Survey on Sustainability in Building Construction (Commercial Buildings) APEC USA 2011 Washington, DC March 3, 2011

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1 Survey on Sustainability in Building Construction (Commercial Buildings) APEC USA 2011 Washington, DC March 3, 2011

2 Survey Scope The Survey addresses newly erected environmentally responsible, or Green commercial buildings in the APEC Economies. It is organized into three general categories: Policies Standards and Rating Systems Trade The Survey does not apply to the retrofitting of existing buildings or to residential buildings.

3 Respondents 17 of 21 or 81% of Economies Responded

4 Respondents 16 of 17 Respondents completed the Survey.

5 Policy Section One

6 8 Economies of 17 Responding Economies have a National Green Building Policy

7 8 Economies: National Green Building Policy Criteria

8 Criteria of Green Building Policies

9 Mandatory Building Codes for Government Buildings 4 APEC Economies (Australia, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, and the United States) have a mandatory national green building code that applies to government buildings only. 1 APEC Economy (Canada) includes government buildings in its mandatory building code for commercial buildings and also applies additional green policies to government buildings.

10 Local Mandatory Green Building Codes 4 Economies (Canada, Chinese Taipei, Japan, and Thailand) reported having local mandatory green building codes. 3 Economies (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and the United States) reported that mandatory green building codes or other regulatory frameworks are in preparation.

11 Local Mandatory Green Building Codes

12 Voluntary Green Building Codes 13 out of 17 APEC Economies, or 76%, reported a voluntary green building code for commercial buildings.

13 No Building Codes

14 Standards and Rating Systems Section Two

15 Standards 9 APEC Economies reference voluntary green building standards in regulatory frameworks (such as mandatory codes). 8 Do not.

16 Standards 4 APEC Economies (Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Singapore) maintain a database of green standards.

17 Standards 11 APEC Economies report that there is one overarching voluntary or mandatory standard in their portfolio that defines green building in commercial buildings, or one that identifies attributes that promote green building. Of those 11: 5 reported that standard as a rating system; 2 reported that standard as a marking or certification program; 1 reported that standard as a code of practice; 1 reported that standard as a national strategy; 1 reported a national standard; 1 reported an ISO standard Of the 5 Economies that reported no such standard, 4 reported that one is in preparation in their Economies. 1 reported that the standard was in preparation in another APEC Economy.

18 The Overarching Standard

19 Voluntary Standards for Materials and Products 14 of 16 APEC Economies reported using voluntary standards for materials used in the construction of green buildings. 13 of 16 APEC Economies reported using voluntary standards for construction products used in the construction of green buildings.

20 Rating Systems 12 APEC Economies reported the existence of a rating system for green commercial buildings. 12 APEC Economies reported voluntary rating systems. Of those 12, 1 APEC Economy also reported a mandatory rating system at the local government level. 1 APEC Economy reported a voluntary and a mandatory rating system with differing levels of criteria.

21 Trade Section Three

22 Technical Regulations 5 APEC Economies reported the existence of technical regulations governing the use of building materials and products that affect the purchase of those materials: Brunei Darussalam New Zealand The Philippines Chinese Taipei Thailand 4 reported that there were regulations anticipated or in preparation: Canada Indonesia Japan The United States

23 National, International, and Modified International Standards in Technical Regulations 3 of the 5 APEC Economies reported the use of all three types of standards in their technical regulations: national, international, and modified international standards. 2 reported the use of national and international standards.

24 Conformity Assessment Requirements in Technical Regulations Of 5 APEC Economies that have technical regulations governing building materials and products, 5 have set out conformity assessment requirements.

25 Foreign Certifications 10 APEC Economies out of 15 reporting recognize foreign green building materials or construction product certifications. They are: Australia Brunei Darussalam Canada Indonesia Japan New Zealand The Philippines Singapore Thailand The United States

26 Findings Section 4

27 More Definitions Will Yield Better Data The survey offered definitions for three basic terms: Energy Efficient Green Building Sustainable In the course of analyzing the survey, however, it became clear that future investigations into the area of green building will require more agreed upon definitions in order to better understand the data. Four of these terms are: Policy Standard Voluntary Standard Mandatory Standard

28 Green Building Is Where APEC Economies Are Headed The interest in green building in APEC Economies is evident. 17 of 21 Economies, or 81% took part in the survey. 13 Economies, or more than half of all APEC Economies, reported having green building codes. Energy Efficiency is the component of green building that is being addressed first and most often among APEC Economies.

29 Most Economies Are Taking a Voluntary Approach to Codes, Standards, and Rating Systems

30 There is no common overarching standard that defines green building

31 Technical Regulations Are Increasing

32 National, International, and Modified International Standards are Used in Technical Regulations

33 There is no identified common set of conformity assessment procedures

34 More Economies Recognize Foreign Certifications

35 Thank You Delaney Consulting, Inc.