B D. A 2009 Jup iterim age s

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1 FORMATIVE MINI ASSESSMENTS Second Grading Period December 7-10 STUDENT NAME DATE PERIOD Science Grade 6 Read each question and choose the best answer. Be sure to mark all of your answers. C B D A 2009 Jup iterim age s 1 At which position is the potential energy of the leaping frog shown above the greatest? A Position A B Position B C Position C D Position D SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 1

2 G H J F 2 When a small marble is released from the top of a ramp created by students, it will roll all the way to the end. At which point will the kinetic energy of the ball be the greatest? F Point F G Point G H Point H J Point J The illustration below shows an example of energy changing forms. Sun Insulated wires Fan Solar cells (Not drawn to scale) Radio 3 Which changes in energy form are illustrated in the diagram above? A electrical solar light and mechanical B sound mechanical light and electrical C mechanical solar sound and heat D solar electrical sound and mechanical SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 2

3 4 When you turn on a light bulb in your house, you convert F potential energy into electrical energy and light energy G electrical energy into kinetic energy and light energy H electrical energy into light energy and thermal energy J chemical energy into light energy and thermal energy 6 Our world contains many sources of energy. We can capture energy from the sun and the wind. We can also produce energy by burning fossil fuels containing stored energy. All of the following are true statements concerning energy resources except F solar energy is an inexhaustible resource. G coal and natural gases are nonrenewable resources. H nonrenewable resources, such as fossil fuels, only take a few years to create. J renewable energy sources are better for the environment than using nonrenewable resources. 5 What is one of the disadvantages with using wind power as an energy source? A It creates more toxic waste than other power plants. B The equipment to collect wind energy does not exist. C Wind cannot produce a constant supply of electricity. D There is never enough wind to make wind power plants work. 7 A science teacher is conducting a demonstration in her classroom. This demonstration requires the use of a hot plate to heat a beaker of water. What transformation of energy occurs in order for the temperature of the water to increase? A Solar energy to heat energy B Electrical energy to light energy C Heat energy to light energy D Electric energy to heat energy SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 3

4 8 Most of the resources used to produce energy are from fossil fuels. Why is it important that society stop relying so heavily on fossil fuels? F Oil, coal, and natural gas are non-renewable resources. G Fossil fuels are more expensive to process and use. H Fossil fuels can only be used to generate electricity. J Oil, coal, and natural gas provide only a small amount of energy. Electricity Production by Energy Source Percentage Type of Energy Source Coal Nuclear Hydroelectric Natural Gas Petroleum 9 According to the data displayed on the graph above and the pattern observed from this information, what would happen if coal were no longer available to produce electricity? A The primary source of electric would no longer be available. B The lack of coal would not affect the production of electricity. C The use of petroleum for producing electricity would decrease. D Nuclear power would no longer be used to generate electricity. SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 4

5 Energy Consuming Countries (Percent of Worlds Energy Usage) United States (1) Russia (2) China (3) Japan (4) All others (5) 24.6% 18.0% 7.8% 4.9% 44.7% 10 Information can often be best presented in a graph. Which graph correctly displays the energy consumption data found in the chart above? F 3 2 H Percent Percent G 3 2 J Percent Percent 50 SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 5

6 Energy Resource Fossil Fuels Nuclear Solar Water Advantages Fossil fuels provide a large amount of thermal energy per unit of mass. Fossil fuels are easy to transport. Fossil fuels can be used to generate electrical energy and to make products, such as plastics. Nuclear resources are very concentrated forms of energy. Nuclear power plants do not produce smog. Solar energy provides a limitless source of energy. Solar energy does not produce pollution. Water is renewable. Water does not produce smog. Disadvantages Fossil fuels are nonrenewable. Fossil fuels produce smog when burned. Burning coal releases substances that can cause acid precipitation. Fossil fuels cause damage if spilled in transport. Nuclear resources produce radioactive waste. Radioactive elements are nonrenewable. Solar energy is expensive to use for large-scale energy production. Solar energy is practical only in sunny areas. Dams disrupt a river's ecosystem. Water as an energy resource is available only in areas that have rivers. 11 According to the information in the chart, which of the following would be the best energy resource to use because it is a limitless resource and does not harm the environment? A Fossil fuels B Nuclear C Solar D Water SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 6

7 Distance in Km Time in Seconds 12 If the speed of the moving object stays the same, approximately how far will it travel after 10 hours? F 80 Km G 100 Km H 150 Km J 210 Km Speed Time 13 The graph above shows how the speed of something changed over a period of time. The graph would most likely apply to which of the following? A A soccer ball that is at rest is suddenly kicked. B A ball is thrown upward and returns to the ground. C A person who is running at a constant speed decides to run faster. D A car traveling at a constant speed applies its brakes and comes to a stop. SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 7

8 14 Which graph shown below indicates that a truck is slowing down? F Speed in m /s Time in seconds H S p eed in m /s Time in seconds G S p eed in m /s Time in seconds J S p eed in m /s Time in seconds SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 8

9 50 N 88 N 15 When the two boards being pushed by the indicated forces collide, which way will they move and with how much net force? A To the left with 88 N of net force B To the right with 50 N of force C To the left with 38 N of net force D There will be no movement at all Height Point (cm) V 840 W 650 X 700 Y 300 Z A student releases a ball to roll along the track shown above. The table shows the height of each point labeled on the track. At which of the following points would the ball s kinetic energy be greatest? F V G W H X J Y SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 9

10 17 When the input force shown above overcomes the force of gravity, what will be the direction of motion produced in the load? A C B D SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 10

11 18 A student is walking home from school. After 5 minutes it starts to rain lightly, so the student walks a little faster. After another 2 minutes it starts to rain hard, and the student runs the rest of the way home. The total time the student takes to get home is 10 minutes. Which graph below best represents the student s motion during the trip home? F H G J SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 11

12 19 An inclined plane, like the ramp shown above, can be used to raise a heavy box. The box is pushed up the plane instead of lifted straight up, as in the second picture. How does an inclined plane make work easier? A It decreases the amount of work needed to raise the object. B It decreases the force that must be applied to raise the object. C It decreases the distance over which the force must be applied. D It decreases the amount of energy needed to raise the object. SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 12

13 Car Distance in Time in kilometers Hours F G H J The table above shows the distance traveled and the time it took for four different cars. Using your knowledge about calculating speed and the formula chart, what is the average speed of the fastest driver in km/h? Record your answer and fill in the bubbles on the answer grid below. Be sure to use the correct place value. SAISD 06 Science FMA December 10 Page 13