MUNICIPALITY OF ANCONA Adap ng to climate change: planning process

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1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCONA Adap ng to climate change: planning process The municipality of Ancona is leading the project Adap ng to climate change in me, which aims at increasing the resilience of natural and human systems to current and future impacts of climate change. The project ACT aspires to demonstrate that through an inclusive and par cipated process is possible to develop a local adapta on plan which will support the forecast and mi ga on of environmental, social and economic impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable sectors of the European ci es in the Mediterranean basin. Local impact assessments is going to be developed taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects. At the end of this ac on a road map for local adapta on strategies will be created to guide the local authority in developing a local adapta on strategy. In the mean me, all the informa on on exis ng model and climate forecas ng scenarios and on interna onal experiences in local adapta on plans will be reviewed and analysed. On these ac ons the municipality will establish its own local adapta on board (including the main stakeholders involved) and will develop the actual local adapta on plan. The project results will be evaluated through a peer review that aims at developing guidelines that can be implemented by other municipali es willing to develop local adapta on plans. The project has specifically these objec ves: (by decreasing order of importance): to develop a standardized process to draw and implement local adapta on strategies, easily applicable to a wide range of local authori es to forecast the impacts of climate change on a local scale and to define corresponding ac ons; to involve (by increasing their awareness) local actors (local industries, ci zens, health system, civil protec- on, etc.) in the development of local adapta on strategy; to develop and disseminates guidelines that can encourage other European communi es (in par cular in the Mediterranean basin) to adopt the same process and to develop their own local adapta on strategies. Further informa on: Marco Cardinale, se ore Ambiente Comune di Ancona Tel h p:// General informa on about Ancona, Italy Territorial area: 123 km2 Inhabitants: 102,000

2 MUNICIPALITY OF BARCELONA Se ng up an Energy Agency The Barcelona Local Energy Agency Consor um was established on 14th May It is formed by the various Administra ons that are directly involved in energy and environmental management within its scope of ac on: the Barcelona Council as the municipal manager, the Metropolitan Body for Hydraulic Services and Waste Treatment because of its rela onship with the real city, the Catalan Ins tute for Energy and the Ins tute for Energy Diversifica on and Savings because of its responsibility in the Catalan and Spanish spheres, respec vely. Likewise, with the aim to increase knowledge and research, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Catalan University Technical College, also form part of the Consor um. The president of the Consor- um is the Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Barcelona City Council s Commission for Sustainability, Urban Services and the Environment. The purpose of the Barcelona Local Energy Agency is to promote Barcelona as an exemplary city in the handling of energy ma ers and their repercussion on the environment, enabling Barcelona to comply with the environmental and energy commitments undertaken in the local sphere (as established in the Energy Plan and the Agenda 21) as well as in the interna onal area. The Agency works to endow the city with op mum standards of use and management of local energy resources through consensus and par cipa on, and to promote a ra onal sustainable energy demand that is marked by its quality. The agency provides informa on, technical support and advice with respect to the management of the municipal sectors which require this assistance in their work on energy ma ers and provides informa on and advice on energy ma ers to the ci zens, collec vi es, companies and ins tu- ons requiring it. The Agency forms a reference in energy ma ers for the ins tu ons that make up the Consor um and it co-par cipates in its own right (or as a representa ve, in the case of the Barcelona City Council) in both European and domes c projects. Further informa on: Barcelona Local Energy Agency Tel h p:// General informa on about Barcelona, Spain Territorial area: 102 km2 Inhabitants: 1,621,537

3 MUNICIPALITY OF FLORENCE Poli cal commitment The first step done in order to iden fy the poten al for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Ra onal Use of Energy (RUE) of the territory of La Spezia has been the defini on of the reference me horizon ( ) and the analysis of the business as usual development of the energy system within this frame. The business as usual scenario does not consider the implementa on of any par cular strategy aimed at changing the energy system, but it has been evaluated according to future trends and the weight that different technological and socio-economic changes could have on energy consump on. A er the iden fica on of the business as usual scenario, it has been carried on a detailed survey of the available resources at local level, considering both the offer of directly usable energy sources and the poten al of energy savings. The aim of this survey is the quan fica on of the improvement poten als of the system through the large applica on of RES/RUE ini a ves (poten al assessments), including the harbour area. The poten al assessments clearly gives a scenario which is feasible only theore cally, without defining any me frame. It describes a limit situa on which is compa ble with the technical feasibility of the interven ons and it gives an idea of the maximum possible results. The iden fica on of the business as usual and poten al scenarios has given the range of the impacts of RES and RUE ac ons, allowing the defini ons of the improvement target (-13% by 2020) of the local energy system, taking into considera on the exis ng socio-economic situa on and the strategic policies and measures set by the public administra on. In par cular, the targets set by the city of La Spezia are characterized by technological innova on and by the diffusion of good prac ses in large sectors, star ng from those showing the highest poten al of success. Most of the single targets iden fied rely on the diffusion and standardiza on of exis ng best prac- ses (o en occasional and non-coordinated), involving the highest possible number of public and private, locals and external stakeholders. Further informa on: Alessandra Barbieri, Area Coordinamento Sviluppo Urbano - Comune di Firenze Tel pa h p:// /pa o_sindaci.htm General informa on about Florence, Italy Territorial area: 102 Inhabitants: 370,702

4 MUNICIPALITY OF LA SPEZIA - Target se ng The first step done in order to iden fy the poten al for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Ra onal Use of Energy (RUE) of the territory of La Spezia has been the defini on of the reference me horizon ( ) and the analysis of the business as usual development of the energy system within this frame. The business as usual scenario does not consider the implementa on of any par cular strategy aimed at changing the energy system, but it has been evaluated according to future trends and the weight that different technological and socio-economic changes could have on energy consump on. A er the iden fica on of the business as usual scenario, it has been carried on a detailed survey of the available resources at local level, considering both the offer of directly usable energy sources and the poten al of energy savings. The aim of this survey is the quan fica on of the improvement poten als of the system through the large applica on of RES/RUE ini a ves (poten al assessments), including the harbour area. The poten al assessments clearly gives a scenario which is feasible only theore cally, without defining any me frame. It describes a limit situa on which is compa ble with the technical feasibility of the interven ons and it gives an idea of the maximum possible results. The iden fica on of the business as usual and poten al scenarios has given the range of the impacts of RES and RUE ac ons, allowing the defini ons of the improvement target (-13% by 2020) of the local energy system, taking into considera on the exis ng socio-economic situa on and the strategic policies and measures set by the public administra on. In par cular, the targets set by the city of La Spezia are characterized by technological innova on and by the diffusion of good prac ses in large sectors, star ng from those showing the highest poten al of success. Most of the single targets iden fied rely on the diffusion and standardiza on of exis ng best prac- ses (o en occasional and non-coordinated), involving the highest possible number of public and private, locals and external stakeholders. Further informa on: Sabrina Mase, Servizio Ambiente - Comune di La Spezia General informa on about La Spezia, Italy Territorial area: 51 km2 Inhabitants: 95,641

5 REGIONAL ENERGY AGENCY OF MURCIA Public awareness raising The Regional Energy Agency of Murcia (ARGEM) helped the University of Cartagena in developing an energy awareness campaign called Student Power. This is a part of a broder EU project EnergyxChange suppor ng energy campaigns. The campaign has reached over 2,000 students, approximately 30% of the University popula on. With electricity costs represen ng over 90% of the University energy bill, air condi oning and electrical equipment have been major targets of the campaign. In parallel with the energy use analysis, a lecturer from the marke ng department developed a survey ques onnaire for obtaining the opinion of students and staff and to iden fy their energy using behaviour. The survey also examined other energy and water use prac ces on campus. Posters was displayed in strategic loca ons and an informa on stand was erected in the main entrance of the university to hand out literature and material. Volunteers visited each classroom to explain the campaign and hand out promo onal merchandise such as rulers, pens and key fobs. Training was also delivered to maintenance personnel. The campaign process can be summarised as follows: - collect data on popula on, energy consump on and financial cost; - appoint a manager in the university to develop the pre-campaign strategy with students; - survey the energy knowledge of students and their mo va on; - pre-design the campaign with students; - design of the communica on campaign with a design company; - run campaign to mo vate the students, academics and staff; - post-campaign survey of change in energy behaviour; - calculate results. Further informa on: Damian Bornas, Agencia de Ges ón de Energia de la Region de Murcia Tel h p:// General informa on about the Region of Murcia, Spain Territorial area: 11,313 km2 Inhabitants: 1,424,063

6 MUNICIPALITY OF PADOVA Organisa onal set-up In defining the Ac on Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate of Padova, a par cular emphasis has been given to the ac ve involvement of local stakeholders, in con nuity with the experience of the local Agenda 21 process (PadovA21). Ideas and proposals coming from stakeholders related to the energy topic had already been collected in 2006 and 2007 within a par cipatory Ac on plan on energy savings and renewable energies containing over 70 concrete ac ons. These proposals, together with the energy policies of the municipal administra- on and the contents of the Land Use Plan, have been assumed in an Opera ve Energy Plan, a technical document preparatory to the Ac on Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate. During 2010 a specific workgroup on Energy efficiency and renewable energies, involving environmental NGOs, category associa ons and professional orders and organiza ons, have been set up and specific mee ngs with ins tu onal stakeholders (Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Associa on, Hospital company, public services u li es) have been organized, aimed at presen ng and reviewing the Ac on Plan. A specific working table of this group has been dedicated to increase the co-opera on between different sectors of the municipality. At this purpose, all the following sectors have been asked to iden fied a reference person joining the intersectoral working group on Energy efficiency and renewable energies : Environment and Agenda 21, Public Building, Private Building, Manteinances, Mobility, Assets and Investments, Urban Planning, Parks and Gardens. Further informa on: Daniela Luise, Se ore Ambiente - Ufficio Agenda h p:// po=c&tassidpadre=4&tassid=1494 General informa on about Padova, Italy Territorial area: 93 km2 Inhabitants: 214,125

7 MUNICIPALITY OF REGGIO EMILIA Climate accountability and monitoring The strategy of sustainability developed by the municipality of Reggio Emilia counts on two main instruments: the Environmental Budget, developed within the EU Life project CLEAR (City Local Environmental Accoun ng and Repor ng) and the City Energy Plan, approved in 2008, which iden fies the main ac ons to take in order to reduce GHG emissions and increase the energy produc on from renewable energy. The LAKs project (Local Accountability for Kyoto Goals) aims at developing a climate accountability system star ng from these two management instruments. The main aim of this project is to embed policies that help tackle climate change into each municipality s decision making and accountability processes. To be effec ve, climate change policies need to be implemented across all sectors and departments of a municipality. This means that is more difficult to coordinate and monitor the results than with other policies, and they can be compe ng for resources. Overcoming these issues is very challenging and this can be a reason for the lack of commitment of ci es to climate protec on ac vi es. For this reason, the LAKs Project has developed a range of planning and implementa on tools and processes to simplify the process for municipali es that have commi ed to deal with climate issues. The Climate Balance template: It is structured to check the implementa on of all projects men oned in the Mi ga on and Adapta on Plan, following the same structure with government and community sectors. This will help to have a coherent structure in order to facilitate comparison between the two documents (the first, where projects have been planned and the second where they are monitored). Further informa on: Susanna Ferrari, Policy Cura della ci à e sostenibilità ambientale h p:// General informa on about Reggio Emilia, Italy Territorial area: 231 km2 Inhabitants: 165,000

8 MUNICIPALITY OF SESTRIERE Energy accoun ng procedure The municipality of Sestriere, in the framework of its Sustainable Energy Ac on Plan (SEAP), has carried out an analysis of the energy flows which has been the most complete way as possible for 2008, the closest year showing the highest amount of available data, especially in rela on to the municipal ac vi es. At the same me, it is however essen al to gather informa on even from previous years, in order to be able to establish a historical track of energy flows, even if available data are less. In this case, the me series has been analysed referring both to energy vectors consumed (gas, oil, coal, electricity, etc.) and the ac vity sectors involved (residen al, ter ary, industrial, transport). Inside the ter ary sector, as requested by the SEAP guidelines, public administra on consump on has been analysed separately (municipal buildings, facili es, vehicles, etc. owned and/or operated directly by the local government). Local accoun ng needs to make some assump ons and simplifica ons, in rela on to peculiari es emerging from a restricted community area. When performing energy accoun ng, some data is directly available at an appropriate level of detail; this is usually the case of electricity, gas and district hea ng. For other energy vectors, on the contrary, the local availability is not always possible. Usually the availability of such data is possible at a broader territorial level (regional or na onal). In this case, the Sestriere municipality has used a top-down approach, star ng from the upper territorial level and using proxy variables. The topdown approach involves disaggrega ng the superior level energy consump on to the local level through the use of indicators of the propor on of a par cular sector/ac vity occurring in the local area. On the other side, a more in-depth quan ta ve analysis has been carried out in rela on to specific sectors. Regarding the building sector, for example, all the exis ng buildings has been classified by energy class, enabling the iden fica on of the different levels of energy retrofi ng measures needed, according to the building category. One classifica on criteria used has been the year of construc on of the building. Than, this informa on has been cross-related to the geometric structure of the building, which can be expressed by considering the number of floors and the number of apartment units contained in each building. Further informa on: Franco Arbia, Alberto Ballarini, Comune di Sestriere h p:// o_sindaci.asp General informa on about Sestriere, Italy Territorial area: 25 km2 Inhabitants: 887

9 PROVINCE OF SIENA Elabora on of the baseline review The Province of Siena has applied its integrated management system for many years on the so-called vast area. The environmental management system (EMS) is cer fied according to ISO and is also registered according to EMAS. The Province of Siena developed its first Baseline review in 2006, within the framework of the Managing Urban Europe (MUE-25) project. Since 2006, the Baseline review is yearly updated by means of the EMAS Environmental Declara on. In order to provide a synop c picture of the state of the art in the Province of Siena, the baseline review includes also a final grid which shows the ac ons realized by the Provincial Administra on for each Aalborg Commitment, along with some objec ves/indicators for their monitoring. For each environmental factor, the Baseline Review includes an accurate descrip on of ac vi es and environmental sustainability projects under development in the Province of Siena. The Province Environmental Service has the mandate for the general planning and coordina on of this ac vity, for data collec on and for the text elabora on, all Province Services in general are involved in data collec on. Siena Province elaborates its Baseline review and Environmental Declara on through the Provincial Agency for Energy and the Environment. Yearly, the Environmental Service requires to the other Services, by phone or , updated data and informa on on projects/ac vi es proceedings and results. All Services are available for providing the required data and informa on, but tracing the data source is s ll the more difficult ac vity. About 3 months per year are needed to develop the Baseline Review. Dissemina on of the Baseline review and Environmental Declara on is made early by the web site and by specific conferences. Periodical books/leaflets are also published. Further informa on: Paolo Casprini, Servizio Ambiente Provincia di Siena h p:// General informa on about the Province of Siena, Italy Territorial area: 3,821 km2 Inhabitants: 266,000

10 MUNICIPALITY OF VITORIA GASTEIZ Internal training The Council of Vitoria Gasteiz provides training for its employees on energy and climate change. In fact, the Climate Change Preven on Strategy and the Local Energy Plan of Vitoria-Gasteiz includes measures that involve municipal staff, aimed to involve and encourage the collabora on of various departments and municipal corpora ons. The Department of Environment and Sustainability has provided a training course targeted at council members, managers, heads of municipal service and technicians, a ending a total of 80 people. The training course is part of a medium-term strategy to quan fy energy consump on and greenhouse gas emissions by various municipal departments and to promote ac ons for energy efficiency and reduc on, with no decrease in the quality of the public services offered by the Council. At the same me, since 1999, Vitoria Gasteiz administra on has been strongly commi ed municipal buildings enjoy a full guarantee from its suppliers of hea ng, air condi oning and hot water installa ons, which ensure energy efficiency levels throughout the term of the contract. Also, the Council pioneered in the introduc on of performance contrac ng (ahead of the 2006/32/EC Direc ve on the promo on of Enduse efficiency and Energy Services). This includes a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider of an energy efficiency improvement measure, where investments in that measure are paid for in rela on to a contractually agreed level of energy efficiency improvement. Currently, the method is implemented in 259 buildings. This also contributes to the objec ves of Vitoria- Gasteiz s environmental plans, as the Local Energy Plan The Plan for the Energy Op miza on of Municipal Buildings and Public Ligh ng of the City derived from the deal that Vitoria-Gasteiz signed in 1999 with the Basque Energy Board (EVE) and was designed for promo ng the ra onal use of energy and the use of renewable energy in the municipal buildings. Further informa on : Xabier Marrero Mugica, the Environment and Sustainability Department, Municipality of Vitoria Gasteiz Tel h p:// encapital General informa on Territorial area: 276 km2 Inhabitants: 239,361

11 MUNICIPALITY OF ZARAGOZA Informa on and par cipa on through Local Agenda 21 Two of the three main worklines of the Local Agenda 21 of Zaragoza have been focused on climate change and water, having par cular a en on to informa on, communica on and par cipa on issues. 21,000 students of all school levels have been involved in the programme From my Classroom for my City, an Educa onal Commitment to Environment. The programme Stop al CO2, commit schools to reduce their CO2 emissions, complemented with visits to the new Pollu on Control Network, which has a Display Sta on-classroom. The programme Stop al CO2 also works with adults and other groups. The City Council regularly organises training courses for the teaching staff in collabora on with the Teachers and Resources Centres of the Government of Aragon. The Water and Environment Documenta on Centre was created in 2002 aiming at suppor ng knowledge, circula on, educa on, study and research related to water and environment. This is a public service opened to the ci zen and closely related to the University of Zaragoza. It forms part of RECIDA, the Network of Informa on and Environmental Documenta on Centres. The City Council has formed with the entrepreneurs of Zaragoza, the Club de Encuentros de la Agenda 21 Local made up of firms with environmental management systems. More than 129 companies par cipate in this group. In order to fulfil the objec ves of the club, good environmental prac ces have been iden fied in order to promote the exchange of experiences. On the other hand, the City is trying to keep a high level of informa on and research on our urban environment by means of implemen ng surveys and research made by specialised organisa ons in different environmental aspects, including different facul es of the University of Zaragoza. Par cularly important in this level is the Council of the Agenda 21 Local, since more than a hundred different organisa ons interested in environmental sustainability and the quality of life meet together to get a par cipated, jointly reached and transparent management. Further informa on: Xavier Celma, Servicio de Medio Ambiente Ciudad de Zaragoza h p:// General informa on about Zaragoza, Spain Territorial area: 1,062 km2 Inhabitants: 701,090