Surface Soil Sampling

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2 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL SOP 2 Date: December 2012 Prepared: J. Sobol Technical Review: C. Werden QA Review: J. Oxford Approved and Issued: 12/13 /2012 Signature/Date 1.0 Objective The purpose of this technical standard operating procedure (SOP) is to define the general techniques and requirements for the collection of surface soil samples at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site. 2.0 Background 2.1 Definitions Grab Sample - A discrete portion of soil or an aliquot taken from a specific sample location at a given point in time. Slide Hammer- A sampling tool used to drive and retract a 6-inch long thin-walled stainless steel sample collection sleeve (approximately 2-inches in diameter). Surface Soil- Soil that occurs at 0 to 6 inches below ground surface (bgs). EnCore Sampler- A single-use plastic sampling device, typically with a capacity of 5 grams, used to obtain undisturbed, unconsolidated material samples (e.g., soil) for laboratory analyses. The sampler is inserted into a metal T-handle and the open end of the sampler pushed directly into the soil. 2.2 Associated Procedures SSFL SOP 1, Procedures for Locating and Clearing Phase 3 Samples SSFL SOP 6, Field Measurement of Total Organic Vapors SSFL SOP 7, Field Measurement of Residual Radiation SSFL SOP 8, Field Data Collection Documents, Content, and Control SSFL SOP 9, Lithologic Logging SSFL SOP 10, Sample Custody SSFL SOP 11, Packaging and Shipping Environmental Samples SSFL SOP 12, Field Equipment Decontamination SSFL SOP 13, Guide to Handling Investigation Derived Waste SSFL SOP 15, Photographic Documentation of Field Activities SSFL SOP 16, Control of Measurement and Test Equipment 2.3 Discussion Soil samples will be collected to determine the type(s) and level(s) of contamination in surface soil. All SOPs will be on hand with the field sampling team. 3.0 General Responsibilities Field Team Leader - The field team leader (FTL) is responsible for ensuring that field personnel collect surface soil samples in accordance with the Field Sampling Plan (FSP) Addendum and this SOP. Site Geologist The person responsible for collecting and logging the soil samples. Site Health and Safety Technician The person who will use field screening instruments to monitor all field activities for (VOCs and radiological contaminants and pre-shipment sample coolers. This person is a trained radiological technician who works under the guidance of Science Application International Corporation s (SAIC s) Certified Health Physicist (CHP). Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 1 of 1

3 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL Use Only 4.0 Required Equipment at the Sampling Location Site-specific plans (including Field Sampling Plan [FSP Addendum, health and safety plan, and all SOPs) Insulated cooler Plastic zip-top bags Personal protective clothing and equipment Slide hammer with stainless steel sleeves EnCore samplers and T-handle Securely-sealed bags of ice Plastic sheeting Appropriate sample containers Global Positioning System (GPS) unit Trash Bags 5.0 Procedures 5.1 Preparation The following steps must be followed when preparing for sample collection: SSFL SOP 2 Date: December 2012 Monitoring/screening instruments required by health and safety plan Nitrile or other appropriate protective gloves Field logbook Indelible blue or black ink pen and/or marker Decontamination supplies Paper towels or Kim wipes Disposable plastic spoons and knives Sample labels Teflon squares and sleeve end caps 2-way radios 1. Review site-specific health and safety plan and project plans (FSP Addendum) before initiating sampling activity. 2. Don the appropriate personal protective clothing as specified in the site-specific health and safety plan. 3. Locate sampling location(s) in accordance with FSP Addendum and document pertinent information in the field logbook (SSFL SOP 8). Confirm GPS coordinates of each location (SSFL SOP 1). 4. Use clean (decontaminated) sampling tools to obtain sample material from each specified sample location. 5. Carefully remove stones, vegetation, debris, etc. from the ground surface in the sampling location area. Clear the sample location using a new and/or appropriately decontaminated tool as described to expose a fresh sampling surface. 6. The Site Health and Safety Technician will perform contaminant screening using hand-held instruments at each sample location before sampling and for each sample collected (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). The most recent spoils materials will be segregated to minimize cross-contamination. The breathing zone and excavated materials will be monitored continuously. If levels are detected above health and safety plan action levels (HASP page 8), work will be temporarily discontinued, the Department of Energy (DOE), The Boeing Company (Boeing), and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will be contacted. Site work will not resume at that location until further guidance is provided by DOE or Boeing. Contact information is in the health and safety plan. The following steps must be taken to prepare the slide hammer for sampling. 1. Obtain the slide hammer, sample tube with the shoe, and stainless steel liners. 2. Remove the sample tube shoe and insert a clean liner. Screw the shoe back onto the sample tube. 3. Screw the assembled sample tube onto the slide hammer. 4. After sampling, remove the sampling liner from the sample tube for sample collection. 5. Decontaminate the sample tube and shoe. 5.2 Sample Collection The following general steps must be followed when collecting surface soil samples. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 2 of 2

4 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL SOP 2 Date: December Wear new, clean gloves during handling of all sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected, to avoid cross-contamination. 2. Document the sampling process by recording applicable information in the designated field logbook. Document any and all deviations from the SOPs and the sampling plan in the field logbook and include rationale for changes. See SSFL SOP 8 for guidance on entering information into field log books. 3. Because sampling for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is not anticipated for most surface soil locations, the procedure for non-voc sample collection is described first (Section 5.2.1). When sampling of VOCs is required (i.e., identified in Table 1 of FSP Addendum, observed stained soil, petroleum odor, or elevated photoionization detector [PID] reading) at any location, collect the required sample aliquot for volatile analyses (Section 5.2.2) first, as well as any other samples that may be degraded by aeration, followed by the collection of samples for other analyses Method for Collecting Samples for Nonvolatile Organic or Inorganic Compound Analyses The requirements for collecting samples of surface soil for nonvolatile organic or inorganic analyses are as follows: 1. Use a clean slide hammer and decontaminated stainless steel sleeves to drive a sample from 0 to 6-inches bgs. Several sleeves may be required from this interval to collect the amount of surface soil to satisfy the analytical protocol (refer to Table 1 in the FSP Addendum. Quickly screen the open end of the sleeve and the sample borehole for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 2. Collect subsamples for chromium (Cr 3+ ) and/or hexavalent chrome (Cr 6+ ) and/or ph from the center of the stainless steel sleeve into a glass jar using a disposable plastic spoon or knife. Ensure that the soil that was in contact with the sleeve is not collected in the jar. 3. Prior to capping the sleeve for the remaining non-volatile parameters, place a Teflon cover sheet over each end of the sample. Secure the respective cap on each sample container immediately after collection. Label the sample sleeve with top and bottom designations. 4. Wipe the sample containers with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe to remove any residual soil from the sample container surface. 5. Fill out the sample label with the appropriate sample information (i.e., sample identification, date/time of sample collection, requested analyses) per FSP Addendum Table 1 and attach to sample sleeve. 6. Place sample containers in individual zip-top plastic bags and seal the bags. Place baggies onto ice in an insulated cooler to maintain at 4 C (±2 C). 7. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP Method for Collecting Soil Samples for Volatile Organic Compound Analysis The following text contains the recommended SW-846 Test Method 5035 procedure for sampling and field preservation of soil samples for VOC analysis, which includes the EnCore Sampler Method for low-level VOC analyses. 1. When collecting grab sampling for VOC analysis, it is necessary to minimize sample disturbance and consequently minimize analyte loss. 2. Wear new, clean gloves during handling of all sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected, to avoid cross-contamination. 3. VOC samples shall be collected first as grab samples. After clearing sample site, use a clean slide hammer and decontaminated stainless steel sleeves to drive a sample from 0 to 6-inches bgs. Once the sleeve is retrieved, quickly Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 3 of 3

5 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL SOP 2 Date: December 2012 screen the open end of the sleeve and the sample borehole for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). EnCore samplers will be used to collect subsamples for the required analytical protocol (e.g., VOCs/1,4-dioxane and/or total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics [TPH-GRO]). The VOC sample will be collected from the bottom of the 6-inch stainless steel sleeve. Several slide hammer samples (stainless steel liners) may be required at the location to obtain the required sample volume for all VOC samples. 4. Remove the EnCore sampler and cap from package and attach T-handle to sampler body. Ensure that the sampler is locked into the T-Handle before sampling. 5. Push the sampler into the freshly-exposed soil in the bottom of the sampler sleeve until the O-ring is visible within the hole on the side of the T-handle. If the O-ring is not visible within this window, then the sampler is not full. 6. Extract the sampler and wipe the sampler sides with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe so that the sampler cap can be tightly attached. 7. While still locked into the T-handle, push the sampler cap on the head of the sampler with a twisting motion to secure it to the sampler body. 8. Remove the sampler from the T-handle and rotate the sampler stem counterclockwise until the stem locks in place to retain the sample within the sampler body. 9. Repeat procedure for each of the remaining samplers. 10. When collecting soil samples using the EnCore Sampler method, collection of soil for moisture content analysis is required. Results of the moisture analysis are used to adjust wet concentration results to dry concentrations to meet analytical method requirements. The moisture sample will be collected in a separate 4 oz. glass jar. Following EnCore sample collection (, fill one 4 oz. jar with soil from bottom of a stainless steel sleeve for moisture analysis using a disposable plastic spoon or knife. 11. Any remaining soil may be used for the non-volatile analyses (Section 5.3). 12. Complete the sample labels by filling in the appropriate information (.., sample identification, date and time of sample collection, and requested analyses [per FSP Addendum]) and secure the label to the container. 13. Store samples at 4 C (±2 C) until samples are delivered to the FTL or sample coordinator (per SOP 10) for sample packing and shipment (per SOP 11) to the designated analytical laboratory. Encore samplers must be shipped and delivered to the analytical laboratory for extraction within 48 hours. 14. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP 12. Note: A water trip blank will be included with sample coolers containing VOC samples DPT Procedure for Surface Soil Collection Collection of surface soil samples with the Direct Push Technology (DPT) is allowed when hard soil conditions prevent collection of soil via slide hammer. Refer to SOP 4, Section 5.4 for procedures. 6.0 Restrictions/Limitations Before conducting the soil sampling at each location, underground utilities and structures must be demarcated on the ground surface. In addition, archeological and cultural resources as well as Native American cultural concerns must be cleared. A subcontractor will be used to locate and mark the utility lines. The selected sampling location shall be a safe distance from the demarcated utility. In some cases, records regarding utility locations may not exist. Also, as presented in Section of this SOP, when grab sampling for VOC analysis or other compound(s) that may be Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 4 of 4

6 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL SOP 2 Date: December 2012 compromised by aeration, it is necessary to minimize sample disturbance and consequently minimize analyte loss. The representativeness of a VOC grab sample is difficult to determine because the collected sample represents a single point, is not homogenized, and has been disturbed. 7.0 References U.S. Department of Energy Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. Quality Control Requirements for Field Methods, DOE/HWP-69/R2. September.. Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. Standard Operating Procedures for Site Characterizations, DOE/HWP-100/R1. September 1996 or current revision. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846), Third Edition, November 1986, (as amended by Updates I, II, IIA, IIB, III, and IIIA, June 1997). Method 5035 (Note: of this method says samples stored in EnCore samplers shall be analyzed within 48 hours or transferred to soil sample vials in the laboratory within 48 hours): December 1996, Revision O, Closed-System Purge-and-Trap and Extraction for Volatile Organics in Soil and Waste Samples. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 5 of 5

7 Surface Soil Sampling SSFL SOP 2 Date: December 2012 Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 6 of 6

8 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 Prepared: J. Sobol Technical Review: C. Werden QA Review: J. Oxford Approved and Issued: 12/13/2012 Signature/Date 1.0 Objective The objective of this technical standard operating procedure (SOP) is to define the techniques and requirements for collecting shallow subsurface soil samples for environmental characterization purposes from the unconsolidated subsurface. The sampling techniques discussed in this SOP involve use of hand augers at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site. 2.0 Background 2.1 Definitions Slide Hammer- A drive tool is used to drive and retract a 6-inch long and approximately 2-inches in diameter, thin-walled stainless steel sleeve. Hand Auger - A stainless steel cylinder (bucket) approximately 3 to 4 inches (in) in diameter and 1 foot (ft) in length, open at both ends with the bottom edge designed to advance perpendicular to the ground surface with a twisting motion into unconsolidated subsurface material to obtain a soil sample. The auger has a T-shaped handle (fixed or ratchet used for manual operation) attached to the top of the bucket by extendable stainless steel rods. EnCore Sampler- A disposable plastic sampling device, typically with a capacity of 5 grams, used to obtain undisturbed, unconsolidated material samples (e.g., soil) for laboratory analyses. The sampler is inserted into a metal T-handle and the open end of the sampler pushed directly into the soil. Subsurface Soil - The unconsolidated, or non-lithified, material that exists deeper than approximately 6 inches below the ground surface (bgs). Unconsolidated Zone - A layer of non-lithified earth material (soil) that has no mineral cement or matrix binding its grains. 2.2 Associated Procedures SSFL SOP 1, Procedures for Locating and Clearing Phase 3 Samples SSFL SOP 6, Field Measurement of Total Organic Vapors SSFL SOP 7, Field Measurement of Residual Radiation SSFL SOP 8, Field Data Collection Documents, Content, and Control SFSL SOP 9, Lithologic Logging SSFL SOP 10, Sample Custody SSFL SOP 11, Packaging and Shipping Environmental Samples SSFL SOP 12, Field Equipment Decontamination SSFL SOP 13, Guide to Handling Investigation Derived Waste SSFL SOP 15, Photographic Documentation of Field Activities SSFL SOP 16, Control of Measurement and Test Equipment 2.3 Discussion Subsurface soil samples, or those taken from depths below 6 inches, are collected using a hand auger to depths up to 10 ft bgs or bedrock refusal. Subsurface samples in locations inaccessible to a DPT rig will be collected by drilling using hand augers to the sample depth, and then sample collection from the auger hole using a slide hammer and stainless steel sleeves. The maximum depth of hand auger samples is typically 10 feet bgs. All sample locations and sample materials will be screened by the Site Health and Safety Technician using hand-help instruments. In addition, all SOPs will be on hand Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 1 of 1

9 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 with the field sampling team. 3.0 General Responsibilities Field Team Leader - The field team leader is responsible for ensuring that field personnel collect subsurface soil samples in accordance with the Field Sampling Plan (FSP) Addendum and this SOP. Site Geologist The person responsible for collecting and logging the soil sample. Site Health and Safety Technician The person who will use field screening instruments to monitor all field activities for VOCs and radiological contaminants and pre-shipment sample coolers. This person is a trained radiological technician who works under the guidance of Science Application International Corporation s (SAIC s) Certified Health Physicist (CHP). 4.0 Required Equipment at the Sampling Location 4.1 General Site-specific plans (e.g., FSP Addendum, health and safety) including all SOPs Field logbook Appropriate sample containers EnCore samplers and T-handle Insulated cooler(s) Bags of ice Nitrile or appropriate gloves 2-way radios Indelible black ink pens and markers Slide hammer with stainless steel sleeves Global Positioning System (GPS) unit Monitoring/screening equipment per health and safety plan Personal protective clothing and equipment Plastic sheeting Plastic zip-top bags Trash bags Disposable plastic spoons or knives Sample labels Decontamination supplies Kimwipes or paper towels Teflon squares and sleeve end caps 4.2 Manual (Hand) Auger Sampling T-handle Hand auger: extensions, bucket-, or tube-type auger as required by the site-specific plans Extension rods Wrench(es), pliers 5.0 Procedures 5.1 Preparation 1. Review site-specific health and safety plan and FSP Addendum before initiating sampling activity. 2. Don the appropriate personal protective clothing as indicated in the site-specific health and safety plan. 3. Locate sampling location(s) in accordance with FSP Addendum and document pertinent information in the appropriate field logbook (SSFL SOP 8). Confirm GPS coordinates of each location (SSFL SOP 1). 4. Use clean, (decontaminated) sampling tools per SSFL SOP 12 used to obtain sample material from each specified sample location. 5. Carefully remove stones, vegetation, debris, etc. from the ground surface in the sampling location area. Clear the sample location using a new and/or appropriately decontaminated tool as described to expose a fresh sampling surface. 6. The Site Health and Safety Technician will perform contaminant screening using hand-held instruments at each sample location before sampling and for each sample collected (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). The most recent spoils materials will be segregated to minimize cross-contamination. The breathing zone and excavated materials will be monitored continuously. If levels are detected above health and safety plan action levels (HASP page 8), work will be temporarily discontinued. If radiation levels exceed two-times (2X) background levels (HASP page 8), the Department of Energy Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 2 of 2

10 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 (DOE),The Boeing Company (Boeing), and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will be contacted. Site work will not resume at that location until further guidance is provided by DOE or Boeing. Contact information is in the health and safety plan. The following steps must be taken to prepare the slide hammer for sampling. 1. Obtain the slide hammer, sample tube with the shoe and stainless steel liners. 2. Remove the sample tube shoe and insert a clean liner. Screw the shoe back onto the sample tube. 3. Screw the assembled sample tube onto the slide hammer. 4. After sampling remove the sampling liner from the sample tube for sample collection. 5. Decontaminate the sample tube and shoe. 5.2 Sample Collection The following general steps must be followed when collecting all subsurface soil samples. Soil samples will be preserved by placing the samples on ice. 1. Wear clean gloves during handling of sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected, to avoid cross-contamination. 2. VOC samples or samples that may be degraded by aeration will be collected first and with the least disturbance possible to minimize sample disturbance and consequently minimize analyte loss. 3. While advancing the hand auger, the subsurface lithology shall be described according to SSFL SOP Specific sampling devices are identified in the FSP Addendum and will be recorded in the field logbook. Document any and all deviations from the SOPs and the sampling plan in the field logbook and include rationale for changes. See SSFL SOP 8 for guidance on entering information into field log books. 5. Care must be taken to prevent cross-contamination and misidentification of samples as described in subsequent subsections of this SOP Manual (Hand) Auger Sampling Using a Slide Hammer The following steps must be followed when collecting environmental soil samples using a hand-auger and slide hammer: 1. Auger to the depth required for sampling, per the FSP Addendum. Place cuttings on plastic sheeting. If possible, lay out the cuttings in stratigraphic order. 2. During auger advancement and sample collection, record observations made of the geologic features of the soil or sediments per SSFL SOP Stop advancing the auger when the top of the specified sampling depth has been reached. Remove the auger from the hole and set aside for future decontamination (see line item 11 below). 4. Obtain the subsurface soil sample by driving the sample sleeve through the specified sample interval with the slide hammer. Remove the stainless steel liner from the slide hammer and quickly screen the sleeve for VOCs and radiation (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 5. Immediately subsample for VOCs (if required) by FSP Addendum Table 1, observe stained soil, petroleum odor, or elevated PID reading) by pushing the EnCore sampler into the soil in the bottom end of the sampling sleeve. See Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 3 of 3

11 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 Section Decontaminate the auger bucket, sample tube and shoe, and repeat the preceding steps for sample collection from deeper depths as required by the FSP Addendum. 7. When sampling is complete, place cuttings back into the borehole, and top off with bentonite pellets, and hydrate as necessary to bring former borehole to ground surface. Place plastic sheeting and gloves in garbage bag and transfer decontamination water to storage container as specified SSFL SOP Decontaminate all equipment between each sample according to SSFL SOP Complete the field logbook entry and other forms, being sure to record all relevant information before leaving the sample location Method for Collecting Soil Samples for Volatile Organic Compound Analysis The following text contains the recommended SW-846 Test Method 5035 procedure for sampling and field preservation of soil samples for volatile organic compound (VOC analyses, which includes the EnCore Sampler Method for low-level VOC analyses. 1. When collecting grab sampling for VOC analysis, it is necessary to minimize sample disturbance and consequently minimize analyte loss. 2. Wear new, clean gloves during handling of sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected, to avoid cross-contamination. 3. VOC samples shall be collected first as grab samples. EnCore samplers will be used to collect subsamples for the required analytical protocol (e.g., VOCs1,4-dioxane and total petroleum hydrocarbon-gasoline range organics [TPH-GRO) from sample sleeves collected at depth. The VOC samples will be collected from the bottom of the 6-inch stainless steel sleeve. Several slide hammer samples (stainless steel liners) may be required to obtain the required sample volume for all VOC analyses. 4. Once the sleeve is retrieved, quickly screen the open end of the sleeve and the sample borehole for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 5. Remove EnCore sampler and cap from package and attach T-handle to sampler body. Ensure that the sampler is locked into the T-handle before sampling. 6. Push the sampler into the freshly-exposed soil in the bottom of the sampler sleeve until the O-ring is visible within the hole on the side of the T-handle. If the O-ring is not visible within this window, then the sampler is not full. 7. Extract the sampler and wipe the sampler sides with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe so that the sampler cap can be tightly attached. 8. While still locked into the T-handle, push the sampler cap on the head of the sampler with a twisting motion to secure it to the sampler body. 9. Remove the sampler from the T-handle and rotate the sampler stem counterclockwise until the stem locks in place to retain the sample within the sampler body. 10. Repeat procedures for each of the remaining Encore Samplers. 11. When collecting soil samples using the EnCore Sampler Method, collection of soil for moisture content analysis is required. Results of the moisture analysis are used to adjust wet concentration results to dry concentrations to meet analytical Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 4 of 4

12 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 method requirements. The moisture sample will be collected in a separate 4 oz. glass jar. If only VOCs/1,4-dioxane are to be sampled at a location, after collecting the required number of EnCore samples, fill one 4 oz. jar with soil from bottom of stainless steel sleeve for moisture analysis using a disposable plastic spoon or knife. 12. Remaining material in the sleeve may be used for any required non-volatile analyses (Section 5.2.3) 13. Complete the sample labels by filling in the appropriate information (i.e., sample identification, date and time of sample collection, and requested analyses per FSP Addendum Table 1 and securing the label to the container. 14. Store samples at 4 C (±2 C) until samples are delivered to the FTL or sample coordinator (per SOP 10) for sample packing and shipment (per SOP 11) to the designated analytical laboratory. EnCore samplers must be shipped and delivered to the analytical laboratory for extraction within 48 hours. 15. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP 12. Note: A water trip blank will be included with sample coolers containing VOC samples Method for Collecting Samples for Nonvolatile Organic or Inorganic Compound Analyses The requirements for collecting samples of subsurface soil for nonvolatile organic or inorganic analyses are as follows: 1. Use a clean slide hammer and decontaminated stainless steel sleeves to drive a sample through a 6-inch interval at the prescribed depth. Several sleeves may be required from this interval to collect the necessary amount of subsurface soil to satisfy the analytical protocol (refer to sampling rationale Table 1 in the FSP Addendum). Quickly screen the open end of the sleeve and the sample borehole for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 2. Collect sub samples for hexavalent chrome (Cr 6+ ) and or phfrom the center of the stainless steel sleeve into a glass jar using a disposable plastic spoon or knife. Ensure that the soil that was in contact with the sleeve is not collected in the jar. 3. Prior to capping the sleeve for the remaining non-volatile parameters, place a Teflon cover sheet over each end of the sample. Secure the respective cap on each sample container immediately after collection Label the sample sleeve with top and bottom designations. 6. Wipe the sample containers with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe to remove any residual soil from the sample container surface. 7. Fill out the sample label with the appropriate sample information (e.g., sample identification, date/time of sample collection, requested analyses per FSP Addendum Table 1 and attach to sample sleeve. 8. Place sample containers in individual zip-top plastic bags and seal the bags. Place baggies onto ice in an insulated cooler to maintain at 4 C (±2 C) until samples are delivered to the FTL or sample coordinator (per SOP 10) for sample packing and shipment (per SOP 11) to the designated analytical laboratory. 9. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP Restrictions/Limitations Before conducting the soil sampling at each location, underground utilities and structures must be demarcated on the ground surface. In addition, archeological and cultural resources as well as Native American cultural concerns must be cleared. A subcontractor will be used to locate and mark the utility lines. The selected sampling location shall be a safe distance from the demarcated utility. In some cases, records regarding utility locations may not exist. Also, when grab sampling for VOC analysis or for analysis of any other compound(s) that may be degraded by aeration, it is necessary to minimize sample disturbance and analyte loss. The representativeness of a VOC grab sample is difficult to Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 5 of 5

13 Subsurface Soil Sampling With Hand Auger SSFL SOP 3 Date: December 2012 determine because the collected sample represents a single point, is not homogenized, and has been disturbed. 7.0 References American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils. Standard Method D Standard Test Method for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical Purposes. Standard Method D U. S. Department of Energy Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. Quality Control Requirements for Field Methods, DOE/HWP-69/R2. September.. Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. Standard Operating Procedures for Site Characterizations, DOE/HWP-100/R1. September 1996 or current revision. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846), Third Edition, November 1986, (as amended by Updates I, II, IIA, IIB, III, and IIIA, June 1997). Method 5035 (Note: of this method says samples stored in EnCore samplers shall be analyzed within 48 hours or transferred to soil sample vials in the laboratory within 48 hours): December 1996, Revision O, Closed-System Purge-and-Trap and Extraction for Volatile Organics in Soil and Waste Samples. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 6 of 6

14 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November 2012 Prepared: P. Hartman Technical Review: C. Werden QA Review: C. Sayler Approved and Issued: 11/20/2012 Signature/Date 1.0 Objective The objective of this technical standard operating procedure (SOP) is to define the requirements for collecting subsurface soil using direct push technology (DPT) sampling techniques at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site. 2.0 Background 2.1 Definitions DPT rig- A hydraulically-operated hammer device installed on the back of a van, pickup truck, or skid used to advance a hollow-stem rod and sampler into the subsurface soil (up to bedrock refusal) to collect subsurface soil samples. Probe-Driven Sampler - A sampling device used to collect soil samples with a DPT rig. The sampler is 5-foot steel core barrel with an acetate liner to contain the sample. Extension Rod - Stainless steel rod used to remove stop-pin and drive-point assembly. Drive Point - Solid steel retractable point used to advance sample collection device to the required sample depth. Probe Rod - Hollow, flush-threaded, steel rod similar to a drill rod. Stop-Pin - Steel plug that threads into the top of the drive cap to hold the drive point in place during advancement of the probe rods. Drive Cap - Threaded, hardened-steel top cap that attaches to the top of the probe rod; used when advancing the probe rods with the hydraulic hammer. Pull Cap - Threaded, hardened-steel top cap that attaches to the top of the probe rod; used when retracting the probe rods. 2.2 Associated Procedures SSFL SOP 1, Procedures for Locating and Clearing Phase 3 Samples SSFL SOP 6, Field Measurement of Total Organic Vapors SSFL SOP 7, Field Measurement of Residual Radiation SSFL SOP 8, Field Data Collection Documents, Content, and Control SSFL SOP 9, Lithologic Logging SSFL SOP 10, Sample Custody SSFL SOP 11, Packaging and Shipping Environmental Samples SSFL SOP 12, Field Equipment Decontamination SSFL SOP 13, Guide to Handling Investigation Derived Waste SSFL SOP 15, Photographic Documentation of Field Activities SSFL SOP 16, Control of Measurement and Test Equipment 2.3 Discussion The DPT rig consists of a hydraulically-operated hammer device mounted on the back of a van, a pickup truck or a skid. The DPT system hydraulically advances small-diameter hollow rods and sampler to the desired sampling depth. The specific type of DPT sampling equipment for soil sample collection is then deployed. This work will be performed by a subcontractor with CDM Smith oversight. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 1 of 1

15 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November 2012 The use of DPT technology is a cost-effective alternative to using conventional drilling techniques for collecting subsurface soil samples given the site-specific geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and sample requirements. Advantages of using the DPT system include: Areas usually considered inaccessible by drill rigs because of terrain and vegetation, overhead wires, size constraints, etc., may be accessed with a van or pickup truck-mounted DPT rig. Investigation-derived wastes such as soil cuttings and purge water are minimized due to its small diameter rods and its displacement of soil horizontally, not vertically. Areas where traditional surface sampling equipment (e.g., Slide Hammer or Hand Auger) cannot penetrate the hard surface, a DPT rig may be used to obtain the sample(s). In addition, all SOPs will be on hand with the field sampling team. 3.0 General Responsibilities DPT Subcontractor Subcontractor retained to perform all DPT drilling activities. Field Team Leader (FTL)-The FTL is responsible for ensuring that sampling efforts are conducted in accordance with this procedure and the Field Sampling Plan (FSP) Addendum and this SOP. Site Health and Safety Technician The person who will use field screening instruments to monitor all field activities for VOCs and radiological contaminants and pre-shipment sample coolers. This person is a trained radiological technician who works under the guidance of Science Application International Corporation s (SAIC s) Certified Health Physicist (CHP). Site Geologist The person responsible for overseeing sample collecting, recording sampling information and for logging the soil sample. 4.0 Required Equipment at the Sampling Location General Site-specific plans (e.g., FSP Addendum, health and safety plan, and all SSFL SOPs) Monitoring/screening instruments required by the health and safety plan Field logbook Plastic sheeting Appropriate sample containers Decontamination supplies Insulated coolers Trash bags Bags of ice Sample labels Indelible black or blue ink pens and markers Kimwipes or paper towels Plastic zip-top bags Stainless steel trowel Nitrile or appropriate gloves EnCore samplers and T-handle Personal protective equipment Plastic spoons or knives Global Positioning System (GPS) 2-way radios DPT Soil Sampling Equipment DPT rig (tracked vehicle, van or truck-mounted) with the following: - Probe rods 5-foot [ft]) lengths - Extension rods (5-ft) lengths, couplers, and handle - Piston stop-pins (two each per rig, minimum) - Drive caps and pull caps (two each per rig, minimum) - Carbide-tipped drill bit for working in concrete- or asphalt-covered areas Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 2 of 2

16 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November O-rings Assembled soil samplers (5-foot long continuous split-barrel with acetate sleeve) 5.0 Procedures Subsurface and surface soil sampling procedures are discussed below. CDM Smith will oversee DPT operations and handle the samples. It is the DPT subcontractor s responsibility to operate the DPT equipment. 1. Review site-specific health and safety plan and FSP Addendum before initiating sampling activity. 2. Don the appropriate personal protective clothing as indicated in the site-specific health and safety plan. 3. Locate sampling location(s) in accordance with FSP Addendum and document pertinent information in the appropriate field logbook (SSFL SOP 8). Confirm GPS coordinates of each location (SSFL SOP 1). 4. Use clean (decontaminated) sampling tools to obtain sample material from each specified sample location. 5. Carefully remove stones, vegetation, debris, etc. from the ground surface in the sampling location area. Clear the sample location using a new and/or appropriately decontaminated tool as described to expose a fresh sampling surface. 6. The Site Health and Safety Technician will perform contaminant screening using hand-held instruments at each sample location before sampling and for each sample collected (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). The most recent spoils materials will be segregated to minimize cross-contamination. The breathing zone and excavated materials will be monitored continuously. If levels are detected above health and safety plan action levels (HASP page 8), work will be temporarily discontinued, the Department of Energy (DOE), The Boeing Company (Boeing), and the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will be contacted. Site work will not resume at that location until further guidance is provided by DOE or Boeing. Contact information is in the health and safety plan. 7. If the sampling site is in an asphalt-covered area, drill a hole using the rotary function and a specially designed (1.5-inch or 2.0-inch diameter) carbide-tipped drill bit. Otherwise, the area needs to be cleared of heavy underbrush and immediate overhead obstructions. 5.1 Subsurface Soil Sampling Assembly 1. Assemble the sampling device as follows: Screw the cutting shoe to the bottom end of the sample tube, unless using standard probe drive sampler which has a built-in cutting edge. Screw the piston tip onto the piston rod. Screw the drive head onto the top end of the sample tube. Insert the acetate liner into sample tube. Slide the piston rod into the sample tube, leaving the piston tip sticking out of the bottom end of the sample tube. Screw the piston stop-pin onto the top end of the piston rod in a counter-clockwise direction. 2. Attach the assembled sampler onto the leading probe rod. Probing 3. Thread the drive cap onto the top of the probe rod and advance the sampler. 4. Advance the sampler using the hydraulic hammer. Add additional probe rods as necessary to reach the specified sampling depth (see Table 1 in FSP Addendum). Stop-Pin Removal 5. Move the probe unit back from the top of the probe rods and remove the drive cap. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 3 of 3

17 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November Lower the extension rods into the inside diameter of the probe rods using extension rod couplers to join the extension rods. 7. Attach the extension rod handle to the top extension rod and rotate the handle clockwise until the leading extension rod is screwed into the piston stop-pin. Continue to rotate the handle clockwise until the stop-pin disengages from the drive head. 8. Remove the extension rods and attached piston stop-pin from the probe rods. Continuous Sampling Direct push sampling will be performed with a dual tube sampling method using a specialty continuous coring sampler (4-ft with inner acetate sleeve). The sampler is driven in 4-ft intervals slightly ahead of stainless steel casing, and retrieved after each interval push as described above. 9. Replace the drive cap. 10. Advance the probe rods using the hydraulic hammer the length of the sample tube (4 ft). 11. Replace the drive cap with the pull cap and retract the probe rod(s). Secure the rod(s) with a clamp or by hand during removal so they do not fall back down the resulting borehole. 12. Detach the sampler from the lead probe rod, verifying that sufficient sample volume was recovered (Note: The length of sample contained within the tube is approximately equal to the length of exposed piston rod). 13. Disassemble the sampler. Remove the acetate liner. Use cutting tool to cut length of liner (2 times) to remove an approximate 1-inch strip to access the sample material. 14. The Site Health and Safety Technician will perform contaminant screening along the length of the acetate liner using hand-held instruments (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). The most recent spoils materials will be segregated to minimize crosscontamination. The breathing zone and excavated materials will be monitored continuously. If levels are detected above health and safety plan action levels (HASP page 8), work will be temporarily discontinued and DOE, Boeing, and DTSC will be contacted. Site work will not resume at that location until further guidance is provided by DOE or Boeing. Contact information is in the health and safety plan. 15. If the PID indicates elevated VOCs or there is staining or discoloration evident, immediately collect VOC/1,4-dioxane and total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO) samples using EnCore samplers per Section If there is no indication of contamination, collect the required number of Encore samplers for TPH-GRO analysis (if required by Table 1 of the FSP Addendum), then collect soil from the target interval as stated in the FSP Addendum Table 1, and place into glass jars using disposable plastic spoons or knives. 17. Wipe sealed jars with a clean Kimwipe or paper towel. 18. Fill out the sample label with the appropriate sample information (e.g., sample identification, date/time of sample collection, requested analyses per Table 1 of FSP Addendum) and attach to sample container. 19. Place sample containers in zip-top plastic bags and seal the bags. Place samples in a cooler with ice to maintain a temperature of 4 C (+2 C). 20. Proceed with additional sample depth collection as required by the FSP Addendum. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 4 of 4

18 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November When sampling is complete, place cuttings back into the borehole and top off with bentonite pellets, as necessary, to bring former borehole to ground surface. Place plastic sheeting and gloves in garbage bag and transfer decontamination water to storage container as specified in SSFL SOP Decontaminate the sampling equipment according to SSFL SOP Complete the field logbook entry (SSFL SOP 8), field sample data sheet for each sample, and lithologic log (SSFL SOP 9), being sure to record all relevant information before leaving the sample location. 24. Demobilize from sample location. 5.2 Method for Collecting Soil Samples for Volatile Organic Compound Analysis The following text contains the recommended SW-846 Test Method 5035 procedure for sampling of soil samples for volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis, which includes the EnCore Sampler Method for low-level VOC analyses. 1. When collecting grab samples for VOC analysis, it is necessary to minimize sample disturbance and minimize analyte loss. 2. Wear new, clean gloves while handling sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected to avoid cross-contamination. 3. The VOC samples shall be collected first as grab samples. EnCore samplers will be used to collect subsamples for the required analytical protocol (e.g., VOCs/1,4-dioxane and/or TPH-GRO). The VOC samples will be collected directly from the appropriate interval within the acetate sleeve in a section of staining, odor, and/or PID response, or at the target depth per the FSP Addendum Table 1. Additional DPT cores may be necessary for all analyses. 4. Once the sleeve is retrieved, quickly screen the open end of the sleeve and the sample borehole for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 5. Remove EnCore sampler and cap from package and attach T-handle to sampler body. Ensure the sampler is locked into the T-handle before sampling. 6. Push the sampler into the freshly-exposed sample in the acetate liner until the O-ring is visible within the hole on the side of the T-handle. If the O-ring is not visible within this window, then the sampler is not full. 7. Extract the sampler and wipe the sampler sides with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe so that the sampler cap can be tightly attached. 8. While locked into the T-handle, push the sampler cap on the head of the sampler with a twisting motion to secure it to the sampler body. 9. Remove the sampler from the T-handle and rotate the sampler stem counterclockwise until the stem locks in place to retain the sample within the sampler body. 10. Repeat procedure for each of the remaining samplers. 11. When collecting soil samples using the EnCore Sampler Method, collection of soil for moisture content analysis is required. Results of the moisture analysis are used to adjust wet concentration results to dry concentrations to meet analytical method requirements. The moisture sample will be collected in a separate 4 ounce (oz.) glass jar. If only VOCs/1,4-dioxane are to be sampled at a location, following EnCore sample collection, fill one 4 oz. jar with soil from the liner in close proximity to the VOC samples for moisture analysis using a disposable plastic spoon or knife. 12. Complete the sample labels by filling in the appropriate information (i.e., sample identification, date and time of sample Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 5 of 5

19 Direct Push Technology (DPT) Sampling SSFL SOP 4 Date: November 2012 collection, requested analyses [per Table 1 of FSP Addendum]) and securing the label to the container. 13. Store samples at 4 C (±2 C) until samples are delivered to the FTL or sample coordinator (per SSFL SOP 10) for sample packing and shipment (per SSFL SOP 11) to the designated analytical laboratory. Encore samplers must be shipped and delivered to the analytical laboratory for extraction within 48 hours. 14. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP 12. Note: A water trip blank will be included with sample coolers containing VOC samples. 5.3 Method for Collecting Samples for Nonvolatile Organic or Inorganic Compound Analyses The requirements for collecting samples of subsurface soil for nonvolatile organic or inorganic analyses are as follows: 1. Wear new, clean gloves while handling sample containers and sampling devices. Change out gloves at each sampling location, or each time a new sample is to be collected to avoid cross-contamination. 2. The non-voc samples will be collected after VOCs; a separate sampler with acetate liner will likely be needed. Collect the sample from a 6-inch section from the appropriate interval within the acetate sleeve in a section of staining, odor, or PID response, or at the target depth per the FSP Addendum. Before sampling, quickly screen the length of the acetate liner for VOCs and radioactivity (SSFL SOPs 6 and 7). 3. Using a decontaminated stainless steel or plastic spoon or trowel, scoop soil from the acetate liner (from the 6-inch target interval) into the required glass sample jars. 4. Wipe the sample containers with a clean paper towel or Kimwipe to remove any residual soil from the sample container surface. 5. Fill out the sample label with the appropriate sample information (e.g., sample identification, date/time of sample collection, requested analyses per FSP Addendum Table 1, and attach to sample jar(s). 6. Place sample containers in individual zip-top plastic bags and seal the bags. Place baggies onto ice in an insulated cooler to maintain at 4 C (±2 C) until samples are delivered to the FTL or sample coordinator (per SSFL SOP10) for sample packing and shipment (per SSFL SOP 11) to the designated analytical laboratory. 7. Decontaminate all non-disposable sampling equipment in accordance with SSFL SOP Method for Surface Soil Collection by Direct Push Technology Collection of surface soil samples with the Direct Push Technology (DPT) is allowed when hard soil conditions prevent collection via slide hammer. The following text contains the recommended procedure for sampling Follow steps 1 thru 7 under SOP 4 paragraph 5.0 (Procedures) prior to sampling. Assembly 1. Assemble the sampling device (sampler) as follows: Screw the cutting shoe to the bottom end of the sampler, unless using standard probe drive sampler which has a builtin cutting edge. Screw the piston tip onto the piston rod. Screw the drive head onto the top end of the sampler. Insert a stainless steel sleeve (5 ¾ inches x 1 ¾ inches each) into the sampler. Slide the piston rod into the sample tube, leaving the piston tip sticking out of the bottom end of the sampler. Screw the piston stop-pin onto the top end of the piston rod in a counter-clockwise direction. Technical Standard Operating Procedures Page 6 of 6