State Clearinghouse Number Prepared for: City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA

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1 for the Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project Focused Environmental Impact Report City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California State Clearinghouse Number Prepared for: City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA Contact: Alejandro Rico, Assistant Planner Prepared by: FirstCarbon Solutions 650 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA Contact: Jason Brandman, Vice President Charles Holcombe, Senior Project Manager Report : September 12, 2018 NORTH AMERICA EUROPE AFRICA AUSTRALIA ASIA


3 Table 1: Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project Section 3.1 Air Quality MM AIR-1a: Require Operational Equipment to Turn Off When Not in Use. Building operators shall ensure (by contract specifications) that equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, will be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. Truck idling shall not exceed 5 minutes in time. Legible, durable, weatherproof signs shall be placed at truck access gates, loading docks, and truck parking areas that identify applicable California Air Resources Board (CARB) anti-idling regulations. Pursuant to Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section At a minimum, each sign shall include (1) instructions for truck drivers to shut off engines when not in use; (2) instructions for drivers of diesel trucks to restrict idling to no more than 5 minutes; and (3) telephone numbers of the building facilities manager and CARB to report violations. MM AIR-1b: Promote Clean Vehicle Fleets. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the City of Fontana shall confirm the owner provides tenants information on the following programs, to be included the TMA (required pursuant to MM AIR-1f): 1. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the City of Fontana shall confirm the owner provides tenants information on the following programs, to be included the TMA (required pursuant to MM AIR-1f): 2. SCAQMD s Carl Moyer Program or other similar state programs that restrict operations to clean trucks, such as 2007 or newer model year, or 2010 compliant heavy-duty vehicles, and information including, but not limited to, the health effect of diesel particulates, benefits of reduced idling time, CARB regulations, and the importance of not parking in residential areas. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the City of Fontana shall confirm the owner provides tenants information on the programs to be included the TMA Prior to Occupancy and during operation FirstCarbon Solutions 1

4 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project MM AIR-1c: Incorporate Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Carpool Parking. The project shall be designed to incorporate a minimum of 8 percent of all vehicle parking spaces (including for trucks) with electric vehicle charging stations and five carpool parking spaces at each building for employees and the public to use consistent with California Green Building Standards Code Section MM AIR-1d: Provide Electric Interior Vehicles. All buildings will be designed to provide infrastructure to support use of electric-powered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. All on-site forklifts shall be non-diesel and shall be powered by electricity, compressed natural gas, or propane. MM AIR-1e: Use of Electric Exterior Yard Vehicles. All buildings will be designed to provide infrastructure to support use of exterior yard trucks and on-site vehicles. The operation of yard trucks that are used to move trailers and on-site vehicles within the project site shall be powered by electricity Final project plans will incorporate a minimum of 8 percent of all vehicle parking spaces (including for trucks) with electric vehicle charging stations and five carpool parking spaces at each building for employees and the public to use consistent with California Green Building Standards Code Section Final project plans will provide infrastructure to support use of electricpowered forklifts and/or other interior vehicles. Additionally, conditions of approval will state that all on-site forklifts shall be non-diesel and shall be powered by electricity, compressed natural gas, or propane. Final project plans will provide all buildings infrastructure to support operation of electric yard trucks and on-site vehicles. FirstCarbon Solutions 2

5 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project unless the project applicant can demonstrate that specific equipment is not available for a particular task. MM AIR-1f: A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or similar mechanism shall be established by the Project Applicant. The TMA shall encourage and coordinate carpooling. The TMA shall advertise its services to the building occupants. The TMA shall offer transit incentives to employees and shall provide shuttle service to and from public transit, should a minimum of five (5) employees request and use such service from a transit stop at the same drop-off and/or pickup time. The TMA shall distribute public transportation information to its employees. The TMA shall provide electronic message board space for coordination rides. The TMA shall also include the program information references in MM AIR-1c. establishment of the TMA MM AIR-1g: Infrastructure for Electric Trucks. The proposed project shall be constructed with the appropriate infrastructure (e.g., electrical conduits) to facilitate sufficient electric charging for trucks to plug in, in anticipation of future technology that allows trucks to operate partially on electricity. Section Aesthetics MM AES-1: The construction area shall be screened with appropriate material of sufficient height (temporary fencing with opaque material) to screen views of the construction site from Valley Boulevard, Catawba Avenue, Interstate 10, and adjacent land uses. Final project plans will provide the appropriate infrastructure (e.g., electrical conduits) to facilitate sufficient electric charging for trucks to plug in. Visual inspection of the construction screening. During construction FirstCarbon Solutions 3

6 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project Section Biological Resources MM BIO-1: A minimum of 20 trees (both 15 gallon and 24-inch box) would be required to replace the anticipated removal of 17 trees during the development of the project site or, in lieu of the replacement trees as required by Article III, Section 28-67, a cash equivalent as determined by the City may be deposited with the City in the tree account. MM BIO-2: Project activities that would remove or disturb potential nest sites will be scheduled outside the breeding bird season, if feasible. The breeding bird nesting season is typically from February 15 through September 15, but can vary slightly from year to year, usually depending on weather conditions. Removing all physical features, such as the eucalyptus trees, that could potentially serve as nest sites outside of the breeding bird season also would help to prevent birds from nesting within the project site during the breeding season and during construction activities. MM BIO-3: If project activities that would remove or disturb potential nest sites cannot be avoided during February 15 through September 15, a qualified biologist shall conduct a preconstruction clearance and nesting bird survey to search for all potential nesting areas, breeding birds, and active nests or nest sites within the limits of project disturbance up to 7 days prior to mobilization, staging, and other disturbances. It would end no more than 30 days prior to vegetation, substrate, and structure removal and/or disturbance. MM BIO-4: If no breeding birds or active nests are observed during the pre-construction survey(s), or if they are observed and would not be disturbed, then project activities may begin and no further mitigation would be required. Final project plans will include either a plan for tree removal and replacement or in-lieufees will be provided. approval will include avoidance of the breeding bird nesting season is typically from February 15 through September 15, if unavoidable MM BIO-3 will be followed. need to contract a qualified biologist if project activities occur during February 15 through September 15 Contracted qualified biologist FirstCarbon Solutions 4

7 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project MM BIO-5: If a breeding bird territory or active bird nest is located during the pre-construction survey and potentially would be disturbed, a no-activity buffer zone would be delineated on maps and marked (flagging or other means) up to 500 feet for special-status avian species and raptors, or 100 feet for non-special-status avian species. The limits of the buffer would be demarcated so as not to provide a specific indicator of the location of the nest to predators or people. Materials used to demarcate the nests would be removed as soon as work is complete or the fledglings have left the nest. The biologist will determine the appropriate size of the buffer zone based on the type of activities planned near the nest and bird species because some bird species are more tolerant than others to noise and other disturbances. Buffer zones would not be disturbed until a qualified biologist determines that the nest is inactive. Additionally, the area would not be disturbed until the young have fledged, the young are no longer being fed by the parents, the young have left the area, or the young would no longer be impacted by project activities. Section Cultural Resources MM CUL-1: A Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)- qualified archeologist experienced with Native American artifact identification and approved by the City of Fontana shall be present to monitor the first two (2) days of site preparation/grubbing; the first two (2) days of mass grading; and the first two (2) days of utility trenching. Such monitoring activities may be reduced or terminated depending on the findings and recommendations of the archeologist. In the event that prehistoric or historic cultural resources uncovered during these activities, representatives of the tribal entity(s) whom consider the project site to be within their traditional use area need to contract an RPAqualified archeologist that has been approved by the City of Fontana to monitor according to MM CUL-1. FirstCarbon Solutions 5

8 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project shall be contacted and invited to the site to review the find, and monitoring shall be continued at the discretion of archeologist. MM CUL-2: Any substantial excavations in the proposed project area shall be monitored closely by a professional paleontologist to quickly and professionally recover any fossil remains discovered while not impeding development. Sediment samples shall also be collected and processed to determine the small fossil potential in the proposed project area. The results of the monitoring shall be documented in a paleontological monitoring report. Any fossils recovered will require preparation and curation in an appropriate facility. MM CUL-3: If human remains are encountered during excavations associated with this project, all work shall stop within 50 feet of the find, and the County Coroner shall be notified (Section of the California Health and Safety Code). If the coroner determines that the remains are of Native American origin, he or she shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). MM CUL-4: The NAHC shall be responsible for designating the most likely descendant (MLD), who shall be responsible for the ultimate disposition of the remains, as required by Public Resources Code Section The MLD shall have 48 hours to make recommendations from the time they are given access to the site. Section Noise MM NOI-1:, the project applicant shall incorporate the following into project plans and specifications, to the satisfaction of the City of Fontana City Engineer: The construction shall place all stationary Project plans and specifications will include the contr actor FirstCarbon Solutions 6

9 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the project site. The construction shall ensure that all construction equipment have appropriate sound muffling devices, which are properly maintained and used at all times such equipment is in operation. The construction shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest possible distance between construction-related noise sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction. Prior to issuance of any Grading or Building Permit, the Contractor shall provide evidence that a construction staff member will be designated a Noise Disturbance Coordinator and will be present on-site during construction activities. The Noise Disturbance Coordinator shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a complaint is received, the Noise Disturbance Coordinator shall notify the City of Fontana within 24 hours of the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaint (starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and shall implement reasonable measures to resolve the complaint, as deemed acceptable by the Community Development Department. Construction haul routes shall be designed to avoid noise sensitive uses (residences, convalescent homes, etc.), to the extent feasible. Noise producing construction activities, including site preparation, vehicle warm-up and delivery activities, shall not take place outside of the allowable hours specified by the City s Municipal Code (7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays; construction activities are not permitted on Sundays or legal holidays). FirstCarbon Solutions 7

10 Table 1 (cont.): Seefried Valley & Catawba Warehouse Project Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the Noise Disturbance Coordinator shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow surrounding property owners to contact the Noise Disturbance Coordinator to report noise-related issues, if necessary. In the event that the City of Fontana receives a pattern of noise complaints, appropriate corrective actions shall be implemented, such as onsite noise monitoring during construction activities, and a report of the action shall be provided to the reporting party. FirstCarbon Solutions 8