Forest plantations on the tailing dumps from Moldova Nouă periurban forest

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1 Volume 19(1), , 2015 JOURNAL of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology Forest plantations on the tailing dumps from Moldova Nouă periurban forest Cântar I. C. 1* 1 Forest Research and Management Institute *Corresponding author. Abstract Located about 1.5 km SW of "Orasul Nou" neighborhood and Moldova Veche village, the forest plantations from tailing dumps from Moldova Noua, in addition to the eco-protective role that they have against wind erosion, represents a real periurban forest due to human activities on they favor and due to many benefits to society. This paper aims to evaluate the activities and benefits characteristic of peri-urban areas present in the study area and identify opportunities for their improvement through human intervention. Key words Moldova Nouă, tailing dumps, forest plantations, periurban forest Surrounding area is an area located around urban areas (cities and suburbs) and edge congestion, but without embedded itself in the city. Front advancement is subject to urban space, a place where contact faces intertwine and urban and rural people, resulting in profound changes in demographic, economic, social and cultural. Typology of suburban natural areas due to two major factors: the importance of urban pressure and physical characteristics of places (3). Surrounding area is the area located around a city, on which it exerts a strong influence and that is very closely linked with population displacement and economic activities (agriculture, transport) (3). Forest plantations from the tailing dumps from Moldova Noua are the nearest forest area of "Orasul Nou" neighborhood and Moldova Veche village belonging administratively to the Moldova Noua town. Forest plantations shall exercise, in addition to the role of protection against dust pollution, also the role of a periurban forest for residents of areas mentioned above and beyond. Thus, the present or future actions of inhabitants of the city, through the activities they carry out in the surrounding areas in general, and especially in the forest plantations can demonstrate that tailing dumps from Moldova Noua are a periurban forest. This paper aims to evaluate current and potential objectives of the forest plantations installed on tailing dumps, which are or may be subject to systematic human activities in these areas and who can demonstrate their role of periurban forest. Material and Methods In order to achieve the above purpose, were used the following research methods: bibliographic research and documentation, was behind of understanding the notions of surrounding area and periurban forest, and also behind the determination of possible activities that may be subject to human activity in forest plantations installed in the dumps; routing observation was used to identify the objectives that can be subject to human activities in the content of forest plantations, that can demonstrate their periurban forest role. However, according to the possibilities of exploitation of the objectives were scored with proper qualificatives; measurements were made strictly for determining the length of the roads on the plantation from tailing dumps; analysis and synthesis have allowed the solving of purpose of this paper by evaluating of current or potential objectives within forest plantations installed on tailing dumps, which are or may be subject to systematic human activities in these areas and which demonstrate their role of periurban forest. Materials used in carrying out the research consisted of bibliographic references that refer to concepts of surrounding area and periurban forests, in order to evaluate their characteristics in the field. To achieve the research phase in the land, were used GPS, needed to determine the length of roads from the content of tailing dumps and camera for making the photo documentation. Results Crossing the forest plantations from the tailing dumps from Moldova Noua allowed the identification of objectives that determine or may determine various human activities within these wooded areas typical for 216

2 periurban forests. Among these activities we can enumerate: fishing, recreation (long walks), picnic, harvesting flowers and berries, valorization of different meliferous species from the forest plantations from tailing dumps. Fishing A specific activity in the area is already valorified in on the tailing dumps in the area of afforested tailing dump "Danube Valley" in the immediate vicinity of the Danube. (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Fishing in the edge of tailing dump from Moldova Noua (Foto: Cântar Ilie, 2015) Existing facilities include several arrangements made by fishing enthusiasts but, by involving of Association of Hunters and Anglers from Romania can be improved, tailing providing tranquility needed to practice this activity (Fig. 2). Fig. 2 Arrangements for fishing in the edge of tailing dumps from moldova Noua (Foto: Cântar Ilie, 2015) Recreation - walks outdoors For recreational or educational aim for knowing the nature, in forest plantations installed on tailing dumps from Moldova Noua can be organized thematic trails for recreational purposes. The main feature in this is the rich network of existing roads (Fig. 3) on the tailing dumps, from the operational period and period of installing the plantations. Following field measurements were determined a total length of 8.5 km of roads passable, but with few interventions on vegetation that has overwhelmed some areas, the road network can be extended considerably. 217

3 Fig. 3 Road on tailing dumps from Moldova Noua (Foto: Cântar Ilie, 2015) Picnic With the advent of Law 54/2012 known as picnic law, which "aims to prevent, reduce and eliminate the negative impact on the environment, on the health of the population, caused by improper practice of picnic activities" (4), the existence of such areas designated for this purpose is a must among the inhabitants of Moldova Noua. Area on the shore of Danube with the forest from tailing dumps nearby is ideal for this purpose, also because of their proximity to the city and to national road no 57. In the edge of tailing dumps on the Danube riverbank there are such areas and unenriched and contrary to the law 54/2012 (Fig. 4). Thus is imposed their arrangement requires them in order to parctice picnic recreational activities in a suitable environment and in agreement with the law. Fig. 4 Picnic place unenriched in the area of tailing dumps from Moldova Nouă (Foto: Cântar Ilie, 2015) Flowers and forest fruits harvesting The existence of a rich assortment of species since the installation of plantations (2), especially on the southern slope of "Danube Valley" dump (2) allowed the development of undergrowth of shrubs. The undergrowth existing today consists of dog-rose, blackberry, sea-buckthorn, smoke tree, lilac can provide berries, tea and flowers that can be harvested here. It should be noted that the southern slope of "Danube Valley" dump is a real forest of lilac (Fig. 5). Activities harvesting of flowers and fruit, even if carried out regularly by connoisseurs, can be extended with better mediatization locally and also by establishing of rules for these actions. 218

4 Fig. 5 Lilac forest on tailing dumps from Moldova Nouă (Foto: Cântar Ilie, 2015) Valorification of meliferous species Knowing meliferous value of Black locust and considering that the nearest forest of black locust from around Moldova Noua town consist in plantations forest plantation from tailing dumps, it is easy to understand the value of plantations here in terms of meliferous value. Thus, black locust plantations from tailing dumps provides for beekeeping a handy source of production especially for residents of surrounding neighborhoods. As development opportunities can be considered the possible actions for attracting bee breeders which practicing traveling beekeeping. Human activities presented above and that may take place in the forest plantations performed on tailing dumps dumps can give them value in periurban terms, depending on the intensity with which each of these activities take place and also according to the possibilities of development. Table 1 summarize the possible activities and present their evaluation, in terms of the intensity with which it currently operates, the existence of facilities or opportunities that can facilitate the unfolding of assessed activity. The evaluation was symbolized by an asterisk, the maximum mark being "*****" - 5 and the minimum "-". The final grade is composed of the sum of the marks obtained for each evaluation (intensity of activity, existing facilities, planning possibilities). Table 1 Evaluation of possible human activities developed on forest plantations from tailing dumps from Moldova Nouă Crt. Intensity of Planning Total Evaluated activity Existing facilities No. activity possibilities 1 Fishing **** ** ***** 12 2 Recreation - walks outdoors * **** *** 8 3 Picnic ** * **** 7 4 Flowers and forest fruits harvesting *** ** * 6 5 Valorification of meliferous species * - ** 3 Conclusions Analyzing field observations on existing facilities and planning opportunities we find that there are posibilities for improvement in each of the analized activities and that achieving of necessary improvements would increase periurban value of these areas. In terms of the intensity of human activities on forest plantations from tailing dumps from Moldova Noua, fishing is ranked on first place, followed by collection of flowers and fruit, recreational activities with picnic and outputs at "green grass". In terms of existing facilities, first place is occupied by recreational walks through existing roads from the time of operation of tailing dumps and instalation of forest plantations. The next two places are occupied at equality by fishing and collection of flowers and fruits. In terms of opportunities that can enhance the intensity of activities we can observe that the easiest activities for improve are fishing and picnic, followed by recreational walks. Finding the complexity and intensity of human activities in forest plantations installed on tailing 219

5 dumps from Moldova Noua, we conclude that these plantations are serving as periurban forests. References 1.Cântar I Cercetări privind procesul de renaturarea în cadrul plantaţiilor forestiere instalate pe haldele de steril din zona oraşului Moldova Nouă, Teză de doctorat, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului Regele Mihai I al Romîniei din Timişoara; 2.Chisăliţă I Cercetări privind stabilizarea haldelor de steril de la Moldova Nouă cu ajutorul vegetaţiei forestiere şi influenţa acesteia asupra mediului, Teză de doctorat, universitatea Transilvania din Braşov; 3.Pecingina Irina-Ramona 2012 Periurban natural spaces and human impact, Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2012; 4.*** - Law 54/2012 on the conduct of picnic activities; 220