Ethiopia s REDD+ Program

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1 Ethiopia s REDD+ Program Solomon Zewdie National REDD+ Pilots Coordinator, National REDD+ Secretariat Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change October 19-20, 2016, Hosana (Wachemo University)

2 Ethiopia s Economic Development Vision GTP Transformative economic growth to achieve middle income status CRGE Ensuring Green development (zero net emissions) Path across economic sectors (Mitigation) CRS - Ensuring that Ethiopia s economy is resilient to climate risks and hazards (Adaptation)

3 The CRGE aims CRGE to meet its Strategy development ambitions through keeping emissions constant for 20 years Emissions per year; Mt CO 2 e Agriculture Power Industry Forestry Transport Buildings % BAU Agriculture Forestry Transport Industry Green Economy initiatives Buildings Green Economy 2030 Emissions per capita (t CO 2 e/capita) Additional abatement potential of ~19 Mt CO 2 e 1.1

4 Forestry Key sector The Four Pillars of Ethiopia s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy AGRICULTURE POWER Forestry TRANSPORT, INSUSTRY & BUILDINGS

5 REDD+ - Abatement levers/sequestration potential

6 What is REDD+ REDD+ = Reducing Emissions from Deforestation Reducing emissions from forest Degradation + Conservation of forests + Sustainable forest management + Enhancing forest carbon stocks REDD+ በታዳጊ ሀገሮች ውስጥ ከደን መመንጠርና መመናመን ጋር በተያያዘ ወደ ከባቢ አየር የሚለቀቀውን ሙቀት አማቂ ጋዝ (ሙአጋ) ለመቀነስ ብሎም በደን ውስጥ የካርቦን ክምችትን ለመጨመር በአለም አቀፉ የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ስምምነት ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ የተዘረጋ የፖሊሲ አግባብ ና ውጤት-ተኮር የማትጊያ ስርአት ነው

7 REDD+ as global mitigation mechanism REDD+ is viewed as Significant 1/5 th of global GHG emissions come from DD Cheap much of the DD is only marginally profitable Quick - large reductions in emissions stroke of the pen reforms and not dependent on technological innovations Win-Win - potentially large financial transfers and better governance can benefit the poor in developing countries and provide other co-benefits too.

8 REDD+ as phased approach Readiness REDD+ Strategy; Forest Reference Level MRV system; Safeguard Instruments Resultbased Actions Implementation; demonstration activities Legal, policy and measures (PAM) Resultbased Payment Emissions reduction Payment for verified ER REDD+ is a multi-sector, multi-level coordination platform to bring about transformational change in discourse, incentives and power relations to address drivers of DD

9 Timeline of Ethiopia s REDD+ Program R-PP started (Apr 2010) R-PP approved (Mar 2011) REDD+ Secretariat formed (Jan 13) REDD+ Readiness to be completed (Jul 2017) T I M E H O R I Z O N R-PIN Jun 08 REDD+ Readiness launched (Oct 2012) Ethiopia- Norway REDD+ Partnership signed REDD+ Implementati on (2017) (Aug 2013)

10 Major Components of REDD+ Readiness (1) Establishing management arrangements (2) Consultation, participation, communications and outreach activities with a functional governance structure is crucial!, (3) Safeguard instruments (4) Design a Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, (5) Determine forest reference level (FRL). (6) National REDD+ strategy (7) Piloting REDD+

11 REDD+ Management Arrangement Ministry of Environment, Forest, CC State Minister Environment and CC Sector State Minister Forest sector Federal REDD+ Technical Working Groups REDD+ Secretariat Federal REDD+ Steering Committee Three Task Forces REDD+ MRV, Strategy & SESA/ESMF Regional REDD+ Coordination Units Other REDD+ Institutions

12 REDD+ Management Arrangement Relevant Regional Bureau (hosts RRCU) Regional REDD+ Steering Committee Regional REDD+ Coordination Unit (RRCU) Regional REDD+ Technical Working Group RCU Technical Team RCU Administrative Team

13 Establishing the Forest Reference Level (FRL) NFI conducted following a National Forest Monitoring System FRL - submitted to UNFCCC for technical assessment). Data Source: Land sat 7 data for Activity Data (AD) & National Forest Inventory for Emissions Factor (EF) Forest Definition: 0.5 ha ; 2m ; 20% cover Scale: National, Scope: Deforestation and Afforestation initially Pools: AGB (aboveground biomass), BGB, deadwood Gases: CO2 only

14 National Forest Inventory

15 Carbon emissions from forests 17,668, tco2/yr

16 5,040, tco2/yr Removal by forests

17 Establishing MRV System A National MRV Project implemented with technical assistance from FAO. The NFMS will generate data for MRV (Satellite image analysis and national forest inventory). MRV unit at MEFCC MRV Approach AD every 2 years EF every 5 to 10 years (max) Monitored Activities: Deforestation and Afforestation initially Scale: National level every 2 years

18 REDD+ safeguard Instruments Safeguards - Based on 4 instruments (SESA, ESMF, PF & RPF) Facilitates environmental management & socioeconomic decisions A Management framework to mitigate risks & enhance benefits. Establishing a process for engaging communities. An instrument to compensate losses, livelihood, income Oversight, managing, implementing, monitoring and reporting on safeguards will be shared among MEFCC and decentralized entities along administrative levels.

19 Stakeholder consultation. Participation and communication Stakeholder C, P and Coordination A communication strategy Engagement of women and youth A stakeholder database with a userfriendly information system Multi-level, multi-sector coordination of key actors Awareness Creation Capacity building C & P Plan Grievance Redress Mechanism Livestock Forestry Energy Agriculture

20 Ethiopia s REDD+ Strategy Strategic goals of the strategy Short-term goals Address drivers of DD and achieve 20% of 130MtCO2e (26Mt CO2e) of Ethiopia's emissions reduction plan in the first five years Medium term goals REDD+ interventions will expand across regional With a goal of bringing about up to 65% of Ethiopia's emissions reduction plan Long-term goals Ethiopia's forests and land areas become a net carbon sink by 2030 as a result of the implementation of appropriate policies for sustaining economic and ecosystem service functions of forests

21 Ethiopia s REDD+ Strategy Drivers of deforestation and Forest degradation Smallscale agriculture Wood extraction Underlying causes Policy and regulatory Gaps Direct drivers Large-scale agriculture Livestock grazing Weak law enforcement Absence of clear benefit sharing mechanisms Legal & Institutional gaps Common property free access

22 Ethiopia s REDD+ Strategy Strategic Options A/R Sustainable/ Renewable Energy PFM/PRM Targeted Interventions CSA/CS Livestock Mgt Forestbased Livelihoods Biodiversity Conservation Policy & Legal Framework & Law enforceme nt Awareness & communicatio n Stakeholder Engagement & Partnership Enabling Environment Coordinatio n Platform REDD+ capability Knowledge Mgt & Learning Network Targeted Interventions Enabling Environment


24 REDD+ Piloting CRGE Vision GTP II National REDD+ Strategy Oromia Forested Oromia Forested Landscape Program Landscape Program (OFLP) Coordinate relevant REDD+ Projects Bale Mountains REDD+ project Ethio-Wetlands REDD+ project Coordination with relevant initiatives across sectors SLMP AGP LIFT Etc. Activities to be financed by the BioCFplus upfront mobilization grant

25 REDD+ Piloting OFLP Preparation and Implementation Timeline Grant Agreement signing (US$18 Million) Preparation Implementation Upfront Mobilization Grant ER Program Performance-based payments Letter of Intent ERPA Signing

26 REDD+ Piloting Amhara, Tigray & SNNP Regional States REDD+ Coordination Unit established & staffed Program Vision prepared Program Concept Note developed Activity Plan approved Program Design underway Program Document will be finalized July 2017

27 Opportunities of REDD+/CRGE REDD+ readiness process laid foundation for modernizing the forestry sector (including data and information management- MRV/National Forest Inventory) REDD+ is about having access to donor finance resources Forestry is a key sector for establishing our country on green and sustainable development (THE VISION) - REDD+ will play a part.

28 Challenges & Lessons learnt REDD+ is a multi-sectoral: multi-level engagement Coordination High level platform for policy process and decision making (harmonizing policies and improve law enforcement) REDD+ Readiness and implementation requires a functional institutional set up and alignment (federal, regional and lower levels) Absence of land use plan (implementation) - agriculture and forestry compete for land resources

29 REDD+ Implementation Requires effective coordination among relevant stakeholders Government (ministries, Academia, Research,..) NGOs Private sector CBOs Academia Capacity building (training) integrating REDD+ into University Curricula (REDD+ Syllabus) Research Technical support

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