Environmental Benefits Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption

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1 What is a? A, also known as a sustainable building, is a structure that is designed, built, renovated, operated, or re-used in an ecological and resource efficient manner. Sustainable development is maintaining a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we & future generations depend bjectives of a green building: Protecting occupant health mproving employee productivity sing energy, water and other resources more efficiently educing overall impact to the environment ptimal environmental and economic performance Satisfying and quality indoor spaces Benefits of s Environmental Benefits educe the impacts of natural resource consumption Economic Benefits educed operating costs Marketing advantages ncreased building valuation ptimizes life-cycle performance cost Health and Safety Benefits Enhance occupant comfort and health ommunity Benefits Minimize strain on local infrastructure and improve quality of life 1

2 onsiderations of a green building: ontrol erosion to reduce negative impacts on water and air quality educe pollution and land development impacts from automobile use Limit disruption of natural water hydrology by reducing impervious cover, increasing on-site infiltration and managing storm water run-off Encourage and recognize increasing levels of self supply through renewable technologies to reduce environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel energy use Provide a high level of individual occupant control of ventilation and lighting systems to support good health, better productivity and a comfortable atmosphere Provide a connection between indoor spaces and outdoor environment through the introduction of sunlight and views into the occupied areas of the building How to make a building green: Sustainable site planning with bioclimatic architectural planning ncorporate solar passive techniques in a building design to minimize load on conventional systems esign energy efficient lighting and HVA (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system se low energy and renewable materials hoose construction materials and interior finishes products with zero or low emissions to improve indoor air quality se dimensional planning and other material efficiency strategies esign for a gray water system that recovers rain water for site irrigation and a dual plumbing system for use of recycled water for toilet flushing se re-circulating systems for centralized hot water distribution 2

3 Building design rientation Building insulation (walls of AE block and roof with over deck ( lawn insulation and roof Window sizing ( overhangs Window shading (fixed Glass selection (with low thermal conductivity, low shading co-efficient ( transmission and high light Envelope efficiency measures contributed to 12% savings over base case System design Energy efficient lighting (FLs, efficient tubelights and electronic ( ballasts ( savings aylight sensing (90% lighting energy Efficient chillers, Variable air volume systems. Wind towers for pre cooling of fresh air. Lighting efficiency measures contributed to 15% savings over base case and HVA efficiency measures contributed 20% savings over base case se efficient systems and controls Lighting systems (FLs, -5 fluorescent lamps, LEs, efficient ballasts, etc) HVA systems (Properly sized plants, efficient chillers, VAV based air handling systems, economizers, variable speed drives for pumps, chillers and fans etc.) Water heating systems (solar assisted water heating systems, efficient boilers etc) Energy management and control system 3

4 Passive Systems nsulation Building Envelope design aylighting High Performance Glazing Whole building energy optimization Water Heating educed Energy requirements ccupancy Load, Equipment Schedule ontrols: Enthalpy control, Economizer, eheat by Steam Lamps, Ballasts, Luminaires educed Lighting requirements Sensors, ontrols Pumps educed HVA requirements ooling owers hillers AHs, Fs Passive Systems ( etc (F,Suntect nsulation Lamps, Ballasts, Luminaires Building Envelope design aylighting ( Adeline ) Lighting requirements Lumen esigner Sensors, ontrols High Performance ( 5.0 Glazing (Window Energy requirements VisE 3.1 Whole building energy optimization Pumps Water Heating ccupancy Load, Equipment Schedule HVA requirements HAP 4.05 ooling owers hillers ontrols: Enthalpy control, Economizer, eheat by Steam AHs, Fs 4

5 Architectural design/site planning Whole design Lighting design HVA design Water system design Energy management and control design Architectural design & Site planning 5

6 Bioclimatic architectural principles rientation hermal mass Surface to volume ratio Positioning of windows, shading Selection of materials for wall, roof, windows, including insulation Landscaping Buildings in hot climate rientation to cut off sun protected insulated windows external wall insulation Lower surface to volume, Lighter finishes, Water as landscape element Buildings in cold climate Large windows to capture sun hermal mass to store heat Minimum Shading nsulated walls and windows arker finishes Well protected north Effect of orientation on cooling load orth south orientation would reduce cooling loads by 1.5% Effect of efficient materials oof and wall insulation reduced cooling load by 23 nsulated windows reduced cooling load by 9% (window to wall ratio ( 7% se onsite sources and sinks ay lighting Earth cooling atural Ventilation (night cooling) Earth cooling Earth cooling has helped do away with conventional space cooling and heating techniques for about 8 months a year 6

7 Lighting esign he passive solar practice of placing windows, or other transparent media, and reflective surfaces so that, during the day, natural sunlight provides effective internal illumination. se of effective solar control strategies (overhangs) and high performance glazings limit associated solar gains. Achieving this daylight credit will likely increase energy savings in the Energy and Atmosphere credits. his is largely due to savings in the electric lighting that results from well daylit spaces. aylighting strategies can have synergies with other energy efficiency strategies such as displacement ventilation. Minimize site lighting where possible Full cutoff-luminaries Low-reflectance surfaces Low-angle spotlights 7

8 Water System design Landscaping & Water use reduction educe potable water consumption for landscape by 50% over a theoretical baseline design for the specific region. Successful Strategies: rought tolerant plants rip irrigation, moisture-sensing irrigation technologies ecycled rainwater system Municipally-provided non-potable water source use Water se eduction, 20% and 30% eduction Successful Strategies: ual flush water closets ltra low-flow water closets and urinals Waterless rinals Sensor-operated, Low-flow lavatories ainwater collection reuse systems Graywater reuse systems 8

9 Energy management system Photovoltaic Photovoltaic (Solar electric) is a device which produce free electrons when exposed to light resulting in power generation. Photovoltaic does not release any of the green house gases when in use. Photovoltaic uses a non-conventional, renewable source of energy which has no adverse effects on the environment. 23 kw solar photovoltaic system 55% energy savings over base building 9

10 Photovoltaic Applications Flat oofs Facades Shading Elements Atria & Skylight oof op Sustainability at Site eplace asphalt with concrete where possible Plant trees in vegetation strips around parking lots or sidewalks. onsolidate parking into a parking garage Bioswales Filtration basins (filters) etention Ponds / etention Ponds Vegetated filter strips Pervious paving Vegetated/Garden oofs Energy Star rated roofing systems High reflectivity coatings 10

11 Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning he main purpose of commercial HVA (Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning) systems is to provide the people working inside the building with conditioned air. "onditioned" air means that air is clean and odor-free, and the temperature, humidity, and movement of the air are within certain comfort ranges Systems may be clustered at a central location and serve an entire campus of buildings Locate system away from acoustically sensitive areas of the building Selecting efficient air conditioning based on your climate. Selecting the proper type of and efficient heating system for your climate esigning and sealing air distribution systems properly. 11

12 eplace F-based refrigerant. onsider non-refrigerant based cooling such as evaporative cooling in dryer climates. onsider photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal, wind, biomass, and bio-gas energy technologies Sophisticated Electrical Management Systems, Building Automation Systems or irect igital ontrol systems inherently include most of the required monitoring points. ombine carbon dioxide monitors with demand based ventilation. nclude carbon dioxide sensor points in BAS/ for system design automation. onsider adjustable underfloor air diffusers, or thermostat controlled VAV boxes. perable windows can be used in lieu of comfort controls for occupants of areas that are 20 feet inside of and 10 feet to either side of the operable part of the window he American Society of Heating, efrigerating and Air onditioning Engineers (ASHAE) has established standards which outline air quality for indoor comfort conditions that are acceptable to 80% or more of a commercial building's occupants. Generally, these indoor comfort conditions, sometimes called the "comfort zone," are between 68 degrees F and 75 degrees F for winter and 73 degrees F to 79 degrees F during the summer. Both these temperature ranges are for room air at approximately 50% relative humidity and moving at velocity of 30 feet per minute or slower 12

13 enewable energy systems ptimize energy performance se of integrated building and system design process yields a savings of up to 50-60% over conventionally designed buildings. Efficiency measures typically payback in 1-3 year time omposite ommercial Building in 2020 Solid state lighting integrated into hybrid solar daylighting systems Smart windows Photovoltaic roof shingles, walls, and awnings Solar heating and superinsulation ombined heat and power-gas turbines and fuel cells ntelligent building systems 13

14 ommercial Buildings End uses requiring the greatest energy are lighting, space heating, space cooling, and office equipment. Primary Energy onsumption, 2002 High-efficiency office lighting Absorption-based chillers and heat pumps Source: able A5. esidential Sector Key ndicators and onsumption, Energy nformation Administration's Annual Energy utlook