2010/75/EU. Filip François Europese Commissie DG ENV Industrial Emissions Unit

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1 Richtlijn inzake Industriële Emissies (IED) 2010/75/EU / Filip François Europese Commissie DG ENV Industrial Emissions Unit 1

2 Herschikking van de RL inzake industriële emissies: voor en na IED IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC Large Combustion Plants (LCP) Directive 2001/80/EC Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC Directive on the limitation of emissions of VOC from solvents 1999/13/EC Directives related to the titanium dioxide industry 78/176, 82/883 and 92/112 European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation 166/2006 Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 2010/75/EU 2

3 IED: toepassingsgebied Annex I: as IPPC + some new (wood based panels, wood preservation, some waste activ) + Annex VI, VII: waste incineration, solvent activities below Annex I thresholds

4 IED: structuur BAT based permit conditions Ch. I: Common provisions Ch. II: Provisions for all activities listed in Annex I Ch. III: Special provisions for combustion plants [> 50 MW] Ch. IV: Special provisions for waste (co-)incineration plants Ch. V: Special provisions for installations and activities using organic solvents Ch. VI: Special provisions i for installations i producing TiO2 Ch. VII: Committee, transitional and final provisions Annexes Sectoral «minimum» requirements incl. emission limit values 4

5 Basisvereisten Prevention of pollution and, if not feasible, reduction Permit is required for operating the installation Permit needs to contain permit conditions including emission i limit values (ELVs) for all relevant pollutants, which are to be based on the use of the best available techniques (BAT) Environmental quality standards may require measures beyond BAT to be taken Access to information and public participation

6 Algemene principes voor exploitatie van installaties (a) all appropriate preventive measures are taken against pollution; (b) the best available techniques are applied; (c) no significant pollution is caused; (d) the generation of waste is prevented; (e) where waste is generated, it is prepared for re-use, recycled, recovered or, where all of that is technically and economically impossible, it is disposed of while avoiding or reducing any impact on the environment; (f) () energy is used efficiently; (g) measures are taken to prevent accidents and limit their consequences; (h) measures are taken upon cessation of activities to avoid any risk of pollution and return the site of operation to a satisfactory state

7 BBT 7

8 Beste Beschikbare Technieken (BBT) Beste Beschikbare Technieken meest doeltreffend voor bereiken van hoog algemeen niveau van bescherming van het milieu in zijn geheel op zodanige schaal ontwikkeld dat ze, kosten en baten in aanmerking genomen, economisch en technisch h haalbaar in de betrokken industriële context kunnen worden toegepast de technieken EN de wijze waarop de installatie wordt ontworpen, gebouwd, onderhouden, geëxploiteerd en ontmanteld

9 Uitwisseling van informatie over BBT Sevilla Proces Industry TWG kick-off meeting Member States + EFTA and Accession Countries Draft 1 (D1) Bulk of info. needed d Draft 2 (D2) C t (incl. questionnaires) Final TWG meeting Comments Final draft Forum opinion BREF

10 BREFs en BBT Conclusies Description of sector, activities,.. Current emission and consumption levels Techniques to be considered in determining BAT BAT Conclusions which contain BAT (list of techniques) + BAT emission levels (BAT AEL) Comitology Implementing Act Emerging techniques Recommendations for future work

11 Welke rol spelen de BBT conclusies? BAT Conclusions are the reference for setting permit conditions [art. 14(3)] Permits must contain emission limit values that ensure that the emissions do not exceed BAT AELs [art. 15(3)] Derogations are possible but. [art. 15(4)] only if the costs are disproportionately higher than benefits due to local/installation specific situation and Member States need to report to the public/commission on the application of derogations Permit reconsideration: max. 4 years after new BAT Conclusions are adopted d for the main activity it [art. 21(3)] 11

12 Het Forum (art. 13) MS, Industry, NGOs and Commission (continuation of IEF) Provide its opinion on the practical arrangements for the exchange of information and in particular: a) the rules of procedure of the forum b) the work programme for the exchange of information c) guidance on the collection of data d) guidance on the drawing up of BREFs and on their quality assurance including the suitability of their content and format Provide its opinion on the proposed content of the BREFs Opinion is to be made publicly available Opinion is to be taken into acco nt b the Commission hen it proposes Opinion is to be taken into account by the Commission when it proposes decisions on BAT conclusions to be adopted via the Art. 75 Committee

13 Het IED Comité (art. 75) Comprised of MS representatives (From 1 March 2011 on) the Committee will operate under the examination procedure set out in the new Regulation laying down the rules and general principles p in the exercise of implementing powers (to be published) Will be involved in adoption of key documents: Certain guidance under Article 13(3)(c) and (d) guidance on the collection of data guidance on the drawing up of BREFs and on their quality assurance including the suitability of their content and format. BAT conclusions under Article 13(4) Implementing rules for LCP under Article 41 Determination of start-up and shut-down periods Transitional National Plan rules Type, format, frequency of reporting by MS under Article 72

14 En na de publicatie. 14

15 Werk voor de Commissie Ensuring MS transpose the Directive transposition checklist (presented at Committee meeting Dec 2010) Ensuring MS implement the Directive Other actions such as: Organise exchange of information under Art. 13 and 64 Develop guidance on baseline reports (Art. 22) Develop guidance for MS on encouraging development / application of emerging techniques (Art. 27) Propose revised emission limit values for certain categories of LCP (Art. 30) Undertake reviews for a number of issues e.g. spreading of manure

16 en voor de Lidstaten Ensuring transposition of the Directive into national law Ensuring implementation of the Directive setting up of mechanisms for new provisions e.g. inspections Considering whether optional elements of the Directive are to be implemented e.g. transitional national plan, general binding rules, Providing information to the public Providing information to the Commission Playing an active role in the exchange of information under Article 13 (incl. Forum) and in particular provision of data Playing an active role in the Article 75 Committee

17 Tijdslijn 7/1/2013 7/7/ /6/2020 7/1/2011 7/1/2014 1/1/ /12/2023 Entry into force of the IED Member States fully transpose the IED. The Directive applies to all new installations from this date onwards All existing installations previously subject to IPPC, WI, SE and TiO2 Directives must meet the requirements of the IED. Existing LCP do not yet need to meet the new ELVs (Ch. III, Annex V). Existing installations operating newly prescribed activities (e.g. waste installations, wood based panels, wood preservation) must meet the requirements of the IED. LCP must meet the requirements set out in Chapter III and Annex V. Transitional National Plan provisions for LCP end Limited lifetime derogation provisions for LCP end

18 Meer informatie DG ENV industrial emissions website European IPPC Bureau (BREFs)