Inverneill Wind Farm Community Liaison Group (CLG)

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1 Inverneill Wind Farm Community Liaison Group (CLG) Minute of Meeting 1 st May Ardrishaig Public Hall 7pm Attendees: Edward Laughton Jeanette Laughton Peter Kastelein Mark Cameron Mark Middleton Lord Bruce Weir Chloe Constant Emma S. Clark Julien Bastid Donald Sansom Steven Park (Ardrishaig Community Council) (Ardrishaig Community Council) (Lochgilphead Community Council) (Local Resident) (Local Resident) (Local Resident) (EON, Climate and Renewables) (EON, Climate and Renewables) (EON, Climate and Renewables) (FCS) (PPS Group) - Chair Apologies: George Taylor Don McInnes Robert Miller (Kilfinan Community Council) (Kilfinan Community Council) (Lochgilphead Community Council 1. Welcome and Introduction SP welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanking attendees for giving up their own personal time to attend and importantly contribute to the discussion, and input into the design process, for the proposed Inverneill Wind Farm. SP then sought agreement from members that he would Chair the meeting up to and including Agenda item 4 Election of Chairperson; at which point he would then act as Secretariat for the Group in support of its members and Chairperson. Members agreed. A round table introduction then took place. Page 1 of 5

2 2. Apologies for Absence Noted as Above 3. Role of Liaison Group: SP then took members through the Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) for the Liaison Group, explaining that the role of the Liaison Group was to provide members of the local community and the respective Community Councils a real opportunity to inform, input and shape the design process for the proposed Inverneill Wind Farm, and raise any issues of concern directly with E.ON on an on-going basis. EL then asked what was meant by informing the design process. JB commented that this would involve considering issues raised by the Liaison Group with regards to issues such as turbine numbers, layout, access etc. and any other pertinent issues raised by members of the group that could help in shaping the final design to be taken forward for the proposed Wind Farm. It was also highlighted by SP that the Liaison Group had not been setup to form a view on any future planning application and that matters concerning Community Benefit would not be covered under the remit of the Liaison Group. With regards to the proposed membership of the group as outlined in the Terms of Reference, JL queried the involvement of Kilfinan Community Council within the Liaison Group, stating that Ardrishaig Community Council, which the proposed site falls within, does not share a common boundary with Kilfinan Community Council and was concerned about the precedent this may set for the future. In responses to this, SP stated that E.ON wished to ensure that the membership of the Liaison Group was inclusive as possible to guarantee that all those with an interest in the proposals had an opportunity to provide input into the design of the proposed Wind Farm. JB then also highlighted that due to potential views towards the area within the boundary of Kilfinan Community Council it was important that Kilfinan Community Council were represented. It was agreed that Kilfinan Community Council continue to be represented. EL then raised a point about the need to include North Knapdale Community Council within the membership. It was agreed that the group would monitor the forthcoming elections of the North Knapdale Community Council, and if they were to be reconstituted, an invite would be extended to that Community Council. 4. Election of Chairperson SP asked members if they would like to nominate or stand for the position of Chairperson for the Liaison Group. No nominations were forthcoming, so it was agreed that SP would Chair the remainder of the meeting, but that further discussion would be held regarding the post of Chairperson at the next meeting. Page 2 of 5

3 5. Inverneil Project Update a. Information Days CC provided an update on the public information days that were held on February 7 th (Lochgilphead) and February 8 th (Ardrishaig). CC highlighted that approx. 55 people attended over both days, and that 25 questionnaires were completed. Points raised within the questionnaire responses ranged from issues relating to potential impact on private water supply s; recommendations on how we may wish to engage/consult with the local community going forward (it was noted that there was support for the Newsletter distribution that had taken place); and also those who wished to go and visit an operational wind farm. b. Layout JB handed out two maps to be discussed by members. The first map (Appendix 2) highlights the hard constraints within the site boundary such as the Inverneill Burn SSI, Cycle Routes, Water Courses etc. all of which must be taken into account when looking at areas in which turbine development would be constrained or limited due to these respective features. The second being the Developable Area Plan (Appendix 3), which illustrates the land available for Turbine Development, Associated development, and within those boundaries the areas in which turbines could potentially be cited. An initial observation was made regarding the colouring of the various boundaries on the respective maps and that it had caused confusion. It was agreed that changes would be made to these maps to provide clearer indications of respective boundaries, and that these would be available to the community. JB highlighted that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was currently in the process of being undertaken, along with associated surveys, all of which would help inform key aspects of the design process form a wide range of issues form Ecology, Ornithology to Transport, and that as a result of this it is anticipated the developable area will reduce further in size. Along with this, an application for one Met Mast for the purposes of measuring wind speed at the proposed site, had been approved by Argyll and Bute Council. JB also highlighted that, depending on the results of the ecological survey, it was anticipated that the Met Mast would be installed this summer. It was agreed that the location of the Met Mast would be circulated to members, as well as the council reference to the approved Met Mast planning application. A question was asked regarding how much wind data would be required by E.ON for the proposed site. ESC commented that the minimum requirement was 6 months; however it is not uncommon to purchase additional data from surrounding and developed Wind Farms. Page 3 of 5

4 EL asked how many turbines were proposed. JB confirmed that due to the various constraints (as indicated in Appendix 2), the site could not accommodate more than 24 turbines, and that the maximum height (blade to tip) would be no more than metres. EL commented that the current All Dearg Community Wind Farm turbines were approx. 80 metres (blade to tip). LBW asked why wind turbines needed to be so high and commented that he had heard that the area proposed for the Inverneill Wind Farm was not an area that has produced a lot of wind. ESC highlighted that turbines of 110 metres to metres were a typical industry norm. ESC then commented that an important feature for all proposed wind farms given their own unique setting and nuances was the need to balance visual impact and a key part of this process was providing detailed wireframes and photomontages that would reflect the various heights of turbines against the local area all of which help inform the design process and the eventual application that would be submitted. JB also highlighted that in terms of the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV s), E.ON, like with any developer, would need to look at the impact which the proposals would have on the landscape and surrounding settlements from a visual perspective. This would include looking at various viewpoints from properties in and around the proposed site. MM requested that additional viewpoints in close proximity to residential properties near the B8024 be added. JB stated that as part of the Scoping exercise, statutory consultees had fed into the proposed viewpoints that would form part of the ZTV s. After discussions with members, it was agreed that the current scoping viewpoints to be analysed as part of the ZTV s would be circulated to members for their comments, with requests for suggestions for additional viewpoints to be sent to SP. Wireframes for these would then be discussed at the next meeting. A question was also asked regarding Access. JB confirmed that a few options were currently being explored. It was agreed that the issue of access would be highlighted as a particular agenda item at the next meeting of the Liaison Group. JL asked how much more of this area of land do the FCS see being developed. DS commented that the FCS only owns the land within the boundary of the site and thus no further land could be developed from their perspective. ESC also confirmed that this was the only parcel of FCS land that E.ON were currently looking at developing. c. Timetable In terms of the current timetable for Inverneill, JB highlighted the following: A Design Chill for the proposed Wind Layout would happen in September. This entails an initial look at all the feedback obtained thus far to look at a proposed layout for the Wind Farm Page 4 of 5

5 Formal Consultation events would take place in Sep/Oct to provide opportunity for community to feedback and comment on the proposed design Based on the feedback from the consultation, and looking at the technical/environmental constraints a Design Freeze for the proposed Wind Farm would take place in December/January. The EIA should be finalised in early 2014 It is planned to submit an application to Argyll and Bute Council in Spring/Summer AOB LBW raised the issue of the current consultation on Scottish Wild Lands and Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and the stricter guidelines it would produce in terms of buffers to towns/villages (2.5km) and greater protection to National Parks and National Scenic Areas. JL confirmed that this had already been sent out to Community Council for comment. 7. Date of Next Meeting It was agreed that the next meeting would be held in Ardrishaig on 25 th July END Page 5 of 5

6 Inverneill Wind Farm Community Liaison Group Terms of Reference Purpose of the Community Liaison Group The Inverneill Wind Farm Community Liaison Group (CLG) will be made up of representatives from each of the community councils whose boundary is adjacent to the Ardrishaig Community Council boundary; and other local representatives who expressed an interest in membership of the CLG at the public information days. The meetings will be designed to provide meaningful two-way communication between the local community and E.ON on the project. This forum will therefore provide local stakeholders an opportunity to raise issues and concerns directly with E.ON on an on-going basis, whilst importantly providing the local community with a real and tangible opportunity to inform and input into the design process. The CLG will have the following objectives: To obtain feedback and input on the emerging proposals. To identify and discuss any issues requiring clarification to ensure that any potential concerns regarding the proposals are fully understood and addressed where possible. To identify potential effects of the project on the neighbouring community and local environment and therefore assessing the significance of those impacts and exploring ways to mitigate these issues. Remit The group will provide two-way communication on the project between E.ON and local community. The aim is to help to increase awareness within the community as the project moves forward, and importantly seek to shape the design philosophy based upon the views of the CLG. Page 1 of 3

7 It should be noted that the CLG has not been set up to form a view on a future planning application for the development site. No decisions will be taken by a vote on the group and all feedback will be considered by E.ON. Please note that matters concerning community benefit payment will not be covered by this group. Membership Membership of the group will consist of: Organisation Name Ardrishaig Community Council Representative x 1 Lochgilphead Community Council Representative x1 South Knapdale Community Council Representative x 1 Tarbert and Skipness Community Council Representative x 1 Kilfinan Community Council Representative x 1 Local Residents (those who indicated a willingness to be involved at the public 7 local residents registered an interest in becoming a member information days) PPS Group (Secretariat Support) E.ON Climate and Renewables Emma Clark / Julien Bastid Chloe Constant Forestry Commission Scotland Representative x 1 In addition to this membership local councillors from the following wards will be invited to attend the CLG meetings but will not be members of the group: Mid Argyll Kintyre and the Islands Cowal Page 2 of 3

8 To ensure that the group is manageable and productive, the membership of the group will be limited to a maximum of 20 people. The Convenor of the group will be elected by members of the CLG. If a member is unable to attend a meeting of the CLG they will be entitled to nominate a substitute (representing their community group) on their behalf. PPS Group as the secretariat for the group should be notified of this substitution no later than one working day in advance of the meeting. Organisation The first item of business at the inaugural meeting will be to elect a Convenor who will be elected on an annual basis from the membership of the CLG. PPS Group, acting on behalf of E.ON, will provide secretariat support for the meetings including: arranging meetings; drafting and circulating and agenda; recording and circulating the minutes of the meeting. All documentation relating to the CLG meetings will be available on E.ON s website including the agenda and minutes of each meeting. The agenda and minutes will be circulated to elected members and community councils. The first meeting will be held in the Ardrishaig Public Hall, the venue for future meetings will be decided on by the CLG. The frequency of the meetings shall be decided between the group and E.ON. The meetings will not be open to members of the public. The agenda for each meeting will be circulated one week in advance of the CLG and the minutes for each meeting will be circulated within one week of the meeting. Page 3 of 3

9 This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by AECOM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of AECOM. Ü KEY: Land Available for Associated Infrastructure Land Available for Turbine Development Cycle Route No.78 Cycle Route No.78-50m Buffer Road Road - 139m Buffer Watercourse/Water Feature Ancient Woodland Site of Special Scientific Area National Scenic Area 0 Title: Client: Project: INVERNEILL WIND FARM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Crown copyright. All rights reserved. License Number Drawn: CONSTRAINTS PLAN One Trinity Gardens Quayside Newcastle, NE1 2HF Verified: LK JS 1,000 Metres Checked: Approved: Tel +44 (0) Date: DECEMBER 2012 Scale at A3: Fax +44 (0) IN_121207_P4_v4 Drawing Number: LK... 1:20,000 A3

10 This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by AECOM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of AECOM. Ü KEY: Land Available for Associated Development Land Available for Turbine Development Developable Area 0 Title: Client: Project: INVERNEILL WIND FARM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Crown copyright. All rights reserved. License Number Drawn: DEVELOPABLE AREA PLAN One Trinity Gardens Quayside Newcastle, NE1 2HF Verified: LK... 1,000 Metres Checked: Approved: Tel +44 (0) Date: APRIL 2013 Scale at A3: Fax +44 (0) IN_130429_P23_v2 Drawing Number: LK... 1:20,000 A3