How can valorising ecosystem services enhance local planning?

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1 How can valorising ecosystem services enhance local planning? Local Government Pavilion, Durban, 30 Nov 2011 Russell Galt ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

2 BIODIVERCITIES TECHNICAL REFERENCE GROUP GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP BiodiverCities Programme The goal of the BiodiverCities Programme is to guide, support, capacitate and motivate local governments and their partners to integrate biodiversity and ecosystem-based planning into all aspects of policy, decision making and implementation activities to result in enhanced biodiversity conservation and more sustainable local economic development. Acknowledgement of accountability and responsibility for the health and well-being of communities and recognition of biodiversity and essential ecosystem services as the foundation of our existence are core components of the goal. A unique platform linking science and practitioners SERVICES Advocacy Profiling Technical Support Policy Consultation Tools & Resources LAB Guidebook Guidelines & Case Studies TEEB Report & Manual LBSAPs Durban Commitment and more... biodiversity ENTRY POINTS FOR CITIES LAB Pioneer BiodiverCities LAB Pioneer Biodiversity & Climate Change LAB Pioneer Biodiversity & CEPA BiodiverCities Advisory Committee: High-level coordination group On invitation: outstanding cities and selected organisations. Cities in Biodiversity Hotspots URBIS & more to come

3 21 LAB Pioneers ( )

4 LAB Pioneer 5 steps 5 Local Action: implementation of 3 projects 4 Council Commitment 3 Planning: Local Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (LBSAP) 2 Political Commitment: Durban Commitment 1 Local Biodiversity Assessment: Biodiversity Report


6 The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity (TEEB) when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind Lord Kelvin

7 TEEB Manual for Cities Section 1: An introduction to ecosystem services and cities Section 2: How to include ecosystem services in decision making and policy The TEEB stepwise approach Section 3: Applying the TEEB stepwise approach within city management

8 TEEB Manual for Cities: The TEEB Stepwise Approach 1. Specify and agree on the problem or policy issue with stakeholders 2. Identify which ecosystem services are most relevant 3. Determine what information is needed and select assessment methods 4. Assess (future changes in) ecosystem services 5. Identify and assess management/policy options 6. Assess the impact of the policy options on the range of stakeholders

9 TEEB Manual for Cities

10 TEEB Case Study Nakivubo Swamps Filters waste from City of Kampala Proposal to drain the wetland for agricultural land Study valued the ecosystem service at US$ 2m p.a. Proposal dropped Detailed information and cost estimates can better inform planning decisions Informal land conversion for agriculture can be judged in terms of sewage treatment capacity lost. Direct investment to maintain the wetland is a cost-effective measure to ensure future purification benefits (TEEBcase by Almack 2010)

11 TEEB Case Study Northern Vietnam Local communities plant and protect mangroves Region better protected from typhoons Investment of US$1.1m saved an estimated US$7.3m per year on sea dyke maintenance Restoration of natural mangrove forests can be more cost-effective than building artificial barriers. (TEEBcase by Wittmer & Gundimeda) 2011)

12 TEEB Case Study Canberra, Australia Local Authority planted trees to generate a wealth of benefits: regulate the climate reduce air pollution reduce energy costs sequester carbon slow runoff value: US$20-67m Value assessments can: inform planning and budgeting Contribute to the provision of healthy urban environment Identify savings for the city (TEEBcase by Brack 2002)

13 TEEB Case Study Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Relies on watershed of Upper Tuul valley Watershed degrading BAU scenario: Direct losses of US$ m over 25 yrs Indirect losses of US$ m over 25 yrs Value assessments can: Reveal the city s dependence on upstream ecological integrity Provide crucial information for land-use planning Inform long term economic strategies (TEEBcase by Almack and Chatreaux) 2010

14 TEEB Case Study Limburg, Belgium Local NGO used economic argument to persuade policy makers to establish Hoge Kempen National Park 400 jobs created Private investment stimulated Value assessments can: Foster political support for protected areas Demonstrate how natural assets create jobs Make the case for sustainable development strategies (TEEBcase by Schops 2011)

15 Key messages 1. Healthy ecosystems are the foundation of sustainable cities 2. Ecosystem service valuation can help cities to make better informed decisions 3. Maintaining healthy ecosystems can provide cost-effective solutions to adaptation strategies