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1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR THE Mazda Dealership and Future Dealership Project Master Case No , Tentative Parcel Map No , Design Review No Prepared for: City of Fontana Community Development Department Planning Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California May 2018


3 Mazda Dealership& Future Dealership INTRODUCTION This Mitigation Monitoring and Report Program (MMRP) Mazda Dealership and Future Dealership Project has been prepared pursuant Section of the Public Resources Code and Section of the CEQA Guidelines. These sections apply when the public agency makes findings required under CEQA [Section 15091(a)] relative to an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in conjunction with approving a project. In order to ensure that mitigation measures identified in the proposed project's CEQA Initial Study are implemented, the public agency shall adopt a program for monitoring and/or reporting on the measures it has imposed and the revisions that it has required in the project to mitigate or avoid potential significant environmental effects. A public agency may delegate reporting or monitoring responsibilities to another public agency or to a private entity that accepts the delegation; however, until mitigation measures have been completed, the lead agency remains responsible for ensuring that implementation of the mitigation measures occurs in accordance with the MMRP. The public agency may choose whether its program will monitor mitigation, report on mitigation, or both. "Reporting" generally consists of a written compliance review that is presented to the decision making body or authorized staff person. A report may be required at various stages project implementation or upon completion of the mitigation measure. "Monitoring" is generally an ongoing or periodic process of project oversight. There is often no clear distinction between monitoring and reporting and the program best suited to ensuring compliance in any given instance usually involves elements of both. Reporting and monitoring are suited to all but the simplest projects. Monitoring ensures that project compliance is checked on a regular basis and, if necessary, after implementation. Reporting ensures that the approving agency is informed of compliance with mitigation requirements. Therefore, this program consists of both monitoring and reporting requirements. This MMRP lists all applicable mitigation measures from the Initial Study Checklist. The method of verification, timing of implementation and responsible party are identified to ensure proper enforcement of the mitigation measures from the Initial Study - Environmental Checklist (IS) to reduce project impacts to less than significant levels. This information is set forth within the following matrix pages. City of Fontana 1 May 2018

4 AIR QUALITY Construction Source Emissions (Required by South Coast Air Quality Management District 2016 Air Quality Management Plan) AQ-1 During, require the use of 2010 and newer diesel haul trucks (e.g., material delivery trucks and soil import/export). If the Lead Agency determines that 2010 model year or newer diesel trucks cannot be obtained, the Lead Agency shall instead requires the use of trucks that meet EPA 2007 model year NOx emissions requirements. Process, City Inspections (s) AQ-2 Require all on-site equipment to meet the following: All off road diesel-powered equipment greater than 50 hp shall meet the Tier 4 emission standards, where available. In addition, all equipment shall be outfitted with BACT devices certified by CARB. Any emissions control device used by the contractor shall achieve emissions reductions that are no less than what could be achieved by a Level 3 diesel emissions control strategy for a similarly sized engine as defined by CARB regulations. A copy of each unit s certified tier specification, BACT documentation, and CARB or SCAQMD operating permit shall be provided at the time of mobilization of each applicable unit of equipment. Encourage contractors to apply for SCAQMD SOON funding incentives. The SOON program provides funds to accelerate the clean up of off-road diesel vehicles, such as heavy duty equipment. More information on this program can be found at the following website: ttp:// Process, City Inspections (s) City of Fontana 2

5 AQ-3 AQ-4 AQ-5 AQ-6 AQ-7 Prohibit vehicles and equipment from idling longer than five minutes at the site by including these restrictions in the company contract(s) and by posting signs on-site, unless the exceptions in the CARB regulations which pertain to idling requirements are applicable. All on-road heavy-duty diesel trucks or equipment with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 19,500 pounds or greater shall comply with EPA 2007 on-road emission standards for PM and NOx (0.01 gram per brake horsepower - hour (g/bhp-hr) and at least 0.2 g/bhp-hr, respectively). Maintain equipment tuned up and with two to four degree retard diesel engine timing or tuned to manufacturer's recommended specifications that optimize emissions without nullifying engine warranties. The project proponent shall survey and document the proposed project s areas and identify all areas that are served by electricity. Onsite electricity, rather than temporary power generators, shall be used in all areas that are demonstrated to be served by electricity. Provide temporary traffic controls such as a flag person, all phases of significant activity to maintain smooth traffic flow. Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) City of Fontana 3

6 AQ-8 AQ-9 Provide dedicated turn lanes movement of trucks and equipment on- and off-site. Re-route trucks away from congested streets or sensitive receptor areas. Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections AQ-10 Improve traffic flow by signal synchronization. Process and Traffic Engineering Department. AQ-11 Reduce traffic speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 mph or less. Process, City Inspections AQ-12 Prohibit truck idling in excess of five minutes, on- and offsite. Process, City Inspections (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) City of Fontana 4

7 AQ-13 AQ-14 AQ-15 AQ-16 AQ-17 Schedule activities that affect traffic flow on the arterial system to off-peak hours to the extent practicable. Suspend all excavating and grading operations when wind speeds (as instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. Suspend all activities that generate air pollutant emissions first stage smog alerts. Configure parking to minimize traffic interference. Use alternative clean fueled off-road equipment or give extra points in the bidding process for contractors committing to use such equipment. Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) City of Fontana 5

8 AQ-18 AQ-19 AQ-20 AQ-21 Require covering of all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit the site onto paved roads or wash off trucks and any equipment leaving the site for each trip. Apply non-toxic soil stabilizers according to manufacturers specifications to all inactive areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as possible to minimize dust. Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections Process, City Inspections AQ-22 Pave road and road shoulders, where applicable. Process, City Inspections (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) City of Fontana 6

9 AQ-23 Sweep streets at the end of the day with SCAQMD Rule 1186 and compliant sweepers if visible soil is carried onto adjacent public paved roads (recommend water sweepers with reclaimed water). Process, City Inspections (s) Project Mitigation Measures AQ-24 Apply SCAQMD Rule 403 Measures: Control of particulate emissions from activities is best controlled through the requirements contained in SCAQMD s Rule 403, Tables 1 and 2. The measures contained in these tables are presented as an option to air quality monitoring in Rule 403. It contains measures such as maintaining adequate moisture content in the soil, watering grading areas, establishing ground cover inactive areas and watering unpaved roads. It also identifies additional measures that are applied high wind conditions. The mitigation measure, therefore, is to require that the measures contained in Table 1 and 2 of Rule 403 be utilized. This potentially results in a much higher reduction of particulate emissions than if the air monitoring option contained in Rule 403 was employed. The measure would be triggered prior to the granting of the first grading permit. Process, City Inspections (s) AQ-25 Reduce equipment emissions by implementing the following measures. The following measures should be implemented when feasible. They should be included in improvement Use low emission mobile equipment. Process, City Inspections (s) City of Fontana 7

10 AQ-26 AQ-27 AQ-28 Maintain equipment engines by keeping them tuned. Use low sulfur fuel for stationary equipment. This is required by SCAQMD Rules and Utilize existing power sources (i.e., power poles) when feasible. This measure would minimize the use of higher polluting gas or diesel generators. Configure parking to minimize traffic interference. Minimize obstruction of through-traffic lanes. When feasible, should be planned so that lane closures on existing streets are kept to a minimum. Schedule operations affecting traffic for off-peak hours. Develop a traffic plan to minimize traffic flow interference from activities (the plan may include advance public notice of routing, use of public transportation and satellite parking areas with a shuttle service. Provide adequate ingress and egress at all entrances to provide adequate stacking distance to minimize vehicle idling. Improve thermal integrity of the buildings and reduce thermal load with automated time clocks and/or occupant sensors. Install energy efficient showroom, service area and parking lot lighting. for the for the for the City of Fontana 8

11 AQ-29 AQ-30 AQ-31 Landscape with native drought-resistant species to reduce water consumption and to provide passive solar benefits. Provide lighter color roofing and road materials and tree planning programs to comply with the AQMP Miscellaneous Sources measures. Introduce window glazing, wall insulation, and efficient ventilation methods, as required by the Uniform Building Code. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES B-1: Between three (3) and seven (7) days prior to commencement of vegetation clearance, the site and a buffer zone of 100 feet around the site shall be surveyed by a qualified biologist for nests containing viable eggs or nestlings. Such surveys are only necessary if vegetation clearance is to take place the breeding season, which is typically defined as 1 March to 1 September. If any active nests are found, -related activities shall be postponed until all young have fledged and are no longer dependent on the adults. CULTURAL RESOURCES C-1: If any buried cultural materials are encountered earthmoving operations associated with the project, all work in that area should be halted or diverted until City staff is notified and a qualified archaeologist can evaluate the nature and significance of the finds. Review and approval of a qualified biologist report that there are no nests containing viable eggs or nestlings within 100 feet of the project site if vegetation clearance occurs between March 1st through September 1st, by the City of Fontana Building Plan Check City Grading Inspectors shall ensure if any buried cultural materials are encountered earth-moving operations associated with the project, all work in that area should be halted or diverted until a qualified archaeologist can evaluate the nature issuance of a and prior to any clearing or grubbing of vegetation within the project site. Ongoing grading operations Landscape Architect for the Landscape Architect and Architect for the Architect for the City of Fontana Grading Inspectors and Project's Grading City of Fontana Grading Inspectors and Project's Grading City of Fontana 9

12 C-2: If human remains are encountered within the project site the Coroner s Division of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department must be contacted within 24-hours of the find, and all work shall be halted until a clearance is provided by that office (175 South Lena Road, San Bernardino, CA ; 909/ ). Should the Coroner determine the human remains to be Native American, the State of California Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted (1550 Harbor Boulevard, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95691; 916/ ). C-3 A Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)-qualified archeologist approved by the City of Fontana shall be present to monitor the first two (2) days of site preparation/ grubbing; the first two (2) days of mass grading; and the first two (2) days of utility trenching. Such monitoring activities may be reduced or terminated depending on the findings and recommendations of the archeologist. In the event that prehistoric or historic cultural resources are uncovered these activities, all work in the immediate vicinity shall stop, Tribes that initiated consultation through the AB52 process shall be notified, the archaeologist shall evaluate the find and create a Cultural Resource Management Plan (CRMP), all in coordination with the consulting Tribes and the City of Fontana. and significance of the finds. Fontana building inspectors shall verify that a qualified archeologist approved by the City of Fontana shall be present to monitor the first two (2) days of site preparation/ grubbing; the first two (2) days of mass grading; and the first two (2) days of utility trenching unless sch monitoring activities are reduced or terminated depending on the findings and recommendations of the archeologist. Ongoing grading operation. Ongoing grading operation. Grading for the Grading for the HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY H/WQ-1 As a standard condition of approval, and prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever comes first, the City shall approve a Final Water Quality Review and approval of the final WQMP by the City of Fontana Building Plan Check issuance of a grading permit or City of Fontana Development Advisory City of Fontana 10

13 H/WQ-2 Management Plan (WQMP) proposed project. The final plan and programs shall address maintaining water quality and meeting waste discharge requirements. It shall set forth best management practices (BMPs) that mitigate erosion and minimize storm water discharges from the project site project operation of the enhanced amphitheater. issuance of a the project shall obtain approval of sewer plans and a wastewater discharge permit from the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) for sewer service. NOISE AND VIBRATION Construction Noise N-1: N-2: All noise generating activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 AM. and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday and 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays, and at no time on Sundays and holidays. During site excavation and grading on-site, contractors shall equip all equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturer standards. Review and approval of the final sewer plans and verification of waste discharge permit from the IEUA by the City of Fontana Building Plan Check City Building Inspectors shall regularly inspect project activities to ensure that all activities are limited to approved hours and days of operation. City Building Inspectors shall regularly inspect project activities to ensure that all activities are limited to approved hours and days of operation, and that haul routes avoid passing through residential areas and other sensitive land uses. building permit, whichever comes first. issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever comes first. Ongoing all phased project activities. Ongoing activities. Board and/or Building Plan Check City of Fontana Building Plan Check s for activities, and City Inspectors. s for activities, and City Inspectors. City of Fontana 11

14 N-3: The contractor shall place all stationary equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the project site. City Building Inspectors shall regularly inspect project activities to ensure that all stationary equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise sensitive receptors nearest the project site. Ongoing activities s for activities, and City Inspectors. N-4 The contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that will create the greatest distance between -related noise/vibration sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site This distance shall be at least 200 feet. City Building Inspectors shall regularly inspect project activities to ensure that equipment staging are located in areas that will create the greatest distance between -related noise/vibration sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site, and that the distance is a minimum of 200 feet. Ongoing activities s for activities, and City Inspectors. N-5 For the duration of activities, the manager shall serve as the contact person should noise levels become disruptive to local residents. A sign shall be posted at the project site with the contact phone number. City Building Inspectors shall confirm that a sign of proper dimensions has been posted on the project site that contains the grading manager's contact number for potential noise issues. initiation of grading. s for activities, and City Inspectors. City of Fontana 12

15 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Water Consumption U/SS-1 As a standard condition of approval, all new faucets and toilets installed in the RV storage facility office building shall utilize low-flow fixtures that would reduce indoor water demand by 20% per CalGreen Standards. Applicant, or Applicant's Architect. U/SS-2 As a standard condition of approval, a water-efficient irrigation system shall be installed for all proposed landscaped areas. Applicant, or Applicant's Landscape Architect. Solid Waste Disposal U/SS-3 As a standard condition of approval, the project applicant shall be required to implement recycling programs that reduces waste to landfills by a minimum of 50 percent (up to 75% by 2020 per AB 341). issuance of a use and occupancy permit. City of Fontana 13