The Planning Advisory Committee for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula met on Wednesday May 25, 2016 in the Municipal Council Chambers.

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1 Planning Advisory Committee May 25, 2016 Minutes The Planning Advisory Committee for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula met on Wednesday May 25, 2016 in the Municipal Council Chambers. 1. Call to Order Chair Gary Harron called the meeting to order. Time 10:00 am 2. Attendance and Regrets Voting Members in Attendance Gary Harron (Chair), Don Tedford (Deputy Chair), Councillor Ana Vukovic and Jim Martell Non-Voting Staff Resource Persons Jack VanDorp-Bruce County Planning, Angie Cathrae-Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk (recording secretary) Absent Deputy Mayor Jay Kirkland 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Chair Harron asked the Committee to declare any pecuniary interest at this point in the meeting or whenever required. No member made a declaration at this point. 4. Closed Session Closed Session was not required. 5. Public Notice/General Announcements No public notices or general announcements were made. 6. Adoption of Minutes R It was Moved by J. Martell, Seconded by A. Vukovic and Carried 1

2 That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee of April 27, 2016 be adopted as circulated. 7. Delegations No delegations were scheduled. 8. SBPOPA36 and Z HSC Aggregates Limited c/o Ron Davidson, Planning Report Presentation, Public Meeting and Consideration of Recommendation 8.1 Presentation of Report by Bruce County Planning Staff Planner VanDorp explained that quarries are regulated by MNRF but before the issue of a license, the planning must be in place. What is proposed is a 300 acre quarry. The property fronts on Cameron Road but the haul route would be down to Kings Crescent and along Kings Crescent to County Road 9. Quarries provide necessary resources but can have environmental impacts. There is a Karst Assessment and studies regarding natural features on the property. There were no comments received from the public upon circulation of the applications. The Historic Metis had no comments. The Town requires Kings Crescent to be upgraded which will require Native consultation; it could be recommended to Council that the by-laws not be adopted until Council is satisfied about the consultation. GSCA has no objection. MNRF staff has undertaken lengthy discussion with the proponents. They are now satisfied with the application. The SON responded and expressed concerns about negative and cumulative impacts and that there are no consultation processes to provide them with the resources to undertake meaningful review. Without this, they object to the applications. The County has discussed the goal of improved consultation with SON. Quarries require approval under the MNRF and that this may include Native consultation. SON had been offered advanced funding by HSC and that was determined by MNRF as appropriate. SON and MNRF met in May of 2016 and MNRF will continue to facilitate discussions between SON and HSC. There are existing licensed quarries in the immediate area, the proposed haul route would avoid the heavily populated Hope Bay area, the quarry would be anticipated to be in operation for 152 years and the proposal involves phasing quarry areas and rehabilitation of previously operated areas. For rehabilitation there would be two pond depression areas, the slopes would be 2:1, hauling would always come back through phases one and two, there could be a potential to extract the southern boundary with a quarry license amendment in the future, there would be no negative impact on woodland and wildlife, a whip-poor-will habitat will be maintained, no cultural or heritage aspects were identified, there is a 30 m setback from the unopened road allowance and based on these, the applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. With respect to the County Official Plan, karst is identified on the property and was assessed and identified as microkarst, the haul route requires an easement, the applicants will be seeking a meeting with Public Works regarding Kings Crescent, changes to site plans have been recommended and have been incorporated and an amendment to the County Official Plan is required. The Town Official Plan 2

3 requires amendment and Bruce County Planning staff has worked with the applicant to on site plans. The haul route shows routing through a tree which can be worked around with the MNRF. An annual compliance report is required and staff has requested that the checklist include specific reference to the endangered species. At present the property is zoned RU1 and it is proposed to be M2. There are a few details to be ironed out regarding the haul route. The First Nations objection has not been formally resolved through these applications however MNRF is working with SON to continue consultation in association with the Aggregate Resources Act license. 8.2 SBPOPA36 and Z HSC Aggregates Limited c/o Ron Davidson Chair Harron declared the public meeting to be open. Time 10:29 am 8.3 Comments from Members of the Committee Chair Harron asked for comments from members of the Committee. A member of the Committee discussed SON and the financial request. The member wondered if the applicant was dealing with the financial request. The applicant shook their head in the affirmative. A member of the Committee asked about the creation of dust and other environmental particulate and asked if there was some type of coating on the road or if there would be a paved road. Planner VanDorp explained that Kings Crescent is currently a gravel road and that Public Works would determine the appropriate road surface. There is one residential dwelling at the corner of Kings Crescent and County Road 9. A member felt that someone would complain about dust. A member discussed the consultation process with SON and asked if SON has all of the reports and studies. The definition of consultation was discussed. Members discussed the financial support request and consultation on other projects by SON. Members discussed opposition to the OMB by SON. Planner VanDorp explained that SON has provided correspondence and participated in the planning process and would have the right to appeal. Members discussed historical comments from SON on other projects and the resolution in those instances. 8.4 Comments from Members of the Public Chair Harron asked for comments from members of the public. Ron Davidson (applicant on behalf of HSC) - Indicated that he is here with Dave Munro who was formerly with the MNR and now works for HSC. He indicated that he has a 69 page planning report that he has prepared. There are two processes; the Planning Act applications and the pit license application (ARA). This process has been in place since 2012 which allows the ARA process to run through as far as possible and address as many concerns as possible. There are no objectors to the ARA application from 3

4 neighboring property owners. They have sign offs from all of the commenting agencies. There are ongoing discussions and meetings with SON. Mr. Davidson indicated that if they can't make SON happy, they would come to Council and ask for the by-law to be passed despite the SON response but they aren't there yet. The Ministry still has to issue a license and they could decide not to issue the license until SON is happy. With regard to Kings Crescent, improvements are necessary. This will also involve Owen Sound Ledgerock and they are both aware of dealing with the improving of the road. The extent will be determined through the discussion with the Town. With respect to dust, water or another MOE approved dust suppressant will be applied. The haul route will be through Owen Sound Ledgerock; a driveway has already been built and HSC is going to apply for an easement. Dave Munro (HSC) - SON has changed their way of dealing with applicants and they now seem willing to work together. There are work plans and budgets and they are negotiating with Kathleen Ryan of SON on black bear and deer habitat and they are dealing with SON on that. They are dealing with upgrades to road allowances as well. MNRF will not issue the license until they feel that SON has been satisfied. Ron Davidson - The Committee would not be deferring the application but would let Council deal with the Official Plan amendment and wait until items are satisfied for zoning. This seems to be reasonable. They have some time. The unopened road allowances are not relevant to the application and will not be touched. The easement will be on private property. Dave Munro - The whip-poor-will habitat was resolved as a result of extensive engagement for an ESA permit through the MNRF. This has been satisfied. Rehabilitation will be back to a whip-poor-will habitat. The quarry will be above the water table. A member felt that the Zoning By-Law should be tied to the easement. Planner VanDorp explained that the PAC recommendation would be that the easement should be completed prior to the Zoning By-Law amendment. Mona Whicher - Asked if the property is north of Wiarton. Mr. Davidson provided a map showing the area. Ms. Whicher asked if the rock would come through Wiarton. Mr. Munro indicated that it could come through Wiarton. Ms. Whicher indicated that the noise and the weight of the trucks is regulated but her house shakes. Her concern is that they come down the main street. She wondered what days and times they would come through. She explained that we are a tourist town. Mr. Munro explained the proposed hours of operation as Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm. Mr. Davidson explained that there are Saturday operational hours but HSC doesn't like to operate on weekends unless there is an emergency. Members discussed a potential by-pass around Wiarton which was not historically supported by Wiarton merchants. Ms. Whicher indicated that this needs to be tried again because people would take a bypass around Wiarton on weekends because it takes 15 minutes to get through Town. 4

5 Members discussed the danger of large trucks and how it would be great if Council could implement a by-pass but that this would cost millions of dollars. A member of the Committee asked about planting trees for rehabilitation. Mr. Munro explained that there would be trees planted and it would be restored to a natural state. Mr. Davidson explained that rehabilitation is on the license from the MNRF and is enforced by MNRF. An annual report is prepared and reviewed by the Ministry. Planner VanDorp explained that in dealing with quarry applications, Bruce County Planning has been more diligent about rehabilitation. He provided rehabilitation mapping for the Committee to review. Mr. Munro explained that older quarries didn't have detailed rehabilitation plans; there is more detail and rehabilitation for quarries today. The plan for rehabilitation for the proposed quarry is very progressive. 8.5 Read Written Submissions Received The written submissions were discussed in the presentation of the Planning Report. 8.6 Declare the Public Meeting to be Closed Chair Harron declared the public meeting to be closed. Time 11:02 am 8.7 Consideration of Resolution R It was Moved by J. Martell, Seconded by D. Tedford and Carried That the Planning Advisory Committee receives the planning report for applications SBPOPA36 and Z HSC Aggregates Limited c/o Ron Davidson; And that the Planning Advisory Committee recommends approval to Town Council of SBPOPA36 as presented on May 25, 2016; And that the Planning Advisory Committee recommends approval to Town Council of Z as presented on May 25, 2016 subject to details and confirmation of the easement associated with the haul route and agreements being in place with the Town to address municipal roadway improvements; And further that subject to the foregoing, the necessary by-laws be forwarded to Council for consideration of adoption. 9. Public Meeting Location for Vista View Estates R It was Moved by J. Martell, Seconded by D. Tedford and Carried 5

6 That the June 22, 2016 Planning Advisory Committee meeting be held at the Wiarton Arena in order to accommodate the Public Meeting for the Vista View Estates application. 10. Correspondence None to consider. 11. Matters of Urgency No matters of urgency were presented. 12. Reports from Committee or Local Board Members No reports were received. 13. Upcoming Meetings The upcoming meeting will be held on June 22, 2016 at 10:00 am in the Wiarton Arena. 14. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business to consider. 15. Adjournment R It was Moved by A. Vukovic, Seconded by D. Tedford and Carried That the meeting adjourn. Time 11:06 am yy Recording Secretary 6