Diana Plesovs, Senior Planner

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1 8. DEFERRED RESIDENTIAL ZONES: WAIMAKARIRI DISTRICT PLAN General Manager responsible: General Manager Strategy & Planning, DDI Officer responsible: Liveable City Manger Author: Diana Plesovs, Senior Planner PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to lodge the attached submissions (Appendix 1) opposing potential development of Area A - (North Kaiapoi, east of Old Main North Road, 93 ha), and Area E (North Kaiapoi, west of the Northern Motorway, 59 ha) (see Appendices 2 and 3). The Plan Changes propose a two stage process to full residential rezoning, with a Deferred Residential 2 zoning implemented through this Plan Change. The second stage will be a Residential 2 zone where an Outline Development Plan and servicing details have been confirmed. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. The concerns revolve around the following points: 3. Area A - Development is proposed within the area outlined and dotted in Appendix 2, and in particular on the south-east side of the dashed line representing the 50 Ldn dba Average Noise Exposure Contour for Christchurch International Airport. The contour is designed to protect the airport from noise sensitive activities such as residential development. Development within the airport noise contour would be inconsistent with policies and development across the territorial boundary with Christchurch City. This noise contour has recently been endorsed through the Environment Court, and is now in the operative City Plan. Protection of the Airport Noise Contours is also a fundamental issue in developing the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy. 4. Development within the airport noise contour has the known potential to create significant nuisance for residents. Christchurch International Airport is a very significant economic activity within both the city and the region, which needs to be protected, therefore this development potential should be opposed. 5. The Proposed Plan Change may be inconsistent with the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy and should be deferred until that strategy has been adopted. 6. Areas A and E - Adverse traffic effects from increased residential development will also have significant adverse effects on residential development, and create cumulative adverse effects within the city, with congestion on the Waimakariri River bridge, the Northern Motorway, Cranford Street, Marshland Road etc, as Christchurch still remains a focus for employment, entertainment and retailing for outlying settlements and rural residential development. It is estimated that the land to be rezoned could support approximately 1,500 households at full development. 7. The City Council is already opposing a Section 293 development of 93 ha at Belfast solely on the grounds of traffic congestion. While the Section 32 report accompanying the Plan Changes state the traffic assessment has not raised any significant issues at this point, it is hard to see how these developments would not cause similar effects, given that the majority of residents in Waimakariri District commute to Christchurch for employment. Therefore these matters should be highlighted. 8. While further growth in Waimakariri District is likely to be required, this has sub-regional implications. Further growth should therefore be conditional on securing improved access capacity such as the Northern Arterial within the city boundary, to protect present and committed levels of service, and or, the development of further employment opportunities in or around Kaiapoi.

2 9. Area E - development is proposed within the area outlined and dotted in Appendix 3. Although the Section 32 cost benefit analysis considers the area linking to the balance of Kaiapoi Township is adequate via the existing overpass and underpass, there are no details on the integration of Area E with the bulk of Kaiapoi. The Proposed Plan Change does not provide a basis for considering sustainable urban design of such a new growth area, including integrated movement networks, public transport, social, community and environmental factors for rezoning or subdivision. Most of the area appears to be outside a reasonable walking distance to existing facilities in Kaiapoi. The type of development proposed is also contrary to the design principles being developed through the Urban Development Strategy, and the Council should seek to address these prior to any Plan Change being approved. 10. Consideration of development is also premature while airport noise contours are currently being remodelled by Christchurch International Airport in response to appeals on the Selwyn District Plan. Protection of the airport noise contour is also a fundamental issue in developing the Urban Development Strategy. It is possible that following the new modelling, Area E may be affected by the noise contours. 11. It is noted that there was virtually no consultation with the Christchurch City Council in the preparation of the Plan Changes as required by the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act. 12. Waimakariri District, along with the other partners, has been instrumental in the development of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy. The emergence of these Plan Changes so close to the release of the strategy is unfortunate, particularly as some of the principles that have been emerging over the past few months are not reflected in the design, location or intended timing of the area s development. While the GCUDS does not have any legal status at present, the Waimakariri District Council has promoted these Plan Changes; it is therefore disappointing that the Plan Changes are not better aligned. The strategy will be well and truly out once the Proposed Plan Changes are being considered, and it is therefore appropriate that the Council should be encouraged to review the Proposed Plan Changes in light of the UDS once it is out, and seek to bring the principles, timing, and nature of the current proposal into line with the wider planning document. FINANCIAL AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS 13. Complaints about noise from residential landowners within the 50 Ldn dba airport noise contour would have significant adverse effects on the Christchurch and regional economies. 14. Further congestion on the roading network will have both tangible and intangible costs in terms of delays, carbon emissions, and increased and possible unplanned transport route improvements. Increased demand will accelerate declines in the Council s agreed levels of service to the community and possibly increase pressure on the Council to upgrade the city s infrastructure. 15. The RMA requires a robust Section 32 cost-benefit-analysis. Those accompanying the Proposed Plan Changes contain insufficient detail for a detailed assessment of effects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council lodge submissions on Proposed Plan Change 17 (Area A), and Proposed Plan Change 19 (Area E), opposing the plan change on the following grounds: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) adverse effects on Christchurch International Airport; traffic congestion and lack of capacity; the Proposed Plan Changes are premature with the impending release of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy; and the lack of integrated planning of new residential areas.

3 options 16. List of options: 17. CCC lodges submissions in opposition to the above matters, seeking withdrawal of the Plan Change 17, Area A and withdrawal of Proposed Plan Change 19, Area E, or In the alternative, seek amendments to Plan Change 17, Area A: Delete the area that falls within the 50 Ldn dba airport noise contour from the Plan Change. Associated text and planning maps from rezoning deferred residential. Defer development of the area outside the 50 Ldn dba airport noise contour until after the Northern Arterial is constructed or other improvements are made to the roading network in Christchurch City to increase roading capacity. Postpone the Plan Change until the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy has been prepared and adopted and the relevant parts incorporated into the regional and district planning documents, and In the alternative, seek amendments to Plan Change 19, Area E: Defer development of the area until after the Northern Arterial is constructed or other improvements are made to the roading network in Christchurch City to increase roading capacity. Defer development until the outcome of the remodelled airport noise contours is known and adopted. Defer the Plan Change until such time as the Waimakariri District Plan provides a basis for considering sustainable urban design of such growth areas, including integrated movement networks, public transport, social, community and environmental factors for the rezoning and or subdivision of the area, or Postpone the Plan Change until the greater Christchurch urban Development Strategy has been prepared and adopted, and the relevant parts incorporated into the regional and district planning documents. 18. CCC does nothing. The Plan Changes and development may occur anyway. PREFERRED OPTION 19. The preferred option is 5.1, in withdrawing the Plan Changes, to promote consistency with the City Plan in respect of restricting development under the 50 Ldn dba airport noise contour, in minimising the adverse effects of traffic on capacity and levels of service on the city s roading network, alignment with the principles of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy, and the lack of integrated planning of new residential areas.

4 ASSESSMENT OF OPTIONS 20. Withdraw the proposed Plan Changes (The Preferred Option) Benefits (current and future) Costs (current and future) Social Residents will not be exposed to an Restricted growth options in Kaiapoi. unnecessary level of noise; less congestion on roads in the city. There are other opportunities for growth in the Waimakariri District. Cultural Environmental Limits cumulative effects of traffic congestion, pollution; minimises complaints from residents living under 50 Ldn dba airport noise contour. Consistent with principles of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy. Economic Less pressure on CCC and Transit New Zealand for roading improvements. Restricts growth options. Demand for land will still need to be met. Extent to which community outcomes are achieved: This would achieve a Prosperous City, where we have a strong economy based on a range of successful and innovative businesses, and, an attractive and well designed City with well designed transport networks. Impact on Council s capacity and responsibilities: Effects on Maori: Consistency with existing Council policies: Consistent with City Plan policies on Urban Growth. Views and preferences of persons affected or likely to have an interest: Christchurch International Airport Ltd, Environment Canterbury and Transit NZ are also likely to oppose these Plan Changes. Other relevant matters:

5 21. Proceed with Proposed Plan Changes (not the preferred option) Social Benefits (current and future) Provides housing opportunities and choice Costs (current and future) Complaints from future residents Cultural Environmental None Additional unplanned traffic congestion. Residential environment will be compromised for future residents. Inconsistent with the principles of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy. Economic Development in Kaiapoi Adverse effects on Christchurch International Airport, the City s roading network Extent to which community outcomes are achieved: Not achieved in the city. Impact on Council s capacity and responsibilities: Congestion on the city s roading network, adverse effects on Christchurch International Airport. Should the Plan Changes proceed, there will be impacts on the city s transport network and levels of service. Effects on Maori: Consistency with existing Council policies: Inconsistent with City Plan policies on Urban Growth. Views and preferences of persons affected or likely to have an interest: Christchurch International Airport Ltd, Environment Canterbury and Transit NZ are also likely to oppose these Plan Changes. Other relevant matters: