with Policy CS18 of the Woking Core Strategy (2012) and Supplementary Planning Document Parking Standards (2006). LOCAL FINANCE CONSIDERATIONS 45. The proposal would not result in net uplift in existing floorspace. The existing floorspace has been within lawful use for 6 months of the previous 36 months. The proposal would therefore not be Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liable. CONCLUSION 46. Overall, subject to recommended conditions, the proposal is considered to be acceptable in principle, and to result in an acceptable impact in terms of design and impact upon the character of the area, neighbouring amenity and upon highways and parking implications. 47. The proposal is considered to accord with sections 1, 4, 7 and 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), policies CS1, CS15, CS18, CS19, CS21 and CS25 of the Woking Core Strategy (2012), policies DM7 and DM19 of the Development Management Policies DPD (2016), Supplementary Planning Documents Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight (2008), Design (2015) and Parking Standards (2006) and the National Planning Practice Guidance and is recommended for approval. In considering this application the Council has had regard to the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations. In making the recommendation to grant planning permission it is considered that the application is in accordance with the development plan of the area. BACKGROUND PAPERS 1. Site visit photographs 2. Site Notice (General Site Notice - dated ) 3. Consultation responses from County Highway Authority x2 4. Consultation response from Environmental Health Officer x2 5. Letters of representation RECOMMENDATION Grant planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The development for which permission is hereby granted must be commenced not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004). 13

14 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: (Location Plan), dated Oct 2016 and received by the Local Planning Authority on Rev J (Proposed Site Plan), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on Rev A (Vehicle Tracking), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on (Existing Floor Plans), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on Rev G (Proposed Floor Plans), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on (Survey Elevations), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on Rev C (Proposed Elevations), dated and received by the Local Planning Authority on (Block Plan), dated Oct 2016 and received by the Local Planning Authority on Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning Notwithstanding the material details annotated on the approved plan numbered/titled Rev C (Proposed Elevations), nor stated within the submitted application form, prior to the installation of the Siberian Larch cladding hereby permitted to any external elevation of the building details and/or samples and a written specification of the Siberian Larch cladding (including colour, finish and treatment) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out and thereafter retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the visual amenities of the area in accordance with the principles set out in paragraph 17 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy Notwithstanding the details annotated on the approved plans listed within this notice), the veterinary practice hereby permitted shall not be opened to clients/members of the public until details of measures to be undertaken to acoustically insulate and ventilate the building for the containment of internally generated noise have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out and thereafter retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 14

15 Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework Notwithstanding the details shown/annotated on the approved plan numbered/titled Rev C (Proposed Elevations), no fixed plant and equipment associated with air moving equipment, compressors, generators or plant or similar equipment shall be installed external to the building envelope until details, including acoustic specifications, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out and thereafter retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework No sound reproduction equipment which conveys messages, music or other sound by voice or otherwise which is audible outside the premises shall be installed on the site without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework The veterinary surgery hereby permitted shall not be opened to clients/members of the public unless and until the following features as shown on the approved plan numbered/titled Rev J (Proposed Site Plan) have been installed on the site in strict accordance with this approved plan. The development shall be carried out and thereafter retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority: 1.8m high acoustic fence (as denoted by the orange dashed line) 1.8m high close-boarded timber fence 1.8m high hit and miss timber fence 1No. collapsible bollard 1No. hooped top cycle stand Gate to restrict access outside of opening hours Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework The veterinary practice hereby permitted shall not be opened to clients/members of the public unless and until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with the approved plan numbered/titled Rev J (Proposed Site Plan) for vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in a forward gear. The vehicle parking/turning areas shall thereafter be permanently retained exclusively for their designated purpose. Reason To ensure the development does not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to provide adequate parking in accordance with Policy CS18 and CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and SPD Parking Standards (2006). 15

16 9. The veterinary surgery hereby permitted shall only open to clients/members of the public (except for the purpose of out-of-hours emergency animal care admission) between the following hours: Mondays to Fridays (inclusive) Saturdays Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework No deliveries shall be taken or dispatched from the veterinary surgery hereby permitted (except for the purpose of out-of-hours emergency animal care admission) outside of the following hours: Mondays to Fridays (inclusive) Saturdays Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays Reason: To protect the environment and amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework Notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) nor the provisions of Parts 3 and 4 of Article 3, Schedule 2 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any orders amending or re-enacting those orders) the development hereby permitted shall be used only as a Veterinary Surgery and for no other purpose without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To restrict the use of the premises to one which is compatible with the surrounding area and to safeguard the amenities of the adjoining premises in accordance with policies CS18 and CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework Prior to the installation of any external lighting on the site details of any such external lighting (demonstrating compliance with the recommendations of the Institute of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for Reduction of Light Pollution ) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved lighting scheme shall thereafter be permanently maintained in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To protect the appearance of the surrounding area and the residential amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with policy CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy 2012 and the core principles of the National Planning Policy Framework Informatives 16

17 1. The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph of the National Planning Policy Framework The applicants attention is specifically drawn to the conditions above marked ++. These condition(s) require the submission of details, information, drawings, etc. to the Local Planning Authority PRIOR TO THE RELEVANT TRIGGER POINT. Failure to observe these requirements will result in a contravention of the terms of the permission and the Local Planning Authority may serve Breach of Condition Notices to secure compliance. You are advised that sufficient time needs to be given when submitting details in response to conditions, to allow the Authority to consider the details and discharge the condition. A period of between five and eight weeks should be allowed for. 3. The applicant is advised that Council officers may undertake inspections without prior warning to check compliance with approved plans and to establish that all planning conditions are being complied with in full. Inspections may be undertaken both during and after construction. 4. The applicant is advised, notwithstanding any indication otherwise shown on the approved plan numbered/titled Rev C (Proposed Elevations), any proposed signage would require a separate application for Advertisement Consent. 17

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