Mayorga, O.L., Sierra, A.M. Ariza, C.J., Duran, E.N., Benavidez, J.C.

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1 Estimating intake, daily methane emission, production and milk quality from lacting cows grazing on pasture of Cenchrus clandestinum and silvopastoral system C. Clandestinum and Sambucus peruviana from dairy farming located in high tropic of Colombian Andes Mayorga, O.L., Sierra, A.M. Ariza, C.J., Duran, E.N., Benavidez, J.C. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria-Corpoica Group Animal Science

2 Introduction Land use in Colombia 2% Livestock use 10% 8% Agriculture 7% Livestock 23% Forest Others 70% 80% Forages and pastures Herbaceus and weeds Special vegetation ENA (2014)

3 Introduction Cattle inventory according to production system Colombia DANE (2016)

4 Emission GHG per sector in Colombia Fatting cattle Low prodution cows Other cattle 1.2 % Other ones (Buffaloes, Goats, sheeps, horses, etc) Beef cattle N2O Indirect emission by manure management Rice Urea management Burns 0.4% Natural forest change to others 0.2% Natural forest change to crops 10.9% crops Others Enteric fermentation 27.6 % 16.6% direct emission N2O by soil management 11.1% crops land 2012 *AFOLU (Agricultural, Forestry and Other Land Use) Natural forest change to pastures 9.9 % Pastures Ideam et al. (2016)

5 Introduction Silvopastoral system in Colombia Silvopastoral systems are presented as an alternative in the medium and long term, as they become more sustainable production systems both biologically and economically

6 Objetive The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of a silvopastoral arrangement (Sambucus peruviana and C. clandestinum) and a monoculture pasture (P. clandestinum) on the production, milk quality, enteric methane emission (CH4) and animal welfare In specialized dairy farms of high tropic of Colombia

7 Materials and methods Localization Country: Colombia Departament: Boyaca Localited: Saboya High: 2780 m.s.n.m Temperature: 14 C Precipitation: 800 mm

8 Materials and methods Treatments Traditional system with Chencrus clandestinum grass Silvopastoril arregement with C. clandestinum + Sambucus peruviana Nutritional composition of different treatment during experimental essay Treatments Quality forage GOF (kg/m 2 ) DM (% MH) PC (% MS) Ash (% MS) EE (% MS) NDF (% MS) ADF GE ( MS) TDN (%) NELr MEr (Mcal.k (Mcal.k g-1 MS) g-1 MS) Arregement silvopastoral Traditional system C. clandestinum S. Peruviana C. clandestinum

9 Materials and methods Silvopastoral systems Tradicional systems Six Holstein cows in production Milk production and quality Intake Methane enteric emissions 15 days, with 10 days of adaptation and 5 days of measurement The statistical designs was three 4 X 3 Latin squares, cow and period were taken as blocking factors.

10 Results Productive response and milk quality of animals evaluated in a farm with specialized dairy of Ubate Chiquinquirá with traditional grazing systems (ST) with Kikuyo grazing system and silvopastoral system (SSP) with Kikuyo-Tilo grazing base. Variable Traditional Silvopastoral system Value P systems(kikuyo) (Kikuyo-Tilo) Milk production (L/day) <.0001 Fat(%) Solid non-fatty(%) Lactose (%) Protein (%) Total solids (%) Density (g/ml) 1,026 1, Milk corrected in fat % NUL (mg/dl)

11 g CH4/min Results Pattern of enteric methane emission under grazing conditions in traditional system and silvopastoral system in lactating Holstein cows 30,0 28,0 26,0 24,0 22,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 14,0 12,0 10, Tiempo (h) Troica Aguila Luna Florinda Pingua Promedio Traditional grazing systems (ST) with grazing base Kikuyo and silvopastoral system (SSP) with grazing base Kikuyo-Tilo. Average N = 4 periods x 2 treatments x 3 days x 6 hours of measurement for each of the treatments

12 g CH4/L Leche Results g CH4/ dia 19,1 19,0 18,9 18,8 18,7 18,6 18,5 18,4 18,3 Production and intensity of enteric methane emission under grazing conditions in traditional system and silvopastoral system 19,0 334,2 Sistema Tradicional 360,08 18,6 Sistema Silvopastoril Modelo Intensidad de metano ( g CH4/L Leche ) y(x) = a1exp(b1x) + a2exp(b2x) Parámetro Emision de metano ( g CH4/L aire xdia) a1 227,86 b1-1,40 a2 24,70 b2 1,17 R2 0,98 SSE 7,95 RMS 1,99

13 Results Comparison of response in consumption, excreta production and loss of energy emitted by CH4 (%) using chromium oxide and alkanes as external markers and systems of traditional grazing (ST) and Silvopastoriles (SSP) Marcador Consumo Kg MS/Día.Animal Producción de excreta Kg MS/Día.Animal Perdida de energía emitida por CH 4 (%) Digestibilidad de la Materia Seca (%) Oxido cromo I 5.64 c 1.20 c a 78,72a Oxido cromo II 9.07 c 2.91 c b 68,03a Alcano C a a 5.99 c 50,98b Alcano C b 9.08 b 8.58 c 47,85b Alcano C a 12.59a 6.26 c 51,11b

14 Conclusions Silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production, generating environmental benefits and therefore making the sustainable production. Methane emission energy losses are 12% for animals in both grazing systems. The methodologies of external alkanes and chromium oxide markers were compared to determine the consumption of animals under grazing; Finding significant differences between the markers; Consequently affected the apparent results of DM, consumption and methane emission factor.

15 Information : I appreciate any question in the mail: Video: methodologies to evaluate the emission of enteric methane and intake in a high tropic silvopastoral system THANK!!!!!!