Application for 23 static holiday caravans to remain on site throughout the year

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1 APP 10 Application Number: 15/01310/FUL Application for 23 static holiday caravans to remain on site throughout the year AT Cosgrove Lodge Park, Cosgrove, Milton Keynes FOR Whilton Marina Limited Target: 30th July 2015 Ward: Newport Pagnell North And Hanslope Parish: Castlethorpe Parish Council Report Author/Case Officer: Adam Smith Contact Details: Team Leader: Nicola Wheatcroft Contact Details: INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The Site The application site forms part of the wider Cosgrove Lodge Park. The park is occupied by a series of touring caravan pitches, static caravans and associated facilities. This part of the caravan park falls with Milton Keynes administrative boundary with the majority being within South Northants boundary. 1.2 The Proposal Planning permission is sought for 23 static caravans to remain on the site throughout the year but not used during the closed season which runs from the 1st November to 31st March each year. The existing requirement is that caravans are removed from the site whilst the caravan park is closed. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework Paragraph Local Policy Core Strategy CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment

2 Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan D1:- Impact of Development Proposals T10:- Traffic 3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 Whether the retention of the caravans on the site during the closed season (1st November to 31st March) is acceptable 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 The use of the application site for the siting of caravans has previously been established and this application seeks only to remove the requirement for 23 caravans to be removed from the site during the closed winter season. The application follows two recent planning applications (references 14/01775/FUL and 14/02760/FUL) for the permanent retention of a combined total of 30 static caravans which were granted permission subject to conditions preventing their occupancy during the winter. 5.2 It is considered that the movement of the caravans twice a year would have the greatest impact on the residents along the delivery route. Although Cosgrove Parish Council and South Northants Council have submitted representations expressing concerns relating to vehicle movements, it is considered that this permission would in fact reduce the impacts through a reduction in frequency of caravan s movements and as such it is not necessary to restrict the delivery route. The comments of South Northants Council regarding the incremental nature of the applications on this site and the potential for a changing offer at the Park are noted. However, it is considered the cumulative number of static caravans permanently retained at Cosgrove Lodge Park would represent a low percentage of the overall number of caravans on the site and the occupation of the caravans can be controlled by condition to ensure that there is no occupation during the closed period. 5.3 The comments of the Environment Agency are noted and therefore, subject to a condition relating to flood mitigation measures, no objections are raised in respect of flood risk. 5.4 In light of the above, it is recommended that the application be approved subject to conditions. 6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must

3 be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable ) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To prevent the accumulation of planning permissions; to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances; and to comply with section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (D11) 2. The 23 static holiday caravans located on the application site and the subject of this planning permission shall not be occupied by any person or persons for any purpose and shall remain vacant at any time between the 1st November and 31st March in any year. Reason: To ensure the caravans cannot be occupied on a permanent basis constituting a change of use of the site. 3. No development shall commence until a flood mitigation scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To protect against potential flooding.

4 Appendix to 15/01310/FUL A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY A1.1 MK/215/94 Certificate of lawfulness for the seasonal siting of caravans and tents(established use certificate granted) PER /01372/MK Proposed siting of 327 static holiday caravans Refused /00997/MK Proposed siting of 250 static holiday caravans in lieu of 708 touring caravans, new amenity lake, nature reserve, wildlife corridor along banks of rivers Great Ouse and Tove and access to new cycle tracks (resubmission of 98/1372/MK) Appealed non-determination Appeal Dismissed. 14/01775/FUL Application for 15 x static holiday caravans to remain on site throughout the year Permitted /02760/FUL Application for a further 15 x static holiday caravans to remain on site throughout the year (associated application 14/01775/FUL) Permitted A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS A2.1 None. (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)

5 A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council s web site) Comments A3.1 Environment Agency The current proposal will not increase the risk to people as the caravans will be occupied for the same period and remain for non-residential purposes. Officer Response See paragraph 5.4 We suggest that the mitigation measures recommended in the FRA produced for 14/01775/FUL (including anchoring them to the ground, the provision of an emergency plan and raised finished floor levels (0.75m above ground level) are applied to this proposal. Please note that any proposal to extend the occupancy period to 12 months, resulting in a change of use from recreational to residential, will be deemed unacceptable. Residential caravans are classed as highly vulnerable by the National Planning Policy Framework and deemed inappropriate for Flood Zone 3. Highways Development Control No objection. Environmental Health Manager Since the site is part of a flood plain. What additional measures will be put in place to protect the static caravans from flood damage should they stay on site all year round? Noted. See paragraphs A3.1 and 5.4

6 Parish - Castlethorpe No comments received. Ward - Newport Pagnell North And Hanslope - Cllr A Geary No comments received. Ward - Newport Pagnell North And Hanslope - Cllr Green No comments received. South Northants DC OBJECTIONS: In light of the incremental approach being adopted for re-development of the site rather than the envisaged comprehensive strategy, that would include a detailed Transport Assessment, the proposal has failed to demonstrate (in real terms) that the development would not result in a significant increase in vehicular movements which would harm highway safety and the amenities of villagers of Cosgrove as a result of the changing offer at the Park. As such the proposal is contrary to policy RRC2(D) of the South Northamptonshire Local Plan (1997) and Chapter 4 of the NPPF. See paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 INFORMATIVES: The drawing up of a Masterplan for the site is encouraged in order to prevent incremental development of the site and to explore the potential for a second access to serve the Park. South Northamptonshire Council would be keen to engage in the drawing up of any such Masterplan.

7 Local Residents The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application: A site notice was also posted at the site. Two third party representations were received from the Cosgrove Parish Council raising the following objections: OBJECT: Caravan Park policy accessed through Cosgrove village, state that there should be no development without a separate access. Yet we have development by stealth with this and previous application to permanently site static caravans within the Milton Keynes side of the park. The original delivery routes were via Castlethorpe, but due to access were delivered via Cosgrove which was and is unacceptable. To infer that the address is Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes where there is no current access for vehicular traffic to the MK side of the park, not only misleads, but is also insulting to the residents of Cosgrove. We have requested MKC/SNC discussions on the way forward but a date agreed was then postponed. Therefore, we request that there should be no further development in the MK side of the park until an urgent meeting is arranged for cross border agreement and understanding, especially by MKC on the effects that these applications have. If permitted will also increase traffic as owners of static caravans, visit to maintain (and live) in their vans during the closed season. See paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2

8 (Office Note: Subsequent objections have received from Cosgrove raising concerns regarding the original address for the application site that the application was advertised under and then citing the objection of South Northants Council as their objection to the scheme in response to the re-advertising of this application to the amend the site address)