Mill & Timber Products Ltd.

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2 March 15, 2010 Criteria and Indicators for draft Sustainable Forest Management Plan M&T Objective Performance Measure Indicators Strategies to Address Indicators 1. Forest Management Planning to broaden the implementation of sustainable forestry by ensuring long-term productivity and yield based on the use of the best scientific information available. Performance Measure 1.1 Program participants shall ensure that forest management plans include long-term harvest levels that are sustainable and consistent with appropriate growth-and-yield models Forest management planning at a level appropriate to the size and scale of operation, including: a. a long-term resources analysis, b. a periodic or ongoing forest inventory, c. a land classification system, d. soils inventory and maps, where available, e. access to growth-and-yield modeling capabilities, f. up-to-date maps or a geographic information system (GIS), g. recommended sustainable harvest levels for areas available for harvest, and h. a review of non-timber issues (e.g. recreation, tourism, pilot projects and economic incentive programs to promote water protection, carbon storage, bioenergy feedstock The Defined Forest Area Management (DFAM) group of licensees for the Kingcome Timber Supply Area has completed, in partnership with the Province of BC, a timber supply analysis and review that led to the determination of the Allowable Annual Cut for the Kingcome TSA by the Chief Forester. This analysis and review is to be completed once every five years or as determined to be necessary. The review includes sensitivity analyses to review those issues that may not be a current legislative requirement (ie nontimber issues such as pilot projects, recreation, tourism, non-timber forest products, etc). Mill & Timber participates in the timber supply review process and has access to growth and yield modeling through the DFAM group. Chief Forester makes an AAC determination for each management unit every 5 years, or as required. Mill & Timber has prepared a Forest Page 1 of 31

3 production, or biological diversity conservation, or to address climate-induced ecosystem change) Documentation of annual harvest trends in relation to the sustainable forest management plan in a manner appropriate to document past and future activities Stewardship Plan that sets out results and/or strategies for meeting objectives set out within legislation (ie Forest and Range Practices Act, South Central Coast Order) Updates to forest inventory information (terrestrial ecosystem mapping, vegetation resources inventory, wildlife habitat suitability, etc) are being completed by licensees and government within the management unit to ensure the best available information is put forward for planning purposes. Mill & Timber is involved in these processes through Forest Investment Account funding and/or through participation with the DFAM group. Mill & Timber updates operational mapping annually with all new available information from government, other licensees or First Nation, or when required for planning purposes Terrain classification & hazard assessments have been completed for Mill & Timber operating areas. All licensees are required to do an annual update to the RESULTS system with information on harvest areas, areas that have reached milestones (ie regeneration delay, free growing) and opening submissions for new harvest areas. Once every five years or when required, a timber supply review is completed that takes into account best available information to determine trends in annual harvest in relation to long-term sustainability. Page 2 of 31

4 1.1.3 A forest inventory system and a method to calculate growth-andyield Periodic updates of forest inventory and recalculation of planned harvests to account for changes in growth due to productivity increases or decreases (e.g. improved data, long-term drought, fertilization, climate change, forest land ownership changes, etc.) Documentation of forest practices (e.g., planting, fertilization, and thinning) consistent with assumptions in harvest plans. The current forest inventory system (vegetation resources inventory) is housed at the Land and Resource Data Warehouse, Ministry of Forests and Range and updated periodically, in partnership between forest tenure holders and the Province of BC. The RESULTS database houses all silviculture information for the Province of BC and all licensees are required to submit information annually to keep the system upto-date. Annual updating of RESULTS system (licensees) Timber Supply Review (once every five years) Site Index adjustment was completed by the DFAM group for the Kingcome TSA Mill & Timber completes monitoring and tracking annually to determine how harvest plans are meeting sustainable forestry practices. Monitoring includes spatial analyses to ensure Mill & Timber is meeting old forest and mid-seral targets for landscape units, suitable wildlife habitat areas are identified, sufficient first nation s traditional forest resources are available for use, etc. Postharvest assessments are completed on each harvest area to check forest practices conformance with preharvest plans, Environmental Management System internal and external audits Page 3 of 31

5 2. Forest Productivity to ensure the long-term forest productivity, carbon storage and conservation of forest resources through prompt reforestation, soil conservation, afforestation and other measures. Performance Measure 2.1. Program participants shall promptly reforest after final harvest Designation of all harvest areas for either natural regeneration or by planting Reforestation, unless delayed for site-specific environmental or forest health considerations or legal requirements, through planting within two years or two planting seasons, or by planned natural regeneration methods within five years Clear criteria to judge adequate regeneration and appropriate actions to correct understocked areas and achieve acceptable species composition and stocking rates for both planting and natural regeneration. Silviculture Treatment Plan sets out planting regime (timing and method), species planted and other treatments identified on a site level basis. Approved Stocking Standards are set out in FSP and listed in Site Plan for each harvest area. Planting prescriptions in silviculture treatment plan for each harvest area identify that sites will be planted within two years of harvest. Stocking (planting) requirements set in Silviculture Treatment Plan for planting within 2 years of harvest, unless delayed due to events out of the control of the organization. Mill & Timber describe actions to complete the obligation to ensure that longterm forest productivity is achieved. (see 1.1.4) Silviculture surveys completed at regular intervals postharvest to ensure that adequate regeneration is present and if not, adequate measures are taken so that standards can be met, such as fill-planting, brushing or deer protection measures. Minimum stocking levels are identified by site type and available plantable sites. In Mill & Timber managed areas, the minimum stocking levels per hectare range from 200 to 500 stems per hectare. Legal requirements ensure that all licensees submit forest cover data for cutblocks that have been declared as free growing. Page 4 of 31

6 Performance Measure 2.2. minimize chemical use required to achieve management objectives while protecting employees, neighbours, the public and the environment, including wildlife and aquatic habitats Minimized plantings of exotic tree species, and research documentation that exotic tree species, planted operationally, pose minimal risk Protection of desirable or planned advanced natural regeneration during harvest Planting programs that consider potential ecological impacts of a different species or species mix from that which was harvested Afforestation programs that consider potential ecological impacts of the selection and planting of tree species in non-forested landscapes Minimized chemical use required to achieve management objectives Use of least-toxic and narrowestspectrum pesticides necessary to achieve management objectives Use of pesticides registered for the intended use and applied in accordance with label requirements Use of integrated pest management where feasible. Silviculture treatment plan for each harvest area sets out species to be planted in accordance with the Provincial Seed Transfer Guidelines and Stocking Standards, unless a variance from the above is approved, based on sound scientific rationale and research. Silviculture surveys are completed to determine survival and stocking levels are met with a minimum level of planted stock and natural regeneration. Where stocking targets can be partially met with advanced regeneration, the remainder of the harvest area is fill-planted. Planting program complies with Stocking Standards and Seed Transfer Guidelines, unless a variance from these Provincial requirements is approved. There are no non-forested areas planted with tree species within areas managed by Mill & Timber. Mill & Timber does not plan for chemical use to achieve management objectives during normal operations. If chemical use is required as other methods may be cost-prohibitive or ineffective, then Mill & Timber will implement the follow measures: keep chemical use to a minimum, only use those pesticides that are registered for use, implement an Integrated Pest Page 5 of 31

7 Performance Measure 2.3. Program participants shall implement forest management practices to protect and maintain forest and soil productivity Supervision of forest chemical applications by provincial-trained or certified applicators Use of management practices appropriate to the situation, for example: a) notification of adjoining landowners or nearby residents concerning applications and chemicals used, b) appropriate multilingual signs or oral warnings, c) control of public road access during and immediately after applications, d) designation of streamside and other needed buffer strips, e) use of positive shutoff and minimaldrift spray valves, f) aerial application of forest chemicals parallel to buffer zones to minimize drift, g) monitoring of water quality or safeguards to ensure proper equipment use and protection of streams, lakes and other water bodies, h) appropriate storage of chemicals, i) filing of required state or provincial reports, and/or j) use of methods to ensure protection of threatened and endangered species Use of soils maps where available Process to identify soils vulnerable to compaction, and use of appropriate methods to avoid excessive soil disturbance. Management Plan, Information-share with applicable First Nations, and apply in accordance with label and other applicable instructions. Mill & Timber will track the pesticides used by forest nurseries on forest seedlings grown for Mill & Timber. Mill & Timber uses a combination of resources to ensure protection of soils, including the following; soil classification maps over most areas managed by Mill & Timber and all areas with high sensitivity Page 6 of 31

8 Performance Measure 2.4. manage so as to protect forests from damaging agents, such as environmentally or economically undesirable wildfire, pests, diseases and invasive exotic plants and Use of erosion control measures to minimize the loss of soil and site productivity Post-harvest conditions conducive to maintaining site productivity (e.g. limited rutting, retained down woody debris, minimized skid trails) Retention of vigorous trees during partial harvesting, consistent with scientific silvicultural standards for the area Criteria that address harvesting and site preparation to protect soil productivity Road construction and skidding layout to minimize impact to soil productivity and water quality Program to protect forests from damaging agents Management to promote healthy and productive forest conditions to minimize susceptibility to damaging agents. TRIM (terrain resource information mapping) Slope mapping (>60%) over those areas where soil classification maps are not available Postharvest inspections to ensure that soil disturbance limits were not exceeded during harvesting Use of the best possible harvest method for each harvest area Guidelines and procedures for groundbased harvesting and stream crossings, including methods for cross-stream yarding only where appropriate and identified at a site level. Mill & Timber identifies particular forest health strategies in the Forest Stewardship Plan Forest health strategies include planting species and stock that are resistant to pests where identified and ensure that susceptible species are minimized during retention harvesting. Seedlings are grown in accordance with the Page 7 of 31

9 animals, to maintain and improve long-term forest health, productivity and economic viability. Performance Measure 2.5. Program Participants that deploy improved planting stock including varietal seedlings, shall use sound scientific methods Participation in, and support of, fire and pest prevention and control programs Program for appropriate research, testing, evaluation and deployment of improved planting stock, including varietal seedlings. Chief Forester s Standards for Seed Use, unless otherwise identified in a variance with a sound rationale Particular forest health concerns are identified and managed through the harvest area site plan. Regular surveys and inspections ensure that regenerating sites are maintained in a healthy and productive state. A fire preparedness and management plan is prepared for areas where primary forest activities occur each year. Logging crews have Fire Suppression training annually and a sufficient amount of firefighting equipment at each active site. Tree Improvement Branch (Ministry of Forests and Range, Provincial government) provides guidance, research and methods for use of improved planting stock. These methods are followed by Mill & Timber when purchasing or growing seedling stock. The Chief Forester s Standards for Seed Use include guidelines to use Class-A seed wherever possible and available. Mill & Timber follows these guidelines except where an approved variance sets out a rationale for using Class-B seed. Seed classification in BC is a sophisticated process and standard of tested parentage, genetic gain and genetic diversity. 3. Protection and Maintenance of Water Resources To protect water quality in rivers, streams, lakes, and other water bodies. Performance Measure 3.1. meet or exceed all Program to implement provincial best management practices during all phases of management activities. Provincial, federal and local legislation for water quality are met through operational plans and best management practices for Mill Page 8 of 31

10 applicable federal, provincial and local water quality laws, and meet or exceed best management practices developed under Canadian approved water quality programs. Performance Measure 3.2. have or develop, implement and document riparian protection measures based on soil types, terrain, vegetation, ecological function, harvesting system and other applicable factors Contract provisions that specify conformance to best management practices Plans that address wet-weather events (e.g. forest inventory systems, wet-weather tracts, definitions of acceptable operating conditions) Monitoring of overall best management practices implementation Program addressing management and protection of rivers, streams, lakes, and other water bodies and riparian zones Mapping of rivers, streams, lakes, and other water bodies as specified in provincial best management practices and, where appropriate, identification on the ground Implementation of plans to manage or protect rivers, streams, lakes, and other water & Timber managed areas. Criteria for carrying out activites around streams, lakes, river and coastlines are addressed within the EMS and the Forest Stewardship Plan Contract provisions set out that the logging and other contractors must follow the EMS standard operating procedures, including those for activities around water bodies. Rainfall shutdown procedures (wet weather) are implemented where soil hazards exist. Soil hazard mapping is available for areas where a hazard risk is determined to be moderate or high. Mill & Timber best management practices for ground-based harvesting are followed. Postharvest inspections Environmental Management System standard operating procedures are followed by all crews. Licensee and contractor meetings ensure that best management practices are implemented, are practical and are followed by crews. The South Central Coast Land Use Order (provincial legislation) and the Forest and Range Practices Act & associated regulations set out objectives for management of riparian areas (rivers, streams, lakes and other water bodies) and protection of water quality. Mill & Timber s Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) sets out results and/or strategies to meet the objectives for water, aquatic habitat, high value fish habitat, watersheds, forested swamps, etc. Page 9 of 31

11 bodies Identification and protection of nonforested wetlands, including bogs, fens and marshes, and vernal pools of ecological significance Where regulations or best management practices do not currently exist to protect riparian areas, use of experts to identify appropriate protection measures. Mill & Timber hires a professional fisheries biologist to assess the quality of habitat for fish in areas where there is high value or nonhigh value fish habitat. Stream protection measures are implemented based on the assessment of habitat type and protection and integrity of the water body. Mill & Timber s spatial database includes all field-classified and inventory information for rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, bogs, swamps and other water bodies. A Qualified Professional is used where necessary to determine the suitability of management practices around water bodies where current legislation may not exist. 4. Conservation of Biological Diversity, including Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value To manage the quality and distribution of wildlife habitats and contribute to the conservation of biological diversity by developing and implementing stand- and landscape-level measures that promote a diversity of types of habitat and successional stages, and conservation of forest plants and animals, including aquatic species. Performance Measure 4.1. have programs to promote biological diversity at stand and landscape levels Program to promote the conservation of native biological diversity, including species, wildlife habitats and ecological community types Program to protect threatened and endangered species Program to locate and protect known sites associated with viable occurrences of critically imperiled and imperiled species and communities also known as Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value. Plans for protection may be developed independently or collaboratively, and may include Program Participant management, cooperation with other stakeholders, or use of easements, conservation land sales, exchanges, or other conservation strategies. Species at risk (Federal and Provincial) are identified and protected in the field, as set out in results and/or strategies in the FSP. Species at Risk/Identified Wildlife and Regionally Important Wildlife all have measures and strategies to manage for critical habitat for breeding, forage, winter range, as set out in the Forest Stewardship Plan. UWRs and WHAs are in place or are proposed for approval by the Ministry of Environment. Requirements are in place for Mill & Timber (and all forest tenure holders) to set aside target hectares for species at risk where suitable habitat is identified or found. Training is completed for staff to identify species at risk, regionally important wildlife Page 10 of 31

12 4.1.4 Development and implementation of criteria, as guided by regionally appropriate best scientific information, to retain stand-level wildlife habitat elements such as snags, stumps, mast trees, down woody debris, den trees and nest trees Program for assessment, conducted either individually or collaboratively, of forest cover types, age or size classes, and habitats at the individual ownership level and, where credible data are available, across the landscape, and take into account findings in planning and management activities Support of and participation in plans or programs for the conservation of old-growth forests in the region of ownership Participation in programs and demonstration of activities as appropriate to limit the introduction, impact and spread of invasive exotic plants and animals that directly threaten or are likely to threaten native plant and animal communities Program to incorporate the role of prescribed or natural fire where appropriate. and other critically imperiled or imperiled species and/or to identify critical or suitable habitat if required for the above species. Field cards are available for staff/contractors. Targets have been set through the South Central Coast Land Use Order for Old Forest, maximum mid-seral age class and by ecological unit (site series surrogates). Mill and Timber employs an Invasive Alien Plant Management strategy (FSP) that commits to grass-seeding areas with exposed mineral soil to lessen the risk of invasive alien plant invasion, training of staff and contractors to identify invasive alien plants, and other measures to minimize the occurrence of and risk of establishment of invasive alien plants within areas where Mill & Timber is operating. There are currently no measures to incorporate the role of prescribed or natural fire in areas managed by Mill & Timber. There is very little risk for large wildfires and no urban interface zones. Page 11 of 31

13 Performance Measure 4.2. apply knowledge gained through research, science, technology and field experience to manage wildlife habitat and contribute to the conservation of biological diversity Collection of information on Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value and other biodiversity-related data through forest inventory processes, mapping or participation in external programs, such as NatureServe, provincial heritage programs, or other credible systems. Such participation may include providing non-proprietary scientific information, time and assistance by staff, or inkind or direct financial support A methodology to incorporate research results and field applications of biodiversity and ecosystem research into forest management decisions. Integrated Land Management Bureau (Land and Resource Data Warehouse) is the holder of inventory data and data related to biodiversity for the Province of BC. This information is incorporated, where relevant, into Mill & Timber s spatial dataset and used for planning purposes to identify those forests with exceptional conservation value. Information related to biodiversity and ecosystem research is incorporated into forest management decisions through monitoring and tracking for the Mill & Timber FSP. Mill & Timber s spatial database is updated annually and the information is used to monitor and track the results and strategies within the FSP for values such as old forest, mid-seral and site series targets. This information is then incorporated into planning decisions for forest management. 5. Management of Visual Quality and Recreational Trails To manage the visual impact of forest operations and provide recreational opportunities for the public. Performance Measure 5.1. manage the impact of harvesting on visual quality Program to address visual quality management Incorporation of aesthetic considerations in harvesting, road, landing design and management, and other management activities where visual impacts are a concern. The Province has designated a Known Scenic Area within the Kingcome Timber Supply Area. Within the known scenic area, where the scenic area overlaps with proposed harvest planning, a visual impact assessment is completed at the Site Plan stage. Page 12 of 31

14 Performance Measure 5.2. manage the size, shape and placement of clearcut harvests. Performance Measure 5.3. adopt a green-up requirement or alternative methods that provide for visual quality Average size of clearcut harvest areas does not exceed 120 acres (50 hectares), except when necessary to meet regulatory requirements or to respond to forest health emergencies or other natural catastrophes Documentation through internal records of clearcut size and the process for calculating average size Program implementing the green-up requirement or alternative methods Harvest area tracking system to demonstrate conformance with the green-up requirement or alternative methods Trees in clearcut harvest areas are at least 3 years old or 5 feet (1.5 metres) high at the desired level of stocking before adjacent areas are clearcut, or as appropriate to address operational and economic considerations, alternative methods to reach the performance measure are utilized by the Program Participant. Visual landscape inventory information is available for the North Island Central Coast Forest District, where Mill & Timber operates. Visual inventory information is used to incorporate into forest management planning prior to layout and development. Provincial legislation guides clearcut size and/or design (Forest Planning and Practices Regulation). Mill & Timber follows the Provincial best management practices for design and layout of cutblocks and roads. Cutblock size is tracked through the Site Plan and the internal PhoenixPro database. Mill and Timber harvest blocks do not exceed 50ha on an annual average. Green-up surveys will be completed for cutblocks if necessary for proposed planned harvesting on adjacent areas that may be in conflict. All cutblocks are tracked through the Site Plan and through Mill & Timber s PhoenixPro database. Before adjacent areas are harvested, the net area to be reforested is stocked: such that the average height of the tallest 10% of the trees on the area is a minimum of 3 metres in height, and with at least 500 trees/ha of commercially valuable species that are at least 1.3 m in height. Page 13 of 31

15 Performance Measure 5.4 support and promote recreational opportunities for the public Provide recreational opportunities for the public, where consistent with forest management objectives. There are boating, kayaking and hiking opportunities within the areas that Mill & Timber manages. Although there are currently no designated recreational sites within those areas, Mill & Timber has been working with the First Nations, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts and BC Parks to start work on a trail system within the areas M&T manages. 6. Protection of Special Sites To manage lands that are ecologically, geologically or culturally important in a manner that takes into account their unique qualities. Performance Measure 6.1. identify special sites and manage them in a manner appropriate fro their unique features Use of information such as existing natural heritage data, expert advice or stakeholder consultation in identifying or selecting special sites for protection Appropriate mapping, cataloging and management of identified special sites. 7. Efficient Use of Forest Resources To promote the efficient use of forest resources. Mill & Timber works closely with affected First Nations, has regular information-sharing meetings and uses the services of an archaeological consultant to ensure protection of cultural sites, wherever possible. Existing heritage or ecological sites that are identified as significant are protected by federal and provincial legislation. Ecological, geological or cultural sites that have been made known to Mill & Timber or are identified through Mill & Timber s planning or operations, are protected consistent with the level of importance as deemed by a Qualified Professional and/or the First Nation. All known resource information, cultural information and ecological classification are catalogued and mapped within Mill & Timber s spatial database for use in forest management planning. Performance Measure Program or monitoring system to ensure Wood waste is distributed throughout the Page 14 of 31

16 employ appropriate forest harvesting technology and in-woods manufacturing processes and practices to minimize waste and ensure efficient utilization of harvested trees, where consistent with other SFI Standard objectives. efficient utilization, which may include provisions to ensure: a) management of harvest residue (e.g. slash, limbs, tops) considers economic, social and environmental factors (e.g. organic and nutrient value to future forests) and other utilization needs, b) training or incentives to encourage loggers to enhance utilization, c) cooperation with mill managers for better utilization of species and low-grade material, d) exploration of markets for underutilized species and low-grade wood, and e) alternative markets (e.g. bioenergy markets), or f) periodic inspections and reports noting utilization and product separation. block to ensure objectives for coarse woody debris are met. Waste & residue surveys are completed for each harvested area to measure and track remaining wood debris for each harvest area. Postharvest inspections are completed that track utilization of wood. A quality control program for falling and yarding has been implemented to ensure company utilization standards are followed. Stumpage is paid to government for avoidable (underutilized) waste. Mill managers work closely with the logging manager to ensure that logs are appropriate to maximize utilization at the mills. 8. Landowner Outreach To broaden the practice of sustainable forestry by forest landowners through fiber sourcing programs. Performance Measure 8.1 provide information to landowners for reforestation following harvest, for the use of best management practices, and for identification and protection of important habitat elements for wildlife and biodiversity, including Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value Program participants shall supply regionally appropriate information or services (e.g. information packets, websites, newsletters, etc) to forest landowners, describing the importance and providing implementation guidance on a) best management practices, b) reforestation and afforestation, c) visual quality management, d) conservation of critical wildlife habitat elements, biodiversity, threatened and endangered species, and Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value, e) management of harvest residue (e.g. slash, limbs, tops) considers economic, social, environmental factors (e.g. organic and A monitoring program to track Mill & Timber s performance regarding best management practices, reforestation, visual quality management, conservation of critical wildlife habitat elements, management of waste, control of invasive alien plants and characteristics of special sites will be implemented. A binder is kept in Mill & Timber s office with up-to-date information regarding the monitoring program. Monitoring information describes performance and documentation to show how Mill & Timber is meeting the performance measures and indicators for sustainable forestry. The EMS/SFM management committee Page 15 of 31

17 nutrient value to future forests) and other utilization needs, f) control of invasive exotic plants and animals, and g) characteristics of special sites. reviews Mill & Timber s performance each year and provide feedback to the system for continual improvement Program to address Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value in harvests of purchased stumpage. Mill & Timber has a program in place for monitoring and tracking the results and strategies for the FSP. A spatial analysis is conducted annually that provides information regarding the conservation of old forests to ensure that targets are being met both within the timber harvesting landbase and outside of the timber harvesting land base (i.e. UWRs, Conservancies, Biodiversity, Mining and Tourism Areas) or recruitment areas to meet the targets are identified where required. Red- and blue-list plant ecosystems are protected where identified in the field. Field staff is trained in the identification of red- and blue-listed plant communities. Mill and Timber advocates for SFI certification through their membership in FPAC. Page 16 of 31

18 8.1.3 Encourage forest landowners to participate in forest management certification programs. Mill & Timber has a PEFC Chain of Custody certification in place for the sawmills and has had an Environmental Management System for the Woodlands division in place since Use of Qualified Resource and Qualified Logging Professionals To broaden the practice of sustainable forestry by encouraging forest landowners to utilize the services of forest management and harvesting professionals. Performance Measure 9.1. encourage landowners to utilize the services of certified logging professionals (where available), qualified resource professionals and qualified logging professionals in applying principles of sustainable forest management on their lands Program to promote the use of certified logging professionals (where available), qualified resource professionals and qualified logging professionals List of certified logging professionals and qualified logging professionals maintained by Program Participant, provincial agency, loggers association or other organization. Mill & Timber maintains a list of Qualified Resource Professionals and has a program (procedure) in place to identify the qualifications and competence of new resource professionals and/or logging contractors. The professional organizations in British Columbia regulate the practice of forestry and other resource professionals. These organizations have resources available to determine the qualifications of professionals. Some contractor organizations within British Columbia also provide information regarding contractors for reference. 10. Adherence to Best Management Practices To Broaden the practice of sustainable forestry through the use of best management practices to protect water quality. Performance Measure clearly define and implement policies to ensure that facility inventories and fiber sourcing activities do not compromise adherence to the principles of sustainable Program for the purchase of raw material form certified logging professionals (where available) and from wood producers that have completed training programs and are recognized as qualified logging professionals Program to require that harvests of purchased stumpage comply with best management practices. Mill & Timber has a policy for the purchase of raw material in place through the Chain of Custody program that guides staff in wood procurement. Mill & Timber s Chain of Custody program ensures that wood procurement is from legal, non-controversial sources and from qualified logging professionals. Mill and Timber sources fiber from SFM certified companies. Page 17 of 31

19 forestry Contracts for the purchase of raw material include provisions requiring the use of best management practices Program to address adverse weather conditions clearly define their fiber sourcing policies in writing and make them available to wood producers. Mill & Timber has a weather shutdown policy to address adverse weather conditions in areas that pose a moderate or high risk. All policies and procedures that are in place for fiber sourcing are in writing at Mill & Timber s head office in relation to the Chain of Custody program. Performance Measure monitor the use of best management practices A verifiable monitoring system to: a) monitor the use of best management practices by wood producers supplying the Program Participant, and b) evaluate use of best management practices across the wood and fiber supply area Use of information from the verifiable monitoring system to maintain rates of conformance to best management practices and to identify areas for improved performance. An auditing system is in place through Mill & Timber s Chain of Custody certification that ensures best management practices are used. Customers meet the requirements of their own SFM certification systems or Chain of Custody and are audited annually to prove conformance with best management practices. Mill & Timber s EMS is reviewed annually by the management committee (joint committee with staff from Mill & Timber and the logging contractor) to determine conformance with the system. One of the goals of the EMS is continual improvement. Each year, objectives and targets are reviewed, risk rated and new targets are then set for the year to improve practices. 11. Promote Conservation of Biological Diversity, Biodiversity Hotspots and High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas To broaden the practice of sustainable forestry by conserving biological diversity, biodiversity hotspots and high-biodiversity wilderness areas. Page 18 of 31

20 Performance Measure ensure that their fiber sourcing programs support the principles of sustainable forestry, including efforts to promote conservation of biological diversity Fiber sourcing from areas outside the United States and Canada promotes conservation of: a) biodiversity hotspots and major tropical wilderness area utilizing information from Conservation International, and b) biological diversity utilizing information from organizations such as the Alliance for Zero Extinction, World Wildlife Fund, World Resources Institute and International Union for Conservation of Nature Program with direct suppliers to promote the principles of sustainable forestry Documented information that includes knowledge about direct suppliers application of the principles of sustainable forestry. Mill & Timber does not purchase wood from outside of Canada or the United States. Mill & Timber has a policy in place to ensure that the procurement of wood meets sustainable forestry principles within the Chain of Custody certification. Mill & Timber will assess the performance of each supplier to ensure they continue to meet the standards of their certification regime. As part of Mill & Timber s CoC, the suppliers are audited annually to ensure that they are meeting the principles of sustainable forestry through their own certification systems. 12. Avoidance of Controversial Sources including Illegal Logging To broaden the practice of sustainable forestry by avoidance of illegal logging. Performance Measure ensure that their fiber sourcing programs support the principles of sustainable forestry, including efforts to thwart illegal logging Process to assess the risk that the Program Participant s fiber sourcing program could acquire material from illegal logging Program to address any significant risk identified under Program with direct suppliers to promote the principles of sustainable forestry Documented information that includes knowledge about direct suppliers application The risk that Mill & Timber will purchase fiber from illegal logging is extremely low. All timber in British Columbia that is harvested must be marked with a unique marking to ensure that it can be tracked from the source to the mill. Mill & Timber does not purchase wood from outside Canada or the U.S. Page 19 of 31

21 of the principles of sustainable forestry. 13. Avoidance of Controversial Sources including Fiber Sourced from Areas without Effective Social Laws To broaden the practice of sustainable forestry by avoiding controversial sources. Performance Measure avoid controversial sources and encourage socially sound practices Process to assess the risk that the Program Participant s fiber sourcing could take place in countries without effective laws addressing the following: a. workers health and safety; b. fair labour practices; c. indigenous peoples rights; d. anti-discrimination and antiharassment measures; e. prevailing wages; and Mill & Timber does not purchase wood from outside of Canada or the United States, thus reducing the risk to insignificant. f. workers right to organize Program to address any significant risk identified under Legal and Regulatory Compliance Compliance with applicable federal, provincial and local laws and regulations. Performance Measure take appropriate steps to comply with applicable federal, provincial and local forestry and related social and environmental laws and regulations Access to relevant laws and regulations in appropriate locations System to achieve compliance with applicable federal, provincial, or local laws and regulations Demonstration of commitment to legal compliance through available regulatory action information. M&T staff has Quickscribe Services, which provides an online and hardcopy source for the most up-to-date legislation in British Columbia. The Environmental Management System (EMS) has been designed to ensure that Mill & Timber follows all relevant federal, provincial and local laws and regulations. Through the EMS, Mill & Timber monitors and tracks all incidences of non-conformance or non-compliance with legislation, policy or procedures. Page 20 of 31

22 Performance Measure take appropriate steps to comply with all applicable social laws at the federal, provincial and local levels in the country in which the Program Participant operates Written policy demonstrating commitment to comply with social laws, such as those covering civil rights, equal employment opportunities, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment measures, workers compensation, indigenous peoples rights, workers and communities right to know, prevailing wages, workers right to organize, and occupational health and safety Forestry enterprises will respect the rights of workers and labour representatives in a manner that encompasses the intent of the International Labour Organization (ILO) core conventions. Mill & Timber has an Environmental and other, associated policies that dictate a commitment to comply with environmental laws, social responsibility, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment measures, is a member in good standing with WorkSafe BC and has a fully implemented Occupational Health and Safety Program. Mill & Timber follows all Provincial labour laws and respects the rights of workers and labour representatives. 15. Forestry Research, Science, and Technology To support forestry research, science, and technology, upon which sustainable forest management decisions are based. Performance Measure individually and/or through cooperative efforts involving SFI Implementation Committees, associations or other partners provide inkind support or funding for forest research to improve forest health, productivity, and sustainable management of forest resources, and the environmental benefits and performance of forest products Financial or in-kind support of research to address questions of relevance in the region of operations. The research shall include some of the following issues: a. forest health, productivity, and ecosystem functions; b. chemical efficiency, use rate and integrated pest management; c. water quality and/or effectiveness of best management practices including effectiveness of water quality and best management practices for protecting the quality, diversity and distributions of fish and wildlife habitats; Strategies are implemented at the Provincial level for forest health on a Regional basis. Mill & Timber participates in Forest Investment Account funded projects with inkind support to improve the sustainable management of forest resources, either individually or cooperatively with other licensees. Mill & Timber participated in the Timber Supply Analysis and Review for the TSA where Mill & Timber operates and contributed financially to the project. Mill & Timber is partnered with and contributes financially to FERIC, an organization that conducts trials on forest operations efficiencies and economics. Mill & Timber has financed and is conducting trials on productivity, riparian ecosystems and Page 21 of 31

23 d. wildlife management at stand and landscape levels; e. conservation of biological diversity; f. ecological impacts of bioenergy feedstock removals on productivity, wildlife habitat, water quality and other ecosystem functions; g. climate change research for both adaptation and mitigation; h. social issues; i. forest operations efficiencies and economics; j. energy efficiency; k. life cycle assessment; l. avoidance of illegal logging, and m. avoidance of controversial sources Research on genetically engineered trees via forest tree biotechnology shall adhere to all applicable federal and provincial regulations and international protocols. function and archaeological overview studies. Wildlife habitat modeling is conducted by both the Ministry of Environment and with partnership organizations (i.e. Coast Forest Conservation Initiative). Mill & Timber participates in these by providing in-kind support with spatial data and map products where appropriate. Page 22 of 31

24 Performance Measure individually and/or through cooperative efforts involving SFI Implementation Committees, associations or other partners develop or use provincial or regional analyses in support of their sustainable forestry programs. Performance Measure Program participants shall individually and/or through cooperative efforts involving SFI Implementation Committees, associations or other partners broaden the awareness of climate change impacts on forests, wildlife and biological diversity Participation, individually and/or through cooperative efforts involving SFI Implementation Committees and/or associations at the national, provincial or regional level, in the development or use of some of the following: a. regeneration assessments; b. growth and drain assessments c. best management practices implementation and conformance; d. biodiversity conservation information for family forest owners; and e. social, cultural or economic benefit assessments Where available, monitor information generated from regional climate models on long-term forest health, productivity and economic viability Program Participants are knowledgeable about climate change impacts on wildlife, wildlife habitats and conservation of biological diversity through international, national, regional or local programs. Mill & Timber conducts their own regeneration assessments on sites managed by the company Mill & Timber also keeps up-to-date literature regarding silviculture, growth and yield studies, and assessments and studies completed by the Coast Forest Conservation Initiative regarding social and economic benefits within the South Central Coast region. Best management practices are obtained by a variety of means, including Mill & Timber directed studies, through partner organizations such as FERIC, FORREX and Forest Products Association and from the Provincial and Federal Governments. Monitoring and tracking through the Forest Stewardship Plan ensures that Mill & Timber is reviewing performance, tracking targets for biodiversity conservation and annually reviewing regeneration performance and best management practices. Information from climate change models is provided through partner organizations (such as FPAC, FORREX). Mill & Timber professional staff participate in workshops where climate change information is shared. Subscriptions to scientific journals are maintained to provide staff/professionals relevant literature and up-to-date research information. Page 23 of 31

25 16. Training and Education To improve the implementation of sustainable forestry practices through appropriate training and education programs. Performance Measure Program participants shall require appropriate training of personnel and contractors so that they are competent to fulfill their responsibilities under the SFI Standard Written statement of commitment to the SFI Standard communicated throughout the organization, particularly to facility and woodland managers, fiber sourcing staff and field foresters Assignment and understanding of roles and responsibilities for achieving SFI Standard objectives Staff education and training sufficient to their roles and responsibilities Contractor education and training sufficient to their roles and responsibilities Forestry enterprises shall have a program for the use of certified logging professionals (where available) and qualified logging professionals. Mill & Timber s Environmental Policy is posted at the offices and in the camps for all staff and contractors to read, review and provide feedback to the company. Each employee/contractor is trained in the company s Environmental Management System program and is made aware of the policies of Mill & Timber at that time and periodically afterwards. A training record is kept for all professional and other staff and logging contractor employees Mill & Timber has implemented a program for hiring contractors which will guide decisions regarding whether a contractor is qualified and competent. Page 24 of 31