Audi%ng and Verifica%on of an ISO Energy Management System. Ian Boylan

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2 Audi%ng and Verifica%on of an ISO Energy Management System Ian Boylan

3 Audi%ng & Verifica%on Audi%ng for effec%veness Verifica%on of savings & verifica%on of the ac%on plan. EnPI non- conformances? Baseline establishment and adjustments Auditor competence and independence Developing competence in- house


5 Management System Audits Does it comply? Does your system comply with the requirements of the interna%onal standard Do you do what you say you do Is it effec%vely implemented and maintained Is it working FOR you.

6 Internal & external Audits When you have your system in place the external assessor will assess compliance You know your place of work beyer than they do You know your system beyer than they do You know your processes beyer than they do They should push the boundaries, challenging you to see do you have an effec%ve system and to see if you deserve cer%fica%on to an interna%onal standard But you are beyer placed to challenge your own processes, systems of work etc.

7 Evidence Records of what has happened Discussions with various persons (cross check) Does the paper records reflect the opinions on the ground Does it all give the same storey? Is it in line with the energy policy in rela%on to energy? A procedure that you are told is implemented is not evidence.

8 Good Audit Outcomes Recogni%on of opportuni%es to improve energy consump%on within the organisa%on not previously iden%fied Iden%fy changes to help people to do their job with the same or improved energy efficiency but other benefits to the organisa%on such as reduced bureaucracy, reduc%on in duplica%on, clearer understanding of what is happening. If audits are a chore with no posi%ve outcomes your audit focus probably needs adjustment

9 Effec%ve Internal Audits Effec%ve internal audits typically iden%fy energy opportuni%es but also some%mes conflicts that we did not think of when developing our approach to implementa%on. Improvement means change, do not be at all reluctant to modify your approach where jus%fied A good internal audit does not necessarily mean lost of iden%fied non- conformances, but if you never spot any, is it that they don t exist, or that you are not checking for them.

10 Where to focus Focus on significance The areas of the your facility that uses the most energy More poten%al savings to be iden%fied The areas of the management system that have the higher risk of going wrong, or being done incorrectly Correct bad prac%ces or correct the system to make it beyer aligned to organisa%on


12 Verifica%on In the management system there are a number of things that should be verified. Some are explicit, some are implicit. For the ac%on plan Verifica%on of the improvement in energy performance Verifica%on of the results of the ac%on plan Other Verifica%on Are the energy performance indicators appropriate and in use

13 Verify improvement in energy performance Typically for each element of the ac%on Did it work How are we sure it worked Always Remember There are always successes and failures Some are complete and some are par%al People promote success and do not promote failure Because you are told something works to save energy, and someone else has done it does not mean it works

14 Verify Ac%on Plan Aim is to ensure we did not waste our money and %me, not to pin blame Improved knowledge of what works (and doesn t) is con%nuous improvement SOMETIMES this involves establishing a baseline of energy use before project implementa%on (oden linked to a driver/ key variable) Implemen%ng project Measuring energy use ader Savings (avoided energy) is the difference between before (baseline) and ader (measured) energy use

15 Verify ac%on plan components Some%mes verifica%on that elements of the ac%on plan worked doesn t require a very technical evalua%on Consider the element of the ac%on plan that says that we will insulate/ re- insulate the main steam line between two buildings Verify the insula%on is in place Verify the insula%on is working (some choices) External surface is cold (back of my hand) No hot spots (thermal image camera over the pipe to verify no hot- spots due to faulty installa%on) Verifica%on that parts of the ac%on plan work does not always require (or jus%fy) measurement of energy

16 Verifica%on Verifica%on must add value Maximising savings improved knowledge of what works (and doesn t) Don t make the same mistake twice Cost Benefit

17 Verify results of Ac%on Plan To verify the results of the ac%on plan we need to know what the objec%ve of the ac%on plan was. If the ac%on plan objec%ve was to save X amount of energy we must verify this. Energy use in baseline energy used post implementa%on = avoided energy If the ac%on plan objec%ve was to save X amount of money we must verify this. Energy saved (avoided) * cost of energy = avoided cost Similar approach to verify carbon savings

18 Verify results of ac%on plan Whole facility approach [IPMVP Op%on C] Energy use before implementa%on of the ac%on plan (historical use) used to develop the ac%on plan Typically energy use related via an equa%on to a key variable/ driver Gas usage in building linked to how cold the weather is (degree days) Electricity and thermal fuel use in a dairy manufacturing plant linked to produc%on throughput (milk)

19 Evidence This is what has occurred in the past Produc%on [T] Energy [kwh] January February March April May June July August September October November December

20 ScaYer Chart Energy v/s Produc2on Energy [kwh] Produc2on [T]

21 Key Variable It looks like energy is largely driven by produc%on Not always as clear cut as this Some%mes more than one key variable/ driver Sta%s%cal analysis can help to determine if variable adds value (Student t- Sta%s%c)

22 Determine the baseline energy v/s produc2on (key variable) y = x R² = Energy [kwh] Produc2on [T]

23 Outliers There are 3 points that appear not to conform with the others. Consider the plot without them Sta%s%cs helps in deciding if something is an outlier or not, the number of standard devia%ons from the mean. Some%mes there are really 2 data sets (2 shid/ 3 shid), consider separate baselines Some%mes the baseline is not a straight line (cau%on)

24 Improvement? Energy v/s Produc2on (key variable) y = x R² = Energy [kwh] Produc2on [T]

25 Removal of outliers Now 99.73% of varia%on in energy consump%on can be explained by varia%on in produc%on Only consider removal of outliers when you can understand and jus%fy removal Eg in the months of April, May and June the factory was trialling a new product and it has been decided NOT to proceed with this product manufacture (not representa%ve of factory now so remove)

26 Verify results of ac%on plan Ader implementa%on of ac%on plan we record the energy consump%on and the values of the key variables (degree days/ milk throughput) Use the informa%on about the key variables to determine what the energy use WOULD HAVE BEEN had the ac%on plan not being implemented Subtract from this value the actual energy consump%on Difference is energy savings (avoided energy)

27 Baseline period v/s post improvement: Action plan or project { Baseline Period Reporting Period 1,000,000 Baseline + Adjustments Energy 750, ,000 Savings 250,000 Metered Energy The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

28 Baseline adjustment Something that you can almost predict with certainty is that there will be some changes in the opera%on of the facility going forward. Weather (HDD) may have been the main variable affec%ng energy use and we may have set the baseline rela%ng to weather (HDD) alone but if the produc%on ac%vity increases 50% or we put an extension on the building the baseline will need to be adjusted based correctly on engineering judgement not based on the new energy use.

29 Verify Results of ac%on plan Alterna%ve approach Some%mes the baseline shows no CLEAR rela%onship between the energy used and poten%al key variables Eg Medical devices/ pharmaceu%cal manufacturing where energy is largely used for space condi%oning and there are a number of compe%ng variables affec%ng energy use weather (HDD), weather (humidity), occupancy (par%cle genera%on), produc%on throughput (heat build up in space)

30 Baseline Where a clear baseline cannot be established, verifica%on of savings using a whole facility basis is not viable and does not add value In this case we go back to Retrofit Isola%on [IPMVP Op%on A or B or similar] to verify savings for the individual projects, on a project by project basis (some%mes grouped maybe within a building or system)

31 Verify Ac%on Plan Savings Savings delivered by the ac%on plan is the sum of the savings delivered by the individual projects (verified) IPMVP Op%on B requires measurement of energy and all key variables affec%ng energy use IPMVP Op%on A requires measurement of energy and the key variable affec%ng energy use, and allows assump%ons to be used. (kw energy savings from new lights * assumed hours of opera%on = kwh saved)

32 Verify results of ac%on plan Does NOT require full IPMVP applica%on Some%mes energy savings can be verified within required level of accuracy by verifying the assump%ons made during the calcula%ons of the energy savings poten%al at the %me of ac%on plan element proposal.

33 Back to the insula%on project We es%mated the savings of 150,000 kwh thermal energy savings from insula%ng the steam pipe on the basis that there was 150m of pipe of X diameter and the insula%on would reduce the temperature of the pipe surface from 160 deg C to 35 deg C, the typical hea%ng degree days and a boiler efficiency of 80% If we verify the external surface temperature is less than 35 degc, the length and diameter of the pipe is the same as es%mated (check insula%on used if required) and our boiler EnPI verifies the boiler efficiency then we can consider the savings verified if we are sure that the calcula%on is correct.


35 Energy Performance Indicators Purpose To verify that the energy used by our areas of significant energy use is appropriate How do we assess if it is appropriate Some%mes there is a relevant benchmark to refer to, eg manufacturers stated efficiency performance Some%mes we need to relate it to historical energy use, checking that there is no apparent high levels of waste energy use

36 Assess EnPI s Typically iden%fied in the planning stage in the review of real of significant energy use Organisa%on should be in a posi%on to say why they feel the EnPI is use is appropriate External assessor may not always agree. The organisa%on may decide that kwh electricity used in air compressor per litre of compressed air delivered is an appropriate EnPI The assessor may point out that as leakage on the compressed air system increases, the EnPI will typically improve as the compressor gets loaded more towards design (fixed speed compressor) but more energy wasted. Possible compromise assess also typical compressed air used per week/ month in addi%on to EnPI in place (or establish new EnPI)

37 Monitoring EnPI s Assessment of EnPI shows that expected performance in a par%cular day/ week/ month was not as expected Should this be a non- conformance? The organisa%on decides the appropriate approach.

38 Why and Why not? Non- conformance raised brings a par%cular focus on the system, people inclined to respond more urgently due to the added focus, issue resolved faster, energy use improved faster (Posi%ve) Non conformance raised when there may be a well jus%fied reason for the EnPI decline (no real fault), added focus may cause percep%on people not doing their job, and added bureaucracy in response, resul%ng in the EnPI target level being adjusted to ensure that non- conformance does not occur again, less focus now on energy use as weaker EnPI target level (Nega%ve)


40 Auditor Competence and Independence Who is Competent What is competence a combina%on of Educa%on, Training Skills Experience Competence is not simply established by a person doing a course, or passing an external exam.

41 Evidence Competence is an evidence driven ac%vity If I review an organisa%on energy consump%on and iden%fy lots of energy opportuni%es that exist and they have not been iden%fied as part of the energy review process, I have reason to believe that either the planning and review undertaken was not given adequate focus and or the individuals doing it were not competent to undertake the task assigned. Conversely if it largely meets the requirements and most of the opportuni%es have been iden%fied I have no reason to suspect any issues in rela%on to competence.

42 Competence The team responsible for carrying out the audit must be capable of understanding and assessing the energy use of and issues rela%ng to the energy use of the area of facility/ system/ plant under audit They must also be independent not responsible for the area/ plant/ system under audit, nor manage the person that does A team can be one person


44 How to Develop Competence Competence can be developed by training coupled with experience mentored by a competent person An external individual will never know as much about, nor be as well placed to challenge aspects of opera%on of your plant (but maybe feel less constrained in what they can raise) Outsourcing the func%on should only be short term with a goal of ownership of all ac%vi%es


46 Thank you & Safe Home