पय र वरण सद य थत अहव ल २०११-१२: मल न स रण

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1 पय र वरण सद य थत अहव ल २०११-१२: मल न स रण २२ ऑग ट २०१२ र प ल घ ट GreenEarth Social Development Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (स डप ण व यव थ पन च य न ल त स ठ ) Page 1 of 11

2 पय र वरण सद य थत अहव ल २०११-१२ - टप पण ब. ५ मल न स रण प न ब. ३१-३.१.४ उच च दज र च य न गर स वध प ण शहर त ल व वध मल न स रण बय क द व र जवळप स ७०% म ल प ण य वर बय क ल ज त. जर ७०% म ल प ण य वर बय क ल ज त असल तर द ख ल उजन धरण च य आज ब ज च ज ग व (द ड, इ द प र, अगद स ल प र पयर त) य प ण य वर अवल ब न आह त, त य न य प ण य च व पर श त स ठ स द ध करत य त न ह. क वळ शहर त ल घ ण ( बय न करत च) शहर च य हद द ब ह र ट क न शहर च पय र वरण म ळ त न स ध रत न ह ह मह प लक त ल तज ञ पय र वरणव द य न कध कळण र? प न ब. ६२ ४.२.३ मल न स रण बय प ण शहर त सध य १० म ल प ण श द ध करण कल प आह त. त य च क यर क षमत ५६७ एम.एल.ड आह. १० मल न:स रण क च त य क श द ध करण क षमत दल आह. य १० मल न स रण क प क त य क क ह क ण-क णत य व डर मध ल कत ल कस ख य च य म ल प ण य वर बय करत ह नम द क ल ल न ह. शहर तल य एक ण घर प क कत टक क घर न स न ज ल ईन आह व कत टक क घर न स न ज ल ईन न ह, ह अहव ल त दल ल न ह. य च च अथर ज य ३०% ठक णह न म ल प ण श द ध क ल ज त न ह, त तस च नद त स ड न दल ज त. य च नद य वर, पय र वरण वर क य प रण म ह त य च भ न पय र वरण वभ ग ल आह क य? बर य च झ पडपट ट य़ नद च य जवळ आह त, ह य प क क ह अश आह त जथ श च लय पण न ह त. र त य वर आ ण ड गर च य उत र वर र हण र ल क पण शहर त आह त. ड गर वर, र ल व ल ईन जवळ अ तबमण कर न र हण र ल क, झ पडपट ट त र हण र ल क (ल कस ख य च य ३८%), आ ण त य तल बर च ल क उघड य वर स ड स करत त आ ण त य म ळ नद त ल ज वस ष ट ल प त ह त ज त. अहव ल त य च द ख ल उल ल ख न ह. ह य १० मल न सरण क व य त रक त बर य च स स यट य न म ल प ण क बसवल आह त. अश कत स स यट य आह त व त य न य क च क यर क षमत कत आह व सद य थत क य आह, त ह य अहव ल त नम द क ल ल न ह. तस च य च य म ळ मल न स रण क वरच त ण कत कम ह त, ह Page 2 of 11

3 स गतल न ह. ह य स स य़ट य बय क ल ल स डप ण / म ल प ण च प ढ क य करत त Ð नद त स डत त क प नव र पर करत त? जर वक त म ल प ण श द ध करण स व यव थतपण च लत अस ल तर म ठ य म ण वर र बव यल क ह च हरकत न ह. पण सत य आ ण स य ग य अस एक ह उप य अहव ल त त त क ल ल न ह. प ण शहर त बह द दर ग र व र व ज प रवठ ख डत क ल ज त. अश दवश मल न स रण बय थ बत क च ल र हत? जर त ख डत ह त अस ल तर त य च व ईट प रण म नद वर ह त व प ण य च य ग णवत त च अवम ल यन ह त. प वस ळ य त प ण य च ज र व ढत त य व ळ मल न स रण बय वर त ण पडत क? त य व ळ क य उप यय जन क ल ज त? कत टक क म ल प ण य वर बय क ल ज त ह दल आह, पण म ल प ण क णक णत य म ग र न तस च स ड न दल ज त य ब बतच भ य अहव ल कर त न ह. सक ळच य व ळ अथ र तच मल न स रण बय वर त ण पडत, क रण सक ळच य व ळ तच सव र त ज त म ण त म ल प ण नम र ण ह त. त य व ळ अक षरश म ल प ण ओस ड न व हत असत, क रण श द ध करण बय च क षमत ओल डल ज त. उच चतम म ल प ण वसगर असत न कश क र बय त बदल घडवल प हज ज ण कर न अश द ध प ण नद त स डल ज ण र न ह, य बद दल अहव ल ब लत न ह. बय झ ल य न तर ज Ô लजÕ (sludge) नम र ण ह त, त य च वल ह व ट कश ल वल ज त ह द ख ल अहव ल त क ठ च दल ल न ह. मल न स रण ग ण कन तक त Table 1 Rating chart Data variable Unit Score range % of population catered to by % > <25 underground sewer network % Area covered for sewage % > <25 collection % of untreated sewage % < >40 Staff/1000 connections Persons > <10 Table 2 Score chart Components Parameters Parameters _wt Weight Score Weighted scores Total sewage generated Sewerage & Sanitation % of population catered to by underground sewer network Staff per 1000 connections Page 3 of 11

4 प न ब. १४८ Ð ७.१.१० १००% मल न स रण बय शहर त १० ठक ण नव य न मल न स रण क उभ रण य त य ण र आह त. ठक ण, क यर क षमत व कध पयर त क य र न वत ह ण र आह त य च स व तर म हत दल ल न ह. ह जर १००% बय करण र असत ल तर शहर च य त य भ ग च क य जथ अज न स न ज ल ईन न ह? त य भ ग च क य स य क ल आह? जर १० नव बय क य ण र आह त तर मग प न ब. १४४ मध य म हटल आह क द षत प ण ह नद त मसळ नय म हण न ग बयन क ठ त न प ईप ल ईन ट कण र तर मग ह द षत प ण क ठ न य ण र य च पष ट करण द य व? जर १००% म ल प ण य वर श द ध करण ह ण र आह तर मग ह प ईप ल ईन क ट क यच? शहर त ल सवर च य सवर (१००%) म ल प ण श द ध करण ह लवकर त लवकर झ ल च प हज. म ल प ण नद त स डल य म ळ नद च र प तर घ ण रड य न ल य मध य झ ल आह, प ण जल ह य त ल उवर रत त ल क य न व ख स कर न स ल प र जल ह य ल य च त यक ष झळ बसत आह. य म ळ नद च य आज ब ज च व त वरण खर ब ह त व द गर ध पसरत. य सवर ग ष ट च ग भ र दखल पय र वरण अहव ल घ त न ह, ह ल जरव ण ग ष ट आह. Page 4 of 11

5 स दभर स च १. 64% sewage water in Pune remains untreated: Report TNN Jun 11, 2012 PUNE: While issues of water supply in the city remains a topic of debate, a recent report by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has revealed that the city is faced with the problem of excessive water supply and generation of large volume of sewage water. The report states that around MLD (million litres per day) sewage water is generated in the city, which is 23% more the quantity estimated by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). Based on the estimates of the water supplied, it is revealed that 64% of sewage water remains untreated. The report also states that 25% of the population is not covered by the sewerage network. The findings have been mentioned in the report titled 'Excreta Matter: 7th citizen's report on the state of India's environment', published by the CSE, a Delhi based NGO working on environmental issues. The report was released in the city by noted ecologist Madhav Gadgil at a workshop on 'Water sewage challenges that Pune faces' last week. The survey divulges details about the water waste profiles of 71 Indian cities, including Pune. The report states that 15 TMC, which is the projected need of water, is lifted from the Khadakwasla dam, as against supply of 12.5 TMC by the irrigation department. The city's population has increased from 3.1 million in 2005 to 3.7 million in Thus, the demand of water has increased from 605 MLD to 1,164 MLD. There are 4,500 tubewells which have been counted, the report states. The report points out serious water quality issues in rivers. The report has also made recommendations on sewage planning. Nitya Jacob, programme director, Water, CSE, said Pune has mismanaged its water and sewage, and has landed in the current mess. "The situation is extremely serious since water supply is erratic, leading to rapid groundwater exploitation and depletion. The poor management of sewage and waste water has compounded the problem by increasing groundwater pollution as well as pollution of local rivers," Jacob said. The report has made recommendations to prioritise public investments differently, plan to cut costs of water supply, invest in local water systems, reduce water demand, spend on sewage, not on water, cut costs on sewage systems, plan to recycle and reuse every drop. Bharat Lal Seth, deputy programme manager, water, CSE, said the report has been received favourably by the government of India, especially the planning commission and the Union ministry of urban development. "Sunita Narain, director general, CSE, will have Page 5 of 11

6 a meeting with the urban ministry shortly and we hope to find this report included in the urban reform agenda of Maharashtra," he said /pune/ _1_sewage water watersupply mld २. Pune in Focus: Erandwane reels from stink of sewage November 10, 2011 (Sakàl Times) PUNE: Open sewage chambers have made life miserable for the residents of Erandwane who have been forced to bear the stench for the past five years. The open chambers have also served as a good breeding ground for mosquitoes, but the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has chosen to turn a blind eye (and blocked nose) to the problems of the residents. The population has steadily increased over the past ten years in Erandwane, Patwardhan Baug, Bharat Kunj and Pandurang Colony, and so has the flow of sewage. The sewage water flows from Paud Phata into the "nullah called Saket nullah that runs behind Patwardhan Baug. The sewage water is treated at the Sewage Treatment Plant near Mhatre Bridge. The PMC had carried out channelisation of the two kilometre nullah ten years ago at a cost of Rs 30 lakh and this had served its purpose well. Besides, because of the regular maintenance carried out by the civic body, it was a healthy environment for the residents. But, since the past five years, the situation has turned from bad to worse. The sewage chambers have been opened by some miscreants at several places with the result that the sewage water flows out and emits a foul smell. Snehal Joshi, who passes by the site every day during her morning walk, says the stench is so unbearable that the people are forced to cover their faces with handkerchiefs while passing. The nullah, she says, poses serious health hazards, But the civic body is not bothered. The nullah has turned into a favourite spot for pigs which scavenge for food. Former corporator Shiva Mantri says that some pig owners have purposely opened the sewage chamber so that their animals can feast on the waste. The pigs are a real nuisance and could attack small children, Mantri said. The garbage is also deposited along the 'nullah which obstructs its flow and causes the sewage water to overflow. The Sewage Treatment Plant has not been able to cope with the increased flow of sewage water. It can function only up to 80 per cent of its capacity and the remaining untreated water is released directly into the Mutha River, polluting it. Page 6 of 11

7 The residents have time and again petitioned the civic body to remedy the situation, but the ward offices have chosen to ignore the pleas till now. Zonal commissioner Vijay Dahibhate, when apprised of the situation, immediately issued instructions to have the nullah cleaned and have the necessary repairs carried out. He assured that the repairs would be completed within a few weeks. ३. Murder of a rivulet: Rampant construction activity, dumping of debris choke Ram Nadi By: Adnan Attarwala Date: Place: Pune Environment activists blame illegal building activity, apathy of civic body for metamorphosis of Ram Nadi into gutter If to cause a rivulet to metamorphose into a gutter illegitimately and without any qualms can be termed a crime against nature, such a crime has been committed on the Ram Nadi. One look at the rivulet that flows through the western part of the city and provides water to residents of the city and Bhugaon town is enough to convince anybody how a natural body has been premeditatedly murdered. Encroachments Originally 48-km long, the Ram Nadi, which originates near Pashan and flows through Bavdhan and Baner, has been reduced to a length of below 20 km because of encroachments and haphazard road planning in the past two decades. Several buildings have been built right in the rivulet, the stream channel and on the banks, which results in the formation of a narrow channel, accelerating the flow of water and causing erosion and disruption downstream. Even the Pune Mumbai highway built over the rivulet has been constructed in such a way that a third of the original width of Ram Nadi is allowed to flow under a drain, which is filled up completely with debris. "Developers constructed compound walls along the banks to avoid flowing of water and with the assistance of the corporation dumped debris in the river, which raised the level of water, increasing its flow during rains," said Sarang Yadwadkar, an activist and member of Save Ramnadi Samiti. According to experts, one side of the rivulet falls under Pashan village Gram Panchayat, while the other comes under the jurisdiction of the PMC, with whose permission garbage and debris of a service road which is under construction was discarded in the river. Even migratory birds that used to flock to the place have disappeared from around the rivulet. "The width of the river near Pashan has been reduced to less than 100 metres from 800 metres and only sewage water drains from there. All catchment areas have been Page 7 of 11

8 squeezed and their directions changed. The water sources in eight catchment areas from Bhavdan to Pashan are packed with silt, mud, cloth and plastic. Not a single drop of water now flows from the its origin and whatever water is there is from the drainage," said activist Shailesh Patel, who with the aid of High Energy Materials Research Laboratory funded Rs 50,000 to install nets on Pashan Bridge to prevent people discarding garbage in the water. Flooding In September 2010, residents near Bavdhan and Pashan had to face Ram Nadi's fury when nearly the entire areas were submerged under water and some four people lost their lives. Due to reduction in width along with decrease in depth along the course of the rivulet, during monsoon the water fills lowland areas surrounding the river by overflowing the banks, causing destruction in these areas. "The width of the river on the rural side of the bypass is almost twice of what it is near the drain, which results in the water coming out in great pressure and speed during the rains," said Patel. Since alleged encroachments by one Eva developers along its banks were the reasons for the floods, residents last year went on a hunger strike and halted the work of the developer, who was planning to build a retaining wall in the rivulet channel. "Floods were caused because of drastic reduction in water carrying capacity and due to the illegal construction, where soil and debris were dumped in the river. We sent a number of letters to the PMC to remove these encroachments but to no avail," said Yadwadkar. "The PMC declared it as a nullah, which is criminal. After the floods we requested the PMC to broaden the river by at least 40 to 50 metres and reduce it at certain places by three to four metres, which it never did," said Patel. Petition in HC After a petition was filed by members of Jal Biradari in the Bombay High Court against the PMC for blocking the flow of natural water by illegal constructions, the court last year ordered the halting of any kind of construction work near the rivulet and had asked a team of the Ministry of Environment and Forests to inspect the site. Though the team visited the site, the judgment is yet to be given. Nitin Udas, ward officer of the PMC in Kothrud, said: "We had deployed about 17,000 trucks to remove the debris and had widened the width of the river. We can save the river only if we are given budget provision." PMC Additional City Engineer Vivek Khandwalkar said: "The matter is sub judice and environmentalists should wait before taking any decision. I can't comment further." Page 8 of 11

9 ४. Efforts on to improve city s sanitation rating TNN Jan 25, 2012, PUNE: Open defecation is one of the reasons why Pune has been rated 'black' on sanitation front by the Union urban development ministry. As per the guidelines of the Union government's National Urban Sanitation Policy 2012, the city needs to be free from open defecation by December 31. The Pune Municipal Corporation has identified 103 open defecation spots in the city recently. A third party evaluation of public, community as well as pay and use toilets, currently underway across the city, will help assess the sanitation facilities impartially and facilitate a plan to improve conditions. The objective of the third party evaluation is to validate the public toilet information mentioned in the revised city sanitation plan The evaluation process, which started on January 13 at the directives of the state ministry of water supply and sanitation, is likely to finish by January 31. Last year, 423 cities and towns with a population of more than one lakh were rated by the Union urban development ministry on parameters such as complete elimination of open defecation, elimination of open scavenging and safe collection and disposal of human excreta. On the basis of the rating, cities have been classified as red, black, blue and green, to denote levels of achievement. A 'green' rating indicates a healthy city, 'blue' indicates a city recovering but still diseased, 'black' points to a city that needs considerable improvement and 'red' shows that the city is on the brink of public health and environmental 'emergency', requiring immediate remedial action. Pune comes 65th in the ministry's ranking for cleanliness and sanitation standards. Of the 38 cities in the state which were part of the survey, 27, including Pune, are in the black category and 11 in the red. Smaller cities like Satara, Akola, Ichalkaranji, Chandrapur, Bhusawal and Panvel have fared better than Pune. "All the information gathered during the third party evaluation will be compiled and analyzed. The final report will be sent to the state government which, in turn, will submit it to the Union government. Accordingly, funds will be allocated to the PMC to make Pune totally sanitized and free from open defecation," said Suresh Jagtap, deputy commissioner, PMC. The open defecation spots are largely spread through slum areas and peripheral areas of the city that require community led total sanitation approach. "That means communities will be sensitized about using toilets and good sanitation practices will be inculcated among them. Besides, toilets will be constructed on these spots through community participation," said Ketaki Ghatge, zonal medical officer, PMC. Areas like Bhavani Peth, Tilak Road, Hadapsar, Dhole Patil Road, Sangamwadi, Ghole Road, Aundh and Warje have open defecation spots, Ghatge said. Page 9 of 11

10 The sanitation plan has been drafted to seek financial assistance from the Union government in improving sanitation, cleanliness and sewage treatment in the city. The Union government helps local self governing bodies improve the infrastructure required for keeping cities clean and healthy and has made it mandatory for cities to draft cleanliness plans. "The third party evaluation committee comprises volunteers from Cummins India and students of environmental science. The data will be analyzed by experts from Cummins India. The PMC has requested Cummins India to act as the third party evaluator considering their expertise, commitment and past experience in executing the Nirmal Katraj project," Ghatge said. Commenting, Ravichandran Subramanian, head of corporate responsibility at Cummins group of companies in India, said: "We will submit the evaluation report and our analysis to the PMC by February end. The PMC will forward it to the state government." ५....तर बदल फक त क गद पऽ च सक ळ व त तस व Monday, August 01, 2011 प ण - प ण प रवठ य त ल व क ळतपण द र करण य स ठ प ण प रवठ व मल न स रण ह द न ह वभ ग प न ह वत ऽ करण य च नणर य श सन न घ तल असल, तर त क गद वरच र हण य च शक यत व यक त क ल ज त आह. अ तत व त आल ल य य ऽण च वक करण कर न नव य न प च वभ ग म ख च न मण क कर न त य च य ह त ख ल ल य ऽण तह बदल करण आव यक ह त. पर त त प व र स रख च ठ वण य त आल आह. त य म ळ क ष ऽ य क य र लय च य प तळ वर ल य ऽण त ज पयर त बदल ह त न ह, त पयर त न म ग र ल गण र न ह त, अस स गण य त य त आह. तत क ल न आय क त मह श झगड य न म बईच य धत र वर प ण प रवठ आ ण मल न स रण य द न ह ख त य च एकऽ करण करण य च नणर य घ तल ह त. त य न स र शहर च त न वभ ग कर न त य क वभ ग स ठ वत ऽ अ धक र न मण य त आल ह त. तस च 48 झ न नम र ण कर न त य वर क नष ठ अ भय त य च न मण क करण य त आल ह त. प ण प रवठ व मल न स रण कल प नय जन स ठ असल ल वत ऽ कक ष ब द क ल ह त. त य म ळ प ण प रवठ स रळ त ह ण य ऐवज अन क तब र य ऊ ल गल य. मह प लक त ल अ भय त स घ न ह प ढ क र घ ऊन य श सक य बदल स वर ध क ल ह त. म ऽ ह बदल क यम ठ वण य त आल. दरम य न, ग ल य आठवड य त प ण प रवठ -मल न स रण वभ ग च य श सक य य ऽण त प न ह बदल करण य च नणर य आय क त मह श प ठक य न घ तल. त य न स र प ण प रवठ य स ठ नम र ण करण य त आल ल त न वत ऽ वभ ग क यम ठ व न प ण प रवठ व मल न स रण कल प आ ण मल न स रण द खभ ल व द र त ह वभ ग व गळ करण य त आल. Page 10 of 11

11 त य च प च भ ग कर न त य वर वत ऽपण प च अध क षक अ भय त य च नय क त करण य त आल. त य म ळ प ण प रवठ व मल न स रण च य द न दन क मक ज बर बरच ह त घ तल ल य व नव य न उभ रण य त य ण ढय कल प च क म म ग र ल गण य स मदत ह ण र आह. पर त प च वभ ग वत ऽपण तय र करण य त आल असल, तर त य क वभ ग स ठ वत ऽ य ऽण नम र ण करण आव यक आह. म ऽ क ष ऽ य क य र लय तर वर ल य ऽण ज न य पद धत न च क यम ठ वण य त आल आह. त य म ळ ख त म ख आह त; पर त त य च य ह त ख ल य ऽण न ह, अश अव थ नम र ण झ ल आह. क ष ऽ य क य र लय तर वर ल य ऽण त बदल झ ल न ह, तर आय क त न क ल ल बदल क गद वरच र हण य च शक यत व यक त क ल ज त आह. Page 11 of 11