Integra,ng Ins,tu,ons and ac,ons to achieve na,onal REDD+ goals of Mongolia

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1 3 rd Annual Mee,ng on 3E Nexus Ini,a,ve for Sustainable Development January 2016, Da Nang, Vietnam Integra,ng Ins,tu,ons and ac,ons to achieve na,onal REDD+ goals of Mongolia J.Tsogtbaatar, PhD. Mongolian Academy of Sciences

2 Content 1 Introduc,on of REDD+ implementa,on 2 Policy arrangements for REDD+ 3 UNREDD+ implementa,on procedure 4 Start of REDD+ implementa,on and SFM 5 Future steps

3 What is REDD+? Reducing Emissions from Deforesta,on and Forest Degrada,on (REDD) is an effort to create a financial value for the carbon stored in forests, offering incen,ves for developing countries to reduce emissions from forested lands and invest in low-carbon paths to sustainable development.

4 Mongolia: Na,onal goal of REDD+ To es,mate of the contribu,on of different forest ecosystems to the mi,ga,on of Global Climate changes To develop Climate Change Adapta,on measures in forest sector

5 Contribu,on to UN REDD+ implementa,on Assess forest condi,on of Mongolia (area, composi,on, indicators of wood stock etc.,) Es,mate carbon budget of different forest types in the country Study of good prac,ce in sustainable forest management Develop a mechanism on ins,tu,onal arrangements of forestry on climate change mi,ga,on

6 Policy arrangements in Mongolia * Green Development Concept (2014) * New Forest Policy (2015) * Na,onal Ac,on Program to Combat Deser,fica,on (2010) * Na,onal Ac,on Program on Climate Change (2011) * Na,onal Ac,on Program on Biodiversity Conserva,on (2015)

7 Na,onal Ac,on Program on Climate Change The Na,onal Ac,on Program on Climate Change (NAPCC) was approved by the resolu,on of Mongolian Parliament on 6th January, The following five strategic objec,ves will be implemented in two phases over the period and Establish the legal environment, struc-tures, institutions and regulatory frame-work supporting the activities directed to solve the issues due to climate change. 2. Ensure environmental sustainability and reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities and risks through strengthening national capacity to adapt to climate change. 3. Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and establish a low carbon economy through the introduction of environmentally-friendly technologies and improvement of efficiency and productivity in production and consumption. 4. Expand national climate observation network, research and assessment works, reform technologies and strengthen the capacity of human resources. 5.Conduct public awareness raising activities and support citizen and communities in participating climate change mitigation and adaptation actions.

8 Current status of Mongolia under the UNFCCC The Mongolian government s response to address the issue of climate change has been posi,ve - Ra,fica,on of the UNFCCC (1993) - Ra,fica,on of the Kyoto Protocol (1999) Undertaken steps to implement UNFCCC s goal - Ini,al na,onal communica,on (1 st November 2001) - Submission on NAMAs (28 th January 2010) - Second na,onal communica,on (10 th December 2010) - Na,onal Ac,on Program on Climate Change (6 th January 2011) - Technology Needs Assessment (2013) Upcoming steps to implement UNFCCC s goal - Prepara,on of first Biennial Update Report (BUR) - Prepara,on of Third na,onal communica,on

9 Request for REDD+ implementa,on * Mongolia submiked their REDD+ Readiness Roadmap in June 2014 outlining the country s commitment to engage in an interna,onal mechanism on REDD+.

10 Where we are in REDD+ REDD+ Readiness REDD+ Implementa,on Results Based Payments Outputs and outcomes of REDD+ related Collaborative Research

11 Background of UN REDD programme UNFCCC decisions request countries to have a number of key elements in place to be eligible for REDD+ results based finance. Approaches should be na,onally appropriate and build on country systems Mongolia also has na,onal development policies and strategies that link closely with the objec,ves of REDD+ ObjecEves: To support the government of Mongolia in iden,fying organiza,ons that will be central to REDD+ development, the links with na,onal development priori,es and what steps can be taken to strengthen the capacity of those organiza,ons.

12 Some requirements of REDD+ in Mongolia REDD+ Elements NaEonal Strategy/ AcEon Plan Safeguard InformaEon System (SIS) Forest Reference Emission Level NaEonal Forest Monitoring System Requirements To provide a link to a Na,onal Strategy or Ac,on Plan that outlines how the country will achieve REDD+, through the five REDD+ ac,vi,es and how these will be integrated with different sector strategies and ac,ons. To provide informa,on within Na,onal Communica,ons and to the UNFCCC REDD+ web planorm on how the Cancun Safeguards are being addressed and respected. The SIS should collect informa,on on the safeguards for the basis of providing informa,on at the na,onal and interna,onal level. To provide an assessed forest reference emission level in tonnes CO2/ year with a link to the final report of the technical assessment. To develop a robust and transparent Na,onal Forest Monitoring System suitable to provide informa,on for the measurement, repor,ng and verifica,on of emissions from the forest sector.

13 Components of UN REDD+ Structure Poten,al strategic direc,ons for formula,ng a REDD+ strategy Ins,tu,onal arrangements and safeguards Procedures for communica,on, informa,on sharing, networking Development of forest reference emission levels/forest reference Levels (FRELs/FRLs) and a na,onal forest monitoring system Monitoring/adap,ve management framework

14 Ins,tu,onal Needs for Na,onal REDD+ Strategies and NaEonal AcEons Strategies Reduced and AcEons deforesta,on, Organisa,on(s) to coordinate NaEonal Reduced forest Government degrada,on MoF, Cross Conserva,on MEGDT, sector coordina,on MoFA, of forest MoI, Integra,on carbon MoM of REDD+ stock with na,onal Sustainable Drivers development management of plans of Linking Local budget Government forests with policies DeforestaEon and Enhancement plans Soum, Aimag of forest carbon stock REDD+ Safeguards InformaEon REDD+ Safeguard System InformaEon (SIS) System (SIS) Organisa,on(s) to coordinate Provide informa,on on how REDD+ Coordina,on environmental across agencies and Data social management safeguards sharing are addressed Data collec,on and respected Organisa,on to coordinate Forest Reference development of Emission Level FREL / REL (FREL REL) Coordina,on of technical agencies Baseline against which performance Assessment of REDD+ future assessed trends NaEonal Forest Monitoring NFMS System (NFMS) Organisa,on to coordinate Coordina,on across: Na,onal Forest Inventory, Na,onal Forest Inventory, Satellite based land Satellite based land monitoring monitoring GHG inventory, GHG inventory, REDD+ Focal EnEty Coordinate Coordinate submission of across informa,on government Liaising with Knowledge of bodies of REDD+ UNFCCC UNFCCC REDD+ Fund REDD+ EnEty Fund EnEty Management of funds Receive / manage Disbursement of REDD+ results funds based payments Integra,on with na,onal budgets UNFCCC Facilitated Process

15 Na,onal Forest Monitoring System and Forest Reference Emission Level Component 1: A Satellite Land Monitoring System (SLMS) to collect and assess, over,me, the Ac,vity Data (changes in forest cover) (AD) related to forest land; Component 2: Na,onal Forest Inventory (NFI) to collect informa,on on forest carbon stocks and changes, relevant for es,ma,ng emissions and removals and to provide emissions factors (EF); Component 3: A na,onal GHG Inventory as a tool for repor,ng on anthropogenic forest-related GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks to the UNFCCC Secretariat.

16 Data and Info needs in REDD+ development * Policy development related to climate change * Forest management and forest use * Forest cover indicators * Social and human ac,vi,es data * Some economic indicators and safeguard data

17 Day-to-day ac,vi,es of JCM in Mongolia Organization chart of CCCO National Climate Committee Climate Change Team Ministry of Environment and Green Development (MEGD) Climate Change Coordination Office (former) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) National Bureau (former) CDM Appraisal Committee Ad Hoc Experts JCM related Main tasks/ current activities JCM secretariat Capacity Building/ Awareness raising Identifying potential projects and programs, and introduce to foreign investors Promote cooperative activities, implement joint studies Maintenance of GHG inventory and database

18 Thematic elements of SFM 1. Extent of forest resources 2. Forest biological diversity 3. Forest health and vitality 4. ProducEve funceons of forests 5. ProtecEve funceons of forests 6. Socio - -economic funceons of forests 7. Legal, policy and insetueonal framework

19 Forest policy development in Mongolia Steps of policy formulaeon Situa,on analysis (Preparatory stage) Policy formula,on (Stage of Process) Policy development (Stage of Comple,on) AcEons to be taken Data collec,on and methodology development Analysis and synthesis of current situa,on (environmental, economic and social perspec,ves) Conducts policy analysis of forest sector and other related economic sectors Set up ad-hop working group for forest policy formula,on Drau a policy document and put amendments of stakeholders into drau of policy document Organize a public discussion among forest experts and other groups of different stakeholders Submit and discuss the Forest Policy document at Cabinet Minister s Mee,ng of the Mongolian Government Submit Policy document to Mongolian Parliament and revise and discuss drau policy document at Standing Commikee of the Parliament Submission of Policy Document for Parliament session for their final approval

20 Key ecosystems in Mongolia Ecosystems Area (mln. km2) Percentage Desert 0, Desert steppe 0, Steppe and grassland 0, Forest steppe 0,125 8 Forests 0,063 4 Mountains 0,344 22

21 Disturbances in ecosystems in Mongolia Forest fires Mining aceviees Landsat 7 ETM+ Band 5, 4, 3 (RGB)

22 New approach in SFM and challenges * Public par,cipa,on in Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Mongolia is enhancing recently when the completely new Forest Law with public par,cipatory approach was passed. * Par,cipa,on in sustainable forestry is supported by legisla,on, but there are s,ll many problems to be solved (integra,on, nego,a,on and performances in the prac,ce). * Public par,cipa,on in sustainable forestry in Mongolia with high recogni,on of livelihood improvement of forest dependent communi,es could be considered a means to develop beker informed and more widely accepted forest management outcomes.

23 Distribu,on of forest user groups (FUGs) in Northern forest areas of Mongolia Name of provinces Number of communities and groups by nature conservation types Forest User Groups Wildlife protec,on (FUGs) groups (WPGs) Pasture /vegeta,on conserva,on groups (PCGs) Water resource conserva,on groups (WRCGs) Arkhangai Bulgan Darkhan-Uul Selenge Tov Hovsgol Khentii Zavkhan Uverkhangai Country s total 1,

24 Human Development Index of Mongolia Years Life expectancy at Expected years of GNI per capita HDI value birth schooling , , , , , , , ,

25 Future changes of socio-economic Indicators

26 Further ac,ons for REDD+ implementa,on Conduct compara,ve analysis of carbon capaci,es of forests in different forest ecosystems Make synthesis of exis,ng forest related and development policies and scenarios in Mongolia Validate related informa,on and research data of the project within the country and at regional basis

27 Iden,fica,on of key stakeholders in REDD+ development and implementa,on 1: Key organiza,ons in coordina,ng development and future implementa,on of REDD+ 2: Poten,al key implemen,ng organiza,ons 3: Relevant stakeholder organiza,ons that have stake / poten,al role in REDD+ development implementa,on